path: root/xtools
diff options
authorTristan Gingold2014-09-25 07:38:09 +0200
committerTristan Gingold2014-09-25 07:38:09 +0200
commit68d26922e31aad3cb34dd3b7689bcec75ad70fcb (patch)
treeed7d40115bd74b0c4216a94bfc21d5af0837ce4f /xtools
parent5edf93b87e8f3528d9063df08bf70bf538d72545 (diff)
Add a python script to automatically generate disp_tree.
Diffstat (limited to 'xtools')
5 files changed, 730 insertions, 1347 deletions
diff --git a/xtools/Makefile b/xtools/Makefile
index e1546ec..599e0da 100644
--- a/xtools/Makefile
+++ b/xtools/Makefile
@@ -14,21 +14,22 @@
# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307, USA.
-all: ../iirs.adb
-check_iirs: force
- gnatmake -g -gnatwa check_iirs
+DEPS=../ ../ ./
+all: ../iirs.adb ../disp_tree.adb ../nodes_gc.adb
-../iirs.adb: ../ ../ ../ ./check_iirs
+../iirs.adb: ../ $(DEPS)
$(RM) $@
- ./check_iirs $(MODE) > subprg.ada
- sed -e "/^ -- Subprograms/r subprg.ada" \
- < ../ > $@
+ ./ body > $@
chmod -w $@
+../disp_tree.adb: ../ $(DEPS)
+ $(RM) $@
+ ./ disp_tree > $@
+ chmod -w $@
- $(RM) *.o *.ali *~ check_iirs
+../nodes_gc.adb: ../ $(DEPS)
+ $(RM) $@
+ ./ mark_tree > $@
+ chmod -w $@
diff --git a/xtools/check_iirs.adb b/xtools/check_iirs.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b28dfe..0000000
--- a/xtools/check_iirs.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
--- Tool to check the coherence of the iirs package.
--- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Check_Iirs_Pkg;
-with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-procedure Check_Iirs
- type Prg_Mode is (Mode_Generate, Mode_Genfast, Mode_Free);
- Mode : Prg_Mode;
- procedure Usage is
- begin
- Put_Line ("usage: " & Command_Name & " MODE");
- Put_Line ("MODE is one of:");
- Put_Line (" --generate");
- Put_Line (" --genfast");
- Put_Line (" --list-free-fields");
- end Usage;
- if Argument_Count /= 1 then
- Usage;
- Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
- return;
- end if;
- if Argument (1) = "--generate" then
- Mode := Mode_Generate;
- elsif Argument (1) = "--genfast" then
- Mode := Mode_Genfast;
- elsif Argument (1) = "--list-free-fields" then
- Mode := Mode_Free;
- else
- Usage;
- Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
- return;
- end if;
- Check_Iirs_Pkg.Read_Fields;
- Check_Iirs_Pkg.Check_Iirs;
- Check_Iirs_Pkg.Read_Desc;
- case Mode is
- when Mode_Generate =>
- Check_Iirs_Pkg.Gen_Func;
- when Mode_Genfast =>
- Check_Iirs_Pkg.Flag_Checks := False;
- Check_Iirs_Pkg.Gen_Func;
- when Mode_Free =>
- Check_Iirs_Pkg.List_Free_Fields;
- end case;
-end Check_Iirs;
diff --git a/xtools/check_iirs_pkg.adb b/xtools/check_iirs_pkg.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 219c132..0000000
--- a/xtools/check_iirs_pkg.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1234 +0,0 @@
--- Tool to check the coherence of the iirs package.
--- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with GNAT.Spitbol; use GNAT.Spitbol;
-with GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns; use GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns;
-with GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer; use GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer;
-with GNAT.Table;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
-with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; use Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
-with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
-package body Check_Iirs_Pkg is
- -- Exception raise in case of error.
- Err : exception;
- -- Identifier get by getident_pat.
- Ident : VString := Nul;
- Ident_2 : VString := Nul;
- Ident_3 : VString := Nul;
- Ident_4 : VString := Nul;
- Ident_5 : VString := Nul;
- -- Enumel_Pat set this variable to the position of the comma.
- -- Used to detect the absence of a comma.
- Comma_Pos : aliased Natural;
- -- Patterns
- -- Space.
- Wsp : constant Pattern := Span (' ');
- -- "type Iir_Kind is".
- Type_Iir_Kind_Pat : constant Pattern :=
- Wsp & "type" & Wsp & "Iir_Kind" & Wsp & "is" & Rpos (0);
- -- "("
- Lparen_Pat : constant Pattern := Wsp & '(' & Rpos (0);
- -- Comment.
- Comment_Pat : constant Pattern := Wsp & "--";
- -- End of ada line
- Eol_Pat : constant Pattern := Comment_Pat or Rpos (0);
- -- A-Za-z
- Basic_Pat : constant Pattern := Span (Basic_Set);
- -- A-Za-z0-9
- Alnum_Pat : constant Pattern := Span (Alphanumeric_Set);
- -- Ada identifier.
- Ident_Pat : constant Pattern := Basic_Pat & Arbno (('_' or "") & Alnum_Pat);
- -- Basic_Pat & Arbno (Alnum_Pat) & Arbno ('_' & Alnum_Pat);
- -- Eat the ada identifier.
- Getident_Pat : constant Pattern := Ident_Pat * Ident;
- Getident2_Pat : constant Pattern := Ident_Pat * Ident_2;
- Getident3_Pat : constant Pattern := Ident_Pat * Ident_3;
- Getident4_Pat : constant Pattern := Ident_Pat * Ident_4;
- Getident5_Pat : constant Pattern := Ident_Pat * Ident_5;
- -- Get an enumeration elements.
- Enumel_Pat : constant Pattern := Wsp & Getident_Pat
- & ((',' & Setcur (Comma_Pos'Access)) or "") & Eol_Pat;
- -- End of an enumeration declaration.
- End_Enum_Pat : constant Pattern := Wsp & ");" & Eol_Pat;
- Format_Pat : constant Pattern := " Format_" & Getident_Pat
- & ((',' & Setcur (Comma_Pos'Access)) or "") & Eol_Pat;
- Fields_Of_Format_Pat : constant Pattern :=
- " -- Fields of Format_" & Getident_Pat & ":" & Rpos (0);
- -- "subtype XX is Iir_Kind range".
- Iir_Kind_Subtype_Pat : constant Pattern :=
- Wsp & "subtype" & Wsp & Getident_Pat & Wsp & "is" & Wsp & "Iir_Kind"
- & Wsp & "range" & Eol_Pat;
- -- Pattern for a range.
- Start_Range_Pat : constant Pattern :=
- Wsp & Getident_Pat & Wsp & ".." & Eol_Pat;
- Comment_Range_Pat : constant Pattern :=
- Wsp & "--" & Getident_Pat & Rpos (0);
- End_Range_Pat : constant Pattern := Wsp & Getident_Pat & ";" & Eol_Pat;
- -- End of public package part.
- End_Pat : constant Pattern := "end Iirs;" & Rpos (0);
- -- Pattern for a function field.
- Func_Decl_Pat : constant Pattern := " -- Field: " & Getident_Pat
- & ( "" or (" (" & Getident2_Pat & ")")) & Rpos (0);
- -- function Get_XXX.
- Function_Get_Pat : constant Pattern := " function Get_" & Getident_Pat
- & " (" & Getident2_Pat & " : " & Getident3_Pat & ") return "
- & Getident4_Pat & ";" & Rpos (0);
- -- procedure Set_XXX.
