path: root/ortho/llvm/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ortho/llvm/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 305 deletions
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ b/ortho/llvm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 842a119..0000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
-with Ortho_Ident; use Ortho_Ident;
-with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
-with LLVM.TargetMachine;
-with LLVM.Target;
--- Interface to create nodes.
-package Ortho_LLVM is
- procedure Init;
- procedure Finish_Debug;
- -- LLVM specific: the module.
- Module : ModuleRef;
- -- Descriptor for the layout.
- Target_Data : LLVM.Target.TargetDataRef;
- Target_Machine : LLVM.TargetMachine.TargetMachineRef;
- -- Optimization level
- Optimization : LLVM.TargetMachine.CodeGenOptLevel :=
- LLVM.TargetMachine.CodeGenLevelDefault;
- -- Set by -g to generate debug info.
- Flag_Debug : Boolean := False;
- -- No support for nested subprograms in LLVM.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean := False;
- type O_Tnode_Type (<>);
- type O_Tnode is access O_Tnode_Type;
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := null;
- type ON_Type_Kind is
- (ON_No_Type,
- ON_Unsigned_Type, ON_Signed_Type, ON_Enum_Type, ON_Boolean_Type,
- ON_Float_Type,
- ON_Array_Type, ON_Array_Sub_Type,
- ON_Incomplete_Record_Type,
- ON_Record_Type, ON_Union_Type,
- ON_Incomplete_Access_Type, ON_Access_Type);
- subtype ON_Scalar_Types is ON_Type_Kind range
- ON_Unsigned_Type .. ON_Float_Type;
- subtype ON_Integer_Types is ON_Type_Kind range
- ON_Unsigned_Type .. ON_Boolean_Type;
- type O_Tnode_Type (Kind : ON_Type_Kind := ON_No_Type) is record
- LLVM : TypeRef;
- Dbg : ValueRef;
- case Kind is
- when ON_No_Type =>
- null;
- when ON_Union_Type =>
- Un_Size : unsigned;
- Un_Main_Field : TypeRef;
- when ON_Access_Type
- | ON_Incomplete_Access_Type =>
- Acc_Type : O_Tnode;
- when ON_Scalar_Types =>
- Scal_Size : Natural;
- when ON_Array_Type
- | ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
- -- Type of the element
- Arr_El_Type : O_Tnode;
- when ON_Record_Type
- | ON_Incomplete_Record_Type =>
- null;
- end case;
- end record;
- type O_Inter;
- type O_Inter_Acc is access O_Inter;
- type O_Inter is record
- Itype : O_Tnode;
- Ival : ValueRef;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Next : O_Inter_Acc;
- end record;
- type On_Decl_Kind is
- (ON_Type_Decl, ON_Completed_Type_Decl,
- ON_Const_Decl,
- ON_Var_Decl, ON_Local_Decl, ON_Interface_Decl,
- ON_Subprg_Decl,
- ON_No_Decl);
- type O_Dnode (Kind : On_Decl_Kind := ON_No_Decl) is record
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- case Kind is
- when ON_Var_Decl
- | ON_Const_Decl
- | ON_Local_Decl =>
- null;
- when ON_Subprg_Decl =>
- Subprg_Id : O_Ident;
- Nbr_Args : unsigned;
- Subprg_Inters : O_Inter_Acc;
- when ON_Interface_Decl =>
- Inter : O_Inter_Acc;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end record;
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := (Kind => ON_No_Decl,
- Dtype => O_Tnode_Null,
- LLVM => Null_ValueRef);
- type OF_Kind is (OF_None, OF_Record, OF_Union);
- type O_Fnode (Kind : OF_Kind := OF_None) is record
- Ftype : O_Tnode;
- case Kind is
- when OF_None =>
- null;
- when OF_Record =>
- Index : Natural;
- when OF_Union =>
- Utype : TypeRef;
- end case;
- end record;
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := (Kind => OF_None,
- Ftype => O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Anode_Type;
- type O_Anode is access O_Anode_Type;
- type O_Anode_Type is record
- Next : O_Anode;
- Formal : O_Dnode;
- Actual : O_Enode;
- end record;
- type O_Cnode is record
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- Ctype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := (LLVM => Null_ValueRef,
- Ctype => O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Enode is record
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- Etype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := (LLVM => Null_ValueRef,
- Etype => O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Lnode is record
- -- If True, the LLVM component is the value (used for arguments).
- -- If False, the LLVM component is the address of the value (used
- -- for everything else).
- Direct : Boolean;
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- Ltype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := (False, Null_ValueRef, O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Snode is record
- -- First BB in the loop body.
- Bb_Entry : BasicBlockRef;
- -- BB after the loop.
- Bb_Exit : BasicBlockRef;
- end record;
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := (Null_BasicBlockRef,
- Null_BasicBlockRef);
- type O_Inter_List is record
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Res_Type : O_Tnode;
- Nbr_Inter : Natural;
- First_Inter, Last_Inter : O_Inter_Acc;
- end record;
- type O_Element;
- type O_Element_Acc is access O_Element;
- type O_Element is record
- -- Identifier for the element
- Ident : O_Ident;
- -- Type of the element
- Etype : O_Tnode;
- -- Next element (in the linked list)
- Next : O_Element_Acc;
- end record;
- -- Record and union builder.
- type O_Element_List is record
- Nbr_Elements : Natural;
- -- For record: the access to the incomplete (but named) type.
- Rec_Type : O_Tnode;
- -- For unions: biggest for size and alignment
- Size : unsigned;
- Align : Unsigned_32;
- Align_Type : TypeRef;
- First_Elem, Last_Elem : O_Element_Acc;
- end record;
- type ValueRefArray_Acc is access ValueRefArray;
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is record
- -- Current number of elements in Vals.
- Len : unsigned;
- -- Value of elements.
- Vals : ValueRefArray_Acc;
- -- Type of the aggregate.
- Atype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is record
- -- Current number of elements in Vals.
- Len : unsigned;
- -- Value of elements.
- Vals : ValueRefArray_Acc;
- El_Type : TypeRef;
- -- Type of the aggregate.
- Atype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- type O_Assoc_List is record
- Subprg : O_Dnode;
- Idx : unsigned;
- Vals : ValueRefArray_Acc;
- end record;
- type O_Enum_List is record
- LLVM : TypeRef;
- Num : Natural;
- Etype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- type O_Choice_Type is record
- Low, High : ValueRef;
- Bb : BasicBlockRef;
- end record;
- type O_Choice_Array is array (Natural range <>) of O_Choice_Type;
- type O_Choice_Array_Acc is access O_Choice_Array;
- type O_Case_Block is record
- -- BB before the case.
- BB_Prev : BasicBlockRef;
- -- Select expression
- Value : ValueRef;
- Vtype : O_Tnode;
- -- BB after the case statement.
- BB_Next : BasicBlockRef;
- -- BB for others
- BB_Others : BasicBlockRef;
- -- BB for the current choice
- BB_Choice : BasicBlockRef;
- -- List of choices.
- Nbr_Choices : Natural;
- Choices : O_Choice_Array_Acc;
- end record;
- type O_If_Block is record
- -- The next basic block.
- -- After the 'If', this is the BB for the else part. If there is no
- -- else part, this is the BB for statements after the if.
- -- After the 'else', this is the BB for statements after the if.
- Bb : BasicBlockRef;
- end record;
- function Get_LLVM_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return TypeRef;
-end Ortho_LLVM;