path: root/src/simulate
diff options
authorTristan Gingold2014-11-05 05:14:13 +0100
committerTristan Gingold2014-11-05 05:14:13 +0100
commit8b90118c3e035f191670cfa978ab1d81a93b54df (patch)
tree7d0ca74c35287330ab6054c6dd92ce849db48e66 /src/simulate
parent3fddf1c59fd7a8fcd260bb9e05c611bef3dd141b (diff)
Move translate and simulate.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/simulate')
24 files changed, 0 insertions, 15671 deletions
diff --git a/src/simulate/annotations.adb b/src/simulate/annotations.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index d07a998..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/annotations.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1236 +0,0 @@
--- Annotations for interpreted simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with GNAT.Table;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Std_Package;
-with Errorout; use Errorout;
-with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
-package body Annotations is
- -- Current scope level.
- Current_Scope_Level: Scope_Level_Type := Scope_Level_Global;
- procedure Annotate_Declaration_List
- (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Decl_Chain: Iir);
- procedure Annotate_Sequential_Statement_Chain
- (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Stmt_Chain: Iir);
- procedure Annotate_Concurrent_Statements_List
- (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Stmt_Chain: Iir);
- procedure Annotate_Block_Configuration
- (Block : Iir_Block_Configuration);
- procedure Annotate_Subprogram_Interfaces_Type
- (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc; Subprg: Iir);
- procedure Annotate_Subprogram_Specification
- (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc; Subprg: Iir);
- procedure Annotate_Type_Definition (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Def: Iir);
- -- Annotate type definition DEF only if it is anonymous.
- procedure Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition
- (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Def: Iir);
- -- Be sure the node contains no informations.
- procedure Assert_No_Info (Node: in Iir) is
- begin
- if Get_Info (Node) /= null then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- end Assert_No_Info;
- procedure Increment_Current_Scope_Level is
- begin
- if Current_Scope_Level < Scope_Level_Global then
- -- For a subprogram in a package
- Current_Scope_Level := Scope_Level_Global + 1;
- else
- Current_Scope_Level := Current_Scope_Level + 1;
- end if;
- end Increment_Current_Scope_Level;
- -- Add an annotation to object OBJ.
- procedure Create_Object_Info
- (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc;
- Obj : Iir;
- Obj_Kind : Sim_Info_Kind := Kind_Object)
- is
- Info : Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Block_Info.Nbr_Objects := Block_Info.Nbr_Objects + 1;
- case Obj_Kind is
- when Kind_Object =>
- Info := new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Object,
- Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Slot => Block_Info.Nbr_Objects);
- when Kind_File =>
- Info := new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_File,
- Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Slot => Block_Info.Nbr_Objects);
- when Kind_Signal =>
- Info := new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Signal,
- Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Slot => Block_Info.Nbr_Objects);
- -- Reserve one more slot for default value.
- Block_Info.Nbr_Objects := Block_Info.Nbr_Objects + 1;
- when Kind_Terminal =>
- Info := new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Terminal,
- Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Slot => Block_Info.Nbr_Objects);
- when Kind_Quantity =>
- Info := new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Quantity,
- Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Slot => Block_Info.Nbr_Objects);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Set_Info (Obj, Info);
- end Create_Object_Info;
- -- Add an annotation to SIGNAL.
- procedure Add_Signal_Info (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Signal: Iir) is
- begin
- Create_Object_Info (Block_Info, Signal, Kind_Signal);
- end Add_Signal_Info;
- procedure Add_Terminal_Info (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Terminal : Iir) is
- begin
- Create_Object_Info (Block_Info, Terminal, Kind_Terminal);
- end Add_Terminal_Info;
- procedure Add_Quantity_Info (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Quantity : Iir) is
- begin
- Create_Object_Info (Block_Info, Quantity, Kind_Quantity);
- end Add_Quantity_Info;
- -- If EXPR has not a literal value, create one.
- -- This is necessary for subtype bounds.
- procedure Annotate_Range_Expression
- (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Expr: Iir_Range_Expression)
- is
- begin
- if Get_Info (Expr) /= null then
- return;
- end if;
- Assert_No_Info (Expr);
--- if Expr = null or else Get_Info (Expr) /= null then
--- return;
--- end if;
- Create_Object_Info (Block_Info, Expr);
- end Annotate_Range_Expression;
- -- Annotate type definition DEF only if it is anonymous.
- procedure Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition
- (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Def: Iir)
- is
- begin
- if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Def) then
- Annotate_Type_Definition (Block_Info, Def);
- end if;
- end Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition;
- function Get_File_Signature_Length (Def : Iir) return Natural is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Def) is
- when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition =>
- return 1;
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
- return 2
- + Get_File_Signature_Length (Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- El : Iir;
- Res : Natural;
- List : Iir_List;
- begin
- Res := 2;
- List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (Def));
- for I in Natural loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
- exit when El = Null_Iir;
- Res := Res + Get_File_Signature_Length (Get_Type (El));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("get_file_signature_length", Def);
- end case;
- end Get_File_Signature_Length;
- procedure Get_File_Signature (Def : Iir;
- Res : in out String;
- Off : in out Natural)
- is
- Scalar_Map : constant array (Iir_Value_Scalars) of Character := "bEIF";
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Def) is
- when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition =>
- Res (Off) :=
- Scalar_Map (Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Def)).Scalar_Mode);
- Off := Off + 1;
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
- Res (Off) := '[';
- Off := Off + 1;
- Get_File_Signature (Get_Element_Subtype (Def), Res, Off);
- Res (Off) := ']';
- Off := Off + 1;
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- El : Iir;
- List : Iir_List;
- begin
- Res (Off) := '<';
- Off := Off + 1;
- List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (Def));
- for I in Natural loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
- exit when El = Null_Iir;
- Get_File_Signature (Get_Type (El), Res, Off);
- end loop;
- Res (Off) := '>';
- Off := Off + 1;
- end;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("get_file_signature", Def);
- end case;
- end Get_File_Signature;
- procedure Annotate_Protected_Type_Declaration (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc;
- Prot: Iir)
- is
- Prev_Scope_Level : constant Scope_Level_Type := Current_Scope_Level;
- Decl : Iir;
- begin
- -- First the interfaces type (they are elaborated in their context).
- Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Prot);
- while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Subprogram_Interfaces_Type (Block_Info, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
- null;
- when others =>
- -- FIXME: attribute
- Error_Kind ("annotate_protected_type_declaration", Decl);
- end case;
- Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
- end loop;
- -- Then the interfaces object. Increment the scope to reserve a scope
- -- for the protected object.
- Increment_Current_Scope_Level;
- Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Prot);
- while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Subprogram_Specification (Block_Info, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("annotate_protected_type_declaration", Decl);
- end case;
- Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
- end loop;
- Current_Scope_Level := Prev_Scope_Level;
- end Annotate_Protected_Type_Declaration;
- procedure Annotate_Protected_Type_Body (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc;
- Prot: Iir)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Block_Info);
- Prot_Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- Prev_Scope_Level : constant Scope_Level_Type := Current_Scope_Level;
- begin
- Increment_Current_Scope_Level;
- Assert_No_Info (Prot);
- Prot_Info :=
- new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Frame,
- Inst_Slot => 0,
- Frame_Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Nbr_Objects => 0,
- Nbr_Instances => 0);
- Set_Info (Prot, Prot_Info);
- Annotate_Declaration_List
- (Prot_Info, Get_Declaration_Chain (Prot));
- Current_Scope_Level := Prev_Scope_Level;
- end Annotate_Protected_Type_Body;
- procedure Annotate_Type_Definition (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Def: Iir)
- is
- El: Iir;
- begin
- -- Happen only with universal types.
- if Def = Null_Iir then
- return;
- end if;
- case Get_Kind (Def) is
- when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
- if Def = Std_Package.Boolean_Type_Definition
- or else Def = Std_Package.Bit_Type_Definition
- then
- Set_Info (Def,
- new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Scalar_Type,
- Scalar_Mode => Iir_Value_B1));
- else
- Set_Info (Def,
- new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Scalar_Type,
- Scalar_Mode => Iir_Value_E32));
- end if;
- Annotate_Range_Expression (Block_Info, Get_Range_Constraint (Def));
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
- El := Get_Range_Constraint (Def);
- if El /= Null_Iir then
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
- Annotate_Range_Expression (Block_Info, El);
- -- A physical subtype may be defined by an integer range.
- if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
- then
- null;
- -- FIXME
- -- Convert_Int_To_Phys (Get_Info (El).Value);
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("annotate_type_definition (rc)", El);
- end case;
- end if;
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition
- (Block_Info, Get_Base_Type (Def));
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
- Set_Info (Def,
- new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Scalar_Type,
- Scalar_Mode => Iir_Value_I64));
- when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
- Set_Info (Def,
- new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Scalar_Type,
- Scalar_Mode => Iir_Value_F64));
- when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
- Set_Info (Def,
- new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Scalar_Type,
- Scalar_Mode => Iir_Value_I64));
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
- El := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Block_Info, El);
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- List : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
- begin
- for I in Natural loop
- El := Get_Index_Type (List, I);
- exit when El = Null_Iir;
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Block_Info, El);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
- declare
- List : constant Iir_List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Def);
- begin
- for I in Natural loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
- exit when El = Null_Iir;
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition
- (Block_Info, Get_Type (El));
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition
- (Block_Info, Get_Designated_Type (Def));
- when Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
- declare
- Type_Name : constant Iir := Get_Type (Get_File_Type_Mark (Def));
- Res : String_Acc;
- begin
- if Get_Text_File_Flag (Def)
- or else
- Get_Kind (Type_Name) in Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition
- then
- Res := null;
- else
- declare
- Sig : String
- (1 .. Get_File_Signature_Length (Type_Name) + 2);
- Off : Natural := Sig'First;
- begin
- Get_File_Signature (Type_Name, Sig, Off);
- Sig (Off + 0) := '.';
- Sig (Off + 1) := ASCII.NUL;
- Res := new String'(Sig);
- end;
- end if;
- Set_Info (Def,
- new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_File_Type,
- File_Signature => Res));
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Protected_Type_Declaration (Block_Info, Def);
- when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("annotate_type_definition", Def);
- end case;
- end Annotate_Type_Definition;
- procedure Annotate_Interface_List_Subtype
- (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Decl_Chain: Iir)
- is
- El: Iir;
- begin
- El := Decl_Chain;
- while El /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Block_Info, Get_Type (El));
- when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Block_Info, Get_Type (El));
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("annotate_interface_list", El);
- end case;
- El := Get_Chain (El);
- end loop;
- end Annotate_Interface_List_Subtype;
- procedure Annotate_Create_Interface_List
- (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Decl_Chain: Iir; With_Types : Boolean)
- is
- Decl : Iir;
- N : Object_Slot_Type;
- begin
- Decl := Decl_Chain;
- while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
- if With_Types then
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Block_Info, Get_Type (Decl));
- end if;
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
- Add_Signal_Info (Block_Info, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
- Create_Object_Info (Block_Info, Decl);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("annotate_create_interface_list", Decl);
- end case;
- N := Block_Info.Nbr_Objects;
- -- Annotation of the default value must not create objects.
- -- FIXME: Is it true ???
- if Block_Info.Nbr_Objects /= N then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
- end loop;
- end Annotate_Create_Interface_List;
- procedure Annotate_Subprogram_Interfaces_Type
- (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc; Subprg: Iir)
- is
- Interfaces : constant Iir := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg);
- begin
- -- See LRM93 (Subprogram declarations and bodies). The type
- -- of the interfaces are elaborated in the outer context.
- Annotate_Interface_List_Subtype (Block_Info, Interfaces);
- if Get_Kind (Subprg) in Iir_Kinds_Function_Declaration then
- -- FIXME: can this create a new annotation ?
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition
- (Block_Info, Get_Return_Type (Subprg));
- end if;
- end Annotate_Subprogram_Interfaces_Type;
- procedure Annotate_Subprogram_Specification
- (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc; Subprg: Iir)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Block_Info);
- Subprg_Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- Interfaces : constant Iir := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg);
- Prev_Scope_Level : constant Scope_Level_Type := Current_Scope_Level;
- begin
- Increment_Current_Scope_Level;
- Assert_No_Info (Subprg);
- Subprg_Info :=
- new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Frame,
- Inst_Slot => 0,
- Frame_Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Nbr_Objects => 0,
- Nbr_Instances => 0);
- Set_Info (Subprg, Subprg_Info);
- Annotate_Create_Interface_List (Subprg_Info, Interfaces, False);
- Current_Scope_Level := Prev_Scope_Level;
- end Annotate_Subprogram_Specification;
- procedure Annotate_Subprogram_Body
- (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc; Subprg: Iir)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Block_Info);
- Spec : constant Iir := Get_Subprogram_Specification (Subprg);
- Subprg_Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Spec);
- Prev_Scope_Level : constant Scope_Level_Type := Current_Scope_Level;
- begin
- -- Do not annotate body of foreign subprograms.
- if Get_Foreign_Flag (Spec) then
- return;
- end if;
- Current_Scope_Level := Subprg_Info.Frame_Scope_Level;
- Annotate_Declaration_List
- (Subprg_Info, Get_Declaration_Chain (Subprg));
- Annotate_Sequential_Statement_Chain
- (Subprg_Info, Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Subprg));
- Current_Scope_Level := Prev_Scope_Level;
- end Annotate_Subprogram_Body;
- procedure Annotate_Component_Declaration
- (Comp: Iir_Component_Declaration)
- is
- Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- Prev_Scope_Level : Scope_Level_Type;
- begin
- Prev_Scope_Level := Current_Scope_Level;
- Current_Scope_Level := Scope_Level_Component;
- Assert_No_Info (Comp);
- Info := new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Frame,
- Inst_Slot => Invalid_Instance_Slot,
- Frame_Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Nbr_Objects => 0,
- Nbr_Instances => 1); -- For the instance.
- Set_Info (Comp, Info);
- Annotate_Create_Interface_List (Info, Get_Generic_Chain (Comp), True);
- Annotate_Create_Interface_List (Info, Get_Port_Chain (Comp), True);
- Current_Scope_Level := Prev_Scope_Level;
- end Annotate_Component_Declaration;
- procedure Annotate_Declaration (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Decl: Iir) is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Block_Info, Get_Type (Decl));
- Add_Signal_Info (Block_Info, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Block_Info, Get_Type (Decl));
- Create_Object_Info (Block_Info, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
- if Get_Deferred_Declaration (Decl) = Null_Iir
- or else Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Decl)
- then
- -- Create the slot only if the constant is not a full constant
- -- declaration.
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition
- (Block_Info, Get_Type (Decl));
- Create_Object_Info (Block_Info, Decl);
- else
- Set_Info (Decl, Get_Info (Get_Deferred_Declaration (Decl)));
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Block_Info, Get_Type (Decl));
- Create_Object_Info (Block_Info, Decl, Kind_File);
- when Iir_Kind_Terminal_Declaration =>
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- Add_Terminal_Info (Block_Info, Decl);
- when Iir_Kinds_Branch_Quantity_Declaration =>
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Block_Info, Get_Type (Decl));
- Add_Quantity_Info (Block_Info, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Type_Definition (Block_Info, Get_Type_Definition (Decl));
- when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Type_Definition (Block_Info, Get_Type (Decl));
- when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
- Annotate_Protected_Type_Body (Block_Info, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Component_Declaration (Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
- if not Is_Second_Subprogram_Specification (Decl) then
- Annotate_Subprogram_Interfaces_Type (Block_Info, Decl);
- Annotate_Subprogram_Specification (Block_Info, Decl);
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
- Annotate_Subprogram_Body (Block_Info, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Block_Info, Get_Type (Decl));
- Create_Object_Info (Block_Info, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
- declare
- Value : Iir_Attribute_Value;
- begin
- Value := Get_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Decl);
- while Value /= Null_Iir loop
- Create_Object_Info (Block_Info, Value);
- Value := Get_Spec_Chain (Value);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
- null;
--- when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Signal_Declaration =>
--- declare
--- Nsig : Iir;
--- begin
--- Nsig := Decl;
--- loop
--- Nsig := Get_Implicit_Signal_Chain (Nsig);
--- exit when Nsig = Null_Iir;
--- Add_Signal_Info (Block_Info, Nsig);
--- end loop;
--- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Nature_Declaration =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("annotate_declaration", Decl);
- end case;
- end Annotate_Declaration;
- procedure Annotate_Declaration_List
- (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Decl_Chain: Iir)
- is
- El: Iir;
- begin
- El := Decl_Chain;
- while El /= Null_Iir loop
- Annotate_Declaration (Block_Info, El);
- El := Get_Chain (El);
- end loop;
- end Annotate_Declaration_List;
- procedure Annotate_Sequential_Statement_Chain
- (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Stmt_Chain: Iir)
- is
- El: Iir;
- Max_Nbr_Objects : Object_Slot_Type;
- Current_Nbr_Objects : Object_Slot_Type;
- procedure Save_Nbr_Objects is
- begin
- -- Objects used by loop statements can be reused later by
- -- other (ie following) loop statements.
- -- Furthermore, this allow to correctly check elaboration
- -- order.
- Max_Nbr_Objects := Object_Slot_Type'Max
- (Block_Info.Nbr_Objects, Max_Nbr_Objects);
- Block_Info.Nbr_Objects := Current_Nbr_Objects;
- end Save_Nbr_Objects;
- begin
- Current_Nbr_Objects := Block_Info.Nbr_Objects;
- Max_Nbr_Objects := Current_Nbr_Objects;
- El := Stmt_Chain;
- while El /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Null_Statement =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Return_Statement =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
- declare
- Clause: Iir := El;
- begin
- loop
- Annotate_Sequential_Statement_Chain
- (Block_Info, Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Clause));
- Clause := Get_Else_Clause (Clause);
- exit when Clause = Null_Iir;
- Save_Nbr_Objects;
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
- declare
- Assoc: Iir;
- begin
- Assoc := Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (El);
- loop
- Annotate_Sequential_Statement_Chain
- (Block_Info, Get_Associated_Chain (Assoc));
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- exit when Assoc = Null_Iir;
- Save_Nbr_Objects;
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
- Annotate_Declaration
- (Block_Info, Get_Parameter_Specification (El));
- Annotate_Sequential_Statement_Chain
- (Block_Info, Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (El));
- when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
- Annotate_Sequential_Statement_Chain
- (Block_Info, Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (El));
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("annotate_sequential_statement_chain", El);
- end case;
- Save_Nbr_Objects;
- El := Get_Chain (El);
- end loop;
- Block_Info.Nbr_Objects := Max_Nbr_Objects;
- end Annotate_Sequential_Statement_Chain;
- procedure Annotate_Block_Statement
- (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc; Block : Iir_Block_Statement)
- is
- Info : Sim_Info_Acc;
- Header : Iir_Block_Header;
- Guard : Iir;
- begin
- Assert_No_Info (Block);
- Increment_Current_Scope_Level;
- Info := new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Block,
- Inst_Slot => Block_Info.Nbr_Instances,
- Frame_Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Nbr_Objects => 0,
- Nbr_Instances => 0);
- Set_Info (Block, Info);
- Block_Info.Nbr_Instances := Block_Info.Nbr_Instances + 1;
- Guard := Get_Guard_Decl (Block);
- if Guard /= Null_Iir then
- Add_Signal_Info (Info, Guard);
- end if;
- Header := Get_Block_Header (Block);
- if Header /= Null_Iir then
- Annotate_Create_Interface_List
- (Info, Get_Generic_Chain (Header), True);
- Annotate_Create_Interface_List
- (Info, Get_Port_Chain (Header), True);
- end if;
- Annotate_Declaration_List (Info, Get_Declaration_Chain (Block));
- Annotate_Concurrent_Statements_List
- (Info, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Block));
- Current_Scope_Level := Current_Scope_Level - 1;
- end Annotate_Block_Statement;
- procedure Annotate_Generate_Statement
- (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc; Stmt : Iir)
- is
- Info : Sim_Info_Acc;
- Scheme : constant Iir := Get_Generation_Scheme (Stmt);
- Is_Iterative : constant Boolean :=
- Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration;
- begin
- Assert_No_Info (Stmt);
- Increment_Current_Scope_Level;
- Info := new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Block,
- Inst_Slot => Block_Info.Nbr_Instances,
- Frame_Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Nbr_Objects => 0,
- Nbr_Instances => 0);
- Set_Info (Stmt, Info);
- Block_Info.Nbr_Instances := Block_Info.Nbr_Instances + 1;
- if Is_Iterative then
- Annotate_Declaration (Info, Scheme);
- end if;
- Annotate_Declaration_List (Info, Get_Declaration_Chain (Stmt));
- Annotate_Concurrent_Statements_List
- (Info, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
- Current_Scope_Level := Current_Scope_Level - 1;
- end Annotate_Generate_Statement;
- procedure Annotate_Component_Instantiation_Statement
- (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc; Stmt : Iir)
- is
- Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- -- Add a slot just to put the instance.