- Procedure_Set_Pat : constant Pattern := " procedure Set_" & Getident_Pat
- & " (" & Getident2_Pat & " : " & Getident3_Pat
- & "; " & Getident4_Pat & " : " & Getident5_Pat & ");" & Rpos (0);
- Field_Decl_Pat : constant Pattern := " -- " & Getident_Pat & " : ";
- Field_Type_Pat : constant Pattern := " -- " & Ident_Pat & " : "
- & Getident_Pat & ("" or (" (" & Arb & ")")) & Rpos (0);
- -- Formats of nodes.
- type Format_Type is range 0 .. 7;
- No_Format : constant Format_Type := 0;
- Format_Pos : Format_Type := No_Format;
- Format2pos : GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer.Table (8);
- type Format_Info is record
- Name : String_Access;
- end record;
- Formats : array (Format_Type) of Format_Info := (others => (Name => null));
- type Format_Mask_Type is array (Format_Type) of Boolean;
- pragma Pack (Format_Mask_Type);
- -- Type of a IIR name.
- type Iir_Type is new Natural range 0 .. 255;
- No_Iir : constant Iir_Type := 0;
- -- Table to convert an Iir name to its position.
- Iir_Kind2pos : GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer.Table (256);
- -- Last iir used during table construction.
- Iir_Pos : Iir_Type := No_Iir;
- -- Table of Get_ functions.
- Function2pos : GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer.Table (256);
- -- Table of field.
- Field2pos : GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer.Table (32);
- type Range_Type is record
- L : Iir_Type;
- H : Iir_Type;
- end record;
- Null_Range : constant Range_Type := (No_Iir, No_Iir);
- function Img (Rng : Range_Type) return String is
- begin
- return "(" & Iir_Type'Image (Rng.L) & ", "
- & Iir_Type'Image (Rng.H) & ")";
- end Img;
- package Table_Range is new GNAT.Spitbol.Table (Range_Type, Null_Range, Img);
- use Table_Range;
- Iir_Kinds2pos : Table_Range.Table (32);
- -- Field type. They represent a raw field.
- type Field_Type is new Integer range 0 .. 64;
- No_Field : constant Field_Type := 0;
- -- Position of the last field.
- Field_Pos : Field_Type := No_Field;
- type Field_Info is record
- -- Name of the field.
- Name : String_Access;
- -- Type of the field.
- Ftype : String_Access;
- -- Formats in which the field is valid.
- Formats : Format_Mask_Type;
- end record;
- package Field_Table is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Field_Info,
- Table_Index_Type => Field_Type,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 32,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- -- Function type. They represent a field name.
- type Func_Type is new Natural;
- No_Func : constant Func_Type := 0;
- -- Last function known; used during the construction of the func_table.
- Function_Pos : Func_Type := No_Func;
- type Field2Func_Array is array (Field_Type) of Func_Type;
- -- Information for each Iir node.
- type Iir_Info is record
- -- Name of the Kind.
- Name : String_Access;
- -- If TRUE, the node was described.
- Described : Boolean;
- -- Format used by the node.
- Format : Format_Type;
- -- Function used to get the value of each field.
- Func : Field2Func_Array;
- end record;
- -- Table of IIr.
- package Iir_Table is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Iir_Info,
- Table_Index_Type => Iir_Type,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 256,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- -- Table of functions.
- type Iir_Bool_Array is array (Iir_Type) of Boolean;
- pragma Pack (Iir_Bool_Array);
- type Conversion_Type is (None, Via_Pos_Attr, Via_Unchecked);
- type Func_Info is record
- -- Name of the function.
- Name : String_Access;
- -- Field get/set by the function.
- Field : Field_Type;
- -- If true, the iir use this function.
- Uses : Iir_Bool_Array;
- -- Name of the target.
- Target_Name : String_Access;
- -- Type of the target.
- Target_Type : String_Access;
- -- Name of the value.
- Value_Name : String_Access;
- -- Type of the value.
- Value_Type : String_Access;
- -- Conversion;
- Conv : Conversion_Type;
- end record;
- package Func_Table is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Func_Info,
- Table_Index_Type => Func_Type,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 256,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- -- Get the position of IIR V.
- function Get_Iir_Pos (V : VString) return Iir_Type
- is
- P : Integer;
- begin
- P := Get (Iir_Kind2pos, V);
- if P < 0 then
- -- Identifier unknown.
- raise Err;
- end if;
- return Iir_Type (P);
- end Get_Iir_Pos;
- Flag_Disp_Format : constant Boolean := False;
- Flag_Disp_Field : constant Boolean := False;
- procedure Read_Fields
- is
- In_Node : File_Type;
- Line : VString := Nul;
- Format_Mask : Format_Mask_Type;
- procedure Parse_Field
- is
- P : Integer;
- Name : constant Vstring := Ident;
- begin
- if not Match (Line, Field_Type_Pat) then
- Put_Line ("** field declaration without type");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- -- Check if the field is not already known.
- P := Get (Field2pos, Name);
- if P > 0 then
- if Ident /= Field_Table.Table (Field_Type (P)).Ftype.all then
- Put_Line ("*** field type mismatch");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- for I in Format_Mask'Range loop
- if Format_Mask (I) then
- Field_Table.Table (Field_Type (P)).Formats (I) := True;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return;
- end if;
- Field_Pos := Field_Pos + 1;
- Set (Field2pos, Name, Natural (Field_Pos));
- Field_Table.Set_Last (Field_Pos);
- Field_Table.Table (Field_Pos) :=
- (Name => new String'(To_String (Name)),
- Ftype => new String'(To_String (Ident)),
- Formats => Format_Mask);
- if Flag_Disp_Field then
- Put_Line ("found field '"
- & Field_Table.Table (Field_Pos).Name.all & "'");
- end if;
- end Parse_Field;
- begin
- Open (In_Node, In_File, "../");
- Anchored_Mode := True;
- -- Read lines until "type format_type is":
- loop
- Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
- exit when Match (Line, " type Format_Type is" & Rpos (0));
- end loop;
- -- Expect '('.
- Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
- if not Match (Line, " (" & Rpos (0)) then
- raise Err;
- end if;
- -- Read all formats.
- loop
- Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
- -- Read the identifier.
- Comma_Pos := 0;
- if not Match (Line, Format_Pat) then
- raise Err;
- end if;
- -- Put it into the table.
- Format_Pos := Format_Pos + 1;
- Set (Format2Pos, Ident, Natural (Format_Pos));
- Formats (Format_Pos) := (Name => new String'(To_String (Ident)));
- if Flag_Disp_Format then
- Put_Line ("found format " & S (Ident));
- end if;
- -- If there is no comma, then this is the end of enumeration.
- exit when Comma_Pos = 0;
- end loop;
- -- Read ");"
- Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
- if not Match (Line, " );" & Rpos (0)) then
- raise Err;
- end if;
- -- Read fields.
- loop
- Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
- exit when Match (Line, " -- Common fields are:" & Rpos (0));
- end loop;
- Format_Mask := (others => True);
- loop
- Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
- if Match (Line, Field_Decl_Pat) then
- Parse_Field;
- elsif Match (Line, Rpos (0)) then
- Line := Get_Line (In_Node);
- exit when not Match (Line, Fields_Of_Format_Pat);
- declare
- P : Integer;
- begin
- P := Get (Format2pos, Ident);
- if P < 0 then
- Put_Line ("*** unknown format");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- Format_Mask := (others => False);
- Format_Mask (Format_Type (P)) := True;
- end;
- else
- Put_Line ("** bad line in field declarations");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Close (In_Node);
- if False then
- Put_Line ("Fields:");
- for I in 1 .. Field_Pos loop
- Put (Field_Table.Table (I).Name.all);
- Put (": ");
- Put (Field_Table.Table (I).Ftype.all);
- Put (" ");
- for J in Format_Mask_Type'Range loop
- if Field_Table.Table (I).Formats (J)
- and then Formats (J).Name /= null
- then
- Put (" ");
- Put (Formats (J).Name.all);
- end if;
- end loop;
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Read_Fields;
- -- Read all Iir_Kind_* names and put them into Iir_Table.
