path: root/translate/grt/grt-processes.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'translate/grt/grt-processes.adb')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-processes.adb b/translate/grt/grt-processes.adb
index 058e8a5..c620cf9 100644
--- a/translate/grt/grt-processes.adb
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-processes.adb
@@ -36,22 +36,25 @@ pragma Elaborate_All (Grt.Table);
package body Grt.Processes is
Last_Time : constant Std_Time := Std_Time'Last;
+ -- Identifier for a process.
+ type Process_Id is new Integer;
-- Table of processes.
package Process_Table is new Grt.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Process_Type,
+ (Table_Component_Type => Process_Acc,
Table_Index_Type => Process_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 16);
-- List of non_sensitized processes.
package Non_Sensitized_Process_Table is new Grt.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Process_Id,
+ (Table_Component_Type => Process_Acc,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 2);
-- List of processes to be resume at next cycle.
- type Process_Id_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Process_Id;
+ type Process_Id_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Process_Acc;
type Process_Id_Array_Acc is access Process_Id_Array;
Resume_Process_Table : Process_Id_Array_Acc;
@@ -66,8 +69,9 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
-- Number of resumed processes.
Nbr_Resumed_Processes : Natural := 0;
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Name => Sensitivity_Acc, Object => Sensitivity_El);
+ -- Earliest time out within processes.
+ Process_First_Timeout : Std_Time := Last_Time;
+ Process_Timeout_Chain : Process_Acc := null;
procedure Init is
@@ -105,6 +109,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
function To_Proc_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(Source => System.Address, Target => Proc_Acc);
Stack : Stack_Type;
+ P : Process_Acc;
if State /= State_Sensitized then
Stack := Stack_Create (Proc, This);
@@ -114,22 +119,22 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
Stack := Null_Stack;
end if;
- Process_Table.Increment_Last;
- Process_Table.Table (Process_Table.Last) :=
- (Subprg => To_Proc_Acc (Proc),
- This => This,
- Rti => Ctxt,
- Sensitivity => null,
- Resumed => False,
- Postponed => Postponed,
- State => State,
- Timeout => Bad_Time,
- Stack => Stack);
+ P := new Process_Type'(Subprg => To_Proc_Acc (Proc),
+ This => This,
+ Rti => Ctxt,
+ Sensitivity => null,
+ Resumed => False,
+ Postponed => Postponed,
+ State => State,
+ Timeout => Bad_Time,
+ Timeout_Chain_Next => null,
+ Timeout_Chain_Prev => null,
+ Stack => Stack);
+ Process_Table.Append (P);
-- Used to create drivers.
- Set_Current_Process (Process_Table.Last, null);
+ Set_Current_Process (P);
if State /= State_Sensitized then
- Non_Sensitized_Process_Table.Append (Process_Table.Last);
+ Non_Sensitized_Process_Table.Append (P);
end if;
if Postponed then
Nbr_Postponed_Processes := Nbr_Postponed_Processes + 1;
@@ -145,7 +150,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
Addr : System.Address)
- Process_Register (Instance, Proc, (Addr, Ctxt), State_Timeout, False);
+ Process_Register (Instance, Proc, (Addr, Ctxt), State_Ready, False);
end Ghdl_Process_Register;
procedure Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register
@@ -165,7 +170,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
Addr : System.Address)
- Process_Register (Instance, Proc, (Addr, Ctxt), State_Timeout, True);
+ Process_Register (Instance, Proc, (Addr, Ctxt), State_Ready, True);
end Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register;
procedure Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register
@@ -184,20 +189,22 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
function To_Proc_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
(Source => System.Address, Target => Proc_Acc);
- begin
- Process_Table.Increment_Last;
- Process_Table.Table (Process_Table.Last) :=
- (Rti => Ctxt,
- Sensitivity => null,
- Resumed => False,
- Postponed => False,
- State => State_Sensitized,
- Timeout => Bad_Time,
- Subprg => To_Proc_Acc (Proc),
- This => This,
- Stack => Null_Stack);
+ P : Process_Acc;
+ begin
+ P := new Process_Type'(Rti => Ctxt,
+ Sensitivity => null,
+ Resumed => False,
+ Postponed => False,
+ State => State_Sensitized,
+ Timeout => Bad_Time,
+ Timeout_Chain_Next => null,
+ Timeout_Chain_Prev => null,
+ Subprg => To_Proc_Acc (Proc),
+ This => This,
+ Stack => Null_Stack);
+ Process_Table.Append (P);
-- Used to create drivers.