- Assert_No_Info (Stmt);
- Info := new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Block,
- Inst_Slot => Block_Info.Nbr_Instances,
- Frame_Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level + 1,
- Nbr_Objects => 0,
- Nbr_Instances => 1);
- Set_Info (Stmt, Info);
- Block_Info.Nbr_Instances := Block_Info.Nbr_Instances + 1;
- end Annotate_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
- procedure Annotate_Process_Statement (Block_Info : Sim_Info_Acc; Stmt : Iir)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Block_Info);
- Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Increment_Current_Scope_Level;
- -- Add a slot just to put the instance.
- Assert_No_Info (Stmt);
- Info := new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Process,
- Inst_Slot => Invalid_Instance_Slot,
- Frame_Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Nbr_Objects => 0,
- Nbr_Instances => 0);
- Set_Info (Stmt, Info);
- Annotate_Declaration_List
- (Info, Get_Declaration_Chain (Stmt));
- Annotate_Sequential_Statement_Chain
- (Info, Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt));
- Current_Scope_Level := Current_Scope_Level - 1;
- end Annotate_Process_Statement;
- procedure Annotate_Concurrent_Statements_List
- (Block_Info: Sim_Info_Acc; Stmt_Chain : Iir)
- is
- El: Iir;
- begin
- El := Stmt_Chain;
- while El /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
- Annotate_Process_Statement (Block_Info, El);
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
- Annotate_Component_Instantiation_Statement (Block_Info, El);
- when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
- Annotate_Block_Statement (Block_Info, El);
- when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
- Annotate_Generate_Statement (Block_Info, El);
- when Iir_Kind_Simple_Simultaneous_Statement =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("annotate_concurrent_statements_list", El);
- end case;
- El := Get_Chain (El);
- end loop;
- end Annotate_Concurrent_Statements_List;
- procedure Annotate_Entity (Decl: Iir_Entity_Declaration) is
- Entity_Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- Current_Scope_Level := Scope_Level_Entity;
- Entity_Info :=
- new Sim_Info_Type'(Kind => Kind_Block,
- Inst_Slot => Invalid_Instance_Slot,
- Frame_Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Nbr_Objects => 0,
- Nbr_Instances => 0);
- Set_Info (Decl, Entity_Info);
- -- generic list.
- Annotate_Create_Interface_List
- (Entity_Info, Get_Generic_Chain (Decl), True);
- -- Port list.
- Annotate_Create_Interface_List
- (Entity_Info, Get_Port_Chain (Decl), True);
- -- declarations
- Annotate_Declaration_List (Entity_Info, Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl));
- -- processes.
- Annotate_Concurrent_Statements_List
- (Entity_Info, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Decl));
- end Annotate_Entity;
- procedure Annotate_Architecture (Decl: Iir_Architecture_Body)
- is
- Entity_Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- Arch_Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- Current_Scope_Level := Scope_Level_Entity;
- Entity_Info := Get_Info (Get_Entity (Decl));
- Arch_Info := new Sim_Info_Type'
- (Kind => Kind_Block,
- Inst_Slot => 0, -- Slot for a component
- Frame_Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Nbr_Objects => Entity_Info.Nbr_Objects,
- Nbr_Instances => Entity_Info.Nbr_Instances); -- Should be 0.
- Set_Info (Decl, Arch_Info);
- -- FIXME: annotate the default configuration for the arch ?
- -- declarations
- Annotate_Declaration_List (Arch_Info, Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl));
- -- processes.
- Annotate_Concurrent_Statements_List
- (Arch_Info, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Decl));
- end Annotate_Architecture;
- procedure Annotate_Package (Decl: Iir_Package_Declaration) is
- Package_Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- Nbr_Packages := Nbr_Packages + 1;
- Current_Scope_Level := Scope_Level_Type (-Nbr_Packages);
- Package_Info := new Sim_Info_Type'
- (Kind => Kind_Block,
- Inst_Slot => Instance_Slot_Type (Nbr_Packages),
- Frame_Scope_Level => Current_Scope_Level,
- Nbr_Objects => 0,
- Nbr_Instances => 0);
- Set_Info (Decl, Package_Info);
- -- declarations
- Annotate_Declaration_List (Package_Info, Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl));
- Current_Scope_Level := Scope_Level_Global;
- end Annotate_Package;
- procedure Annotate_Package_Body (Decl: Iir)
- is
- Package_Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- -- Set info field of package body declaration.
- Package_Info := Get_Info (Get_Package (Decl));
- Set_Info (Decl, Package_Info);
- Current_Scope_Level := Package_Info.Frame_Scope_Level;
- -- declarations
- Annotate_Declaration_List (Package_Info, Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl));
- end Annotate_Package_Body;
- procedure Annotate_Component_Configuration
- (Conf : Iir_Component_Configuration)
- is
- Block : constant Iir := Get_Block_Configuration (Conf);
- begin
- Annotate_Block_Configuration (Block);
- end Annotate_Component_Configuration;
- procedure Annotate_Block_Configuration (Block : Iir_Block_Configuration)
- is
- El : Iir;
- begin
- if Block = Null_Iir then
- return;
- end if;
- Assert_No_Info (Block);
- -- Declaration are use_clause only.
- El := Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Block);
- while El /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
- Annotate_Block_Configuration (El);
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
- Annotate_Component_Configuration (El);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("annotate_block_configuration", El);
- end case;
- El := Get_Chain (El);
- end loop;
- end Annotate_Block_Configuration;
- procedure Annotate_Configuration_Declaration
- (Decl : Iir_Configuration_Declaration)
- is
- Config_Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Assert_No_Info (Decl);
- Config_Info := new Sim_Info_Type'
- (Kind => Kind_Block,
- Inst_Slot => Invalid_Instance_Slot,
- Frame_Scope_Level => Scope_Level_Global,
- Nbr_Objects => 0,
- Nbr_Instances => 0);
- Current_Scope_Level := Scope_Level_Global;
- Annotate_Declaration_List (Config_Info, Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl));
- Annotate_Block_Configuration (Get_Block_Configuration (Decl));
- end Annotate_Configuration_Declaration;
- package Info_Node is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Sim_Info_Acc,
- Table_Index_Type => Iir,
- Table_Low_Bound => 2,
- Table_Initial => 1024,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- procedure Annotate_Expand_Table
- is
- El: Iir;
- begin
- Info_Node.Increment_Last;
- El := Info_Node.Last;
- Info_Node.Set_Last (Get_Last_Node);
- for I in El .. Info_Node.Last loop
- Info_Node.Table (I) := null;
- end loop;
- end Annotate_Expand_Table;
- -- Decorate the tree in order to be usable with the internal simulator.
- procedure Annotate (Tree: Iir_Design_Unit)
- is
- El: Iir;
- begin
- -- Expand info table.
- Annotate_Expand_Table;
- El := Get_Library_Unit (Tree);
- if Trace_Annotation then
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("annotating " & Disp_Node (El));
- end if;
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Entity (El);
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- Annotate_Architecture (El);
- when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Package (El);
- declare
- use Std_Package;
- begin
- if El = Standard_Package then
- -- These types are not in std.standard!
- Annotate_Type_Definition
- (Get_Info (El), Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition);
- Annotate_Type_Definition
- (Get_Info (El), Convertible_Real_Type_Definition);
- end if;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
- Annotate_Package_Body (El);
- when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
- Annotate_Configuration_Declaration (El);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("annotate2", El);
- end case;
- end Annotate;
- -- Disp annotations for an iir node.
- procedure Disp_Vhdl_Info (Node: Iir) is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- Indent: Count;
- Info: Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Info := Get_Info (Node);
- Indent := Col;
- case Info.Kind is
- when Kind_Block =>
- Put_Line
- ("-- nbr objects:" & Object_Slot_Type'Image (Info.Nbr_Objects));
- when Kind_Frame | Kind_Process =>
- Put_Line ("-- scope level:" &
- Scope_Level_Type'Image (Info.Frame_Scope_Level));
- Set_Col (Indent);
- Put_Line
- ("-- nbr objects:" & Object_Slot_Type'Image (Info.Nbr_Objects));
- when Kind_Object | Kind_Signal | Kind_File
- | Kind_Terminal | Kind_Quantity =>
- Put_Line ("-- slot:" & Object_Slot_Type'Image (Info.Slot)
- & ", scope:"
- & Scope_Level_Type'Image (Info.Scope_Level));
- when Kind_Scalar_Type
- | Kind_File_Type =>
- null;
- when Kind_Range =>
- Put ("${");
- Put (Object_Slot_Type'Image (Info.Slot));
- Put ("}");
- end case;
- end Disp_Vhdl_Info;
- procedure Disp_Info (Info : Sim_Info_Acc)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- Indent: Count;
- begin
- Indent := Col + 2;
- Set_Col (Indent);
- if Info = null then
- Put_Line ("*null*");
- return;
- end if;
- case Info.Kind is
- when Kind_Block | Kind_Frame | Kind_Process =>
- Put_Line ("scope level:" &
- Scope_Level_Type'Image (Info.Frame_Scope_Level));
- Set_Col (Indent);
- Put_Line ("inst_slot:"
- & Instance_Slot_Type'Image (Info.Inst_Slot));
- Set_Col (Indent);
- Put_Line ("nbr objects:"
- & Object_Slot_Type'Image (Info.Nbr_Objects));
- Set_Col (Indent);
- Put_Line ("nbr instance:"
- & Instance_Slot_Type'Image (Info.Nbr_Instances));
- when Kind_Object | Kind_Signal | Kind_File
- | Kind_Terminal | Kind_Quantity =>
- Put_Line ("slot:" & Object_Slot_Type'Image (Info.Slot)
- & ", scope:"
- & Scope_Level_Type'Image (Info.Scope_Level));
- when Kind_Range =>
- Put_Line ("range slot:" & Object_Slot_Type'Image (Info.Slot));
- when Kind_Scalar_Type =>
- Put_Line ("scalar type: "
- & Iir_Value_Kind'Image (Info.Scalar_Mode));
- when Kind_File_Type =>
- Put ("file type: ");
- if Info.File_Signature = null then
- Put ("(no sig)");
- else
- Put (Info.File_Signature.all);
- end if;
- New_Line;
- end case;
- end Disp_Info;
- procedure Disp_Tree_Info (Node: Iir) is
- begin
- Disp_Info (Get_Info (Node));
- end Disp_Tree_Info;
- procedure Set_Info (Target: Iir; Info: Sim_Info_Acc) is
- begin
- Info_Node.Table (Target) := Info;
- end Set_Info;
- function Get_Info (Target: Iir) return Sim_Info_Acc is
- begin
- return Info_Node.Table (Target);
- end Get_Info;
-end Annotations;
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deleted file mode 100644
index e9b48d0..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
--- Annotations for interpreted simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Iirs; use Iirs;
-with Iir_Values; use Iir_Values;
-with Types; use Types;
-package Annotations is
- Trace_Annotation : Boolean := False;
- -- Decorate the tree in order to be usable with the internal simulator.
- procedure Annotate (Tree: Iir_Design_Unit);
- -- Disp annotations for an iir node.
- procedure Disp_Vhdl_Info (Node: Iir);
- procedure Disp_Tree_Info (Node: Iir);
- -- Annotations are used to collect informations for elaboration and to
- -- locate iir_value_literal for signals, variables or constants.
- -- Scope corresponding to an object.
- -- Scope_level_global is for objects that can be instancied only one
- -- time, ie shared signals or constants declared in a package.
- --
- -- Scope_Level_Process is for objects declared in an entity, architecture,
- -- process, bloc (but not generated bloc). These are static objects, that
- -- can be instancied several times.
- --
- -- Scope_Level_First_Function and above are for dynamic objects declared
- -- in a subprogram. The level is also the nest level.
- --
- -- Scope_Level_Component is set to a maximum, since there is at
- -- most one scope after it (the next one is an entity).
- type Scope_Level_Type is new Integer;
- Scope_Level_Global: constant Scope_Level_Type := 0;
- Scope_Level_Entity: constant Scope_Level_Type := 1;
- Scope_Level_Component : constant Scope_Level_Type :=
- Scope_Level_Type'Last - 1;
- type Instance_Slot_Type is new Integer;
- Invalid_Instance_Slot : constant Instance_Slot_Type := -1;
- type Object_Slot_Type is new Integer;
- -- The annotation depends on the kind of the node.
- type Sim_Info_Kind is
- (Kind_Block, Kind_Process, Kind_Frame,
- Kind_Scalar_Type, Kind_File_Type,
- Kind_Object, Kind_Signal, Kind_Range,
- Kind_File,
- Kind_Terminal, Kind_Quantity);
- type Sim_Info_Type (Kind: Sim_Info_Kind);
- type Sim_Info_Acc is access all Sim_Info_Type;
- -- Annotation for an iir node in order to be able to simulate it.
- type Sim_Info_Type (Kind: Sim_Info_Kind) is record
- case Kind is
- when Kind_Block
- | Kind_Frame
- | Kind_Process =>
- -- Slot number.
- Inst_Slot : Instance_Slot_Type;
- -- scope level for this frame.
- Frame_Scope_Level: Scope_Level_Type;
- -- Number of objects/signals.
- Nbr_Objects : Object_Slot_Type;
- -- Number of children (blocks, generate, instantiation).
- Nbr_Instances : Instance_Slot_Type;
- when Kind_Object
- | Kind_Signal
- | Kind_Range
- | Kind_File
- | Kind_Terminal
- | Kind_Quantity =>
- -- block considered (hierarchy).
- Scope_Level: Scope_Level_Type;
- -- Variable index.
- Slot: Object_Slot_Type;
- when Kind_Scalar_Type =>
- Scalar_Mode : Iir_Value_Kind;
- when Kind_File_Type =>
- File_Signature : String_Acc;
- end case;
- end record;
- Nbr_Packages : Iir_Index32 := 0;
- -- Get/Set annotation fied from/to an iir.
- procedure Set_Info (Target: Iir; Info: Sim_Info_Acc);
- pragma Inline (Set_Info);
- function Get_Info (Target: Iir) return Sim_Info_Acc;
- pragma Inline (Get_Info);
- -- Expand the annotation table. This is automatically done by Annotate,
- -- to be used only by debugger.
- procedure Annotate_Expand_Table;
-end Annotations;
diff --git a/src/simulate/areapools.adb b/src/simulate/areapools.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 341b142..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/areapools.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
--- Area based memory manager
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-package body Areapools is
- procedure Deallocate is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Chunk_Type, Chunk_Acc);
- Free_Chunks : Chunk_Acc;
- function Get_Chunk return Chunk_Acc is
- Res : Chunk_Acc;
- begin
- if Free_Chunks /= null then
- Res := Free_Chunks;
- Free_Chunks := Res.Prev;
- return Res;
- else
- return new Chunk_Type (Default_Chunk_Size - 1);
- end if;
- end Get_Chunk;
- procedure Free_Chunk (Chunk : Chunk_Acc) is
- begin
- Chunk.Prev := Free_Chunks;
- Free_Chunks := Chunk;
- end Free_Chunk;
- procedure Allocate (Pool : in out Areapool;
- Res : out Address;
- Size : Size_Type;
- Align : Size_Type)
- is
- Align_M1 : constant Size_Type := Align - 1;
- function Do_Align (X : Size_Type) return Size_Type is
- begin
- return (X + Align_M1) and not Align_M1;
- end Do_Align;
- Chunk : Chunk_Acc;
- begin
- -- Need to allocate a new chunk if there is no current chunk, or not
- -- enough room in the current chunk.
- if Pool.Last = null
- or else Do_Align (Pool.Next_Use) + Size > Pool.Last.Last
- then
- if Size > Default_Chunk_Size then
- Chunk := new Chunk_Type (Size - 1);
- else
- Chunk := Get_Chunk;
- end if;
- Chunk.Prev := Pool.Last;
- Pool.Next_Use := 0;
- if Pool.First = null then
- Pool.First := Chunk;
- end if;
- Pool.Last := Chunk;
- else
- Chunk := Pool.Last;
- Pool.Next_Use := Do_Align (Pool.Next_Use);
- end if;
- Res := Chunk.Data (Pool.Next_Use)'Address;
- Pool.Next_Use := Pool.Next_Use + Size;
- end Allocate;
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type; Pool : Areapool) is
- begin
- M := (Last => Pool.Last, Next_Use => Pool.Next_Use);
- end Mark;
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type; Pool : in out Areapool)
- is
- Chunk : Chunk_Acc;
- Prev : Chunk_Acc;
- begin
- Chunk := Pool.Last;
- while Chunk /= M.Last loop
- if Erase_When_Released then
- Chunk.Data := (others => 16#DE#);
- end if;
- Prev := Chunk.Prev;
- if Chunk.Last = Default_Chunk_Size - 1 then
- Free_Chunk (Chunk);
- else
- Deallocate (Chunk);
- end if;
- Chunk := Prev;
- end loop;
- if Erase_When_Released
- and then M.Last /= null
- then
- declare
- Last : Size_Type;
- begin
- if Pool.Last = M.Last then
- Last := Pool.Next_Use - 1;
- else
- Last := Chunk.Data'Last;
- end if;
- Chunk.Data (M.Next_Use .. Last) := (others => 16#DE#);
- end;
- end if;
- Pool.Last := M.Last;
- Pool.Next_Use := M.Next_Use;
- end Release;
- function Is_Empty (Pool : Areapool) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Pool.Last = null;
- end Is_Empty;
- function Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Pool : Areapool_Acc; Val : T)
- return System.Address
- is
- Res : Address;
- begin
- Allocate (Pool.all, Res, T'Size / Storage_Unit, T'Alignment);
- declare
- Addr1 : constant Address := Res;
- Init : T := Val;
- for Init'Address use Addr1;
- begin
- null;
- end;
- return Res;
- end Alloc_On_Pool_Addr;
-end Areapools;
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index 186f297..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/
+++ /dev/null
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--- Area based memory manager
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System; use System;
-with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
-package Areapools is
- type Areapool is limited private;
- type Mark_Type is private;
- type Areapool_Acc is access all Areapool;
- -- Modular type for the size. We don't use Storage_Offset in order to
- -- make alignment computation efficient (knowing that alignment is a
- -- power of two).
- type Size_Type is mod System.Memory_Size;
- -- Allocate SIZE bytes (aligned on ALIGN bytes) in memory pool POOL and
- -- return the address in RES.
- procedure Allocate (Pool : in out Areapool;
- Res : out Address;
- Size : Size_Type;
- Align : Size_Type);
- -- Return TRUE iff no memory is allocated in POOL.
- function Is_Empty (Pool : Areapool) return Boolean;
- -- Higher level abstraction for Allocate.
- generic
- type T is private;
- function Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Pool : Areapool_Acc; Val : T)
- return System.Address;
- -- Get a mark of POOL.
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type;
- Pool : Areapool);
- -- Release memory allocated in POOL after mark M.