- -- Fill Iir_Kinds2pos
- -- Fill Func_Table.
- procedure Check_Iirs
- is
- -- file.
- In_Iirs : File_Type;
- -- Line read from In_Iirs.
- Line : VString := Nul;
- begin
- -- Open the file.
- Open (In_Iirs, In_File, "../");
- Anchored_Mode := True;
- -- Read lines until "type Iir_Kind is"
- loop
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- exit when Match (Line, Type_Iir_Kind_Pat);
- end loop;
- if Flag_Disp_Iir then
- Put_Line ("found iir_kind at line"
- & Positive_Count'Image (Ada.Text_IO.Line (In_Iirs)));
- end if;
- --Debug_Mode := True;
- -- Read '('
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- if not Match (Line, Lparen_Pat) then
- raise Err;
- end if;
- -- Read all kind.
- loop
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- -- Skip comments and empty lines.
- if Match (Line, Eol_Pat) then
- goto Continue;
- end if;
- -- Read the identifier.
- Comma_Pos := 0;
- if not Match (Line, Enumel_Pat) then
- raise Err;
- end if;
- -- Put it into the table.
- Iir_Pos := Iir_Pos + 1;
- Set (Iir_Kind2pos, Ident, Natural (Iir_Pos));
- Iir_Table.Set_Last (Iir_Pos);
- Iir_Table.Table (Iir_Pos) := (Name => new String'(To_String (Ident)),
- Described => False,
- Format => No_Format,
- Func => (others => No_Func));
- if Flag_Disp_Iir then
- Put_Line ("found " & S (Ident) & Iir_Type'Image (Iir_Pos));
- end if;
- -- If there is no comma, then this is the end of enumeration.
- exit when Comma_Pos = 0;
- << Continue >> null;
- end loop;
- -- Read ");"
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- if not Match (Line, End_Enum_Pat) then
- raise Err;
- end if;
- -- Look for iir_kind subtype.
- loop
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- exit when Match (Line, End_Pat);
- Ident_2 := Null_Unbounded_String;
- if Match (Line, Iir_Kind_Subtype_Pat) then
- declare
- Start : Iir_Type;
- Pos : Iir_Type;
- P : Iir_Type;
- Rng_Ident : constant VString := Ident;
- begin
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- if not Match (Line, Start_Range_Pat) then
- -- Bad pattern for left bound.
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "bad pattern");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- Start := Get_Iir_Pos (Ident);
- Pos := Start;
- if Flag_Disp_Subtype then
- Put_Line ("found subtype " & S (Rng_Ident));
- Put_Line (" " & S (Ident) & " .."
- & Iir_Type'Image (Pos));
- end if;
- loop
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- if Match (Line, End_Range_Pat) then
- P := Get_Iir_Pos (Ident);
- if P /= Pos + 1 and then Flag_Disp_Subtype Then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "** missing comments");
- for I in Pos + 1 .. P - 1 loop
- Put_Line (" --" & Iir_Table.Table (I).Name.all);
- end loop;
- end if;
- Set (Iir_Kinds2pos, Rng_Ident, Range_Type'(Start, P));
- if Flag_Disp_Subtype then
- Put_Line (" " & S (Ident) & Iir_Type'Image (P));
- end if;
- exit;
- elsif Match (Line, Comment_Range_Pat) then
- P := Get_Iir_Pos (Ident);
- if P /= Pos + 1 then
- -- Bad order.
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "** missing node in range");
- raise Err;
- else
- Pos := Pos + 1;
- end if;
- else
- -- Comment (with identifier) or end of range expected.
- raise Err;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end;
- elsif Match (Line, Func_Decl_Pat) then
- declare
- Field_Pos : Integer;
- F : Func_Type;
- Conv : Conversion_Type;
- begin
- Field_Pos := Get (Field2pos, Ident);
- if Field_Pos < 0 then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "*** field not found: '" & S (Ident) & "'");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- if Ident_2 /= Null_Unbounded_String then
- if Ident_2 = "pos" then
- Conv := Via_Pos_Attr;
- elsif Ident_2 = "uc" then
- Conv := Via_Unchecked;
- else
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "*** bad conversion");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- else
- Conv := None;
- end if;
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- if not Match (Line, Function_Get_Pat) then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "*** function expected");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- if False then
- Put_Line ("found function " & S (Ident));
- end if;
- Function_Pos := Function_Pos + 1;
- F := Function_Pos;
- Set (Function2pos, Ident, Integer (Function_Pos));
- Func_Table.Set_Last (Function_Pos);
- Func_Table.Table (Function_Pos) :=
- (Name => new String'(To_String (Ident)),
- Field => Field_Type (Field_Pos),
- Uses => (others => False),
- Target_Name => new String'(To_String (Ident_2)),
- Target_Type => new String'(To_String (Ident_3)),
- Value_Name => null,
- Value_Type => new String'(To_String (Ident_4)),
- Conv => Conv);
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- if Match (Line, Procedure_Set_Pat) then
- if Func_Table.Table (F).Target_Name.all /= Ident_2 then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "*** procedure target name mismatch ("
- & Func_Table.Table (F).Target_Name.all
- & " vs " & S (Ident_2) &")");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- if Func_Table.Table (F).Target_Type.all /= Ident_3 then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "*** procedure target type name mismatch");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- if Func_Table.Table (F).Value_Type.all /= Ident_5 then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "*** procedure target type name mismatch");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- Func_Table.Table (F).Value_Name :=
- new String'(To_String (Ident_4));
- else
- if not Match (Line, Rpos (0)) then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "*** procedure or empty line expected");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Close (In_Iirs);
- Set_Exit_Status (Success);
- exception
- when Err =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "*** Fatal error at line"
- & Positive_Count'Image (Ada.Text_IO.Line (In_Iirs)));
- Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
- raise;
- end Check_Iirs;
- -- Start of node description.
- Start_Of_Iir_Kind_Pat : constant Pattern :=
- " -- Start of Iir_Kind." & Rpos (0);
- End_Of_Iir_Kind_Pat : constant Pattern :=
- " -- End of Iir_Kind." & Rpos (0);
- -- Box ("----------") delimiters.
- Desc_Box_Comment_Pat : constant Pattern := " --" & Span ('-') & Rpos (0);
- -- A comment ("-- XXXX")
- Desc_Comment_Pat : constant Pattern := " -- " & Arb & Rpos (0);
- Desc_Empty_Comment_Pat : constant Pattern := " --" & Rpos (0);
- -- Get a iir_kind identifier.
- Desc_Iir_Kind_Pat : constant Pattern :=
- " -- " & Getident_Pat
- & ("" or ( " (" & Getident2_Pat & ")"))
- & Rpos (0);
- Subprogram_Pat : constant Pattern :=
- " -- Get" & ("_" or "/Set_") & Getident_Pat
- & ((" " & Arb) or "") & Rpos (0);
- Desc_Only_For_Pat : constant Pattern :=
- " -- Only for " & Getident_Pat & ":" & Rpos (0);
- Desc_Subprogram_Pat : constant Pattern :=
- " -- " & ("function" or "procedure");
- Field_Pat : constant Pattern := Arb & "(" & Getident_Pat & ")";
- Alias_Field_Pat : constant Pattern := Arb & "(Alias " & Getident_Pat & ")";
- Disp_Desc : constant Boolean := False;
- -- Check descriptions.
