path: root/translate/grt/grt-std_logic_1164.adb
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-std_logic_1164.adb b/translate/grt/grt-std_logic_1164.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5be308b..0000000
--- a/translate/grt/grt-std_logic_1164.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
--- GHDL Run Time (GRT) std_logic_1664 subprograms.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
--- covered by the GNU Public License.
-with Grt.Lib;
-package body Grt.Std_Logic_1164 is
- Assert_DC_Msg : constant String :=
- "STD_LOGIC_1164: '-' operand for matching ordering operator";
- Assert_DC_Msg_Bound : constant Std_String_Bound :=
- (Dim_1 => (Left => 1, Right => Assert_DC_Msg'Length, Dir => Dir_To,
- Length => Assert_DC_Msg'Length));
- Assert_DC_Msg_Str : aliased constant Std_String :=
- (Base => To_Std_String_Basep (Assert_DC_Msg'Address),
- Bounds => To_Std_String_Boundp (Assert_DC_Msg_Bound'Address));
- Filename : constant String := "std_logic_1164.vhdl" & NUL;
- Loc : aliased constant Ghdl_Location :=
- (Filename => To_Ghdl_C_String (Filename'Address),
- Line => 58,
- Col => 3);
- procedure Assert_Not_Match (V : Std_Ulogic)
- is
- use Grt.Lib;
- begin
- if V = '-' then
- Ghdl_Ieee_Assert_Failed
- (To_Std_String_Ptr (Assert_DC_Msg_Str'Address), Error_Severity,
- To_Ghdl_Location_Ptr (Loc'Address));
- end if;
- end Assert_Not_Match;
- function Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Match_Eq (L, R : Ghdl_E8) return Ghdl_E8
- is
- Left : constant Std_Ulogic := Std_Ulogic'Val (L);
- Right : constant Std_Ulogic := Std_Ulogic'Val (R);
- begin
- Assert_Not_Match (Left);
- Assert_Not_Match (Right);
- return Std_Ulogic'Pos (Match_Eq_Table (Left, Right));
- end Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Match_Eq;
- function Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Match_Ne (L, R : Ghdl_E8) return Ghdl_E8
- is
- Left : constant Std_Ulogic := Std_Ulogic'Val (L);
- Right : constant Std_Ulogic := Std_Ulogic'Val (R);
- begin
- Assert_Not_Match (Left);
- Assert_Not_Match (Right);
- return Std_Ulogic'Pos (Not_Table (Match_Eq_Table (Left, Right)));
- end Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Match_Ne;
- function Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Match_Lt (L, R : Ghdl_E8) return Ghdl_E8
- is
- Left : constant Std_Ulogic := Std_Ulogic'Val (L);
- Right : constant Std_Ulogic := Std_Ulogic'Val (R);
- begin
- Assert_Not_Match (Left);
- Assert_Not_Match (Right);
- return Std_Ulogic'Pos (Match_Lt_Table (Left, Right));
- end Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Match_Lt;
- function Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Match_Le (L, R : Ghdl_E8) return Ghdl_E8
- is
- Left : constant Std_Ulogic := Std_Ulogic'Val (L);
- Right : constant Std_Ulogic := Std_Ulogic'Val (R);
- begin
- Assert_Not_Match (Left);
- Assert_Not_Match (Right);
- return Std_Ulogic'Pos (Or_Table (Match_Lt_Table (Left, Right),
- Match_Eq_Table (Left, Right)));
- end Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Match_Le;
- Assert_Arr_Msg : constant String :=
- "parameters of '?=' array operator are not of the same length";
- Assert_Arr_Msg_Bound : constant Std_String_Bound :=
- (Dim_1 => (Left => 1, Right => Assert_Arr_Msg'Length, Dir => Dir_To,
- Length => Assert_Arr_Msg'Length));
- Assert_Arr_Msg_Str : aliased constant Std_String :=
- (Base => To_Std_String_Basep (Assert_Arr_Msg'Address),
- Bounds => To_Std_String_Boundp (Assert_Arr_Msg_Bound'Address));
- function Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Array_Match_Eq (L : Ghdl_Ptr;
- L_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- R : Ghdl_Ptr;
- R_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type)
- return Ghdl_I32
- is
- use Grt.Lib;
- L_Arr : constant Ghdl_E8_Array_Base_Ptr :=
- To_Ghdl_E8_Array_Base_Ptr (L);
- R_Arr : constant Ghdl_E8_Array_Base_Ptr :=
- To_Ghdl_E8_Array_Base_Ptr (R);
- Res : Std_Ulogic := '1';
- begin
- if L_Len /= R_Len then
- Ghdl_Ieee_Assert_Failed
- (To_Std_String_Ptr (Assert_Arr_Msg_Str'Address), Error_Severity,
- To_Ghdl_Location_Ptr (Loc'Address));
- end if;
- for I in 1 .. L_Len loop
- Res := And_Table
- (Res, Std_Ulogic'Val (Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Match_Eq (L_Arr (I - 1),
- R_Arr (I - 1))));
- end loop;
- return Std_Ulogic'Pos (Res);
- end Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Array_Match_Eq;
- function Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Array_Match_Ne (L : Ghdl_Ptr;
- L_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- R : Ghdl_Ptr;
- R_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type)
- return Ghdl_I32 is
- begin
- return Std_Ulogic'Pos
- (Not_Table (Std_Ulogic'Val
- (Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Array_Match_Eq (L, L_Len, R, R_Len))));
- end Ghdl_Std_Ulogic_Array_Match_Ne;
-end Grt.Std_Logic_1164;