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type;
- Pool : in out Areapool);
- Empty_Marker : constant Mark_Type;
- -- Minimal size of allocation.
- Default_Chunk_Size : constant Size_Type := 16 * 1024;
- type Chunk_Type;
- type Chunk_Acc is access all Chunk_Type;
- type Data_Array is array (Size_Type range <>) of Storage_Element;
- for Data_Array'Alignment use Standard'Maximum_Alignment;
- type Chunk_Type (Last : Size_Type) is record
- Prev : Chunk_Acc;
- Data : Data_Array (0 .. Last);
- end record;
- for Chunk_Type'Alignment use Standard'Maximum_Alignment;
- type Areapool is limited record
- First, Last : Chunk_Acc := null;
- Next_Use : Size_Type;
- end record;
- type Mark_Type is record
- Last : Chunk_Acc := null;
- Next_Use : Size_Type;
- end record;
- Empty_Marker : constant Mark_Type := (Last => null, Next_Use => 0);
- Erase_When_Released : constant Boolean := True;
-end Areapools;
diff --git a/src/simulate/debugger.adb b/src/simulate/debugger.adb
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index 5a43533..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/debugger.adb
+++ /dev/null
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--- Debugger for interpreter
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with GNAT.Table;
-with Types; use Types;
-with Iir_Values; use Iir_Values;
-with Name_Table;
-with Files_Map;
-with Parse;
-with Scanner;
-with Tokens;
-with Sem_Expr;
-with Sem_Scopes;
-with Std_Names;
-with Libraries;
-with Std_Package;
-with Annotations; use Annotations;
-with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
-with Errorout; use Errorout;
-with Disp_Vhdl;
-with Execution; use Execution;
-with Simulation; use Simulation;
-with Iirs_Walk; use Iirs_Walk;
-with Areapools; use Areapools;
-with Grt.Disp;
-with Grt.Readline;
-with Grt.Errors;
-with Grt.Disp_Signals;
-package body Debugger is
- -- This exception can be raised by a debugger command to directly return
- -- to the prompt.
- Command_Error : exception;
- Dbg_Top_Frame : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Dbg_Cur_Frame : Block_Instance_Acc;
- procedure Set_Cur_Frame (Frame : Block_Instance_Acc) is
- begin
- Dbg_Cur_Frame := Frame;
- end Set_Cur_Frame;
- procedure Set_Top_Frame (Frame : Block_Instance_Acc) is
- begin
- Dbg_Top_Frame := Frame;
- Set_Cur_Frame (Frame);
- end Set_Top_Frame;
- type Breakpoint_Entry is record
- Stmt : Iir;
- end record;
- package Breakpoints is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Index_Type => Natural,
- Table_Component_Type => Breakpoint_Entry,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 16,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- -- Current execution state, or reason to stop execution (set by the
- -- last debugger command).
- type Exec_State_Type is
- (-- Execution should continue until a breakpoint is reached or assertion
- -- failure.
- Exec_Run,
- -- Execution will stop at the next statement.
- Exec_Single_Step,
- -- Execution will stop at the next statement in the same frame.
- Exec_Next);
- Exec_State : Exec_State_Type := Exec_Run;
- Exec_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- -- Disp a message during execution.
- procedure Error_Msg_Exec (Msg: String; Loc: in Iir) is
- begin
- Disp_Iir_Location (Loc);
- Put (Standard_Error, ' ');
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, Msg);
- Grt.Errors.Fatal_Error;
- end Error_Msg_Exec;
- procedure Warning_Msg_Exec (Msg: String; Loc: Iir) is
- begin
- Disp_Iir_Location (Loc);
- Put (Standard_Error, "warning: ");
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, Msg);
- end Warning_Msg_Exec;
- -- Disp a message for a constraint error.
- procedure Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr: in Iir) is
- begin
- if Expr /= Null_Iir then
- Disp_Iir_Location (Expr);
- end if;
- Put (Standard_Error, "constraint violation");
- if Expr /= Null_Iir then
- case Get_Kind (Expr) is
- when Iir_Kind_Addition_Operator =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, " in the ""+"" operation");
- when Iir_Kind_Substraction_Operator =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, " in the ""-"" operation");
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, ", literal out of range");
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, " for " & Disp_Node (Expr));
- when others =>
- New_Line (Standard_Error);
- end case;
- end if;
- Grt.Errors.Fatal_Error;
- end Error_Msg_Constraint;
- function Get_Instance_Local_Name (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Short : Boolean := False)
- return String
- is
- Name : constant Iir := Instance.Label;
- begin
- if Name = Null_Iir then
- return "<anon>";
- end if;
- case Get_Kind (Name) is
- when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
- | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
- return Image_Identifier (Name);
- when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
- return Image_Identifier (Get_Parent (Name)) & '('
- & Execute_Image_Attribute
- (Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Name).Slot), Get_Type (Name))
- & ')';
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- if Short then
- return Image_Identifier (Get_Entity (Name));
- else
- return Image_Identifier (Get_Entity (Name))
- & '(' & Image_Identifier (Name) & ')';
- end if;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("disp_instance_local_name", Name);
- end case;
- end Get_Instance_Local_Name;
- -- Disp the name of an instance, without newline.
- procedure Disp_Instance_Name (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Short : Boolean := False) is
- begin
- if Instance.Parent /= null then
- Disp_Instance_Name (Instance.Parent);
- Put ('.');
- end if;
- Put (Get_Instance_Local_Name (Instance, Short));
- end Disp_Instance_Name;
- function Get_Instance_Name (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc) return String
- is
- function Parent_Name return String is
- begin
- if Instance.Parent /= null then
- return Get_Instance_Name (Instance.Parent) & '.';
- else
- return "";
- end if;
- end Parent_Name;
- begin
- return Parent_Name & Get_Instance_Local_Name (Instance);
- end Get_Instance_Name;
- procedure Disp_Instances_Tree_Name (Inst : Block_Instance_Acc) is
- begin
- if Inst = null then
- Put ("*null*");
- New_Line;
- return;
- end if;
- Put (Get_Instance_Local_Name (Inst));
- Put (" ");
- case Get_Kind (Inst.Label) is
- when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
- Put ("[block]");
- when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
- Put ("[generate]");
- when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
- Put ("[iterator]");
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
- Put ("[component]");
- when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
- Put ("[process]");
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- Put ("[entity]");
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("disp_instances_tree1", Inst.Label);
- end case;
- New_Line;
- end Disp_Instances_Tree_Name;
- procedure Disp_Instances_Tree1 (Inst : Block_Instance_Acc; Pfx : String)
- is
- Child : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Child := Inst.Children;
- if Child = null then
- return;
- end if;
- loop
- if Child.Brother /= null then
- Put (Pfx & "+-");
- Disp_Instances_Tree_Name (Child);
- Disp_Instances_Tree1 (Child, Pfx & "| ");
- Child := Child.Brother;
- else
- Put (Pfx & "`-");
- Disp_Instances_Tree_Name (Child);
- Disp_Instances_Tree1 (Child, Pfx & " ");
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Instances_Tree1;
- procedure Disp_Instances_Tree is
- begin
- Disp_Instances_Tree_Name (Top_Instance);
- Disp_Instances_Tree1 (Top_Instance, "");
- end Disp_Instances_Tree;
- -- Disp a block instance, in a human readable way.
- -- Used to debug.
- procedure Disp_Block_Instance (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc) is
- begin
- Put_Line ("scope level:"
- & Scope_Level_Type'Image (Instance.Scope_Level));
- Put_Line ("Objects:");
- for I in Instance.Objects'Range loop
- Put (Object_Slot_Type'Image (I) & ": ");
- Disp_Value_Tab (Instance.Objects (I), 3);
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Block_Instance;
- procedure Disp_Signal (Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; A_Type : Iir);
- procedure Disp_Signal_Array (Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- A_Type : Iir;
- Dim : Natural)
- is
- begin
- if Dim = Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Index_Subtype_List (A_Type)) then
- Put ("(");
- for I in Value.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- if I /= 1 then
- Put (", ");
- end if;
- Disp_Signal (Value.Val_Array.V (I), Get_Element_Subtype (A_Type));
- end loop;
- Put (")");
- else
- Put ("(");
- Disp_Signal_Array (Value, A_Type, Dim + 1);
- Put (")");
- end if;
- end Disp_Signal_Array;
- procedure Disp_Signal_Record (Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; A_Type : Iir)
- is
- El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
- List : Iir_List;
- begin
- List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (A_Type));
- Put ("(");
- for I in Value.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, Natural (I - 1));
- if I /= 1 then
- Put (", ");
- end if;
- Put (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (El)));
- Put (" => ");
- Disp_Signal (Value.Val_Record.V (I), Get_Type (El));
- end loop;
- Put (")");
- end Disp_Signal_Record;
- procedure Disp_Signal (Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; A_Type : Iir) is
- begin
- if Value = null then
- Put ("!NULL!");
- return;
- end if;
- case Value.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64
- | Iir_Value_F64
- | Iir_Value_E32
- | Iir_Value_B1
- | Iir_Value_Access =>
- Disp_Iir_Value (Value, A_Type);
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- Disp_Signal_Array (Value, A_Type, 1);
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Disp_Signal_Record (Value, A_Type);
- when Iir_Value_Range =>
- -- FIXME.
- raise Internal_Error;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Grt.Disp_Signals.Disp_A_Signal (Value.Sig);
- when Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Disp_Signal;
- procedure Disp_Instance_Signal (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- is
- Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Decl);
- begin
- Put (" ");
- Put (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Decl)));
- Put (" = ");
- Disp_Signal (Instance.Objects (Info.Slot), Get_Type (Decl));
- end Disp_Instance_Signal;
- procedure Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Chain : Iir)
- is
- El : Iir;
- begin
- El := Chain;
- while El /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
- Disp_Instance_Signal (Instance, El);
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- El := Get_Chain (El);
- end loop;
- end Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain;
- procedure Disp_Instance_Signals (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc)
- is
- Blk : constant Iir := Instance.Label;
- Child: Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Blk) is
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- declare
- Ent : constant Iir := Get_Entity (Blk);
- begin
- Disp_Instance_Name (Instance);
- Put_Line (" [architecture]:");
- Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain
- (Instance, Get_Port_Chain (Ent));
- Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain
- (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Ent));
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
- Disp_Instance_Name (Instance);
- Put_Line (" [block]:");
- -- FIXME: ports.
- Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain
- (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk));
- when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
- Disp_Instance_Name (Instance);
- Put_Line (" [generate]:");
- Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain
- (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk));
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("disp_instance_signals", Instance.Label);
- end case;
- Child := Instance.Children;
- while Child /= null loop
- Disp_Instance_Signals (Child);
- Child := Child.Brother;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Instance_Signals;
- -- Disp all signals name and values.
- procedure Disp_Signals_Value is
- begin
- if Disp_Time_Before_Values then
- Grt.Disp.Disp_Now;
- end if;
- Disp_Instance_Signals (Top_Instance);
- end Disp_Signals_Value;
- procedure Disp_Objects_Value is
- begin
- null;
--- -- Disp the results.
--- for I in 0 .. Variables.Last loop
--- Put (Get_String (Variables.Table (I).Name.all));
--- Put (" = ");
--- Put (Get_Str_Value
--- (Get_Literal (variables.Table (I).Value.all),
--- Get_Type (variables.Table (I).Value.all)));
--- if I = variables.Last then
--- Put_Line (";");
--- else
--- Put (", ");
--- end if;
--- end loop;
- end Disp_Objects_Value;
- procedure Disp_Label (Process : Iir)
- is
- Label : Name_Id;
- begin
- Label := Get_Label (Process);
- if Label = Null_Identifier then
- Put ("<unlabeled>");
- else
- Put (Name_Table.Image (Label));
- end if;
- end Disp_Label;
- procedure Disp_Declaration_Objects
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl_Chain : Iir)
- is
- El : Iir;
- begin
- El := Decl_Chain;
- while El /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- Put (Disp_Node (El));
- Put (" = ");
- Disp_Value_Tab (Instance.Objects (Get_Info (El).Slot), 3);
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
- declare
- Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Sig := Instance.Objects (Get_Info (El).Slot);
- Put (Disp_Node (El));
- Put (" = ");
- Disp_Signal (Sig, Get_Type (El));
- New_Line;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
- -- FIXME: disp ranges
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("disp_declaration_objects", El);
- end case;
- El := Get_Chain (El);
- end loop;
- end Disp_Declaration_Objects;
- procedure Disp_Objects (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- is
- Decl : constant Iir := Instance.Label;
- begin
- Disp_Instance_Name (Instance);
- New_Line;
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
- Disp_Declaration_Objects
- (Instance, Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Decl));
- Disp_Declaration_Objects
- (Instance,
- Get_Declaration_Chain (Get_Subprogram_Body (Decl)));
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- declare
- Entity : constant Iir_Entity_Declaration := Get_Entity (Decl);
- begin
- Disp_Declaration_Objects
- (Instance, Get_Generic_Chain (Entity));
- Disp_Declaration_Objects
- (Instance, Get_Port_Chain (Entity));
- Disp_Declaration_Objects
- (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Entity));
- Disp_Declaration_Objects
- (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl));
- -- FIXME: processes.
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("disp_objects", Decl);
- end case;
- end Disp_Objects;
- pragma Unreferenced (Disp_Objects);
- procedure Disp_Process_Stats
- is
- Proc : Iir;
- Stmt : Iir;
- Nbr_User_Sensitized_Processes : Natural := 0;
- Nbr_User_If_Sensitized_Processes : Natural := 0;
- Nbr_Conc_Sensitized_Processes : Natural := 0;
- Nbr_User_Non_Sensitized_Processes : Natural := 0;
- Nbr_Conc_Non_Sensitized_Processes : Natural := 0;
- begin
- for I in Processes_Table.First .. Processes_Table.Last loop
- Proc := Processes_Table.Table (I).Label;
- case Get_Kind (Proc) is
- when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
- if Get_Process_Origin (Proc) = Null_Iir then
- Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Proc);
- if Stmt /= Null_Iir
- and then Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_If_Statement
- and then Get_Chain (Stmt) = Null_Iir
- then
- Nbr_User_If_Sensitized_Processes :=
- Nbr_User_If_Sensitized_Processes + 1;
- else
- Nbr_User_Sensitized_Processes :=
- Nbr_User_Sensitized_Processes + 1;
- end if;
- else
- Nbr_Conc_Sensitized_Processes :=
- Nbr_Conc_Sensitized_Processes + 1;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
- if Get_Process_Origin (Proc) = Null_Iir then
- Nbr_User_Non_Sensitized_Processes :=
- Nbr_User_Non_Sensitized_Processes + 1;
- else
- Nbr_Conc_Non_Sensitized_Processes :=
- Nbr_Conc_Non_Sensitized_Processes + 1;
- end if;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end loop;
- Put (Natural'Image (Nbr_User_If_Sensitized_Processes));
- Put_Line (" user sensitized processes with only a if stmt");
- Put (Natural'Image (Nbr_User_Sensitized_Processes));
- Put_Line (" user sensitized processes (others)");
- Put (Natural'Image (Nbr_User_Non_Sensitized_Processes));
- Put_Line (" user non sensitized processes");
- Put (Natural'Image (Nbr_Conc_Sensitized_Processes));
- Put_Line (" sensitized concurrent statements");
- Put (Natural'Image (Nbr_Conc_Non_Sensitized_Processes));
- Put_Line (" non sensitized concurrent statements");
- Put (Process_Index_Type'Image (Processes_Table.Last));
- Put_Line (" processes (total)");
- end Disp_Process_Stats;
- procedure Disp_Signals_Stats
- is
- type Counters_Type is array (Signal_Type_Kind) of Natural;
- Counters : Counters_Type := (others => 0);
- Nbr_Signal_Elements : Natural := 0;
- begin
- for I in Signals_Table.First .. Signals_Table.Last loop
- declare
- Ent : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (I);
- begin
- if Ent.Kind = User_Signal then
- Nbr_Signal_Elements := Nbr_Signal_Elements +
- Get_Nbr_Of_Scalars (Signals_Table.Table (I).Sig);
- end if;
- Counters (Ent.Kind) := Counters (Ent.Kind) + 1;
- end;
- end loop;
- Put (Integer'Image (Counters (User_Signal)));
- Put_Line (" declared user signals or ports");
- Put (Integer'Image (Nbr_Signal_Elements));
- Put_Line (" user signals sub-elements");
- Put (Integer'Image (Counters (Implicit_Quiet)));
- Put_Line (" 'quiet implicit signals");
- Put (Integer'Image (Counters (Implicit_Stable)));
- Put_Line (" 'stable implicit signals");
- Put (Integer'Image (Counters (Implicit_Delayed)));
- Put_Line (" 'delayed implicit signals");
- Put (Integer'Image (Counters (Implicit_Transaction)));
- Put_Line (" 'transaction implicit signals");
- Put (Integer'Image (Counters (Guard_Signal)));
- Put_Line (" guard signals");
- end Disp_Signals_Stats;
- procedure Disp_Design_Stats is
- begin
- Disp_Process_Stats;
- New_Line;
- Disp_Signals_Stats;
- New_Line;
- Put (Integer'Image (Connect_Table.Last));
- Put_Line (" connections");
- end Disp_Design_Stats;
- procedure Disp_Design_Non_Sensitized
- is
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Proc : Iir;
- begin
- for I in Processes_Table.First .. Processes_Table.Last loop
- Instance := Processes_Table.Table (I);
- Proc := Processes_Table.Table (I).Label;
- if Get_Kind (Proc) = Iir_Kind_Process_Statement then
- Disp_Instance_Name (Instance);
- New_Line;
- Put_Line (" at " & Disp_Location (Proc));
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Design_Non_Sensitized;
- procedure Disp_Design_Connections is
- begin
- for I in Connect_Table.First .. Connect_Table.Last loop
- declare
- Conn : Connect_Entry renames Connect_Table.Table (I);
- begin
- Disp_Iir_Location (Conn.Assoc);
- New_Line;
- end;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Design_Connections;
- function Walk_Files (Cb : Walk_Cb) return Walk_Status
- is
- Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration := Libraries.Get_Libraries_Chain;
- File : Iir_Design_File;
- begin
- while Lib /= Null_Iir loop
- File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Lib);
- while File /= Null_Iir loop
- case Cb.all (File) is
- when Walk_Continue =>
- null;
- when Walk_Up =>
- exit;
- when Walk_Abort =>
- return Walk_Abort;
- end case;
- File := Get_Chain (File);
- end loop;
- Lib := Get_Chain (Lib);
- end loop;
- return Walk_Continue;
- end Walk_Files;
- Walk_Units_Cb : Walk_Cb;
- function Cb_Walk_Units (Design_File : Iir) return Walk_Status
- is
- Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
- begin
- Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (Design_File);
- while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
- case Walk_Units_Cb.all (Get_Library_Unit (Unit)) is
- when Walk_Continue =>
- null;
- when Walk_Abort =>
- return Walk_Abort;
- when Walk_Up =>
- exit;
- end case;
- Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
- end loop;
- return Walk_Continue;
- end Cb_Walk_Units;
- function Walk_Units (Cb : Walk_Cb) return Walk_Status is
- begin
- Walk_Units_Cb := Cb;
- return Walk_Files (Cb_Walk_Units'Access);
- end Walk_Units;
- Walk_Declarations_Cb : Walk_Cb;
- function Cb_Walk_Declarations (Unit : Iir) return Walk_Status
- is
- function Walk_Decl_Chain (Chain : Iir) return Walk_Status
- is
- Decl : Iir;
- begin
- Decl := Chain;
- while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
- case Walk_Declarations_Cb.all (Decl) is
- when Walk_Abort =>
- return Walk_Abort;
- when Walk_Up =>
- return Walk_Continue;
- when Walk_Continue =>
- null;
- end case;
- Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
- end loop;
- return Walk_Continue;
- end Walk_Decl_Chain;
- function Walk_Conc_Chain (Chain : Iir) return Walk_Status
- is
- Stmt : Iir := Chain;
- begin
- while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
- when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
- if Walk_Decl_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Stmt))
- = Walk_Abort
- then
- return Walk_Abort;
- end if;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("walk_conc_chain", Stmt);
- end case;
- Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
- end loop;
- return Walk_Continue;
- end Walk_Conc_Chain;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Unit) is
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
- if Walk_Decl_Chain (Get_Generic_Chain (Unit)) = Walk_Abort
- or else Walk_Decl_Chain (Get_Port_Chain (Unit)) = Walk_Abort
- or else (Walk_Decl_Chain
- (Get_Declaration_Chain (Unit)) = Walk_Abort)
- or else (Walk_Conc_Chain
- (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Unit)) = Walk_Abort)
- then
- return Walk_Abort;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- if (Walk_Decl_Chain
- (Get_Declaration_Chain (Unit)) = Walk_Abort)
- or else (Walk_Conc_Chain
- (Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Unit)) = Walk_Abort)
- then
- return Walk_Abort;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
- if Walk_Decl_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Unit)) = Walk_Abort
- then
- return Walk_Abort;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
- if Walk_Decl_Chain (Get_Declaration_Chain (Unit)) = Walk_Abort
- then
- return Walk_Abort;
- end if;
- -- FIXME: block configuration ?