- procedure Read_Desc
- is
- -- file.
- In_Iirs : File_Type;
- -- Current line.
- Line : VString;
- -- IIR being described.
- type Iir_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Iir_Type;
- Iir_Desc : Iir_Array (1 .. 32);
- Nbr_Desc : Natural := 0;
- Only_For : Iir_Array (1 .. 16) := (others => No_Iir);
- Nbr_Only_For : Natural := 0;
- -- Just say IIR N is being described.
- procedure Add_Desc (N : Iir_Type; Format : Format_Type) is
- begin
- if Iir_Table.Table (N).Described then
- Put_Line ("*** iir already described");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- Iir_Table.Table (N).Described := True;
- Iir_Table.Table (N).Format := Format;
- Nbr_Desc := Nbr_Desc + 1;
- Iir_Desc (Nbr_Desc) := N;
- end Add_Desc;
- begin
- -- Open the file.
- Open (In_Iirs, In_File, "../");
- Anchored_Mode := True;
- if False then
- -- List of fields.
- Set (Field2pos, "Field1", 1);
- Set (Field2pos, "Field2", 2);
- Set (Field2pos, "Field3", 3);
- Set (Field2pos, "Field4", 4);
- Set (Field2pos, "Field5", 5);
- Set (Field2pos, "Field6", 6);
- Set (Field2pos, "Field7", 7);
- Set (Field2pos, "Nbr2", 6);
- Set (Field2pos, "Nbr3", 7);
- Set (Field2pos, "Ident", 8);
- Set (Field2pos, "Field0", 9);
- Set (Field2pos, "Attr", 10);
- Set (Field2pos, "Chain", 11);
- Set (Field2pos, "Flag1", 12);
- Set (Field2pos, "Flag2", 13);
- Set (Field2pos, "Flag3", 14);
- Set (Field2pos, "Flag4", 15);
- Set (Field2pos, "Flag5", 16);
- Set (Field2pos, "Odigit_1", 17);
- Set (Field2pos, "Odigit_2", 18);
- Set (Field2pos, "State1", 19);
- Set (Field2pos, "Staticness_1", 20);
- Set (Field2pos, "Staticness_2", 21);
- end if;
- -- Read lines until "-- Start of Iir_Kind."
- loop
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- exit when Match (Line, Start_Of_Iir_Kind_Pat);
- end loop;
- --Debug_Mode := True;
- -- Read descriptions.
- L1 : loop
- -- Look for a description
- loop
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- -- The description
- exit when Match (Line, " -- Iir_Kind");
- -- End of descriptions
- exit L1 when Match (Line, End_Of_Iir_Kind_Pat);
- -- Skip over comments
- if Match (Line, Desc_Box_Comment_Pat)
- or else Match (Line, Desc_Comment_Pat)
- then
- loop
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- exit when Match (Line, Rpos (0));
- if Match (Line, Desc_Comment_Pat)
- or else Match (Line, Desc_Empty_Comment_Pat)
- or else Match (Line, Desc_Box_Comment_Pat)
- then
- null;
- else
- raise Err;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Get iir_kind.
- declare
- P_Num : Integer;
- Rng : Range_Type;
- Format : Format_Type;
- begin
- -- No iir being described.
- Nbr_Desc := 0;
- loop
- Ident_2 := Nul;
- exit when not Match (Line, Desc_Iir_Kind_Pat);
- -- Check format.
- if Ident_2 = Nul then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "*** no format for " & S (Ident));
- raise Err;
- end if;
- P_Num := Get (Format2pos, Ident_2);
- if P_Num < 0 then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "*** unknown format");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- Format := Format_Type (P_Num);
- -- Handle nodes.
- P_Num := Get (Iir_Kind2pos, Ident);
- if P_Num >= 0 then
- Add_Desc (Iir_Type (P_Num), Format);
- else
- Rng := Get (Iir_Kinds2pos, Ident);
- if Rng = Null_Range then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "*** " & S (Ident));
- raise Err;
- end if;
- for I in Rng.L .. Rng.H loop
- Add_Desc (I, Format);
- end loop;
- end if;
- if Disp_Desc then
- Put_Line ("desc for " & S (Ident));
- end if;
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- end loop;
- end;
- --Debug_Mode := True;
- -- Read the functions.
- loop
- if not Match (Line, Comment_Pat) then
- if Match (Line, Rpos (0)) then
- exit;
- else
- raise Err;
- end if;
- end if;
- declare
- Func : Func_Type;
- Func_Num : Integer;
- Field : Field_Type;
- Field_Num : Integer;
- Is_Alias : Boolean;
- procedure Add_Field (N : Iir_Type) is
- begin
- if not Field_Table.Table (Field).
- Formats (Iir_Table.Table (N).Format)
- then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "** no field for format");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- if Is_Alias then
- if Iir_Table.Table (N).Func (Field) = No_Func
- then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "** aliased field not yet used");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- else
- if Iir_Table.Table (N).Func (Field) /= No_Func
- --and then
- --Iir_Table.Table (N).Func (Field) /= Func
- then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "** Field already used");
- raise Err;
- end if;
- Iir_Table.Table (N).Func (Field) := Func;
- end if;
- Func_Table.Table (Func).Uses (N) := True;
- end Add_Field;
- begin
- if Match (Line, Subprogram_Pat) then
- if Disp_Desc then
- Put ("subprg: " & S (Ident));
- end if;
- Func_Num := Get (Function2pos, Ident);
- if Func_Num < 0 then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "*** function not found: " & S (Ident));
- raise Err;
- end if;
- Func := Func_Type (Func_Num);
- if Match (Line, Field_Pat) then
- Is_Alias := False;
- elsif Match (Line, Alias_Field_Pat) then
- Is_Alias := True;
- else
- raise Err;
- end if;
- if Disp_Desc then
- Put_Line (" (" & S (Ident) & ")");
- end if;
- Field_Num := Get (Field2pos, Ident);
- if Field_Num < 0 then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "*** unknown field: " & S (Ident));
- raise Err;
- end if;
- Field := Field_Type (Field_Num);
- if Func_Table.Table (Func).Field /= Field then
- if Func_Table.Table (Func).Field = No_Field then
- Func_Table.Table (Func).Field := Field;
- else
- -- Field redefined for the function.
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "** field redefined for function "
- & Func_Table.Table (Func).Name.all);
- raise Err;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Check the field is not already used by another func.
- if Nbr_Only_For > 0 then
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Only_For loop
- Add_Field (Only_For (I));
- end loop;
- Nbr_Only_For := 0;
- else
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Desc loop
- Add_Field (Iir_Desc (I));
- end loop;
- end if;
- elsif Match (Line, Desc_Only_For_Pat) then
- declare
- P_Num : Integer;
- Rng : Range_Type;
- procedure Add_Only_For (N : Iir_Type) is
- begin
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Desc loop
- if Iir_Desc (I) = N then
- Nbr_Only_For := Nbr_Only_For + 1;
- Only_For (Nbr_Only_For) := N;
- return;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "** not currently described");
- raise Err;
- end Add_Only_For;
- begin
- P_Num := Get (Iir_Kind2pos, Ident);
- if P_Num >= 0 then
- Add_Only_For (Iir_Type (P_Num));
- else
- Rng := Get (Iir_Kinds2pos, Ident);
- if Rng = Null_Range then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "*** " & S (Ident));
- raise Err;
- end if;
- for I in Rng.L .. Rng.H loop
- Add_Only_For (I);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end;
- elsif Match (Line, " -- Only") then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "** bad 'Only' for line");
- raise Err;
- elsif Match (Line, Desc_Comment_Pat) then
- null;
- elsif Match (Line, Desc_Empty_Comment_Pat) then
- null;
- elsif Match (Line, Desc_Subprogram_Pat) then
- null;
- else
- raise Err;
- end if;
- end;
- Line := Get_Line (In_Iirs);
- end loop;
- end loop L1;
- -- Check each Iir was described.
