path: root/src/translate/grt/grt-disp_signals.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/translate/grt/grt-disp_signals.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 524 deletions
diff --git a/src/translate/grt/grt-disp_signals.adb b/src/translate/grt/grt-disp_signals.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 424d20d..0000000
--- a/src/translate/grt/grt-disp_signals.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
--- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Display subprograms for signals.
--- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
--- covered by the GNU Public License.
-with System; use System;
-with System.Storage_Elements; -- Work around GNAT bug.
-pragma Unreferenced (System.Storage_Elements);
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
-with Grt.Rtis_Addr; use Grt.Rtis_Addr;
-with Grt.Rtis_Utils; use Grt.Rtis_Utils;
-with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
-with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
-pragma Elaborate_All (Grt.Rtis_Utils);
-with Grt.Vstrings; use Grt.Vstrings;
-with Grt.Options;
-with Grt.Processes;
-with Grt.Disp; use Grt.Disp;
-package body Grt.Disp_Signals is
- procedure Foreach_Scalar_Signal
- (Process : access procedure (Val_Addr : Address;
- Val_Name : Vstring;
- Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Param : Rti_Object))
- is
- procedure Call_Process (Val_Addr : Address;
- Val_Name : Vstring;
- Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Param : Rti_Object) is
- begin
- Process.all (Val_Addr, Val_Name, Val_Type, Param);
- end Call_Process;
- pragma Inline (Call_Process);
- procedure Foreach_Scalar_Signal_Signal is new
- Foreach_Scalar (Param_Type => Rti_Object,
- Process => Call_Process);
- function Foreach_Scalar_Signal_Object
- (Ctxt : Rti_Context; Obj : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
- return Traverse_Result
- is
- Sig : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
- begin
- case Obj.Kind is
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Port
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Guard
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction =>
- Sig := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Obj);
- Foreach_Scalar_Signal_Signal
- (Ctxt, Sig.Obj_Type,
- Loc_To_Addr (Sig.Common.Depth, Sig.Loc, Ctxt), True,
- Rti_Object'(Obj, Ctxt));
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- return Traverse_Ok;
- end Foreach_Scalar_Signal_Object;
- function Foreach_Scalar_Signal_Traverse is
- new Traverse_Blocks (Process => Foreach_Scalar_Signal_Object);
- Res : Traverse_Result;
- pragma Unreferenced (Res);
- begin
- Res := Foreach_Scalar_Signal_Traverse (Get_Top_Context);
- end Foreach_Scalar_Signal;
- procedure Disp_Context (Ctxt : Rti_Context)
- is
- Blk : Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc;
- Nctxt : Rti_Context;
- begin
- Blk := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Block_Acc (Ctxt.Block);
- case Blk.Common.Kind is
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Block
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Process =>
- Nctxt := Get_Parent_Context (Ctxt);
- Disp_Context (Nctxt);
- Put ('.');
- Put (Blk.Name);
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Entity =>
- Put (Blk.Name);
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Architecture =>
- Nctxt := Get_Parent_Context (Ctxt);
- Disp_Context (Nctxt);
- Put ('(');
- Put (Blk.Name);
- Put (')');
- when others =>
- Internal_Error ("disp_context");
- end case;
- end Disp_Context;
- -- This is a debugging procedure.
- pragma Unreferenced (Disp_Context);
- -- Option --trace-signals.
- -- Disp transaction TRANS from signal SIG.
- procedure Disp_Transaction (Trans : Transaction_Acc;
- Sig_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Mode : Mode_Type)
- is
- T : Transaction_Acc;
- begin
- T := Trans;
- loop
- case T.Kind is
- when Trans_Value =>
- if Sig_Type /= null then
- Disp_Value (stdout, T.Val, Sig_Type);
- else
- Disp_Value (T.Val, Mode);
- end if;
- when Trans_Direct =>
- if Sig_Type /= null then
- Disp_Value (stdout, T.Val_Ptr.all, Sig_Type);
- else
- Disp_Value (T.Val_Ptr.all, Mode);
- end if;
- when Trans_Null =>
- Put ("NULL");
- when Trans_Error =>
- Put ("ERROR");
- end case;
- if T.Kind = Trans_Direct then
- -- The Time field is not updated for direct transaction.