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("Cb_Walk_Declarations", Unit);
- end case;
- return Walk_Continue;
- end Cb_Walk_Declarations;
- function Walk_Declarations (Cb : Walk_Cb) return Walk_Status is
- begin
- Walk_Declarations_Cb := Cb;
- return Walk_Units (Cb_Walk_Declarations'Access);
- end Walk_Declarations;
- function Is_Blank (C : Character) return Boolean is
- begin
- return C = ' ' or else C = ASCII.HT;
- end Is_Blank;
- function Skip_Blanks (S : String) return Positive
- is
- P : Positive := S'First;
- begin
- while P <= S'Last and then Is_Blank (S (P)) loop
- P := P + 1;
- end loop;
- return P;
- end Skip_Blanks;
- -- Return the position of the last character of the word (the last
- -- non-blank character).
- function Get_Word (S : String) return Positive
- is
- P : Positive := S'First;
- begin
- while P <= S'Last and then not Is_Blank (S (P)) loop
- P := P + 1;
- end loop;
- return P - 1;
- end Get_Word;
- procedure Disp_A_Frame (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc) is
- begin
- Put (Disp_Node (Instance.Label));
- if Instance.Stmt /= Null_Iir then
- Put (" at ");
- Put (Get_Location_Str (Get_Location (Instance.Stmt)));
- end if;
- New_Line;
- end Disp_A_Frame;
- type Menu_Kind is (Menu_Command, Menu_Submenu);
- type Menu_Entry (Kind : Menu_Kind);
- type Menu_Entry_Acc is access all Menu_Entry;
- type Cst_String_Acc is access constant String;
- type Menu_Procedure is access procedure (Line : String);
- type Menu_Entry (Kind : Menu_Kind) is record
- Name : Cst_String_Acc;
- Next : Menu_Entry_Acc;
- case Kind is
- when Menu_Command =>
- Proc : Menu_Procedure;
- when Menu_Submenu =>
- First, Last : Menu_Entry_Acc := null;
- end case;
- end record;
- -- Check there is a current process.
- procedure Check_Current_Process is
- begin
- if Current_Process = null then
- Put_Line ("no current process");
- raise Command_Error;
- end if;
- end Check_Current_Process;
- -- The status of the debugger. This status can be modified by a command
- -- as a side effect to resume or quit the debugger.
- type Command_Status_Type is (Status_Default, Status_Quit);
- Command_Status : Command_Status_Type;
- procedure Help_Proc (Line : String);
- procedure Disp_Process_Loc (Proc : Process_State_Type) is
- begin
- Disp_Instance_Name (Proc.Top_Instance);
- Put (" (" & Get_Location_Str (Get_Location (Proc.Proc)) & ")");
- New_Line;
- end Disp_Process_Loc;
- -- Disp the list of processes (and its state)
- procedure Ps_Proc (Line : String) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- Process : Iir;
- begin
- if Processes_State = null then
- Put_Line ("no processes");
- return;
- end if;
- for I in Processes_State'Range loop
- Put (Process_Index_Type'Image (I) & ": ");
- Process := Processes_State (I).Proc;
- if Process /= Null_Iir then
- Disp_Process_Loc (Processes_State (I));
- Disp_A_Frame (Processes_State (I).Instance);
- else
- Put_Line ("not yet elaborated");
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Ps_Proc;
- procedure Up_Proc (Line : String)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- begin
- Check_Current_Process;
- if Dbg_Cur_Frame.Parent = null then
- Put_Line ("top of frames reached");
- else
- Set_Cur_Frame (Dbg_Cur_Frame.Parent);
- end if;
- end Up_Proc;
- procedure Down_Proc (Line : String)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- Inst : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Check_Current_Process;
- if Dbg_Cur_Frame = Dbg_Top_Frame then
- Put_Line ("bottom of frames reached");
- else
- Inst := Dbg_Top_Frame;
- while Inst.Parent /= Dbg_Cur_Frame loop
- Inst := Inst.Parent;
- end loop;
- Set_Cur_Frame (Inst);
- end if;
- end Down_Proc;
- procedure Set_Breakpoint (Stmt : Iir) is
- begin
- Put_Line
- ("set breakpoint at: " & Get_Location_Str (Get_Location (Stmt)));
- Breakpoints.Append (Breakpoint_Entry'(Stmt => Stmt));
- Flag_Need_Debug := True;
- end Set_Breakpoint;
- procedure Next_Proc (Line : String)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- begin
- Exec_State := Exec_Next;
- Exec_Instance := Dbg_Top_Frame;
- Flag_Need_Debug := True;
- Command_Status := Status_Quit;
- end Next_Proc;
- procedure Step_Proc (Line : String)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- begin
- Exec_State := Exec_Single_Step;
- Flag_Need_Debug := True;
- Command_Status := Status_Quit;
- end Step_Proc;
- Break_Id : Name_Id;
- function Cb_Set_Break (El : Iir) return Walk_Status is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
- if Get_Identifier (El) = Break_Id then
- Set_Breakpoint
- (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Get_Subprogram_Body (El)));
- end if;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- return Walk_Continue;
- end Cb_Set_Break;
- procedure Break_Proc (Line : String)
- is
- Status : Walk_Status;
- P : Natural;
- begin
- P := Skip_Blanks (Line);
- Break_Id := Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Line (P .. Line'Last));
- Status := Walk_Declarations (Cb_Set_Break'Access);
- pragma Assert (Status = Walk_Continue);
- end Break_Proc;
- procedure Where_Proc (Line : String) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- Frame : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Check_Current_Process;
- Frame := Dbg_Top_Frame;
- while Frame /= null loop
- if Frame = Dbg_Cur_Frame then
- Put ("* ");
- else
- Put (" ");
- end if;
- Disp_A_Frame (Frame);
- Frame := Frame.Parent;
- end loop;
- end Where_Proc;
- procedure Info_Tree_Proc (Line : String)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- begin
- if Top_Instance = null then
- Put_Line ("design not yet fully elaborated");
- else
- Disp_Instances_Tree;
- end if;
- end Info_Tree_Proc;
- procedure Info_Params_Proc (Line : String)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- Decl : Iir;
- Params : Iir;
- begin
- Check_Current_Process;
- Decl := Dbg_Cur_Frame.Label;
- if Decl = Null_Iir
- or else Get_Kind (Decl) not in Iir_Kinds_Subprogram_Declaration
- then
- Put_Line ("current frame is not a subprogram");
- return;
- end if;
- Params := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Decl);
- Disp_Declaration_Objects (Dbg_Cur_Frame, Params);
- end Info_Params_Proc;
- procedure Info_Proc_Proc (Line : String) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- begin
- Check_Current_Process;
- Disp_Process_Loc (Current_Process.all);
- end Info_Proc_Proc;
- function Cb_Disp_Subprograms (El : Iir) return Walk_Status is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
- Put_Line (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (El)));
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- return Walk_Continue;
- end Cb_Disp_Subprograms;
- procedure Info_Subprograms_Proc (Line : String) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- Status : Walk_Status;
- begin
- Status := Walk_Declarations (Cb_Disp_Subprograms'Access);
- pragma Assert (Status = Walk_Continue);
- end Info_Subprograms_Proc;
- function Cb_Disp_Units (El : Iir) return Walk_Status is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
- Put ("package ");
- Put_Line (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (El)));
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
- Put ("entity ");
- Put_Line (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (El)));
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- Put ("architecture ");
- Put (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (El)));
- Put (" of ");
- Put_Line (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Get_Entity (El))));
- when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
- Put ("configuration ");
- Put_Line (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (El)));
- when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("cb_disp_units", El);
- end case;
- return Walk_Continue;
- end Cb_Disp_Units;
- procedure Info_Units_Proc (Line : String) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- Status : Walk_Status;
- begin
- Status := Walk_Units (Cb_Disp_Units'Access);
- pragma Assert (Status = Walk_Continue);
- end Info_Units_Proc;
- function Cb_Disp_File (El : Iir) return Walk_Status is
- begin
- Put_Line (Name_Table.Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (El)));
- return Walk_Continue;
- end Cb_Disp_File;
- procedure Info_Stats_Proc (Line : String) is
- P : Natural := Line'First;
- E : Natural;
- begin
- P := Skip_Blanks (Line (P .. Line'Last));
- if P > Line'Last then
- -- No parameters.
- Disp_Design_Stats;
- return;
- end if;
- E := Get_Word (Line (P .. Line'Last));
- if Line (P .. E) = "global" then
- Disp_Design_Stats;
- elsif Line (P .. E) = "non-sensitized" then
- Disp_Design_Non_Sensitized;
- null;
- elsif Line (P .. E) = "connections" then
- Disp_Design_Connections;
- -- TODO: nbr of conversions
- else
- Put_Line ("options are: global, non-sensitized, connections");
- -- TODO: signals: nbr of scalars, nbr of non-user...
- end if;
- end Info_Stats_Proc;
- procedure Info_Files_Proc (Line : String) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- Status : Walk_Status;
- begin
- Status := Walk_Files (Cb_Disp_File'Access);
- pragma Assert (Status = Walk_Continue);
- end Info_Files_Proc;
- procedure Info_Libraries_Proc (Line : String) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration := Libraries.Get_Libraries_Chain;
- begin
- while Lib /= Null_Iir loop
- Put_Line (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Lib)));
- Lib := Get_Chain (Lib);
- end loop;
- end Info_Libraries_Proc;
- procedure Disp_Declared_Signals_Chain
- (Chain : Iir; Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Instance);
- Decl : Iir;
- begin
- Decl := Chain;
- while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
- Put_Line (" " & Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Decl)));
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
- end loop;
- end Disp_Declared_Signals_Chain;
- procedure Disp_Declared_Signals (Decl : Iir; Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
- Disp_Declared_Signals (Get_Parent (Decl), Instance);
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- Disp_Declared_Signals (Get_Entity (Decl), Instance);
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("disp_declared_signals", Decl);
- end case;
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
- -- No signal declaration in a process (FIXME: implicit signals)
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- Put_Line ("Signals of architecture "
- & Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Decl)) & ':');
- Disp_Declared_Signals_Chain
- (Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl), Instance);
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
- Put_Line ("Ports of entity "
- & Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Decl)) & ':');
- Disp_Declared_Signals_Chain
- (Get_Port_Chain (Decl), Instance);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("disp_declared_signals (2)", Decl);
- end case;
- end Disp_Declared_Signals;
- procedure Info_Signals_Proc (Line : String) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- begin
- Check_Current_Process;
- Disp_Declared_Signals
- (Current_Process.Proc, Current_Process.Top_Instance);
- end Info_Signals_Proc;
- type Handle_Scope_Type is access procedure (N : Iir);
- procedure Foreach_Scopes (N : Iir; Handler : Handle_Scope_Type) is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (N) is
- when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
- Foreach_Scopes (Get_Parent (N), Handler);
- Handler.all (N);
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- Foreach_Scopes (Get_Entity (N), Handler);
- Handler.all (N);
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
- -- Top of scopes.
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
- Foreach_Scopes (Get_Parent (N), Handler);
- Handler.all (N);
- when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
- Handler.all (N);
- when Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Null_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Report_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Return_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Next_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_If_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
- Foreach_Scopes (Get_Parent (N), Handler);
- when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
- Foreach_Scopes (Get_Parent (N), Handler);
- Handler.all (N);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("foreach_scopes", N);
- end case;
- end Foreach_Scopes;
- procedure Add_Decls_For (N : Iir)
- is
- use Sem_Scopes;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (N) is
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
- declare
- Unit : constant Iir := Get_Design_Unit (N);
- begin
- Add_Context_Clauses (Unit);
- -- Add_Name (Unit, Get_Identifier (N), False);
- Add_Entity_Declarations (N);
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- Open_Declarative_Region;
- Add_Context_Clauses (Get_Design_Unit (N));
- Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (N), False);
- Add_Declarations_Of_Concurrent_Statement (N);
- when Iir_Kind_Package_Body =>
- declare
- Package_Decl : constant Iir := Get_Package (N);
- Package_Unit : constant Iir := Get_Design_Unit (Package_Decl);
- begin
- Add_Name (Package_Unit);
- Add_Context_Clauses (Package_Unit);
- Open_Declarative_Region;
- Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (Package_Decl), False);
- Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (N), False);
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
- | Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
- declare
- Spec : constant Iir := Get_Subprogram_Specification (N);
- begin
- Open_Declarative_Region;
- Add_Declarations
- (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Spec), False);
- Add_Declarations
- (Get_Declaration_Chain (N), False);
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
- Open_Declarative_Region;
- Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (N), False);
- when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
- Open_Declarative_Region;
- Add_Name (Get_Parameter_Specification (N));
- when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
- Open_Declarative_Region;
- Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (N), False);
- Add_Declarations_Of_Concurrent_Statement (N);
- when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
- Open_Declarative_Region;
- Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (N), False);
- Add_Declarations_Of_Concurrent_Statement (N);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("enter_scope(2)", N);
- end case;
- end Add_Decls_For;
- procedure Enter_Scope (Node : Iir)
- is
- use Sem_Scopes;
- begin
- Push_Interpretations;
- Open_Declarative_Region;
- -- Add STD
- Add_Name (Libraries.Std_Library, Std_Names.Name_Std, False);
- Use_All_Names (Std_Package.Standard_Package);
- Foreach_Scopes (Node, Add_Decls_For'Access);
- end Enter_Scope;
- procedure Del_Decls_For (N : Iir)
- is
- use Sem_Scopes;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (N) is
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- Close_Declarative_Region;
- when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Package_Body
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
- | Iir_Kind_Function_Body
- | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
- Close_Declarative_Region;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("Decl_Decls_For", N);
- end case;
- end Del_Decls_For;
- procedure Leave_Scope (Node : Iir)
- is
- use Sem_Scopes;
- begin
- Foreach_Scopes (Node, Del_Decls_For'Access);
- Close_Declarative_Region;
- Pop_Interpretations;
- end Leave_Scope;
- Buffer_Index : Natural := 1;
- procedure Print_Proc (Line : String)
- is
- use Tokens;
- Index_Str : String := Natural'Image (Buffer_Index);
- File : Source_File_Entry;
- Expr : Iir;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- P : Natural;
- Opt_Value : Boolean := False;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- -- Decode options: /v
- P := Line'First;
- loop
- P := Skip_Blanks (Line (P .. Line'Last));
- if P + 2 < Line'Last and then Line (P .. P + 1) = "/v" then
- Opt_Value := True;
- P := P + 2;
- else
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Buffer_Index := Buffer_Index + 1;
- Index_Str (Index_Str'First) := '*';
- File := Files_Map.Create_Source_File_From_String
- (Name_Table.Get_Identifier ("*debug" & Index_Str & '*'),
- Line (P .. Line'Last));
- Scanner.Set_File (File);
- Scanner.Scan;
- Expr := Parse.Parse_Expression;
- if Scanner.Current_Token /= Tok_Eof then
- Put_Line ("garbage at end of expression ignored");
- end if;
- Scanner.Close_File;
- if Nbr_Errors /= 0 then
- Put_Line ("error while parsing expression, evaluation aborted");
- Nbr_Errors := 0;
- return;
- end if;
- Enter_Scope (Dbg_Cur_Frame.Stmt);
- Expr := Sem_Expr.Sem_Expression_Universal (Expr);
- Leave_Scope (Dbg_Cur_Frame.Stmt);
- if Expr = Null_Iir
- or else Nbr_Errors /= 0
- then
- Put_Line ("error while analyzing expression, evaluation aborted");
- Nbr_Errors := 0;
- return;
- end if;
- Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Expression (Expr);
- New_Line;
- Annotate_Expand_Table;
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- Res := Execute_Expression (Dbg_Cur_Frame, Expr);
- if Opt_Value then
- Disp_Value (Res);
- else
- Disp_Iir_Value (Res, Get_Type (Expr));
- end if;
- New_Line;
- -- Free value
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- end Print_Proc;
- procedure Quit_Proc (Line : String) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- begin
- Command_Status := Status_Quit;
- raise Debugger_Quit;
- end Quit_Proc;
- procedure Cont_Proc (Line : String) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- begin
- Command_Status := Status_Quit;
- -- Set Flag_Need_Debug only if there is at least one enabled breakpoint.
- Flag_Need_Debug := False;
- for I in Breakpoints.First .. Breakpoints.Last loop
- Flag_Need_Debug := True;
- exit;
- end loop;
- end Cont_Proc;
- Menu_Info_Stats : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("stats"),
- Next => null,
- Proc => Info_Stats_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Info_Tree : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("tree"),
- Next => Menu_Info_Stats'Access,
- Proc => Info_Tree_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Info_Params : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("param*eters"),
- Next => Menu_Info_Tree'Access,
- Proc => Info_Params_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Info_Subprograms : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("subp*rograms"),
- Next => Menu_Info_Params'Access,
- Proc => Info_Subprograms_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Info_Units : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("units"),
- Next => Menu_Info_Subprograms'Access,
- Proc => Info_Units_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Info_Files : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("files"),
- Next => Menu_Info_Units'Access,
- Proc => Info_Files_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Info_Libraries : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("lib*raries"),
- Next => Menu_Info_Files'Access,
- Proc => Info_Libraries_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Info_Signals : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("sig*nals"),
- Next => Menu_Info_Libraries'Access,
- Proc => Info_Signals_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Info_Proc : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("proc*esses"),
- Next => Menu_Info_Signals'Access,
- Proc => Info_Proc_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Down : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("down"),
- Next => null,
- Proc => Down_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Up : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("up"),
- Next => Menu_Down'Access,
- Proc => Up_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Next : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("n*ext"),
- Next => Menu_Up'Access,
- Proc => Next_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Step : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("s*tep"),
- Next => Menu_Next'Access,
- Proc => Step_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Break : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("b*reak"),
- Next => Menu_Step'Access,
- Proc => Break_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Where : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("where"),
- Next => Menu_Break'Access,
- Proc => Where_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Ps : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("ps"),
- Next => Menu_Where'Access,
- Proc => Ps_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Info : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Submenu,
- Name => new String'("i*nfo"),
- Next => Menu_Ps'Access,
- First | Last => Menu_Info_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Print : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("pr*int"),
- Next => Menu_Info'Access,
- Proc => Print_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Cont : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("c*ont"),
- Next => Menu_Print'Access,
- Proc => Cont_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Quit : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("q*uit"),
- Next => Menu_Cont'Access,
- Proc => Quit_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Help1 : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("help"),
- Next => Menu_Quit'Access,
- Proc => Help_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Help2 : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Command,
- Name => new String'("?"),
- Next => Menu_Help1'Access,
- Proc => Help_Proc'Access);
- Menu_Top : aliased Menu_Entry :=
- (Kind => Menu_Submenu,
- Name => null,
- Next => null,
- First | Last => Menu_Help2'Access);
- function Find_Menu (Menu : Menu_Entry_Acc; Cmd : String)
- return Menu_Entry_Acc
- is
- function Is_Cmd (Cmd_Name : String; Str : String) return Boolean
- is
- -- Number of characters that were compared.