- for I in Iir_Table.First .. Iir_Table.Last loop
- if not Iir_Table.Table (I).Described then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "*** not described: " & Iir_Table.Table (I).Name.all);
- raise Err;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Close (In_Iirs);
- exception
- when Err =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "*** Fatal error (2) at line"
- & Positive_Count'Image (Ada.Text_IO.Line (In_Iirs) - 1));
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "*** Line is " & S (Line));
- Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
- raise;
- end Read_Desc;
- procedure Gen_Func
- is
- function Is_Used (F : Func_Type) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- for I in Func_Table.Table (F).Uses'Range loop
- if Func_Table.Table (F).Uses (I) then
- return True;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return False;
- end Is_Used;
- Is_First : Boolean;
- Same_Name : Boolean;
- begin
- Put_Line (" function Get_Format (Kind : Iir_Kind) "
- & "return Format_Type is");
- Put_Line (" begin");
- Put_Line (" case Kind is");
- for I in 1 .. Format_Pos loop
- Is_First := True;
- Put (" when ");
- for J in Iir_Table.First .. Iir_Table.Last loop
- if Iir_Table.Table (J).Format = I then
- if not Is_First then
- New_Line;
- Put (" | ");
- end if;
- Is_First := False;
- Put (Iir_Table.Table (J).Name.all);
- end if;
- end loop;
- Put_Line (" =>");
- Put (" return Format_");
- Put (Formats (I).Name.all);
- Put_Line (";");
- end loop;
- Put_Line (" end case;");
- Put_Line (" end Get_Format;");
- New_Line;
- -- Builder.
- Put_Line (" function Create_Iir (Kind : Iir_Kind) return Iir");
- Put_Line (" is");
- Put_Line (" Res : Iir;");
- Put_Line (" Format : Format_Type;");
- Put_Line (" begin");
- Put_Line (" Format := Get_Format (Kind);");
- Put_Line (" Res := Create_Node (Format);");
- Put_Line (" Set_Nkind (Res, Iir_Kind'Pos (Kind));");
- Put_Line (" return Res;");
- Put_Line (" end Create_Iir;");
- New_Line;
- for I in Func_Table.First .. Func_Table.Last loop
- declare
- F : Func_Info renames Func_Table.Table (I);
- begin
- -- Avoid bug get_parent.
- if Is_Used (I) then
- Same_Name := F.Name.all = Field_Table.Table (F.Field).Name.all;
- if Flag_Checks then
- Put (" procedure Check_Kind_For_");
- Put (F.Name.all);
- Put (" (Target : Iir) is");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line (" begin");
- Put_Line (" case Get_Kind (Target) is");
- Put (" when ");
- Is_First := True;
- for J in F.Uses'Range loop
- if F.Uses (J) then
- if not Is_First then
- New_Line;
- Put (" | ");
- else
- Is_First := False;
- end if;
- Put (Iir_Table.Table (J).Name.all);
- end if;
- end loop;
- Put_Line (" =>");
- Put_Line (" null;");
- Put_Line (" when others =>");
- Put (" Failed (""");
- Put (F.Name.all);
- Put_Line (""", Target);");
- Put_Line (" end case;");
- Put (" end Check_Kind_For_");
- Put (F.Name.all);
- Put_Line (";");
- New_Line;
- end if;
- Put (" function Get_");
- Put (F.Name.all);
- Put (" (");
- Put (F.Target_Name.all);
- Put (" : ");
- Put (F.Target_Type.all);
- Put (") return ");
- Put (F.Value_Type.all);
- if Col > 76 then
- New_Line;
- Put (" ");
- end if;
- Put (" is");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line (" begin");
- if Flag_Checks then
- Put (" Check_Kind_For_");
- Put (F.Name.all);
- Put (" (");
- Put (F.Target_Name.all);
- Put (");");
- New_Line;
- end if;
- Put (" return ");
- case F.Conv is
- when None =>
- null;
- when Via_Pos_Attr =>
- Put (F.Value_Type.all);
- Put ("'Val (");
- when Via_Unchecked =>
- Put (Field_Table.Table (F.Field).Ftype.all);
- Put ("_To_");
- Put (F.Value_Type.all);
- Put (" (");
- end case;
- if Same_Name then
- Put ("Nodes.");
- end if;
- Put ("Get_");
- Put (Field_Table.Table (F.Field).Name.all);
- Put (" (");
- Put (F.Target_Name.all);
- Put (")");
- case F.Conv is
- when None =>
- null;
- when Via_Pos_Attr
- | Via_Unchecked =>
- Put (")");
- end case;
- Put (";");
- New_Line;
- Put (" end Get_");
- Put (F.Name.all);
- Put (";");
- New_Line;
- New_Line;
- if F.Value_Name /= null then
- Put (" procedure Set_");
- Put (F.Name.all);
- Put (" (");
- Put (F.Target_Name.all);
- Put (" : ");
- Put (F.Target_Type.all);
- Put ("; ");
- Put (F.Value_Name.all);
- Put (" : ");
- Put (F.Value_Type.all);
- Put (")");
- if Col > 76 then
- New_Line;
- Put (" ");
- end if;
- Put (" is");
- New_Line;
- Put_Line (" begin");
- if Flag_Checks then
- Put (" Check_Kind_For_");
- Put (F.Name.all);
- Put (" (");
- Put (F.Target_Name.all);
- Put (");");
- New_Line;
- end if;
- Put (" ");
- if Same_Name then
- Put ("Nodes.");
- end if;
- Put ("Set_");
- Put (Field_Table.Table (F.Field).Name.all);
- Put (" (");
- Put (F.Target_Name.all);
- Put (", ");
- case F.Conv is
- when None =>
- null;
- when Via_Pos_Attr =>
- Put (F.Value_Type.all);
- Put ("'Pos (");
- when Via_Unchecked =>
- Put (F.Value_Type.all);
- Put ("_To_");
- Put (Field_Table.Table (F.Field).Ftype.all);
- Put (" (");
- end case;
- Put (F.Value_Name.all);
- case F.Conv is
- when None =>
- null;
- when Via_Pos_Attr
- | Via_Unchecked =>
- Put (")");
- end case;
- Put (");");
- New_Line;
- Put (" end Set_");
- Put (F.Name.all);
- Put (";");
- New_Line;
- New_Line;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- end Gen_Func;
- procedure List_Free_Fields
- is
- begin
- for I in Iir_Table.First .. Iir_Table.Last loop
- declare
- Info : Iir_Info renames Iir_Table.Table (I);
- begin
- Put_Line (Info.Name.all);
- for J in 1 .. Field_Pos loop
- if Info.Func (J) = No_Func
- and then Field_Table.Table (J).Formats (Info.Format)
- then
- Put (" ");
- Put_Line (Field_Table.Table (J).Name.all);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end;
- end loop;
- end List_Free_Fields;
-end Check_Iirs_Pkg;
diff --git a/xtools/ b/xtools/
deleted file mode 100644
index e03abab..0000000
--- a/xtools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
--- Tool to check the coherence of the iirs package.
--- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package Check_Iirs_Pkg is
- -- If set, disp all Iir kind.
- Flag_Disp_Iir : Boolean := False;
- -- If set, disp Iir_Kinds subtype.
