This directory contains the sources of GHDL, the VHDL simulator. GHDL is free software. See the file COPYING for copying permission. The manuals, and some of the runtime libraries, are under different terms; see the individual source files for details. GHDL requires GCC to be compiled. The exact version of GCC is defined in ./translate/gcc/, in the GCCVERSION= line. Do not try to change the version, this may not compile or create a buggy compiler. The GHDL sources provided on do not exactly match the files hierarchy here. The later are used to directly build a compiler and follow what GCC expect, while the former are used to do development and are more logically organized. Use the ./translate/gcc/ script to create sources to be included in GCC: $ cd translate/gcc $ ./ sources # This generates a ghdl-VERSION.tar.bz2 file. These steps can make GHDL development hard. You can avoid to compile GCC everytime. To do this, edit ortho/gcc/Makefile and set two variables: AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR is the GCC sources directory, while AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR is where you have compiled GCC+GHDL once. Then, you can compile: the GHDL back-end (ghdl1) in ./translate: $ make BE=gcc the GHDL driver in ./translate/ghdldrv: $ make ghdl_gcc the GHDL run-time (GRT) in ./translate/grt: $ make To use this GRT, you must create two links in translate/lib: $ ln -s ../grt/grt.lst . $ ln -s ../grt/libgrt.a . You should also compile the VHDL libraries: $ cd translate/ghdldrv $ make install.all Once this is done, you can use the ghdl_gcc from translate/ghdldrv. Tristan.