- Set_Current_Process (Process_Table.Last, null);
+ Set_Current_Process (P);
end Verilog_Process_Register;
procedure Ghdl_Initial_Register (Instance : System.Address;
@@ -217,16 +224,16 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
procedure Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
- Resume_Process_If_Event (Sig, Process_Table.Last);
+ Resume_Process_If_Event
+ (Sig, Process_Table.Table (Process_Table.Last));
end Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity;
- procedure Resume_Process (Proc : Process_Id)
+ procedure Resume_Process (Proc : Process_Acc)
- P : Process_Type renames Process_Table.Table (Proc);
- if not P.Resumed then
- P.Resumed := True;
- if P.Postponed then
+ if not Proc.Resumed then
+ Proc.Resumed := True;
+ if Proc.Postponed then
Last_Postponed_Resume_Process := Last_Postponed_Resume_Process + 1;
Postponed_Resume_Process_Table (Last_Postponed_Resume_Process)
:= Proc;
@@ -260,26 +267,63 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
Grt.Stack2.Release (Get_Stack2, Mark);
end Ghdl_Stack2_Release;
- function To_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => System.Address, Target => Process_Acc);
procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
- El : Sensitivity_Acc;
- begin
- El := new Sensitivity_El'(Sig => Sig,
- Next => Get_Current_Process.Sensitivity);
- Get_Current_Process.Sensitivity := El;
+ Proc : constant Process_Acc := Get_Current_Process;
+ El : Action_List_Acc;
+ begin
+ El := new Action_List'(Dynamic => True,
+ Next => Sig.Event_List,
+ Proc => Proc,
+ Prev => null,
+ Sig => Sig,
+ Chain => Proc.Sensitivity);
+ if Sig.Event_List /= null and then Sig.Event_List.Dynamic then
+ Sig.Event_List.Prev := El;
+ end if;
+ Sig.Event_List := El;
+ Proc.Sensitivity := El;
end Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity;
+ procedure Update_Process_First_Timeout (Proc : Process_Acc) is
+ begin
+ if Proc.Timeout < Process_First_Timeout then
+ Process_First_Timeout := Proc.Timeout;
+ end if;
+ Proc.Timeout_Chain_Next := Process_Timeout_Chain;
+ Proc.Timeout_Chain_Prev := null;
+ if Process_Timeout_Chain /= null then
+ Process_Timeout_Chain.Timeout_Chain_Prev := Proc;
+ end if;
+ Process_Timeout_Chain := Proc;
+ end Update_Process_First_Timeout;
+ procedure Remove_Process_From_Timeout_Chain (Proc : Process_Acc) is
+ begin
+ -- Remove Proc from the timeout list.
+ if Proc.Timeout_Chain_Prev /= null then
+ Proc.Timeout_Chain_Prev.Timeout_Chain_Next :=
+ Proc.Timeout_Chain_Next;
+ elsif Process_Timeout_Chain = Proc then
+ -- Only if Proc is in the chain.
+ Process_Timeout_Chain := Proc.Timeout_Chain_Next;
+ end if;
+ if Proc.Timeout_Chain_Next /= null then
+ Proc.Timeout_Chain_Next.Timeout_Chain_Prev :=
+ Proc.Timeout_Chain_Prev;
+ end if;
+ end Remove_Process_From_Timeout_Chain;
procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout (Time : Std_Time)
+ Proc : constant Process_Acc := Get_Current_Process;
if Time < 0 then
-- LRM93 8.1
Error ("negative timeout clause");
end if;
- Get_Current_Process.Timeout := Current_Time + Time;
+ Proc.Timeout := Current_Time + Time;
+ Update_Process_First_Timeout (Proc);
end Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout;
function Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend return Boolean
@@ -295,27 +339,75 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
-- Cur_Proc.Timeout := Std_Time'Last;
-- end if;
Stack_Switch (Get_Main_Stack, Proc.Stack);
- -- Note: in case of timeout, the timeout is removed when processis is
+ -- Note: in case of timeout, the timeout is removed when process is
-- woken up.
return Proc.State = State_Timeout;
end Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend;
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Action_List, Action_List_Acc);
procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close
Proc : constant Process_Acc := Get_Current_Process;
- El : Sensitivity_Acc;
- N_El : Sensitivity_Acc;
+ El : Action_List_Acc;
+ N_El : Action_List_Acc;
-- Remove the sensitivity.