- Flag_Disp_Subtype : Boolean := False;
- -- If set, generate checks.
- Flag_Checks : Boolean := True;
- procedure Read_Fields;
- procedure Check_Iirs;
- procedure Read_Desc;
- procedure Gen_Func;
- procedure List_Free_Fields;
-end Check_Iirs_Pkg;
diff --git a/xtools/ b/xtools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a9fbc21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xtools/
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import re
+import sys
+import argparse
+field_file = "../"
+spec_file = "../"
+template_file = "../"
+template_disp_file = "../"
+template_mark_file = "../"
+prefix_name = "Iir_Kind_"
+prefix_range_name = "Iir_Kinds_"
+type_name = "Iir_Kind"
+conversions = ['uc', 'pos']
+class FuncDesc:
+ def __init__(self, name, field, conv, acc, display,
+ pname, ptype, rname, rtype):
+ = name
+ self.field = field
+ self.conv = conv
+ self.acc = acc
+ self.display = display # List of display attributes
+ self.pname = pname # Parameter mame
+ self.ptype = ptype # Parameter type
+ self.rname = rname # value name (for procedure)
+ self.rtype = rtype # value type
+class NodeDesc:
+ def __init__(self, name, format, fields, attrs):
+ = name
+ self.format = format
+ self.fields = fields # {field: FuncDesc} dict, defined for all fields
+ self.attrs = attrs # A {attr: FuncDesc} dict
+class line:
+ def __init__(self, string, no):
+ self.l = string
+ self.n = no
+class EndOfFile(Exception):
+ def __init__(self,filename):
+ self.filename = filename
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "end of file " + self.filename
+class linereader:
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.f = open (filename)
+ self.lineno = 0
+ self.l = ''
+ def get(self):
+ self.l = self.f.readline()
+ if not self.l:
+ raise EndOfFile(self.filename)
+ self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
+ return self.l
+class ParseError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, lr, msg):
+ = lr;
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Error: ' + self.msg
+ return 'Parse error at ' + + ':' + + \
+ ': ' + self.msg
+# Return fields description.
+# This is a dictionary. The keys represent the possible format of a node.
+# The values are dictionnaries representing fields. Keys are fields name, and
+# values are fields type.
+def read_fields(file):
+ fields = {}
+ formats = []
+ lr = linereader(file)
+ # Search for 'type Format_Type is'
+ while lr.get() != ' type Format_Type is\n':
+ pass
+ # Skip '('
+ if lr.get() != ' (\n':
+ raise 'no open parenthesis after Format_Type';
+ # Read formats
+ l = lr.get()
+ pat_field_name = re.compile(' Format_(\w+),?\n')
+ while l != ' );\n':
+ m = pat_field_name.match(l)
+ if m == None:
+ print l
+ raise 'bad literal within Format_Type'
+ name =
+ formats.append(name)
+ fields[name] = {}
+ l = lr.get()
+ # Read fields
+ l = lr.get()
+ pat_fields = re.compile(' -- Fields of Format_(\w+):\n')
+ pat_field_desc = re.compile(' -- (\w+) : (\w+).*\n')
+ format_name = ''
+ common_desc = {}
+ try:
+ while True:
+ # 1) Search for description
+ while True:
+ # The common one
+ if l == ' -- Common fields are:\n':
+ format_name = 'Common'
+ break
+ # One for a format
+ m = pat_fields.match(l)
+ if m != None:
+ format_name =
+ if not format_name in fields:
+ raise ParseError(
+ lr, 'Format ' + format_name + ' is unknown');
+ break
+ l = lr.get()
+ # 2) Read field description
+ l = lr.get()
+ desc = common_desc
+ while True:
+ m = pat_field_desc.match(l)
+ if m == None:
+ break
+ desc[] =
+ l = lr.get()
+ # 3) Disp
+ if format_name == 'Common':
+ common_desc = desc
+ else:
+ fields[format_name] = desc
+ except EndOfFile:
+ pass
+ return (formats, fields)
+# Read kinds, kinds ranges and methods
+def read_kinds(filename):
+ lr = linereader(filename)
+ kinds = []
+ # Search for 'type Iir_Kind is'
+ while lr.get() != ' type ' + type_name + ' is\n':
+ pass
+ # Skip '('
+ if lr.get() != ' (\n':
+ raise ParseError(lr,
+ 'no open parenthesis after "type ' + type_name +'"')
+ # Read literals
+ pat_node = re.compile(' ' + prefix_name + '(\w+),?( +-- .*)?\n')
+ pat_comment = re.compile('( +-- .*)?\n')
+ while True:
+ l = lr.get()
+ if l == ' );\n':
+ break
+ m = pat_node.match(l)
+ if m:
+ kinds.append(
+ continue
+ m = pat_comment.match(l)
+ if not m:
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'Unknow line within kind declaration')
+ # Check subtypes
+ pat_subtype = re.compile(' subtype ' + prefix_range_name \
+ + '(\w+) is ' + type_name + ' range\n')
+ pat_first = re.compile(' ' + prefix_name + '(\w+) ..\n')
+ pat_last = re.compile(' ' + prefix_name + '(\w+);\n')
+ pat_middle = re.compile(' --' + prefix_name + '(\w+)\n')
+ kinds_ranges={}
+ while True:
+ l = lr.get()
+ # Start of methods is also end of subtypes.
+ if l == ' -- General methods.\n':
+ break
+ # Found a subtype.
+ m = pat_subtype.match(l)
+ if m:
+ # Check first bound
+ name =
+ l = lr.get()
+ mf = pat_first.match(l)
+ if not mf:
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'badly formated first bound of subtype')
+ first = kinds.index(
+ idx = first
+ has_middle = None
+ # Read until last bound
+ while True:
+ l = lr.get()
+ ml = pat_middle.match(l)
+ if ml:
+ # Check element in the middle
+ if kinds.index( != idx + 1:
+ raise ParseError(lr,
+ "missing " + kinds[idx] + " in subtype")
+ has_middle = True
+ idx = idx + 1
+ else:
+ # Check last bound
+ ml = pat_last.match(l)
+ if ml:
+ last = kinds.index(
+ if last != idx + 1 and has_middle:
+ raise ParseError(lr,
+ "missing " + kinds[idx] + " in subtype")
+ break
+ raise ParseError(lr,
+ "unhandled line in subtype")
+ kinds_ranges[name] = kinds[first:last+1]
+ # Read functions
+ funcs = []
+ pat_display = re.compile(' -- Display:(.*)\n')
+ pat_field = re.compile(' -- Field: (\w+)'
+ + '( Ref| Chain_Next| Chain)?( .*)?\n')
+ pat_conv = re.compile(' \((\w+)\)')
+ pat_func = \
+ re.compile(' function Get_(\w+) \((\w+) : (\w+)\) return (\w+);\n')
+ pat_proc = \
+ re.compile(' procedure Set_(\w+) \((\w+) : (\w+); (\w+) : (\w+)\);\n')
+ while True:
+ l = lr.get()
+ if l == 'end Iirs;\n':
+ break
+ md = pat_display.match(l)
+ if md:
+ display =
+ l = lr.get()
+ m = pat_field.match(l)
+ if not m:
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'Field: expected after Display:')
+ else:
+ display = []
+ m = pat_field.match(l)
+ if m:
+ # Extract conversion
+ acc =
+ if acc:
+ acc = acc.strip()
+ conv =
+ if conv:
+ mc = pat_conv.match(conv)
+ if not mc:
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'conversion ill formed')
+ conv =
+ if conv not in conversions:
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'unknown conversion ' + conv)
+ else:
+ conv = None
+ # Read function
+ l = lr.get()
+ mf = pat_func.match(l)
+ if not mf:
+ raise ParseError(lr,
+ 'function declaration expected after Field')
+ # Read procedure
+ l = lr.get()
+ mp = pat_proc.match(l)
+ if not mp:
+ raise ParseError(lr,
+ 'procedure declaration expected after function')
+ # Consistency check between function and procedure
+ if !=
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'function and procedure name mismatch')
+ if !=
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'parameter name mismatch with function')
+ if !=
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'parameter type mismatch with function')
+ if !=
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'result type mismatch with function')
+ funcs.append(FuncDesc(,, conv, acc, display,
+ return (kinds, kinds_ranges, funcs)
+# Read description for one node
+def read_nodes_fields(lr, names, fields, nodes, funcs_dict):
+ pat_only = re.compile(' -- Only for ' + prefix_name + '(\w+):\n')
+ pat_field = re.compile(' -- Get/Set_(\w+) \((Alias )?(\w+)\)\n')
+ pat_comment = re.compile(' --.*\n')
+ pat_start = re.compile (' -- \w.*\n')
+ # Create nodes
+ cur_nodes = []
+ for (nm, fmt) in names:
+ if fmt not in fields:
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'unknown format')
+ n = NodeDesc(nm, fmt, {x: None for x in fields[fmt]}, {})
+ nodes[nm] = n
+ cur_nodes.append(n)
+ # Look for fields
+ only_nodes = cur_nodes
+ l = lr.l
+ while l != '\n':
+ # Handle 'Only ...'