- P : Natural;
- begin
- P := 0;
- -- Prefix (before the '*').
- loop
- if P = Cmd_Name'Length then
- -- Full match.
- return P = Str'Length;
- end if;
- exit when Cmd_Name (Cmd_Name'First + P) = '*';
- if P = Str'Length then
- -- Command is too short
- return False;
- end if;
- if Cmd_Name (Cmd_Name'First + P) /= Str (Str'First + P) then
- return False;
- end if;
- P := P + 1;
- end loop;
- -- Suffix (after the '*')
- loop
- if P = Str'Length then
- return True;
- end if;
- if P + 1 = Cmd_Name'Length then
- -- String is too long
- return False;
- end if;
- if Cmd_Name (Cmd_Name'First + P + 1) /= Str (Str'First + P) then
- return False;
- end if;
- P := P + 1;
- end loop;
- end Is_Cmd;
- Ent : Menu_Entry_Acc;
- begin
- Ent := Menu.First;
- while Ent /= null loop
- if Is_Cmd (Ent.Name.all, Cmd) then
- return Ent;
- end if;
- Ent := Ent.Next;
- end loop;
- return null;
- end Find_Menu;
- procedure Parse_Command (Line : String;
- P : in out Natural;
- Menu : out Menu_Entry_Acc)
- is
- E : Natural;
- begin
- P := Skip_Blanks (Line (P .. Line'Last));
- if P > Line'Last then
- return;
- end if;
- E := Get_Word (Line (P .. Line'Last));
- Menu := Find_Menu (Menu, Line (P .. E));
- if Menu = null then
- Put_Line ("command '" & Line (P .. E) & "' not found");
- end if;
- P := E + 1;
- end Parse_Command;
- procedure Help_Proc (Line : String) is
- P : Natural;
- Root : Menu_Entry_Acc := Menu_Top'access;
- begin
- Put_Line ("This is the help command");
- P := Line'First;
- while P < Line'Last loop
- Parse_Command (Line, P, Root);
- if Root = null then
- return;
- elsif Root.Kind /= Menu_Submenu then
- Put_Line ("Menu entry " & Root.Name.all & " is not a submenu");
- return;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Root := Root.First;
- while Root /= null loop
- Put (Root.Name.all);
- if Root.Kind = Menu_Submenu then
- Put (" (menu)");
- end if;
- New_Line;
- Root := Root.Next;
- end loop;
- end Help_Proc;
- procedure Disp_Source_Line (Loc : Location_Type)
- is
- use Files_Map;
- File : Source_File_Entry;
- Line_Pos : Source_Ptr;
- Line : Natural;
- Offset : Natural;
- Buf : File_Buffer_Acc;
- Next_Line_Pos : Source_Ptr;
- begin
- Location_To_Coord (Loc, File, Line_Pos, Line, Offset);
- Buf := Get_File_Source (File);
- Next_Line_Pos := Line_To_Position (File, Line + 1);
- Put (String (Buf (Line_Pos .. Next_Line_Pos - 1)));
- end Disp_Source_Line;
- function Breakpoint_Hit return Natural
- is
- Stmt : constant Iir := Current_Process.Instance.Stmt;
- begin
- for I in Breakpoints.First .. Breakpoints.Last loop
- if Stmt = Breakpoints.Table (I).Stmt then
- return I;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return 0;
- end Breakpoint_Hit;
- Prompt_Debug : constant String := "debug> " & ASCII.NUL;
- Prompt_Crash : constant String := "crash> " & ASCII.NUL;
- Prompt_Init : constant String := "init> " & ASCII.NUL;
- Prompt_Elab : constant String := "elab> " & ASCII.NUL;
- procedure Debug (Reason: Debug_Reason) is
- use Grt.Readline;
- Raw_Line : Char_Ptr;
- Prompt : System.Address;
- begin
- -- Unless interractive, do not use the debugger.
- if Reason /= Reason_Internal_Debug then
- if not Flag_Interractive then
- return;
- end if;
- end if;
- Prompt := Prompt_Debug'Address;
- case Reason is
- when Reason_Start =>
- Set_Top_Frame (null);
- Prompt := Prompt_Init'Address;
- when Reason_Elab =>
- Set_Top_Frame (null);
- Prompt := Prompt_Elab'Address;
- when Reason_Internal_Debug =>
- if Current_Process = null then
- Set_Top_Frame (null);
- else
- Set_Top_Frame (Current_Process.Instance);
- end if;
- when Reason_Break =>
- case Exec_State is
- when Exec_Run =>
- if Breakpoint_Hit /= 0 then
- Put_Line ("breakpoint hit");
- else
- return;
- end if;
- when Exec_Single_Step =>
- -- Default state.
- Exec_State := Exec_Run;
- when Exec_Next =>
- if Current_Process.Instance /= Exec_Instance then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Default state.
- Exec_State := Exec_Run;
- end case;
- Set_Top_Frame (Current_Process.Instance);
- declare
- Stmt : constant Iir := Dbg_Cur_Frame.Stmt;
- begin
- Put ("stopped at: ");
- Disp_Iir_Location (Stmt);
- New_Line;
- Disp_Source_Line (Get_Location (Stmt));
- end;
- when Reason_Assert =>
- Set_Top_Frame (Current_Process.Instance);
- Prompt := Prompt_Crash'Address;
- Put_Line ("assertion failure, enterring in debugger");
- when Reason_Error =>
- Set_Top_Frame (Current_Process.Instance);
- Prompt := Prompt_Crash'Address;
- Put_Line ("error occurred, enterring in debugger");
- end case;
- Command_Status := Status_Default;
- loop
- loop
- Raw_Line := Readline (Prompt);
- -- Skip empty lines
- exit when Raw_Line /= null and then Raw_Line (1) /= ASCII.NUL;
- end loop;
- declare
- Line_Last : constant Natural := Strlen (Raw_Line);
- Line : String renames Raw_Line (1 .. Line_Last);
- P, E : Positive;
- Cmd : Menu_Entry_Acc := Menu_Top'Access;
- begin
- -- Find command
- P := 1;
- loop
- E := P;
- Parse_Command (Line, E, Cmd);
- exit when Cmd = null;
- case Cmd.Kind is
- when Menu_Submenu =>
- if E > Line_Last then
- Put_Line ("missing command for submenu "
- & Line (P .. E - 1));
- Cmd := null;
- exit;
- end if;
- P := E;
- when Menu_Command =>
- exit;
- end case;
- end loop;
- if Cmd /= null then
- Cmd.Proc.all (Line (E .. Line_Last));
- case Command_Status is
- when Status_Default =>
- null;
- when Status_Quit =>
- exit;
- end case;
- end if;
- exception
- when Command_Error =>
- null;
- end;
- end loop;
- -- Put ("resuming");
- end Debug;
- procedure Debug_Error is
- begin
- Debug (Reason_Error);
- end Debug_Error;
-end Debugger;
diff --git a/src/simulate/ b/src/simulate/
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/src/simulate/
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--- Debugger for interpreter
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Elaboration; use Elaboration;
-with Iirs; use Iirs;
-package Debugger is
- Flag_Need_Debug : Boolean := False;
- -- Disp a message for a constraint error.
- -- And raise the exception execution_constraint_error.
- procedure Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr: Iir);
- pragma No_Return (Error_Msg_Constraint);
- -- Disp a message during execution.
- procedure Error_Msg_Exec (Msg: String; Loc: Iir);
- pragma No_Return (Error_Msg_Exec);
- procedure Warning_Msg_Exec (Msg: String; Loc: Iir);
- -- Disp a block instance, in a human readable way.
- -- Used to debug.
- procedure Disp_Block_Instance (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc);
- -- Disp the instance tree.
- procedure Disp_Instances_Tree;
- -- Disp the name of an instance, without newline. The name of
- -- architectures is displayed unless Short is True.
- procedure Disp_Instance_Name (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Short : Boolean := False);
- -- Disp the resulting processes of elaboration.
- -- procedure Disp_Processes;
- -- Disp the label of PROCESS, or <unlabeled> if PROCESS has no label.
- procedure Disp_Label (Process : Iir);
- -- Disp all signals name and values.
- procedure Disp_Signals_Value;
- procedure Disp_Objects_Value;
- -- Disp stats about the design (number of process, number of signals...)
- procedure Disp_Design_Stats;
- -- The reason why the debugger is invoked.
- type Debug_Reason is
- (-- Called from an external debugger while debugging ghdl.
- Reason_Internal_Debug,
- -- Interractive session, elaboration not done
- Reason_Start,
- -- At end of elaboration, for an interractive session
- Reason_Elab,
- -- Before execution of a statement.
- Reason_Break,
- -- Assertion failure
- Reason_Assert,
- -- Non recoverable error occurred (such as index error, overflow...)
- Reason_Error
- );
- Debugger_Quit : exception;
- -- Interractive debugger.
- procedure Debug (Reason: Debug_Reason);
- -- Call the debugger in case of error.
- procedure Debug_Error;
-end Debugger;
diff --git a/src/simulate/elaboration.adb b/src/simulate/elaboration.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index dd405ec..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/elaboration.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2582 +0,0 @@
--- Elaboration
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Types; use Types;
-with Errorout; use Errorout;
-with Execution; use Execution;
-with Simulation; use Simulation;
-with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
-with Libraries;
-with Name_Table;
-with File_Operation;
-with Debugger; use Debugger;
-with Iir_Chains; use Iir_Chains;
-with Sem_Names;
-with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
-with Simulation.AMS; use Simulation.AMS;
-with Areapools; use Areapools;
-with Grt.Errors;
-package body Elaboration is
- procedure Elaborate_Dependence (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit);
- procedure Elaborate_Statement_Part
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Stmt_Chain: Iir);
- procedure Elaborate_Type_Definition
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Def : Iir);
- procedure Elaborate_Nature_Definition
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Def : Iir);
- function Elaborate_Default_Value
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- CONF is the block_configuration for components of ARCH.
- function Elaborate_Architecture (Arch : Iir_Architecture_Body;
- Conf : Iir_Block_Configuration;
- Parent_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Stmt : Iir;
- Generic_Map : Iir;
- Port_Map : Iir)
- return Block_Instance_Acc;
- -- Create a new signal, using DEFAULT as initial value.
- -- Set its number.
- procedure Elaborate_Signal (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Signal: Iir;
- Default : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- function Create_Signal (Lit: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Lit.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- Res := Create_Array_Value (Lit.Val_Array.Len,
- Lit.Bounds.Nbr_Dims);
- Res.Bounds.D := Lit.Bounds.D;
- Res := Unshare_Bounds (Res, Global_Pool'Access);
- for I in Lit.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (I) := Create_Signal (Lit.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Res := Create_Record_Value
- (Lit.Val_Record.Len, Instance_Pool);
- for I in Lit.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Record.V (I) := Create_Signal (Lit.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_I64
- | Iir_Value_F64
- | Iir_Value_B1
- | Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Res := Create_Signal_Value (null);
- when Iir_Value_Signal
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- return Res;
- end Create_Signal;
- Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Def : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Slot : constant Object_Slot_Type := Get_Info (Signal).Slot;
- begin
- Sig := Create_Signal (Default);
- Def := Unshare (Default, Global_Pool'Access);
- Block.Objects (Slot) := Sig;
- Block.Objects (Slot + 1) := Def;
- Signals_Table.Append ((Kind => User_Signal,
- Decl => Signal,
- Sig => Sig,
- Instance => Block,
- Init => Def));
- end Elaborate_Signal;
- function Execute_Time_Attribute (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Attr : Iir)
- return Ghdl_I64
- is
- Param : constant Iir := Get_Parameter (Attr);
- Res : Ghdl_I64;
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Param = Null_Iir then
- Res := 0;
- else
- Val := Execute_Expression (Instance, Param);
- Res := Val.I64;
- end if;
- return Res;
- end Execute_Time_Attribute;
- procedure Elaborate_Implicit_Signal
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc; Signal: Iir; Kind : Signal_Type_Kind)
- is
- Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Signal);
- Prefix : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- T : Ghdl_I64;
- Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Init : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Kind = Implicit_Transaction then
- T := 0;
- Init := Create_B1_Value (False);
- else
- T := Execute_Time_Attribute (Instance, Signal);
- Init := Create_B1_Value (False);
- end if;
- Sig := Create_Signal_Value (null);
- Instance.Objects (Info.Slot) := Sig;
- Instance.Objects (Info.Slot + 1) := Unshare (Init, Global_Pool'Access);
- Prefix := Execute_Name (Instance, Get_Prefix (Signal), True);
- Prefix := Unshare_Bounds (Prefix, Global_Pool'Access);
- case Kind is
- when Implicit_Stable =>
- Signals_Table.Append ((Kind => Implicit_Stable,
- Decl => Signal,
- Sig => Sig,
- Instance => Instance,
- Time => T,
- Prefix => Prefix));
- when Implicit_Quiet =>
- Signals_Table.Append ((Kind => Implicit_Quiet,
- Decl => Signal,
- Sig => Sig,
- Instance => Instance,
- Time => T,
- Prefix => Prefix));
- when Implicit_Transaction =>
- Signals_Table.Append ((Kind => Implicit_Transaction,
- Decl => Signal,
- Sig => Sig,
- Instance => Instance,
- Time => 0,
- Prefix => Prefix));
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Elaborate_Implicit_Signal;
- function Create_Delayed_Signal (Pfx : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Pfx.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- Res := Create_Array_Value (Pfx.Val_Array.Len,
- Pfx.Bounds.Nbr_Dims,
- Global_Pool'Access);
- Res.Bounds.D := Pfx.Bounds.D;
- for I in Pfx.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (I) := Create_Delayed_Signal
- (Pfx.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Res := Create_Record_Value (Pfx.Val_Record.Len,
- Global_Pool'Access);
- for I in Pfx.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Record.V (I) := Create_Delayed_Signal
- (Pfx.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Res := Create_Signal_Value (null);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- return Res;
- end Create_Delayed_Signal;
- procedure Elaborate_Delayed_Signal
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc; Signal: Iir)
- is
- Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Signal);
- Prefix : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Init : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- T : Ghdl_I64;
- begin
- Prefix := Execute_Name (Instance, Get_Prefix (Signal), True);
- Prefix := Unshare_Bounds (Prefix, Global_Pool'Access);
- T := Execute_Time_Attribute (Instance, Signal);
- Sig := Create_Delayed_Signal (Prefix);
- Instance.Objects (Info.Slot) := Sig;
- Init := Execute_Signal_Init_Value (Instance, Get_Prefix (Signal));
- Init := Unshare_Bounds (Init, Global_Pool'Access);
- Instance.Objects (Info.Slot + 1) := Init;
- Signals_Table.Append ((Kind => Implicit_Delayed,
- Decl => Signal,
- Sig => Sig,
- Instance => Instance,
- Time => T,
- Prefix => Prefix));
- end Elaborate_Delayed_Signal;
- procedure Elaborate_Package (Decl: Iir)
- is
- Package_Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Decl);
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Instance := new Block_Instance_Type'
- (Max_Objs => Package_Info.Nbr_Objects,
- Scope_Level => Package_Info.Frame_Scope_Level,
- Up_Block => null,
- Label => Decl,
- Stmt => Null_Iir,
- Parent => null,
- Children => null,
- Brother => null,
- Marker => Empty_Marker,
- Objects => (others => null),
- Elab_Objects => 0,
- In_Wait_Flag => False,
- Actuals_Ref => null,
- Result => null);
- Package_Instances (Package_Info.Inst_Slot) := Instance;
- if Trace_Elaboration then
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("elaborating " & Disp_Node (Decl));
- end if;
- -- Elaborate objects declarations.
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl));
- end Elaborate_Package;
- procedure Elaborate_Package_Body (Decl: Iir)
- is
- Package_Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Decl);
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Instance := Package_Instances
- (Instance_Slot_Type (-Package_Info.Frame_Scope_Level));
- if Trace_Elaboration then
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("elaborating " & Disp_Node (Decl));
- end if;
- -- Elaborate objects declarations.
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl));
- end Elaborate_Package_Body;
- -- Elaborate all packages which DESIGN_UNIT depends on.
- -- The packages are elaborated only once. The body, if the package needs
- -- one, can be loaded during the elaboration.
- -- Recursive function.
- -- FIXME: handle pathological cases of recursion.
- -- Due to the rules of analysis, it is not possible to have a circulare
- -- dependence.
- procedure Elaborate_Dependence (Design_Unit: Iir_Design_Unit) is
- Depend_List: Iir_Design_Unit_List;
- Design: Iir;
- Library_Unit: Iir;
- begin
- Depend_List := Get_Dependence_List (Design_Unit);
- for I in Natural loop
- Design := Get_Nth_Element (Depend_List, I);
- exit when Design = Null_Iir;
- if Get_Kind (Design) = Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity then
- -- During Sem, the architecture may be still unknown, and the
- -- dependency is therefore the aspect.
- Library_Unit := Get_Architecture (Design);
- Design := Get_Design_Unit (Library_Unit);
- else
- Library_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Design);
- end if;
- -- Elaborates only non-elaborated packages.
- case Get_Kind (Library_Unit) is
- when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
- declare
- Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Library_Unit);
- Body_Design: Iir_Design_Unit;
- begin
- if Package_Instances (Info.Inst_Slot) = null then
- -- Package not yet elaborated.
- -- Load the body now, as it can add objects in the
- -- package instance.
- Body_Design := Libraries.Load_Secondary_Unit
- (Design, Null_Identifier, Design_Unit);
- -- First the packages on which DESIGN depends.
- Elaborate_Dependence (Design);
- -- Then the declaration.
- Elaborate_Package (Library_Unit);
- -- And then the body (if any).
- if Body_Design = Null_Iir then
- if Get_Need_Body (Library_Unit) then
- Error_Msg_Elab
- ("no package body for `" &
- Image_Identifier (Library_Unit) & ''');
- end if;
- else
- -- Note: the body can elaborate some packages.
- Elaborate_Dependence (Body_Design);
- Elaborate_Package_Body
- (Get_Library_Unit (Body_Design));
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- Elaborate_Dependence (Design);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_dependence", Library_Unit);
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Elaborate_Dependence;
- -- Create a block instance to instantiate OBJ (block, component,
- -- architecture, generate) in FATHER. STMT is the statement/declaration
- -- at the origin of the instantiation (it is generally the same as OBJ,
- -- except for component where STMT is the component instantation
- -- statement).
- function Create_Block_Instance
- (Father : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Obj : Iir;
- Stmt : Iir)
- return Block_Instance_Acc
- is
- Obj_Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Obj);
- Res : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Res := new Block_Instance_Type'
- (Max_Objs => Obj_Info.Nbr_Objects,
- Scope_Level => Obj_Info.Frame_Scope_Level,
- Up_Block => Father,
- Label => Stmt,
- Stmt => Obj,
- Parent => Father,
- Children => null,
- Brother => null,
- Marker => Empty_Marker,
- Objects => (others => null),
- Elab_Objects => 0,
- In_Wait_Flag => False,
- Actuals_Ref => null,
- Result => null);
- if Father /= null then
- Res.Brother := Father.Children;
- Father.Children := Res;
- end if;
- return Res;
- end Create_Block_Instance;
- function Create_Protected_Object (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Decl: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Bod : constant Iir := Get_Protected_Type_Body (Decl);
- Inst : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Protected_Table.Increment_Last;
- Res := Create_Protected_Value (Protected_Table.Last);
- Inst := Create_Subprogram_Instance (Block, Bod);
- Protected_Table.Table (Res.Prot) := Inst;
- -- Temporary put the instancce on the stack in case of function calls
- -- during the elaboration of the protected object.