- Put ("[DIRECT]");
- else
- Put ("@");
- Put_Time (stdout, T.Time);
- end if;
- T := T.Next;
- exit when T = null;
- Put (", ");
- end loop;
- end Disp_Transaction;
- procedure Disp_Simple_Signal
- (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Sig_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Sources : Boolean)
- is
- function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Resolved_Signal_Acc, Target => Address);
- begin
- Put (' ');
- Put (stdout, Sig.all'Address);
- Put (' ');
- Disp_Mode (Sig.Mode);
- Put (' ');
- if Sig.Active then
- Put ('A');
- else
- Put ('-');
- end if;
- if Sig.Event then
- Put ('E');
- else
- Put ('-');
- end if;
- if Sig.Has_Active then
- Put ('a');
- else
- Put ('-');
- end if;
- if Sig.S.Effective /= null then
- Put ('e');
- else
- Put ('-');
- end if;
- if Boolean'(True) then
- Put (" last_event=");
- Put_Time (stdout, Sig.Last_Event);
- Put (" last_active=");
- Put_Time (stdout, Sig.Last_Active);
- end if;
- Put (" val=");
- if Sig_Type /= null then
- Disp_Value (stdout, Sig.Value, Sig_Type);
- else
- Disp_Value (Sig.Value, Sig.Mode);
- end if;
- Put ("; drv=");
- if Sig_Type /= null then
- Disp_Value (stdout, Sig.Driving_Value, Sig_Type);
- else
- Disp_Value (Sig.Driving_Value, Sig.Mode);
- end if;
- if Sources then
- if Sig.Nbr_Ports > 0 then
- Put (';');
- Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Sig.Nbr_Ports));
- Put (" ports");
- end if;
- if Sig.S.Mode_Sig in Mode_Signal_User then
- if Sig.S.Resolv /= null then
- Put (stdout, " res func ");
- Put (stdout, To_Address(Sig.S.Resolv));
- end if;
- if Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers = 0 then
- Put ("; no driver");
- elsif Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers = 1 then
- Put ("; trans=");
- Disp_Transaction
- (Sig.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans, Sig_Type, Sig.Mode);
- else
- for I in 0 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers - 1 loop
- New_Line;
- Put (" ");
- Disp_Transaction
- (Sig.S.Drivers (I).First_Trans, Sig_Type, Sig.Mode);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- New_Line;
- end Disp_Simple_Signal;
- procedure Disp_Signal_Name (Stream : FILEs;
- Ctxt : Rti_Context;
- Sig : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc) is
- begin
- case Sig.Common.Kind is
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Port
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Guard =>
- Put (stdout, Ctxt);
- Put (".");
- Put (Stream, Sig.Name);
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet =>
- Put (stdout, Ctxt);
- Put (".");
- Put (Stream, " 'quiet");
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable =>
- Put (stdout, Ctxt);
- Put (".");
- Put (Stream, " 'stable");
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction =>
- Put (stdout, Ctxt);
- Put (".");
- Put (Stream, " 'transaction");
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end Disp_Signal_Name;
- procedure Disp_Scalar_Signal (Val_Addr : Address;
- Val_Name : Vstring;
- Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Parent : Rti_Object)
- is
- begin
- Disp_Signal_Name (stdout, Parent.Ctxt,
- To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Parent.Obj));
- Put (stdout, Val_Name);
- Disp_Simple_Signal (To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr (To_Addr_Acc (Val_Addr).all),
- Val_Type, Options.Disp_Sources);
- end Disp_Scalar_Signal;
- procedure Disp_All_Signals is
- begin
- Foreach_Scalar_Signal (Disp_Scalar_Signal'access);
- end Disp_All_Signals;
- -- Option disp-sensitivity
- procedure Disp_Scalar_Sensitivity (Val_Addr : Address;
- Val_Name : Vstring;
- Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Parent : Rti_Object)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Val_Type);
- Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
- Action : Action_List_Acc;
- begin
- Sig := To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr (To_Addr_Acc (Val_Addr).all);
- if Sig.Flags.Seen then
- return;
- else
- Sig.Flags.Seen := True;
- end if;
- Disp_Signal_Name (stdout, Parent.Ctxt,
- To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Parent.Obj));
- Put (stdout, Val_Name);
- New_Line (stdout);
- Action := Sig.Event_List;
- while Action /= null loop
- Put (stdout, " wakeup ");
- Grt.Processes.Disp_Process_Name (stdout, Action.Proc);
- New_Line (stdout);
- Action := Action.Next;
- end loop;
- if Sig.S.Mode_Sig in Mode_Signal_User then
- for I in 1 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers loop
- Put (stdout, " driven ");
- Grt.Processes.Disp_Process_Name
- (stdout, Sig.S.Drivers (I - 1).Proc);
- New_Line (stdout);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Disp_Scalar_Sensitivity;
- procedure Disp_All_Sensitivity is
- begin
- Foreach_Scalar_Signal (Disp_Scalar_Sensitivity'access);
- end Disp_All_Sensitivity;
- -- Option disp-signals-map
- procedure Disp_Signals_Map_Scalar (Val_Addr : Address;
- Val_Name : Vstring;
- Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Parent : Rti_Object)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Val_Type);