El := Proc.Sensitivity;
Proc.Sensitivity := null;
while El /= null loop
- N_El := El.Next;
+ pragma Assert (El.Proc = Get_Current_Process);
+ if El.Prev = null then
+ El.Sig.Event_List := El.Next;
+ else
+ pragma Assert (El.Prev.Dynamic);
+ El.Prev.Next := El.Next;
+ end if;
+ if El.Next /= null and then El.Next.Dynamic then
+ El.Next.Prev := El.Prev;
+ end if;
+ N_El := El.Chain;
Free (El);
El := N_El;
end loop;
- -- Remove the timeout.
- Proc.Timeout := Bad_Time;
+ -- Remove Proc from the timeout list.
+ Remove_Process_From_Timeout_Chain (Proc);
+ -- This is necessary when the process has been woken-up by an event
+ -- before the timeout triggers.
+ if Process_First_Timeout = Proc.Timeout then
+ -- Remove the timeout.
+ Proc.Timeout := Bad_Time;
+ declare
+ Next_Timeout : Std_Time;
+ P : Process_Acc;
+ begin
+ Next_Timeout := Last_Time;
+ P := Process_Timeout_Chain;
+ while P /= null loop
+ case P.State is
+ when State_Delayed
+ | State_Wait =>
+ if P.Timeout > 0
+ and then P.Timeout < Next_Timeout
+ then
+ Next_Timeout := P.Timeout;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ P := P.Timeout_Chain_Next;
+ end loop;
+ Process_First_Timeout := Next_Timeout;
+ end;
+ else
+ -- Remove the timeout.
+ Proc.Timeout := Bad_Time;
+ end if;
+ Proc.State := State_Ready;
end Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close;
procedure Ghdl_Process_Wait_Exit
@@ -345,8 +437,13 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
end if;
Proc.Timeout := Current_Time + Time;
Proc.State := State_Wait;
+ Update_Process_First_Timeout (Proc);
-- Suspend this process.
Stack_Switch (Get_Main_Stack, Proc.Stack);
+ -- Clean-up.
+ Proc.Timeout := Bad_Time;
+ Remove_Process_From_Timeout_Chain (Proc);
+ Proc.State := State_Ready;
end Ghdl_Process_Wait_Timeout;
-- Verilog.
@@ -356,6 +453,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
Proc.Timeout := Current_Time + Std_Time (Del);
Proc.State := State_Delayed;
+ Update_Process_First_Timeout (Proc);
end Ghdl_Process_Delay;
-- Protected object lock.
@@ -364,7 +462,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
type Object_Lock is record
-- The owner of the lock.
-- Nul_Process_Id means the lock is free.
- Process : Process_Id;
+ Process : Process_Acc;
-- Number of times the lock has been acquired.
Count : Natural;
end record;
@@ -379,14 +477,14 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
Lock : constant Object_Lock_Acc := To_Lock_Acc_Acc (Obj).all;
- if Lock.Process = Nul_Process_Id then
+ if Lock.Process = null then
if Lock.Count /= 0 then
Internal_Error ("protected_enter");
end if;
- Lock.Process := Get_Current_Process_Id;
+ Lock.Process := Get_Current_Process;
Lock.Count := 1;
- if Lock.Process /= Get_Current_Process_Id then
+ if Lock.Process /= Get_Current_Process then
Internal_Error ("protected_enter(2)");
end if;
Lock.Count := Lock.Count + 1;
@@ -397,7 +495,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
Lock : constant Object_Lock_Acc := To_Lock_Acc_Acc (Obj).all;
- if Lock.Process /= Get_Current_Process_Id then
+ if Lock.Process /= Get_Current_Process then
Internal_Error ("protected_leave(1)");
end if;
@@ -406,7 +504,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
end if;
Lock.Count := Lock.Count - 1;
if Lock.Count = 0 then
- Lock.Process := Nul_Process_Id;
+ Lock.Process := null;
end if;
end Ghdl_Protected_Leave;
@@ -414,8 +512,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
Lock : constant Object_Lock_Acc_Acc := To_Lock_Acc_Acc (Obj);
- Lock.all := new Object_Lock'(Process => Nul_Process_Id,
- Count => 0);
+ Lock.all := new Object_Lock'(Process => null, Count => 0);
end Ghdl_Protected_Init;
procedure Ghdl_Protected_Fini (Obj : System.Address)
@@ -425,7 +522,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
Lock : constant Object_Lock_Acc_Acc := To_Lock_Acc_Acc (Obj);
- if Lock.all.Count /= 0 or Lock.all.Process /= Nul_Process_Id then
+ if Lock.all.Count /= 0 or Lock.all.Process /= null then
Internal_Error ("protected_fini");
end if;
Deallocate (Lock.all);
@@ -448,40 +545,63 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
end if;
-- 3) The next time at which a process resumes.