+ while True:
+ m = pat_only.match(l)
+ if not m:
+ break
+ name =
+ if name not in [ for x in cur_nodes]:
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'node not currently described')
+ if only_nodes == cur_nodes:
+ only_nodes = []
+ only_nodes.append(nodes[name])
+ l = lr.get()
+ # Handle field
+ m = pat_field.match(l)
+ if m:
+ # 1) Check the function exists
+ func =
+ alias =
+ field =
+ if func not in funcs_dict:
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'unknown function')
+ func = funcs_dict[func]
+ if func.field != field:
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'field mismatch')
+ for c in only_nodes:
+ if field not in c.fields:
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'field does not exist in node')
+ if not alias:
+ if c.fields[field]:
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'field already used')
+ c.fields[field] = func
+ c.attrs[] = func
+ only_nodes = cur_nodes
+ elif pat_start.match(l):
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'bad line in node description')
+ elif not pat_comment.match(l):
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'bad line in node description')
+ l = lr.get()
+# Read description for all nodes
+def read_nodes(filename, kinds_ranges, fields, funcs):
+ lr = linereader(filename)
+ funcs_dict = { for x in funcs}
+ nodes = {}
+ # Skip until start
+ while lr.get() != ' -- Start of ' + type_name + '.\n':
+ pass
+ pat_decl = re.compile(' -- ' + prefix_name + '(\w+) \((\w+)\)\n')
+ pat_decls = re.compile(' -- ' + prefix_range_name + '(\w+) \((\w+)\)\n')
+ pat_comment_line = re.compile(' --+\n')
+ pat_comment_box = re.compile(' --( .*)?\n')
+ while True:
+ l = lr.get()
+ if l == ' -- End of ' + type_name + '.\n':
+ return nodes
+ if l == '\n':
+ continue
+ m = pat_decl.match(l)
+ if m:
+ # List of nodes being described by the current description.
+ names = []
+ # Declaration of the first node
+ while True:
+ names.append((name,fmt))
+ # There might be several nodes described at once.
+ l = lr.get()
+ m = pat_decl.match(l)
+ if not m:
+ break
+ read_nodes_fields(lr, names, fields, nodes, funcs_dict)
+ continue
+ m = pat_decls.match(l)
+ if m:
+ # List of nodes being described by the current description.
+ names = [(k,fmt) for k in kinds_ranges[name]]
+ l = lr.get()
+ read_nodes_fields(lr, names, fields, nodes, funcs_dict)
+ continue
+ if pat_comment_line.match(l) or pat_comment_box.match(l):
+ continue
+ raise ParseError(lr, 'bad line in node description')
+ return nodes
+# Generate a choice 'when A | B ... Z =>' using elements of CHOICES.
+def gen_choices(choices):
+ is_first=True
+ for c in choices:
+ if is_first:
+ print ' ',
+ print 'when',
+ else:
+ print
+ print ' ',
+ print ' |',
+ print prefix_name + c,
+ is_first=None
+ print '=>'
+# Generate the Get_Format function.
+def gen_get_format(formats, nodes, kinds):
+ print ' function Get_Format (Kind : ' + type_name + ') ' + \
+ 'return Format_Type is'
+ print ' begin'
+ print ' case Kind is'
+ for f in formats:
+ choices = [k for k in kinds if nodes[k].format == f]
+ gen_choices(choices)
+ print ' return Format_' + f + ';'
+ print ' end case;'
+ print ' end Get_Format;'
+# Generate the Check_Kind_For_XXX function
+def gen_check_kind(func, nodes, kinds):
+ pname = 'Target'
+ ptype = 'Iir'
+ print ' procedure Check_Kind_For_' + + ' (' + pname \
+ + ' : ' + ptype + ') is'
+ print ' begin'
+ print ' case Get_Kind (' + pname + ') is'
+ choices = [k for k in kinds if in nodes[k].attrs]
+ gen_choices(choices)
+ print ' null;'
+ print ' when others =>'
+ print ' Failed ("' + + '", ' + pname + ');'
+ print ' end case;'
+ print ' end Check_Kind_For_' + + ';'
+ print
+def gen_subprg_header(decl):
+ if len(decl) < 76:
+ print decl + ' is'
+ else:
+ print decl
+ print ' is'
+ print ' begin'
+# Generate Get_XXX/Set_XXX subprograms for FUNC.
+def gen_get_set(func, nodes, fields):
+ g = 'Get_' + func.field + ' (' + func.pname + ')'
+ s = func.rname
+ if func.conv:
+ field_type = None
+ for fld in fields.values():
+ if func.field in fld:
+ field_type = fld[func.field]
+ break
+ if func.conv == 'uc':
+ g = field_type + '_To_' + func.rtype + ' (' + g + ')'
+ s = func.rtype + '_To_' + field_type + ' (' + s + ')'
+ elif func.conv == 'pos':
+ g = func.rtype + "'Val (" + g + ')'
+ s = func.rtype + "'Pos (" + s + ')'
+ subprg = ' function Get_' + + ' (' + func.pname \
+ + ' : ' + func.ptype + ') return ' + func.rtype
+ gen_subprg_header(subprg)
+ print ' Check_Kind_For_' + + ' (' + func.pname + ');'
+ print ' return ' + g + ';'
+ print ' end Get_' + + ';'
+ print
+ subprg = ' procedure Set_' + + ' (' \
+ + func.pname + ' : ' + func.ptype + '; ' \
+ + func.rname + ' : ' + func.rtype + ')'
+ gen_subprg_header(subprg)
+ print ' Check_Kind_For_' + + ' (' + func.pname + ');'
+ print ' Set_' + func.field + ' (' + func.pname + ', ' \
+ + s + ');'
+ print ' end Set_' + + ';'
+ print
+def gen_image_field(func, param):
+ getter = 'Get_' + + ' (' + param + ')'
+ if 'Image' in func.display:
+ return func.rtype + '\'Image (' + getter + ')'
+ else:
+ return 'Image_' + func.rtype + ' (' + getter + ')'
+def gen_disp_header(kinds, nodes):
+ print ' procedure Disp_Header (N : Iir) is'
+ print ' begin'
+ print ' if N = Null_Iir then'
+ print ' Put_Line ("*null*");'
+ print ' return;'
+ print ' end if;'
+ print
+ print ' case Get_Kind (N) is'
+ for k in kinds:
+ inlines = [f for f in nodes[k].attrs.values() if 'Inline' in f.display]
+ if len(inlines) > 1:
+ raise Error
+ print ' when ' + prefix_name + k + ' =>'
+ if inlines:
+ print ' Put ("' + k.lower() + ' " &'
+ print ' ' + \
+ gen_image_field(inlines[0], 'N') + ');'
+ else:
+ print ' Put ("' + k.lower() + '");'
+ print ' end case;'
+ print ' Put (\' \');'
+ print ' Disp_Iir_Number (N);'
+ print ' New_Line;'
+ print ' end Disp_Header;'
+ print
+def funcs_of_node(n):
+ return sorted([ for fv in n.fields.values() if fv])
+def gen_disp(kinds, nodes):
+ print ' procedure Disp_Iir (N : Iir;'
+ print ' Indent : Natural := 1;'
+ print ' Flat : Boolean := False)'
+ print ' is'
+ print ' Sub_Indent : constant Natural := Indent + 1;'
+ print ' begin'
+ print ' Disp_Header (N);'
+ print
+ print ' if Flat or else N = Null_Iir then'
+ print ' return;'
+ print ' end if;'
+ print
+ print ' Header ("location: ", Indent);'
+ print ' Put_Line (Image_Location_Type (Get_Location (N)));'
+ print
+ print ' -- Protect against infinite recursions.'