- function To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Address, Target => Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
- S : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
- begin
- Disp_Signal_Name (stdout,
- Parent.Ctxt, To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Parent.Obj));
- Put (stdout, Val_Name);
- Put (": ");
- S := To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr (To_Addr_Acc (Val_Addr).all);
- Put (stdout, S.all'Address);
- Put (" net: ");
- Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (S.Net));
- if S.Has_Active then
- Put (" +A");
- end if;
- New_Line;
- end Disp_Signals_Map_Scalar;
- procedure Disp_Signals_Map is
- begin
- Foreach_Scalar_Signal (Disp_Signals_Map_Scalar'access);
- end Disp_Signals_Map;
- -- Option --disp-signals-table
- procedure Disp_Mode_Signal (Mode : Mode_Signal_Type)
- is
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Mode_Signal =>
- Put ("signal");
- when Mode_Linkage =>
- Put ("linkage");
- when Mode_Buffer =>
- Put ("buffer");
- when Mode_Out =>
- Put ("out");
- when Mode_Inout =>
- Put ("inout");
- when Mode_In =>
- Put ("in");
- when Mode_Stable =>
- Put ("stable");
- when Mode_Quiet =>
- Put ("quiet");
- when Mode_Transaction =>
- Put ("transaction");
- when Mode_Delayed =>
- Put ("delayed");
- when Mode_Guard =>
- Put ("guard");
- when Mode_Conv_In =>
- Put ("conv_in");
- when Mode_Conv_Out =>
- Put ("conv_out");
- when Mode_End =>
- Put ("end");
- end case;
- end Disp_Mode_Signal;
- procedure Disp_Signals_Table
- is
- Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
- begin
- for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
- Sig := Sig_Table.Table (I);
- Put_Sig_Index (I);
- Put (": ");
- Put (stdout, Sig.all'Address);
- if Sig.Has_Active then
- Put (" +A");
- end if;
- Put (" net: ");
- Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Sig.Net));
- Put (" smode: ");
- Disp_Mode_Signal (Sig.S.Mode_Sig);
- Put (" #prt: ");
- Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Sig.Nbr_Ports));
- if Sig.S.Mode_Sig in Mode_Signal_User then
- Put (" #drv: ");
- Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers));
- if Sig.S.Effective /= null then
- Put (" eff: ");
- Put (stdout, Sig.S.Effective.all'Address);
- end if;
- if Sig.S.Resolv /= null then
- Put (" resolved");
- end if;
- end if;
- if Boolean'(False) then
- Put (" link: ");
- Put (stdout, Sig.Link.all'Address);
- end if;
- New_Line;
- if Sig.Nbr_Ports /= 0 then
- for J in 1 .. Sig.Nbr_Ports loop
- Put (" ");
- Put (stdout, Sig.Ports (J - 1).all'Address);
- end loop;
- New_Line;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Grt.Stdio.fflush (stdout);
- end Disp_Signals_Table;
- procedure Disp_A_Signal (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
- is
- begin
- Disp_Simple_Signal (Sig, null, True);
- end Disp_A_Signal;
- procedure Put_Signal_Name (Stream : FILEs; Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
- is
- Found : Boolean := False;
- Cur_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
- Cur_Sig : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
- procedure Process_Scalar (Val_Addr : Address;
- Val_Name : Vstring;
- Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Param : Boolean)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Val_Type);
- pragma Unreferenced (Param);
- Sig1 : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
- begin
- -- Read the signal.
- Sig1 := To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr (To_Addr_Acc (Val_Addr).all);
- if Sig1 = Sig and not Found then
- Disp_Signal_Name (Stream, Cur_Ctxt, Cur_Sig);
- Put (Stream, Val_Name);
- Found := True;
- end if;
- end Process_Scalar;
- procedure Foreach_Scalar is new Grt.Rtis_Utils.Foreach_Scalar
- (Param_Type => Boolean, Process => Process_Scalar);
- function Process_Block (Ctxt : Rti_Context;
- Obj : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
- return Traverse_Result
- is
- begin
- case Obj.Kind is
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Signal
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Port
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Guard
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Stable
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Quiet
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Attribute_Transaction =>
- Cur_Ctxt := Ctxt;
- Cur_Sig := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Obj);
- Foreach_Scalar
- (Ctxt, Cur_Sig.Obj_Type,
- Loc_To_Addr (Cur_Sig.Common.Depth, Cur_Sig.Loc, Ctxt),
- True, True);
- if Found then
- return Traverse_Stop;
- end if;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- return Traverse_Ok;
- end Process_Block;
- function Foreach_Block is new Grt.Rtis_Utils.Traverse_Blocks
- (Process_Block);
- Res_Status : Traverse_Result;
- pragma Unreferenced (Res_Status);
- begin
- Res_Status := Foreach_Block (Get_Top_Context);
- if not Found then
- Put (Stream, "(unknown signal)");
- end if;
- end Put_Signal_Name;
-end Grt.Disp_Signals;