- Current_Process.Instance := Inst;
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part (Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Bod));
- Current_Process.Instance := Block;
- return Res;
- end Create_Protected_Object;
- -- Create an value_literal for DECL (defined in BLOCK) and set it with
- -- its default values. Nodes are shared.
- function Create_Value_For_Type
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Decl: Iir; Default : Boolean)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
- if Default then
- Bounds := Execute_Bounds (Block, Decl);
- Res := Bounds.Left;
- else
- case Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Decl)).Scalar_Mode is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Res := Create_B1_Value (False);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Res := Create_E32_Value (0);
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Res := Create_I64_Value (0);
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- Res := Create_F64_Value (0.0);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
- Res := Create_Array_Bounds_From_Type (Block, Decl, True);
- declare
- El : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Res.Val_Array.Len > 0 then
- El := Create_Value_For_Type
- (Block, Get_Element_Subtype (Decl), Default);
- Res.Val_Array.V (1) := El;
- for I in 2 .. Res.Val_Array.Len loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (I) := El;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
- List : constant Iir_List :=
- Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (Decl));
- begin
- Res := Create_Record_Value
- (Iir_Index32 (Get_Nbr_Elements (List)));
- for I in Natural loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
- exit when El = Null_Iir;
- Res.Val_Record.V (1 + Get_Element_Position (El)) :=
- Create_Value_For_Type (Block, Get_Type (El), Default);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
- return Create_Access_Value (null);
- when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
- return Create_Protected_Object (Block, Decl);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("create_value_for_type", Decl);
- end case;
- return Res;
- end Create_Value_For_Type;
- procedure Create_Object (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- is
- Slot : constant Object_Slot_Type := Get_Info (Decl).Slot;
- begin
- -- Check elaboration order.
- -- Note: this is not done for package since objects from package are
- -- commons (same scope), and package annotation order can be different
- -- from package elaboration order (eg: body).
- if Slot /= Instance.Elab_Objects + 1
- or else Instance.Objects (Slot) /= null
- then
- Error_Msg_Elab ("bad elaboration order");
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Instance.Elab_Objects := Slot;
- end Create_Object;
- procedure Destroy_Object (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- is
- Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Decl);
- Slot : constant Object_Slot_Type := Info.Slot;
- begin
- if Slot /= Instance.Elab_Objects
- or else Info.Scope_Level /= Instance.Scope_Level
- then
- Error_Msg_Elab ("bad destroy order");
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- -- Clear the slot (this is necessary for ranges).
- Instance.Objects (Slot) := null;
- Instance.Elab_Objects := Slot - 1;
- end Destroy_Object;
- procedure Create_Signal (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- is
- Slot : constant Object_Slot_Type := Get_Info (Decl).Slot;
- begin
- if Slot /= Instance.Elab_Objects + 1
- or else Instance.Objects (Slot) /= null
- then
- Error_Msg_Elab ("bad elaboration order");
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- -- One slot is reserved for default value
- Instance.Elab_Objects := Slot + 1;
- end Create_Signal;
- function Create_Terminal_Object (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Decl : Iir;
- Def: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Def) is
- when Iir_Kind_Scalar_Nature_Definition =>
- Res := Create_Terminal_Value
- (Create_Scalar_Terminal (Decl, Block));
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("create_terminal_object", Def);
- end case;
- return Res;
- end Create_Terminal_Object;
- procedure Create_Terminal (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- is
- Slot : constant Object_Slot_Type := Get_Info (Decl).Slot;
- begin
- if Slot + 1 = Instance.Elab_Objects then
- -- Reference terminal of nature declaration may have already been
- -- elaborated.
- return;
- end if;
- if Slot /= Instance.Elab_Objects then
- Error_Msg_Elab ("bad elaboration order");
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Instance.Objects (Slot) :=
- Create_Terminal_Object (Instance, Decl, Get_Nature (Decl));
- Instance.Elab_Objects := Slot + 1;
- end Create_Terminal;
- function Create_Quantity_Object (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Decl : Iir;
- Def: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Kind : Quantity_Kind;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Def) is
- when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition =>
- case Iir_Kinds_Quantity_Declaration (Get_Kind (Decl)) is
- when Iir_Kind_Across_Quantity_Declaration =>
- Kind := Quantity_Across;
- when Iir_Kind_Through_Quantity_Declaration =>
- Kind := Quantity_Through;
- when Iir_Kind_Free_Quantity_Declaration =>
- Kind := Quantity_Free;
- end case;
- Res := Create_Quantity_Value
- (Create_Scalar_Quantity (Kind, Decl, Block));
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("create_quantity_object", Def);
- end case;
- return Res;
- end Create_Quantity_Object;
- function Create_Quantity (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Slot : constant Object_Slot_Type := Get_Info (Decl).Slot;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Slot /= Instance.Elab_Objects then
- Error_Msg_Elab ("bad elaboration order");
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Res := Create_Quantity_Object (Instance, Decl, Get_Type (Decl));
- Instance.Objects (Slot) := Res;
- Instance.Elab_Objects := Slot + 1;
- return Res;
- end Create_Quantity;
- function Elaborate_Bound_Constraint
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Bound: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Ref : constant Iir := Get_Type (Bound);
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Create_Value_For_Type (Instance, Ref, False);
- Res := Unshare (Res, Instance_Pool);
- Value := Execute_Expression (Instance, Bound);
- Assign_Value_To_Object (Instance, Res, Ref, Value, Bound);
- return Res;
- end Elaborate_Bound_Constraint;
- procedure Elaborate_Range_Expression
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Rc: Iir_Range_Expression)
- is
- Range_Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Rc);
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Range_Info.Scope_Level /= Instance.Scope_Level
- or else Instance.Objects (Range_Info.Slot) /= null
- then
- -- A range expression may have already been created, for example
- -- when severals objects are created with the same subtype:
- -- variable v, v1 : bit_vector (x to y);
- return;
- end if;
- if False
- and then (Range_Info.Scope_Level /= Instance.Scope_Level
- or else Range_Info.Slot < Instance.Elab_Objects)
- then
- -- FIXME: the test is wrong for packages.
- -- The range was already elaborated.
- -- ?? Is that possible
- raise Internal_Error;
- return;
- end if;
- Create_Object (Instance, Rc);
- Val := Create_Range_Value
- (Elaborate_Bound_Constraint (Instance, Get_Left_Limit (Rc)),
- Elaborate_Bound_Constraint (Instance, Get_Right_Limit (Rc)),
- Get_Direction (Rc));
- Instance.Objects (Range_Info.Slot) := Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- end Elaborate_Range_Expression;
- procedure Elaborate_Range_Constraint
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Rc: Iir)
- is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Rc) is
- when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
- Elaborate_Range_Expression (Instance, Rc);
- when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_range_constraint", Rc);
- end case;
- end Elaborate_Range_Constraint;
- -- Create the bounds of a scalar type definition.
- -- Elaborate_Range_Constraint cannot be used, as it checks bounds (and
- -- here we create the bounds).
- procedure Elaborate_Type_Range
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Rc: Iir_Range_Expression)
- is
- Range_Info : Sim_Info_Acc;
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Range_Info := Get_Info (Rc);
- Create_Object (Instance, Rc);
- Val := Create_Range_Value
- (Execute_Expression (Instance, Get_Left_Limit (Rc)),
- Execute_Expression (Instance, Get_Right_Limit (Rc)),
- Get_Direction (Rc));
- Instance.Objects (Range_Info.Slot) := Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- end Elaborate_Type_Range;
- -- DECL is a subtype indication.
- -- Elaborate DECL only if it is anonymous.
- procedure Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir) is
- begin
- if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Decl) then
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication (Instance, Decl);
- end if;
- end Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous;
- -- LRM93 § Subtype Declarations
- -- The elaboration of a subtype indication creates a subtype.
- procedure Elaborate_Subtype_Indication
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Ind : Iir)
- is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Ind) is
- when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
- Elaborate_Type_Definition (Instance, Ind);
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
- -- LRM93
- -- The elaboration of an index constraint consists of the
- -- declaration of each of the discrete ranges in the index
- -- constraint in some order that is not defined by the language.
- declare
- St_Indexes : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Ind);
- St_El : Iir;
- begin
- for I in Natural loop
- St_El := Get_Index_Type (St_Indexes, I);
- exit when St_El = Null_Iir;
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous (Instance, St_El);
- end loop;
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Instance, Get_Element_Subtype (Ind));
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
- Elaborate_Range_Constraint (Instance, Get_Range_Constraint (Ind));
- when Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
- Elaborate_Range_Constraint (Instance, Get_Range_Constraint (Ind));
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_subtype_indication", Ind);
- end case;
- end Elaborate_Subtype_Indication;
- -- LRM93 § Type Declarations.
- procedure Elaborate_Type_Definition
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Def : Iir)
- is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Def) is
- when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
- -- Elaboration of an enumeration type definition has not effect
- -- other than the creation of the corresponding type.
- Elaborate_Type_Range (Instance, Get_Range_Constraint (Def));
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
- -- Elaboration of an integer, floating point, or physical type
- -- definition consists of the elaboration of the corresponding
- -- range constraint.
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous (Instance, Def);
- -- Elaboration of a physical unit declaration has no effect other
- -- than to create the unit defined by the unit declaration.
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
- -- Elaboration of an unconstrained array type definition consists
- -- of the elaboration of the element subtype indication of the
- -- array type.
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Instance, Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
- when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
- -- Elaboration of an access type definition consists of the
- -- elaboration of the corresponding subtype indication.
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Instance, Get_Designated_Type (Def));
- when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
- -- GHDL: There is nothing about elaboration of a file type
- -- definition. FIXME ??
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
- -- Elaboration of a record type definition consists of the
- -- elaboration of the equivalent single element declarations in
- -- the given order.
- declare
- El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
- List : Iir_List;
- begin
- List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Def);
- for I in Natural loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
- exit when El = Null_Iir;
- -- Elaboration of an element declaration consists of
- -- elaboration of the element subtype indication.
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Instance, Get_Type (El));
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part
- (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Def));
- when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_type_definition", Def);
- end case;
- end Elaborate_Type_Definition;
- -- LRM93 § Type Declarations.
- procedure Elaborate_Type_Declaration
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir_Type_Declaration)
- is
- Def : Iir;
- Base_Type : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
- begin
- -- Elaboration of a type declaration generally consists of the
- -- elaboration of the definition of the type and the creation of that
- -- type.
- Def := Get_Type_Definition (Decl);
- if Def = Null_Iir then
- -- FIXME: can this happen ?
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition then
- Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
- -- For a constrained array type declaration, however,
- -- elaboration consists of the elaboration of the equivalent
- -- anonymous unconstrained array type [...]
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous (Instance, Base_Type);
- -- [...] followed by the elaboration of the named subtype
- -- of that unconstrained type.
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication (Instance, Def);
- else
- Elaborate_Type_Definition (Instance, Def);
- end if;
- end Elaborate_Type_Declaration;
- procedure Elaborate_Nature_Definition
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Def : Iir)
- is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Def) is
- when Iir_Kind_Scalar_Nature_Definition =>
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication (Instance, Get_Across_Type (Def));
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication (Instance, Get_Through_Type (Def));
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_nature_definition", Def);
- end case;
- end Elaborate_Nature_Definition;
- -- LRM93 §12.2.1 The Generic Clause
- procedure Elaborate_Generic_Clause
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Generic_Chain : Iir)
- is
- Decl : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration;
- begin
- -- Elaboration of a generic clause consists of the elaboration of each
- -- of the equivalent single generic declarations contained in the
- -- clause, in the order given.
- Decl := Generic_Chain;
- while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
- -- The elaboration of a generic declaration consists of elaborating
- -- the subtype indication and then creating a generic constant of
- -- that subtype.
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous (Instance, Get_Type (Decl));
- Create_Object (Instance, Decl);
- -- The value of a generic constant is not defined until a subsequent
- -- generic map aspect is evaluated, or in the absence of a generic
- -- map aspect, until the default expression associated with the
- -- generic constant is evaluated to determine the value of the
- -- constant.
- Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
- end loop;
- end Elaborate_Generic_Clause;
- -- LRM93 12.2.3 The Port Clause
- procedure Elaborate_Port_Clause
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Port_Chain : Iir)
- is
- Decl : Iir_Signal_Interface_Declaration;
- begin
- Decl := Port_Chain;
- while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
- -- LRM93 §12.2.3
- -- The elaboration of a port declaration consists of elaborating the
- -- subtype indication and then creating a port of that subtype.
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous (Instance, Get_Type (Decl));
- -- Simply increase an index to check that the port was created.
- Create_Signal (Instance, Decl);
- Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
- end loop;
- end Elaborate_Port_Clause;
- -- LRM93 §12.2.2 The generic Map Aspect
- procedure Elaborate_Generic_Map_Aspect
- (Target_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Local_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Map : Iir)
- is
- Assoc : Iir;
- Inter : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration;
- Value : Iir;
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Last_Individual : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- -- Elaboration of a generic map aspect consists of elaborating the
- -- generic association list.
- -- Elaboration of a generic association list consists of the
- -- elaboration of each generic association element in the
- -- association list.
- Assoc := Map;
- while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
- -- Elaboration of a generic association element consists of the
- -- elaboration of the formal part and the evaluation of the actual
- -- part.
- -- FIXME: elaboration of the formal part.
- Inter := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc);
- case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
- when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
- -- The generic association list contains an implicit
- -- association element for each generic constant that is not
- -- explicitly associated with an actual [GHDL: done trought
- -- annotations] or that is associated with the reserved word
- -- OPEN; the actual part of such an implicit association
- -- element is the default expression appearing in the
- -- declaration of that generic constant.
- Value := Get_Default_Value (Inter);
- if Value = Null_Iir then
- Error_Msg_Exec ("no default value", Inter);
- return;
- end if;
- Val := Execute_Expression (Target_Instance, Value);
- when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
- Value := Get_Actual (Assoc);
- Val := Execute_Expression (Local_Instance, Value);
- when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
- Val := Create_Value_For_Type
- (Local_Instance, Get_Actual_Type (Assoc), False);
- Last_Individual := Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- Target_Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Inter).Slot) :=
- Last_Individual;
- goto Continue;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_generic_map_aspect", Assoc);
- end case;
- if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc) then
- -- It is an error if the value of the actual does not belong to
- -- the subtype denoted by the subtype indication of the formal.
- -- If the subtype denoted by the subtype indication of the
- -- declaration of the formal is a constrained array subtype, then
- -- an implicit subtype conversion is performed prior to this
- -- check.
- -- It is also an error if the type of the formal is an array type
- -- and the value of each element of the actual does not belong to
- -- the element subtype of the formal.
- Implicit_Array_Conversion
- (Target_Instance, Val, Get_Type (Inter), Inter);
- Check_Constraints (Target_Instance, Val, Get_Type (Inter), Inter);
- -- The generic constant or subelement or slice thereof designated
- -- by the formal part is then initialized with the value
- -- resulting from the evaluation of the corresponding actual part.
- Target_Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Inter).Slot) :=
- Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- else
- declare
- Targ : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Is_Sig : Boolean;
- begin
- Execute_Name_With_Base
- (Target_Instance, Get_Formal (Assoc),
- Last_Individual, Targ, Is_Sig);
- Store (Targ, Val);
- end;
- end if;
- <<Continue>> null;
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- end loop;
- end Elaborate_Generic_Map_Aspect;
- -- Return TRUE if EXPR is a signal name.
- function Is_Signal (Expr : Iir) return Boolean
- is
- Obj : Iir;
- begin
- Obj := Sem_Names.Name_To_Object (Expr);
- if Obj /= Null_Iir then
- return Is_Signal_Object (Obj);
- else
- return False;
- end if;
- end Is_Signal;
- -- LRM93 12.2.3 The Port Clause
- procedure Elaborate_Port_Declaration
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Decl : Iir_Signal_Interface_Declaration;
- Default_Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Default_Value = null then
- Val := Elaborate_Default_Value (Instance, Decl);
- else
- Val := Default_Value;
- end if;
- Elaborate_Signal (Instance, Decl, Val);
- end Elaborate_Port_Declaration;
- procedure Elab_Connect
- (Formal_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Local_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Actual_Expr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Assoc : Iir_Association_Element_By_Expression)
- is
- Inter : Iir;
- Actual : Iir;
- Local_Expr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Formal_Expr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Inter := Get_Formal (Assoc);
- Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
- Formal_Expr := Execute_Name (Formal_Instance, Inter, True);
- Formal_Expr := Unshare_Bounds (Formal_Expr, Global_Pool'Access);
- if Actual_Expr = null then
- Local_Expr := Execute_Name (Local_Instance, Actual, True);
- Local_Expr := Unshare_Bounds (Local_Expr, Global_Pool'Access);
- else
- Local_Expr := Actual_Expr;
- end if;
- Connect_Table.Append ((Formal => Formal_Expr,
- Formal_Instance => Formal_Instance,
- Actual => Local_Expr,
- Actual_Instance => Local_Instance,
- Assoc => Assoc));
- end Elab_Connect;
- -- LRM93 12.2.3 The Port Clause
- -- LRM93 §12.2.4 The Port Map Aspect
- procedure Elaborate_Port_Map_Aspect
- (Formal_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Actual_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Ports : Iir;
- Map : Iir)
- is
- Assoc : Iir;
- Inter : Iir_Signal_Interface_Declaration;
- Actual_Expr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Init_Expr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Actual : Iir;
- begin
- if Ports = Null_Iir then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Elaboration of a port map aspect consists of elaborating the port
- -- association list.
- if Map = Null_Iir then
- -- No port association, elaborate the port clause.
- -- Elaboration of a port clause consists of the elaboration of each
- -- of the equivalent signal port declaration in the clause, in the
- -- order given.
- Inter := Ports;
- while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
- Elaborate_Port_Declaration (Formal_Instance, Inter, null);
- Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
- end loop;
- return;
- end if;
- Current_Component := Formal_Instance;
- Assoc := Map;
- while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
- -- Elaboration of a port association list consists of the elaboration
- -- of each port association element in the association list whose
- -- actual is not the reserved word OPEN.
- Inter := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc);
- case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
- when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
- if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) = Null_Iir
- and then Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) = Null_Iir
- then
- Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
- if Is_Signal (Actual) then
- -- Association with a signal
- Init_Expr := Execute_Signal_Init_Value
- (Actual_Instance, Actual);
- Implicit_Array_Conversion
- (Formal_Instance, Init_Expr, Get_Type (Inter), Actual);
- Init_Expr := Unshare_Bounds
- (Init_Expr, Global_Pool'Access);
- Actual_Expr := null;
- else
- -- Association with an expression
- Init_Expr := Execute_Expression
- (Actual_Instance, Actual);
- Implicit_Array_Conversion
- (Formal_Instance, Init_Expr,
- Get_Type (Inter), Actual);
- Init_Expr := Unshare (Init_Expr, Global_Pool'Access);
- Actual_Expr := Init_Expr;
- end if;
- else
- -- The actual doesn't define the constraints of the formal.
- if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc) then
- Init_Expr := Elaborate_Default_Value
- (Formal_Instance, Inter);
- Actual_Expr := null;
- end if;
- end if;
- if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc)
- and then Get_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Assoc)
- then
- declare
- Slot : constant Object_Slot_Type :=
- Get_Info (Inter).Slot;
- Actual_Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Actual_Sig :=
- Execute_Name (Actual_Instance, Actual, True);
- Implicit_Array_Conversion
- (Formal_Instance, Actual_Sig,
- Get_Type (Inter), Actual);
- Formal_Instance.Objects (Slot) := Unshare_Bounds
- (Actual_Sig, Global_Pool'Access);
- Formal_Instance.Objects (Slot + 1) := Init_Expr;
- end;
- else
- if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc) then
- Elaborate_Signal (Formal_Instance, Inter, Init_Expr);
- end if;
- -- Elaboration of a port association element consists of the
- -- elaboration of the formal part; the port or subelement
- -- or slice thereof designated by the formal part is then
- -- associated with the signal or expression designated
- -- by the actual part.