+ print ' if Indent > 20 then'
+ print ' Put_Indent (Indent);'
+ print ' Put_Line ("...");'
+ print ' return;'
+ print ' end if;'
+ print
+ print ' case Get_Kind (N) is'
+ done = []
+ for k in kinds:
+ if k in done:
+ continue
+ v = nodes[k]
+ # Find other kinds with the same set of functions.
+ vfuncs = funcs_of_node(v)
+ ks = [k1 for k1 in kinds if \
+ k1 not in done and funcs_of_node(nodes[k1]) == vfuncs]
+ gen_choices(ks)
+ done += ks
+ flds = [fk for fk, fv in v.fields.items() if fv]
+ if flds:
+ for fk in sorted(flds):
+ func = v.fields[fk]
+ if func.acc == 'Chain_Next':
+ continue
+ print ' ' + \
+ 'Header ("' + + ': ", Indent);'
+ str = ' '
+ if func.acc == 'Chain':
+ str += 'Disp_Chain (Get_' + \
+ + ' (N), Sub_Indent);'
+ print str
+ elif func.rtype in [ 'Iir', 'Iir_List', 'PSL_Node', 'PSL_NFA' ]:
+ str += 'Disp_' + func.rtype + \
+ ' (Get_' + + ' (N), Sub_Indent'
+ if func.acc == 'Ref':
+ str += ', True'
+ str += ');'
+ print str
+ else:
+ str += 'Put_Line ('
+ if len(func.rtype) <= 20:
+ str += gen_image_field(func, 'N')
+ print str + ');'
+ else:
+ # Inline version due to length
+ str += 'Image_' + func.rtype
+ print str
+ print ' (' + \
+ 'Get_' + + ' (N)));'
+ else:
+ print ' null;'
+ print ' end case;'
+ print ' end Disp_Iir;'
+ print
+def gen_mark(kinds, nodes):
+ print ' procedure Mark_Iir (N : Iir) is'
+ print ' begin'
+ print ' if N = Null_Iir then'
+ print ' return;'
+ print ' elsif Markers (N) then'
+ print ' Already_Marked (N);'
+ print ' return;'
+ print ' else'
+ print ' Markers (N) := True;'
+ print ' end if;'
+ print
+ print ' case Get_Kind (N) is'
+ done = []
+ for k in kinds:
+ if k in done:
+ continue
+ v = nodes[k]
+ # Find other kinds with the same set of functions.
+ vfuncs = funcs_of_node(v)
+ ks = [k1 for k1 in kinds if \
+ k1 not in done and funcs_of_node(nodes[k1]) == vfuncs]
+ gen_choices(ks)
+ done += ks
+ flds = [fk for fk, fv in v.fields.items() if fv]
+ empty = True
+ for fk in sorted(flds):
+ func = v.fields[fk]
+ if func.acc in ['Ref', 'Chain_Next']:
+ continue
+ elif func.acc in [ 'Chain' ]:
+ print ' ' + \
+ 'Mark_Chain (Get_' + + ' (N));'
+ empty = False
+ elif func.rtype in [ 'Iir', 'Iir_List', 'PSL_Node', 'PSL_NFA' ]:
+ print ' ' + \
+ 'Mark_' + func.rtype + ' (Get_' + + ' (N));'
+ empty = False
+ if empty:
+ print ' null;'
+ print ' end case;'
+ print ' end Mark_Iir;'
+ print
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Meta-grammar processor')
+parser.add_argument('action', choices=['disp-nodes', 'disp-kinds',
+ 'disp-fields', 'disp-funcs',
+ 'disp_tree', 'mark_tree',
+ 'get_format', 'body'],
+ default='disp-nodes')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+ (formats, fields) = read_fields(field_file)
+ (kinds, kinds_ranges, funcs) = read_kinds(spec_file)
+ nodes = read_nodes(spec_file,kinds_ranges,fields,funcs)
+except ParseError as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, e
+ print >> sys.stderr, \
+ "in {0}:{1}:{2}".format(,,
+ sys.exit(1)
+if args.action == 'disp-fields':
+ for fmt in fields:
+ print "Fields of Format_"+fmt
+ fld=fields[fmt]
+ for k in fld:
+ print ' ' + k + ' (' + fld[k] + ')'
+elif args.action == 'disp-kinds':
+ print "Kinds are:"
+ for k in kinds:
+ print ' ' + prefix_name + k
+elif args.action == 'disp-funcs':
+ print "Functions are:"
+ for f in funcs:
+ s = '{0} ({1}'.format(, f.field)
+ if f.acc:
+ s += ' acc:' + f.acc
+ if f.conv:
+ s += ' conv:' + f.conv
+ s += ')'
+ print s
+elif args.action == 'disp-nodes':
+ for k in kinds:
+ v = nodes[k]
+ print prefix_name + k + ' (' + v.format + ')'
+ flds = [fk for fk, fv in v.fields.items() if fv]
+ for fk in sorted(flds):
+ print ' ' + fk + ': '+ v.fields[fk].name
+elif args.action == 'get_format':
+ gen_get_format(formats, nodes)
+elif args.action == 'body':
+ lr = linereader(template_file)
+ while True:
+ l = lr.get().rstrip()
+ print l
+ if l == ' -- Subprograms':
+ gen_get_format(formats, nodes, kinds)
+ print
+ for f in funcs:
+ gen_check_kind(f, nodes, kinds)
+ gen_get_set(f, nodes, fields)
+ if l[0:3] == 'end':
+ break
+elif args.action == 'disp_tree':
+ lr = linereader(template_disp_file)
+ while True:
+ l = lr.get().rstrip()
+ print l
+ if l == ' -- Subprograms':
+ gen_disp_header(kinds, nodes)
+ gen_disp(kinds, nodes)
+ if l[0:3] == 'end':
+ break
+elif args.action == 'mark_tree':
+ lr = linereader(template_mark_file)
+ while True:
+ l = lr.get().rstrip()
+ print l
+ if l == ' -- Subprograms':
+ gen_mark(kinds,nodes)
+ if l[0:3] == 'end':
+ break