- for I in Non_Sensitized_Process_Table.First ..
- Non_Sensitized_Process_Table.Last
- loop
- declare
- Pid : constant Process_Id :=
- Non_Sensitized_Process_Table.Table (I);
- Proc : Process_Type renames Process_Table.Table (Pid);
- begin
- if Proc.State = State_Wait
- and then Proc.Timeout < Res
- and then Proc.Timeout >= 0
- then
- -- No signals to be updated.
- Grt.Signals.Flush_Active_List;
- if Proc.Timeout = Current_Time then
- -- Can't be better.
- return Current_Time;
- else
- Res := Proc.Timeout;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
+ if Process_First_Timeout < Res then
+ -- No signals to be updated.
+ Grt.Signals.Flush_Active_List;
+ Res := Process_First_Timeout;
+ end if;
return Res;
end Compute_Next_Time;
- procedure Disp_Process_Name (Stream : Grt.Stdio.FILEs; Proc : Process_Id)
+ procedure Disp_Process_Name (Stream : Grt.Stdio.FILEs; Proc : Process_Acc)
- Grt.Rtis_Utils.Put (Stream, Process_Table.Table (Proc).Rti);
+ Grt.Rtis_Utils.Put (Stream, Proc.Rti);
end Disp_Process_Name;
+ procedure Disp_All_Processes
+ is
+ use Grt.Stdio;
+ use Grt.Astdio;
+ begin
+ for I in Process_Table.First .. Process_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ Proc : constant Process_Acc := Process_Table.Table (I);
+ begin
+ Disp_Process_Name (stdout, Proc);
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ Put (stdout, " State: ");
+ case Proc.State is
+ when State_Sensitized =>
+ Put (stdout, "sensitized");
+ when State_Wait =>
+ Put (stdout, "wait");
+ if Proc.Timeout /= Bad_Time then
+ Put (stdout, " until ");
+ Put_Time (stdout, Proc.Timeout);
+ end if;
+ when State_Ready =>
+ Put (stdout, "ready");
+ when State_Timeout =>
+ Put (stdout, "timeout");
+ when State_Delayed =>
+ Put (stdout, "delayed");
+ when State_Dead =>
+ Put (stdout, "dead");
+ end case;
+-- Put (stdout, ": time: ");
+-- Put_U64 (stdout, Proc.Stats_Time);
+-- Put (stdout, ", runs: ");
+-- Put_U32 (stdout, Proc.Stats_Run);
+ New_Line (stdout);
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_All_Processes;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Disp_All_Processes);
type Run_Handler is access function return Integer;
-- pragma Convention (C, Run_Handler);
@@ -507,7 +627,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
procedure Run_Processes_Threads
- Pid : Process_Id;
+ Proc : Process_Acc;
Idx : Natural;
@@ -516,35 +636,30 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
if Idx > Mt_Last then
end if;
- Pid := Mt_Table (Idx);
- declare
- Proc : Process_Type renames Process_Table.Table (Pid);
- begin
- if Grt.Options.Trace_Processes then
- Grt.Astdio.Put ("run process ");
- Disp_Process_Name (Stdio.stdout, Pid);
- Grt.Astdio.Put (" [");
- Grt.Astdio.Put (Stdio.stdout, Proc.This);
- Grt.Astdio.Put ("]");
- Grt.Astdio.New_Line;
- end if;
- if not Proc.Resumed then
- Internal_Error ("run non-resumed process");
- end if;
- Proc.Resumed := False;
- Set_Current_Process
- (Pid, To_Acc (Process_Table.Table (Pid)'Address));
- if Proc.State = State_Sensitized then
- Proc.Subprg.all (Proc.This);
- else
- Stack_Switch (Proc.Stack, Get_Main_Stack);
- end if;
- if Grt.Options.Checks then
- Ghdl_Signal_Internal_Checks;
- Grt.Stack2.Check_Empty (Get_Stack2);
- end if;
- end;
+ Proc := Mt_Table (Idx);
+ if Grt.Options.Trace_Processes then
+ Grt.Astdio.Put ("run process ");
+ Disp_Process_Name (Stdio.stdout, Proc);
+ Grt.Astdio.Put (" [");
+ Grt.Astdio.Put (Stdio.stdout, Proc.This);
+ Grt.Astdio.Put ("]");
+ Grt.Astdio.New_Line;
+ end if;
+ if not Proc.Resumed then
+ Internal_Error ("run non-resumed process");
+ end if;