- Elab_Connect
- (Formal_Instance, Actual_Instance, Actual_Expr, Assoc);
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
- -- Note that an open cannot be associated with a formal that
- -- is associated individually.
- Elaborate_Port_Declaration (Formal_Instance, Inter, null);
- when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
- Init_Expr := Create_Value_For_Type
- (Formal_Instance, Get_Actual_Type (Assoc), False);
- Elaborate_Signal (Formal_Instance, Inter, Init_Expr);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_port_map_aspect", Assoc);
- end case;
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- end loop;
- Current_Component := null;
- end Elaborate_Port_Map_Aspect;
- -- LRM93 §12.2 Elaboration of a block header
- -- Elaboration of a block header consists of the elaboration of the
- -- generic clause, the generic map aspect, the port clause, and the port
- -- map aspect, in that order.
- procedure Elaborate_Block_Header
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Header : Iir_Block_Header)
- is
- begin
- Elaborate_Generic_Clause (Instance, Get_Generic_Chain (Header));
- Elaborate_Generic_Map_Aspect
- (Instance, Instance, Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Header));
- Elaborate_Port_Clause (Instance, Get_Port_Chain (Header));
- Elaborate_Port_Map_Aspect
- (Instance, Instance,
- Get_Port_Chain (Header), Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Header));
- end Elaborate_Block_Header;
- procedure Elaborate_Guard_Signal
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Guard : Iir)
- is
- Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Guard);
- begin
- Create_Signal (Instance, Guard);
- Sig := Create_Signal_Value (null);
- Instance.Objects (Info.Slot) := Sig;
- Instance.Objects (Info.Slot + 1) :=
- Unshare (Create_B1_Value (False), Instance_Pool);
- Signals_Table.Append ((Kind => Guard_Signal,
- Decl => Guard,
- Sig => Sig,
- Instance => Instance));
- end Elaborate_Guard_Signal;
- -- LRM93 §12.4.1 Block statements.
- procedure Elaborate_Block_Statement
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Block : Iir_Block_Statement)
- is
- Header : Iir_Block_Header;
- Ninstance : Block_Instance_Acc; -- FIXME
- Guard : Iir;
- begin
- Ninstance := Create_Block_Instance (Instance, Block, Block);
- Guard := Get_Guard_Decl (Block);
- if Guard /= Null_Iir then
- -- LRM93 12.6.4 (3)
- -- The value of each implicit GUARD signal is set to the result of
- -- evaluating the corresponding guard expression.
- -- GHDL: done by grt when the guard signal is created.
- Elaborate_Guard_Signal (Ninstance, Guard);
- end if;
- -- Elaboration of a block statement consists of the elaboration of the
- -- block header, if present [...]
- Header := Get_Block_Header (Block);
- if Header /= Null_Iir then
- Elaborate_Block_Header (Ninstance, Header);
- end if;
- -- [...] followed by the elaboration of the block declarative part [...]
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part (Ninstance,
- Get_Declaration_Chain (Block));
- -- [...] followed by the elaboration of the block statement part.
- Elaborate_Statement_Part
- (Ninstance, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Block));
- -- Elaboration of a block statement may occur under the control of a
- -- configuration declaration.
- -- In particular, a block configuration, wether implicit or explicit,
- -- within a configuration declaration may supply a sequence of
- -- additionnal implicit configuration specification to be applied
- -- during the elaboration of the corresponding block statement.
- -- If a block statement is being elaborated under the control of a
- -- configuration declaration, then the sequence of implicit
- -- configuration specifications supplied by the block configuration
- -- is elaborated as part of the block declarative part, following all
- -- other declarative items in that part.
- -- The sequence of implicit configuration specifications supplied by a
- -- block configuration, wether implicit or explicit, consists of each of
- -- the configuration specifications implied by component configurations
- -- occurring immediatly within the block configuration, and in the
- -- order in which the component configurations themselves appear.
- -- FIXME.
- end Elaborate_Block_Statement;
- function Create_Default_Association (Formal_Chain : Iir;
- Local_Chain : Iir;
- Node : Iir)
- return Iir
- is
- Nbr_Formals : Natural;
- begin
- -- LRM93 5.2.2
- -- The default binding indication includes a default generic map
- -- aspect if the design entity implied by the entity aspect contains
- -- formal generic.
- --
- -- LRM93 5.2.2
- -- The default binding indication includes a default port map aspect if
- -- the design entity implied by the entity aspect contains formal ports.
- if Formal_Chain = Null_Iir then
- if Local_Chain /= Null_Iir then
- Error_Msg_Sem ("cannot create default map aspect", Node);
- end if;
- return Null_Iir;
- end if;
- Nbr_Formals := Get_Chain_Length (Formal_Chain);
- declare
- Assoc_List : Iir_Array (0 .. Nbr_Formals - 1) := (others => Null_Iir);
- Assoc : Iir;
- Local : Iir;
- Formal : Iir;
- Pos : Natural;
- First, Last : Iir;
- begin
- -- LRM93 5.2.2
- -- The default generic map aspect associates each local generic in
- -- the corresponding component instantiation (if any) with a formal
- -- of the same simple name.
- Local := Local_Chain;
- while Local /= Null_Iir loop
- Formal := Formal_Chain;
- Pos := 0;
- while Formal /= Null_Iir loop
- exit when Get_Identifier (Formal) = Get_Identifier (Local);
- Formal := Get_Chain (Formal);
- Pos := Pos + 1;
- end loop;
- if Formal = Null_Iir then
- -- LRM93 5.2.2
- -- It is an error if such a formal does not exist, or if
- -- its mode and type are not appropriate for such an
- -- association.
- -- FIXME: mode/type check.
- Error_Msg_Sem
- ("cannot associate local " & Disp_Node (Local), Node);
- exit;
- end if;
- if Assoc_List (Pos) /= Null_Iir then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Assoc_List (Pos) := Local;
- Local := Get_Chain (Local);
- end loop;
- Sub_Chain_Init (First, Last);
- Formal := Formal_Chain;
- for I in Assoc_List'Range loop
- if Assoc_List (I) = Null_Iir then
- -- LRM93 5.2.2
- -- Any remaining unassociated formals are associated with the
- -- actual designator any.
- Assoc := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open);
- else
- Assoc :=
- Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression);
- Set_Actual (Assoc, Assoc_List (I));
- end if;
- Set_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc, True);
- Set_Formal (Assoc, Formal);
- Sub_Chain_Append (First, Last, Assoc);
- Formal := Get_Chain (Formal);
- end loop;
- return First;
- end;
- end Create_Default_Association;
- -- LRM93 §12.4.3
- function Is_Fully_Bound (Conf : Iir) return Boolean
- is
- Binding : Iir;
- begin
- if Conf = Null_Iir then
- return False;
- end if;
- case Get_Kind (Conf) is
- when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification
- | Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
- Binding := Get_Binding_Indication (Conf);
- if Binding = Null_Iir then
- return False;
- end if;
- if Get_Kind (Get_Entity_Aspect (Binding))
- = Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open
- then
- return False;
- end if;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- return True;
- end Is_Fully_Bound;
- procedure Elaborate_Component_Instantiation
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Stmt : Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement)
- is
- Frame : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- if Is_Component_Instantiation (Stmt) then
- declare
- Component : constant Iir :=
- Get_Named_Entity (Get_Instantiated_Unit (Stmt));
- begin
- -- Elaboration of a component instantiation statement that
- -- instanciates a component declaration has no effect unless the
- -- component instance is either fully bound to a design entity
- -- defined by an entity declaration and architecture body or is
- -- bound to a configuration of such a design entity.
- -- FIXME: in fact the component is created.
- -- If a component instance is so bound, then elaboration of the
- -- corresponding component instantiation statement consists of the
- -- elaboration of the implied block statement representing the
- -- component instance and [...]
- Frame := Create_Block_Instance (Instance, Component, Stmt);
- Elaborate_Generic_Clause (Frame, Get_Generic_Chain (Component));
- Elaborate_Generic_Map_Aspect
- (Frame, Instance, Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt));
- Elaborate_Port_Clause (Frame, Get_Port_Chain (Component));
- Elaborate_Port_Map_Aspect
- (Frame, Instance,
- Get_Port_Chain (Component), Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt));
- end;
- else
- -- Direct instantiation
- declare
- Aspect : constant Iir := Get_Instantiated_Unit (Stmt);
- Arch : Iir;
- Config : Iir;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Aspect) is
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
- Arch := Get_Architecture (Aspect);
- if Arch = Null_Iir then
- Arch := Libraries.Get_Latest_Architecture
- (Get_Entity (Aspect));
- end if;
- Config := Get_Library_Unit
- (Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Arch));
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
- Config := Get_Configuration (Aspect);
- Arch := Get_Block_Specification
- (Get_Block_Configuration (Config));
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Open =>
- return;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Config := Get_Block_Configuration (Config);
- Frame := Elaborate_Architecture
- (Arch, Config, Instance, Stmt,
- Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt),
- Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt));
- end;
- end if;
- end Elaborate_Component_Instantiation;
- -- LRM93 12.4.2 Generate Statements
- procedure Elaborate_Conditional_Generate_Statement
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Generate : Iir_Generate_Statement)
- is
- Scheme : Iir;
- Ninstance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Lit : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- -- LRM93 12.4.2
- -- For a generate statement with an if generation scheme, elaboration
- -- consists of the evaluation of the boolean expression, followed by
- -- the generation of exactly one block statement if the expression
- -- evaluates to TRUE, and no block statement otherwise.
- Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (Generate);
- Lit := Execute_Expression (Instance, Scheme);
- if Lit.B1 /= True then
- return;
- end if;
- -- LRM93 12.4.2
- -- If generated, the block statement has the following form:
- -- 1. The block label is the same as the label of the generate
- -- statement.
- -- 2. The block declarative part consists of a copy of the declarative
- -- items contained within the generate statement.
- -- 3. The block statement part consists of a copy of the concurrent
- -- statement contained within the generate statement.
- Ninstance := Create_Block_Instance (Instance, Generate, Generate);
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part (Ninstance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Generate));
- Elaborate_Statement_Part
- (Ninstance, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Generate));
- end Elaborate_Conditional_Generate_Statement;
- -- LRM93 12.4.2 Generate Statements
- procedure Elaborate_Iterative_Generate_Statement
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Generate : Iir_Generate_Statement)
- is
- Scheme : constant Iir_Iterator_Declaration :=
- Get_Generation_Scheme (Generate);
- Ninstance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Sub_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Bound, Index : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- -- LRM93 12.4.2
- -- For a generate statement with a for generation scheme, elaboration
- -- consists of the elaboration of the discrete range
- Ninstance := Create_Block_Instance (Instance, Generate, Generate);
- Elaborate_Declaration (Ninstance, Scheme);
- Bound := Execute_Bounds (Ninstance, Get_Type (Scheme));
- -- Index is the iterator value.
- Index := Unshare (Ninstance.Objects (Get_Info (Scheme).Slot),
- Current_Pool);
- -- Initialize the iterator.
- Store (Index, Bound.Left);
- if not Is_In_Range (Index, Bound) then
- -- Well, this instance should have never been built.
- -- Should be destroyed ??
- raise Internal_Error;
- return;
- end if;
- loop
- Sub_Instance := Create_Block_Instance (Ninstance, Generate, Scheme);
- -- FIXME: this is needed to copy iterator type (if any). But this
- -- elaborates the subtype several times (what about side effects).
- Elaborate_Declaration (Sub_Instance, Scheme);
- -- Store index.
- Store (Sub_Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Scheme).Slot), Index);
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part
- (Sub_Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Generate));
- Elaborate_Statement_Part
- (Sub_Instance, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Generate));
- Update_Loop_Index (Index, Bound);
- exit when not Is_In_Range (Index, Bound);
- end loop;
- -- FIXME: destroy index ?
- end Elaborate_Iterative_Generate_Statement;
- procedure Elaborate_Generate_Statement
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Generate : Iir_Generate_Statement)
- is
- Scheme : Iir;
- begin
- Scheme := Get_Generation_Scheme (Generate);
- if Get_Kind (Scheme) = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
- Elaborate_Iterative_Generate_Statement (Instance, Generate);
- else
- Elaborate_Conditional_Generate_Statement (Instance, Generate);
- end if;
- end Elaborate_Generate_Statement;
- procedure Elaborate_Process_Statement
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Stmt : Iir)
- is
- Proc_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Proc_Instance := Create_Block_Instance (Instance, Stmt, Stmt);
- Processes_Table.Append (Proc_Instance);
- -- Processes aren't elaborated here. They are elaborated
- -- just before simulation.
- end Elaborate_Process_Statement;
- -- LRM93 §12.4 Elaboration of a Statement Part.
- procedure Elaborate_Statement_Part
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Stmt_Chain: Iir)
- is
- Stmt : Iir;
- begin
- -- Concurrent statements appearing in the statement part of a block
- -- must be elaborated before execution begins.
- -- Elaboration of the statement part of a block consists of the
- -- elaboration of each concurrent statement in the order given.
- Stmt := Stmt_Chain;
- while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
- when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
- Elaborate_Block_Statement (Instance, Stmt);
- when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
- Elaborate_Process_Statement (Instance, Stmt);
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
- Elaborate_Component_Instantiation (Instance, Stmt);
- when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
- Elaborate_Generate_Statement (Instance, Stmt);
- when Iir_Kind_Simple_Simultaneous_Statement =>
- Add_Characteristic_Expression
- (Explicit,
- Build (Op_Plus,
- Instance, Get_Simultaneous_Right (Stmt),
- Build (Op_Minus,
- Instance, Get_Simultaneous_Left (Stmt))));
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_statement_part", Stmt);
- end case;
- Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
- end loop;
- end Elaborate_Statement_Part;
- -- Compute the default value for declaration DECL, using either
- -- DEFAULT_VALUE if not null, or the implicit default value for DECL.
- -- DECL must have a type.
- function Elaborate_Default_Value (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Default_Value : constant Iir := Get_Default_Value (Decl);
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Default_Value /= Null_Iir then
- Val := Execute_Expression_With_Type
- (Instance, Default_Value, Get_Type (Decl));
- else
- Val := Create_Value_For_Type (Instance, Get_Type (Decl), True);
- end if;
- return Val;
- end Elaborate_Default_Value;
- -- LRM93 § Subprogram Declaration and Bodies
- procedure Elaborate_Interface_List
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Inter_Chain : Iir)
- is
- Inter : Iir;
- begin
- -- elaboration of the parameter interface list
- -- this in turn involves the elaboration of the subtype indication of
- -- each interface element to determine the subtype of each formal
- -- parameter of the subprogram.
- Inter := Inter_Chain;
- while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (Inter) is
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Instance, Get_Type (Inter));
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_interface_list", Inter);
- end case;
- Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
- end loop;
- end Elaborate_Interface_List;
- -- LRM93 § Subprogram Declaration and Bodies
- procedure Elaborate_Subprogram_Declaration
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- is
- begin
- -- Elaboration of a subprogram declaration involves the elaboration
- -- of the parameter interface list of the subprogram declaration; [...]
- Elaborate_Interface_List
- (Instance, Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Decl));
- -- Elaboration of a subprogram body has no effect other than to
- -- establish that the body can, from then on, be used for the
- -- execution of calls of the subprogram.
- -- FIXME
- null;
- end Elaborate_Subprogram_Declaration;
- procedure Elaborate_Component_Configuration
- (Stmt : Iir_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
- Comp_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Conf : Iir_Component_Configuration)
- is
- Component : constant Iir_Component_Declaration :=
- Get_Named_Entity (Get_Instantiated_Unit (Stmt));
- Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration;
- Arch_Name : Name_Id;
- Arch_Design : Iir_Design_Unit;
- Arch : Iir_Architecture_Body;
- Arch_Frame : Block_Instance_Acc;
- pragma Unreferenced (Arch_Frame);
- Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain : Iir;
- Port_Map_Aspect_Chain : Iir;
- Binding : Iir_Binding_Indication;
- Aspect : Iir;
- Sub_Conf : Iir;
- begin
- if Trace_Elaboration then
- Ada.Text_IO.Put ("configure component ");
- Ada.Text_IO.Put (Name_Table.Image (Get_Label (Stmt)));
- Ada.Text_IO.Put (": ");
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Image_Identifier (Component));
- end if;
- -- Elaboration of a component instantiation statement that instanciates
- -- a component declaration has no effect unless the component instance
- -- is either fully bound to a design entity defined by an entity
- -- declaration and architecture body or is bound to a configuration of
- -- such a design entity.
- if not Is_Fully_Bound (Conf) then
- Warning_Msg (Disp_Node (Stmt) & " not bound");
- return;
- end if;
- if Trace_Elaboration then
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
- (" using " & Disp_Node (Conf) & " from " & Disp_Location (Conf));
- end if;
- -- If a component instance is so bound, then elaboration of the
- -- corresponding component instantiation statement consists of the
- -- elaboration of the implied block statement representing the
- -- component instance and [...]
- -- FIXME: extract frame.
- -- and (within that block) the implied block statement representing the
- -- design entity to which the component instance is so bound.
- Arch := Null_Iir;
- Arch_Name := Null_Identifier;
- Binding := Get_Binding_Indication (Conf);
- Aspect := Get_Entity_Aspect (Binding);
- case Get_Kind (Conf) is
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
- Sub_Conf := Get_Block_Configuration (Conf);
- when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
- Sub_Conf := Null_Iir;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- case Get_Kind (Aspect) is
- when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
- Entity := Get_Entity (Aspect);
- if Get_Architecture (Aspect) /= Null_Iir then
- Arch_Name := Get_Identifier (Get_Architecture (Aspect));
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Configuration =>
- if Sub_Conf /= Null_Iir then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- declare
- Conf : constant Iir := Get_Configuration (Aspect);
- begin
- Entity := Get_Entity (Conf);
- Sub_Conf := Get_Block_Configuration (Conf);
- Arch := Get_Block_Specification (Sub_Conf);
- end;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_component_declaration0", Aspect);
- end case;
- if Arch = Null_Iir then
- if Arch_Name = Null_Identifier then
- Arch := Libraries.Get_Latest_Architecture (Entity);
- if Arch = Null_Iir then
- Error_Msg_Elab ("no architecture analysed for "
- & Disp_Node (Entity), Stmt);
- end if;
- Arch_Name := Get_Identifier (Arch);
- end if;
- Arch_Design := Libraries.Load_Secondary_Unit
- (Get_Design_Unit (Entity), Arch_Name, Stmt);
- if Arch_Design = Null_Iir then
- Error_Msg_Elab ("no architecture `" & Name_Table.Image (Arch_Name)
- & "' for " & Disp_Node (Entity), Stmt);
- end if;
- Arch := Get_Library_Unit (Arch_Design);
- end if;
- Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain := Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Binding);
- Port_Map_Aspect_Chain := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Binding);
- if Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain = Null_Iir then
- -- LRM93 5.2.2
- -- The default binding indication includes a default generic map
- -- aspect if the design entity implied by the entity aspect contains
- -- formal generic
- -- GHDL: this condition is checked by create_default_association.
- Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain :=
- Create_Default_Association (Get_Generic_Chain (Entity),
- Get_Generic_Chain (Component),
- Stmt);
- end if;
- if Port_Map_Aspect_Chain = Null_Iir then
- Port_Map_Aspect_Chain :=
- Create_Default_Association (Get_Port_Chain (Entity),
- Get_Port_Chain (Component),
- Stmt);
- end if;
- if Sub_Conf = Null_Iir then
- Sub_Conf := Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Arch);
- Sub_Conf := Get_Block_Configuration (Get_Library_Unit (Sub_Conf));
- end if;
- -- FIXME: Use Sub_Conf instead of Arch for Stmt ? (But need to add
- -- info for block configuration).