+ Proc.Resumed := False;
+ Set_Current_Process (Proc);
+ if Proc.State = State_Sensitized then
+ Proc.Subprg.all (Proc.This);
+ else
+ Stack_Switch (Proc.Stack, Get_Main_Stack);
+ end if;
+ if Grt.Options.Checks then
+ Ghdl_Signal_Internal_Checks;
+ Grt.Stack2.Check_Empty (Get_Stack2);
+ end if;
end loop;
end Run_Processes_Threads;
@@ -571,15 +686,14 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
if Options.Nbr_Threads = 1 then
for I in 1 .. Last loop
- Pid : constant Process_Id := Table (I);
- Proc : Process_Type renames Process_Table.Table (Pid);
+ Proc : constant Process_Acc := Table (I);
if not Proc.Resumed then
Internal_Error ("run non-resumed process");
end if;
if Grt.Options.Trace_Processes then
Grt.Astdio.Put ("run process ");
- Disp_Process_Name (Stdio.stdout, Pid);
+ Disp_Process_Name (Stdio.stdout, Proc);
Grt.Astdio.Put (" [");
Grt.Astdio.Put (Stdio.stdout, Proc.This);
Grt.Astdio.Put ("]");
@@ -587,8 +701,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
end if;
Proc.Resumed := False;
- Set_Current_Process
- (Pid, To_Acc (Process_Table.Table (Pid)'Address));
+ Set_Current_Process (Proc);
if Proc.State = State_Sensitized then
Proc.Subprg.all (Proc.This);
@@ -642,7 +755,7 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
for I in Process_Table.First .. Process_Table.Last loop
- Resume_Process (I);
+ Resume_Process (Process_Table.Table (I));
end loop;
-- - Each nonpostponed process in the model is executed until it
@@ -697,47 +810,43 @@ package body Grt.Processes is
-- d) For each process P, if P is currently sensitive to a signal S and
-- if an event has occured on S in this simulation cycle, then P
-- resumes.
- for I in Non_Sensitized_Process_Table.First ..
- Non_Sensitized_Process_Table.Last
- loop
+ if Current_Time = Process_First_Timeout then
+ Tn := Last_Time;
- Pid : constant Process_Id :=
- Non_Sensitized_Process_Table.Table (I);
- Proc : Process_Type renames Process_Table.Table (Pid);
- El : Sensitivity_Acc;
+ Proc : Process_Acc;
- case Proc.State is
- when State_Sensitized =>
- null;
- when State_Delayed =>
- if Proc.Timeout = Current_Time then
- Proc.Timeout := Bad_Time;
- Resume_Process (Pid);
- Proc.State := State_Sensitized;
- end if;
- when State_Wait =>
- if Proc.Timeout = Current_Time then
- Proc.Timeout := Bad_Time;
- Resume_Process (Pid);
- Proc.State := State_Timeout;
- else
- El := Proc.Sensitivity;
- while El /= null loop
- if El.Sig.Event then
- Resume_Process (Pid);
- exit;
- else
- El := El.Next;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- when State_Timeout =>
- Internal_Error ("process in timeout");
- when State_Dead =>
- null;
- end case;
+ Proc := Process_Timeout_Chain;
+ while Proc /= null loop
+ case Proc.State is
+ when State_Sensitized =>
+ null;
+ when State_Delayed =>
+ if Proc.Timeout = Current_Time then
+ Proc.Timeout := Bad_Time;
+ Resume_Process (Proc);
+ Proc.State := State_Sensitized;
+ elsif Proc.Timeout > 0 and then Proc.Timeout < Tn then
+ Tn := Proc.Timeout;
+ end if;
+ when State_Wait =>
+ if Proc.Timeout = Current_Time then
+ Proc.Timeout := Bad_Time;
+ Resume_Process (Proc);
+ Proc.State := State_Timeout;
+ elsif Proc.Timeout > 0 and then Proc.Timeout < Tn then
+ Tn := Proc.Timeout;
+ end if;
+ when State_Timeout
+ | State_Ready =>
+ Internal_Error ("process in timeout");
+ when State_Dead =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Proc := Proc.Timeout_Chain_Next;
+ end loop;
- end loop;
+ Process_First_Timeout := Tn;
+ end if;
-- e) Each nonpostponed that has resumed in the current simulation cycle
-- is executed until it suspends.