- Arch_Frame := Elaborate_Architecture
- (Arch, Sub_Conf, Comp_Instance, Arch,
- Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain, Port_Map_Aspect_Chain);
- end Elaborate_Component_Configuration;
- procedure Elaborate_Block_Configuration
- (Conf : Iir_Block_Configuration; Instance : Block_Instance_Acc);
- procedure Apply_Block_Configuration_To_Iterative_Generate
- (Stmt : Iir; Conf_Chain : Iir; Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- is
- Scheme : constant Iir := Get_Generation_Scheme (Stmt);
- Bounds : constant Iir_Value_Literal_Acc :=
- Execute_Bounds (Instance, Get_Type (Scheme));
- Sub_Instances : Block_Instance_Acc_Array
- (0 .. Instance_Slot_Type (Bounds.Length - 1));
- type Sub_Conf_Type is array (0 .. Instance_Slot_Type (Bounds.Length - 1))
- of Boolean;
- Sub_Conf : Sub_Conf_Type := (others => False);
- Child : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Item : Iir;
- Prev_Item : Iir;
- Default_Item : Iir := Null_Iir;
- Spec : Iir;
- Expr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Ind : Instance_Slot_Type;
- begin
- -- Gather children
- Child := Instance.Children;
- for I in reverse Sub_Instances'Range loop
- Sub_Instances (I) := Child;
- Child := Child.Brother;
- end loop;
- if Child /= null then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- -- Apply configuration items
- Item := Conf_Chain;
- while Item /= Null_Iir loop
- Spec := Get_Block_Specification (Item);
- if Get_Kind (Spec) = Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
- Spec := Get_Named_Entity (Spec);
- end if;
- Prev_Item := Get_Prev_Block_Configuration (Item);
- case Get_Kind (Spec) is
- when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
- Expr := Execute_Bounds (Instance, Get_Suffix (Spec));
- Ind := Instance_Slot_Type
- (Get_Index_Offset (Execute_Low_Limit (Expr), Bounds, Spec));
- for I in 1 .. Instance_Slot_Type (Expr.Length) loop
- Sub_Conf (Ind + I - 1) := True;
- Elaborate_Block_Configuration
- (Item, Sub_Instances (Ind + I - 1));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
- if Get_Index_List (Spec) = Iir_List_Others then
- -- Must be the only default block configuration
- pragma Assert (Default_Item = Null_Iir);
- Default_Item := Item;
- else
- Expr := Execute_Expression
- (Instance, Get_First_Element (Get_Index_List (Spec)));
- Ind := Instance_Slot_Type
- (Get_Index_Offset (Expr, Bounds, Spec));
- Sub_Conf (Ind) := True;
- Elaborate_Block_Configuration (Item, Sub_Instances (Ind));
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
- -- Must be the only block configuration
- pragma Assert (Item = Conf_Chain);
- pragma Assert (Prev_Item = Null_Iir);
- for I in Sub_Instances'Range loop
- Sub_Conf (I) := True;
- Elaborate_Block_Configuration (Item, Sub_Instances (I));
- end loop;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Item := Prev_Item;
- end loop;
- if Default_Item /= Null_Iir then
- for I in Sub_Instances'Range loop
- if not Sub_Conf (I) then
- Elaborate_Block_Configuration
- (Default_Item, Sub_Instances (I));
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Apply_Block_Configuration_To_Iterative_Generate;
- procedure Elaborate_Block_Configuration
- (Conf : Iir_Block_Configuration; Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- is
- Blk_Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Instance.Stmt);
- Sub_Instances : Block_Instance_Acc_Array
- (0 .. Blk_Info.Nbr_Instances - 1);
- type Iir_Array is array (Instance_Slot_Type range <>) of Iir;
- Sub_Conf : Iir_Array (0 .. Blk_Info.Nbr_Instances - 1) :=
- (others => Null_Iir);
- Item : Iir;
- begin
- pragma Assert (Conf /= Null_Iir);
- -- Associate configuration items with subinstance. Gather items for
- -- for-generate statements.
- Item := Get_Configuration_Item_Chain (Conf);
- while Item /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (Item) is
- when Iir_Kind_Block_Configuration =>
- declare
- Spec : Iir;
- Gen : Iir_Generate_Statement;
- Info : Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Spec := Get_Block_Specification (Item);
- if Get_Kind (Spec) = Iir_Kind_Simple_Name then
- Spec := Get_Named_Entity (Spec);
- end if;
- case Get_Kind (Spec) is
- when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
- | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
- | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
- -- Block configuration for a generate statement.
- Gen := Get_Named_Entity (Get_Prefix (Spec));
- Info := Get_Info (Gen);
- Set_Prev_Block_Configuration
- (Item, Sub_Conf (Info.Inst_Slot));
- Sub_Conf (Info.Inst_Slot) := Item;
- when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
- Info := Get_Info (Spec);
- if Sub_Conf (Info.Inst_Slot) /= Null_Iir then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Sub_Conf (Info.Inst_Slot) := Item;
- when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
- -- Block configuration for a block statement.
- Info := Get_Info (Spec);
- if Sub_Conf (Info.Inst_Slot) /= Null_Iir then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Sub_Conf (Info.Inst_Slot) := Item;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_block_configuration1", Spec);
- end case;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Configuration =>
- declare
- List : constant Iir_List :=
- Get_Instantiation_List (Item);
- El : Iir;
- Info : Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- if List = Iir_List_All or else List = Iir_List_Others then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- for I in Natural loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
- exit when El = Null_Iir;
- Info := Get_Info (Get_Named_Entity (El));
- if Sub_Conf (Info.Inst_Slot) /= Null_Iir then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Sub_Conf (Info.Inst_Slot) := Item;
- end loop;
- end;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_block_configuration", Item);
- end case;
- Item := Get_Chain (Item);
- end loop;
- -- Gather children.
- declare
- Child : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Child := Instance.Children;
- while Child /= null loop
- declare
- Slot : constant Instance_Slot_Type :=
- Get_Info (Child.Label).Inst_Slot;
- begin
- if Slot /= Invalid_Instance_Slot then
- -- Processes have no slot.
- if Sub_Instances (Slot) /= null then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Sub_Instances (Slot) := Child;
- end if;
- end;
- Child := Child.Brother;
- end loop;
- end;
- -- Configure sub instances.
- declare
- Stmt : Iir;
- Info : Sim_Info_Acc;
- Slot : Instance_Slot_Type;
- begin
- Stmt := Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Instance.Stmt);
- while Stmt /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
- when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
- Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
- Slot := Info.Inst_Slot;
- if Get_Kind (Get_Generation_Scheme (Stmt))
- = Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
- then
- -- Iterative generate: apply to all instances
- Apply_Block_Configuration_To_Iterative_Generate
- (Stmt, Sub_Conf (Slot), Sub_Instances (Slot));
- else
- -- Conditional generate: may not be instantiated
- if Sub_Instances (Slot) /= null then
- Elaborate_Block_Configuration
- (Sub_Conf (Slot), Sub_Instances (Slot));
- end if;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
- Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
- Slot := Info.Inst_Slot;
- Elaborate_Block_Configuration
- (Sub_Conf (Slot), Sub_Instances (Slot));
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
- if Is_Component_Instantiation (Stmt) then
- Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
- Slot := Info.Inst_Slot;
- Elaborate_Component_Configuration
- (Stmt, Sub_Instances (Slot), Sub_Conf (Slot));
- else
- -- Nothing to do for entity instantiation, will be
- -- done during elaboration of statements.
- null;
- end if;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
- end loop;
- end;
- end Elaborate_Block_Configuration;
- procedure Elaborate_Alias_Declaration
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir_Object_Alias_Declaration)
- is
- Alias_Type : Iir;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- -- LRM93
- -- Elaboration of an alias declaration consists of the elaboration
- -- of the subtype indication to establish the subtype associated
- -- with the alias, folloed by the creation of the alias as an
- -- alternative name for the named entity.
- -- The creation of an alias for an array object involves a check
- -- that the subtype associated with the alias includes a matching
- -- element for each element of the named object.
- -- It is an error if this check fails.
- Alias_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous (Instance, Alias_Type);
- Create_Object (Instance, Decl);
- Res := Execute_Name (Instance, Get_Name (Decl), True);
- Implicit_Array_Conversion (Instance, Res, Alias_Type, Get_Name (Decl));
- Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Decl).Slot) :=
- Unshare_Bounds (Res, Instance_Pool);
- end Elaborate_Alias_Declaration;
- -- LRM93 § Disconnection Specifications
- procedure Elaborate_Disconnection_Specification
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Decl : Iir_Disconnection_Specification)
- is
- Time_Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Time : Iir_Value_Time;
- List : Iir_List;
- Sig : Iir;
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- -- LRM93 §
- -- Elaboration of a disconnection specification proceeds as follows:
- -- 2. The time expression is evaluated to determine the disconnection
- -- time for drivers of the affected signals.
- Time_Val := Execute_Expression (Instance, Get_Expression (Decl));
- Time := Time_Val.I64;
- -- LRM93 5.3
- -- The time expression in a disconnection specification must be static
- -- and must evaluate to a non-negative value.
- if Time < 0 then
- Error_Msg_Sem ("time must be non-negative", Decl);
- end if;
- -- LRM93 §
- -- 1. The guarded signal specification is elaborated in order to
- -- identify the signals affected by the disconnection specification.
- --
- -- 3. The diconnection time is associated with each affected signal for
- -- later use in constructing disconnection statements in the
- -- equivalent processes for guarded assignments to the affected
- -- signals.
- List := Get_Signal_List (Decl);
- case List is
- when Iir_List_All
- | Iir_List_Others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_disconnection_specification", Decl);
- when others =>
- for I in Natural loop
- Sig := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
- exit when Sig = Null_Iir;
- Val := Execute_Name (Instance, Sig, True);
- Disconnection_Table.Append ((Sig => Val, Time => Time));
- end loop;
- end case;
- end Elaborate_Disconnection_Specification;
- procedure Elaborate_Branch_Quantity_Declaration
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- is
- Terminal_Plus, Terminal_Minus : Iir;
- Plus, Minus : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Create_Quantity (Instance, Decl);
- Terminal_Plus := Get_Plus_Terminal (Decl);
- Plus := Execute_Name (Instance, Terminal_Plus, True);
- Terminal_Minus := Get_Minus_Terminal (Decl);
- if Terminal_Minus = Null_Iir then
- -- Get the reference of the nature
- -- FIXME: select/index
- Terminal_Minus := Get_Reference (Get_Nature (Terminal_Plus));
- end if;
- Minus := Execute_Name (Instance, Terminal_Minus, True);
- case Iir_Kinds_Branch_Quantity_Declaration (Get_Kind (Decl)) is
- when Iir_Kind_Across_Quantity_Declaration =>
- -- Expr: q - P'ref + M'ref
- Add_Characteristic_Expression
- (Structural,
- Build
- (Op_Plus, Res.Quantity,
- Build (Op_Minus,
- Get_Terminal_Reference (Plus.Terminal),
- Build (Op_Plus,
- Get_Terminal_Reference (Minus.Terminal)))));
- when Iir_Kind_Through_Quantity_Declaration =>
- -- P'Contrib <- P'Contrib + q
- -- M'Contrib <- M'Contrib - q
- Append_Characteristic_Expression
- (Plus.Terminal, Build (Op_Plus, Res.Quantity));
- Append_Characteristic_Expression
- (Minus.Terminal, Build (Op_Minus, Res.Quantity));
- end case;
- end Elaborate_Branch_Quantity_Declaration;
- -- LRM93 §12.3.1 Elaboration of a declaration
- procedure Elaborate_Declaration (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- is
- Expr_Mark : Mark_Type;
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Mark (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- -- Elaboration of a declaration has the effect of creating the declared
- -- item. For each declaration, the language rules (in particular scope
- -- and visibility rules) are such that it is either impossible or
- -- illegal to use a given item before the elaboration of its
- -- corresponding declaration.
- -- Similarly, it is illegal to call a subprogram before its
- -- corresponding body is elaborated.
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
- if not Is_Second_Subprogram_Specification (Decl) then
- Elaborate_Subprogram_Declaration (Instance, Decl);
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
- Elaborate_Type_Definition (Instance, Get_Type_Definition (Decl));
- when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
- Elaborate_Type_Declaration (Instance, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication (Instance, Get_Type (Decl));
- when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Instance, Get_Type (Decl));
- Val := Create_Value_For_Type (Instance, Get_Type (Decl), True);
- Create_Object (Instance, Decl);
- Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Decl).Slot) :=
- Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Instance, Get_Type (Decl));
- Val := Elaborate_Default_Value (Instance, Decl);
- Create_Signal (Instance, Decl);
- Elaborate_Signal (Instance, Decl, Val);
- when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Instance, Get_Type (Decl));
- Val := Elaborate_Default_Value (Instance, Decl);
- Create_Object (Instance, Decl);
- Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Decl).Slot) :=
- Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
- -- Elaboration of an object declaration that declares an object
- -- other then a file object proceeds as follows:
- -- 1. The subtype indication is first elaborated.
- -- This establishes the subtype of the object.
- if Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Decl) then
- Create_Object (Instance, Decl);
- else
- Elaborate_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Instance, Get_Type (Decl));
- Val := Elaborate_Default_Value (Instance, Decl);
- if Get_Deferred_Declaration (Decl) = Null_Iir then
- Create_Object (Instance, Decl);
- end if;
- Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Decl).Slot) :=
- Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
- -- LRM93
- -- Elaboration of a file object declaration consists of the
- -- elaboration of the subtype indication...
- null; -- FIXME ??
- -- ...followed by the creation of object.
- Create_Object (Instance, Decl);
- -- If the file object declaration contains file_open_information,
- -- then the implicit call to FILE_OPEN is then executed.
- Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Decl).Slot) := Unshare
- (File_Operation.Elaborate_File_Declaration (Instance, Decl),
- Instance_Pool);
- when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- Elaborate_Alias_Declaration (Instance, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
- -- LRM93
- -- Elaboration of a component declaration has no effect other
- -- than to create a template for instantiating component
- -- instances.
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
- | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
- -- Elaboration of a configuration specification proceeds as
- -- follows:
- -- 1. The component specification is elaborated in order to
- -- determine which component instances are affected by the
- -- configuration specification.
- -- GHDL: this is done during sem.
- -- 2. The binding indication is elaborated to identify the design
- -- entity to which the affected component instances will be
- -- bound.
- -- GHDL: this is already done during sem, according to rules
- -- defined by section
- -- 3. The binding information is associated with each affected
- -- component instance label for later use in instantiating
- -- those component instances.
- -- GHDL: this is done during step 1.
- -- As part of this elaboration process, a check is made that both
- -- the entity declaration and the corresponding architecture body
- -- implied by the binding indication exist whithin the specified
- -- library.
- -- It is an error if this check fails.
- -- GHDL: this is already done during sem, according to rules
- -- defined by section
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
- -- LRM93
- -- Elaboration of an attribute declaration has no effect other
- -- than to create a template for defining attributes of items.
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
- -- LRM93
- -- Elaboration of an attribute specification proceeds as follows:
- -- 1. The entity specification is elaborated in order to
- -- determine which items are affected by the attribute
- -- specification.
- -- GHDL: done by sem.
- declare
- Attr_Decl : constant Iir :=
- Get_Named_Entity (Get_Attribute_Designator (Decl));
- Attr_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Attr_Decl);
- Value : Iir_Attribute_Value;
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Value := Get_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Decl);
- while Value /= Null_Iir loop
- -- 2. The expression is evaluated to determine the value
- -- of the attribute.
- -- It is an error if the value of the expression does not
- -- belong to the subtype of the attribute; if the
- -- attribute is of an array type, then an implicit
- -- subtype conversion is first performed on the value,
- -- unless the attribute's subtype indication denotes an
- -- unconstrained array type.
- Val := Execute_Expression (Instance, Get_Expression (Decl));
- Check_Constraints (Instance, Val, Attr_Type, Decl);
- -- 3. A new instance of the designated attribute is created
- -- and associated with each of the affected items.
- --
- -- 4. Each new attribute instance is assigned the value of
- -- the expression.
- Create_Object (Instance, Value);
- Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Value).Slot) :=
- Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- Value := Get_Spec_Chain (Value);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
- Elaborate_Disconnection_Specification (Instance, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute =>
- Elaborate_Delayed_Signal (Instance, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute =>
- Elaborate_Implicit_Signal (Instance, Decl, Implicit_Stable);
- when Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute =>
- Elaborate_Implicit_Signal (Instance, Decl, Implicit_Quiet);
- when Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
- Elaborate_Implicit_Signal (Instance, Decl, Implicit_Transaction);
- when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Nature_Declaration =>
- Elaborate_Nature_Definition (Instance, Get_Nature (Decl));
- Create_Terminal (Instance, Get_Chain (Decl));
- when Iir_Kind_Terminal_Declaration =>
- Create_Terminal (Instance, Decl);
- when Iir_Kinds_Branch_Quantity_Declaration =>
- Elaborate_Branch_Quantity_Declaration (Instance, Decl);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_declaration", Decl);
- end case;
- Release (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- end Elaborate_Declaration;
- procedure Destroy_Iterator_Declaration
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir)
- is
- Obj_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Decl);
- Constraint : Iir;
- Cons_Info : Sim_Info_Acc;
- begin
- if Get_Kind (Decl) /= Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Destroy_Object (Instance, Decl);
- if Get_Kind (Obj_Type) = Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute
- or else not Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Obj_Type)
- then
- return;
- end if;
- Constraint := Get_Range_Constraint (Obj_Type);
- if Get_Kind (Constraint) /= Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
- return;
- end if;
- Cons_Info := Get_Info (Constraint);
- if Cons_Info.Scope_Level = Instance.Scope_Level
- and then Cons_Info.Slot = Instance.Elab_Objects
- then
- Destroy_Object (Instance, Constraint);
- end if;
- end Destroy_Iterator_Declaration;
- procedure Finalize_Declarative_Part
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl_Chain : Iir)
- is
- Decl : Iir;
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Decl := Decl_Chain;
- while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
- -- LRM93 3.4.1
- -- An implicit call to FILE_CLOSE exists in a subprogram body
- -- for every file object declared in the corresponding
- -- subprogram declarative part.
- -- Each such call associates a unique file object with the
- -- formal parameter F and is called whenever the corresponding
- -- subprogram completes its execution.
- Val := Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Decl).Slot);
- if Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (Decl)) then
- File_Operation.File_Close_Text (Val, Null_Iir);
- File_Operation.File_Destroy_Text (Val);
- else
- File_Operation.File_Close_Binary (Val, Null_Iir);
- File_Operation.File_Destroy_Binary (Val);
- end if;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
- end loop;
- end Finalize_Declarative_Part;
- -- LRM93 §12.3 Elaboration of a Declarative Part
- procedure Elaborate_Declarative_Part
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl_Chain : Iir)
- is
- Decl : Iir;
- begin
- -- The elaboration of a declarative part consists of the elaboration
- -- of the declarative items, if any, in the order in which they are
- -- given in the declarative part.
- -- [Exception for 'foreign ]
- Decl := Decl_Chain;
- while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
- -- In certain cases, the elaboration of a declarative item involves
- -- the evaluation of expressions that appear within the declarative
- -- item.
- -- The value of any object denoted by a primary in such an expression
- -- must be defined at the time the primary is read.
- -- In addition, if a primary in such an expression is a function call
- -- then the value of any object denoted or appearing as part of an
- -- actual designator in the function call must be defined at the
- -- time the expression is evaluated.
- -- FIXME: check this.
- Elaborate_Declaration (Instance, Decl);
- Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
- end loop;
- end Elaborate_Declarative_Part;
- function Elaborate_Architecture (Arch : Iir_Architecture_Body;
- Conf : Iir_Block_Configuration;
- Parent_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Stmt : Iir;
- Generic_Map : Iir;
- Port_Map : Iir)
- return Block_Instance_Acc
- is
- Entity : constant Iir_Entity_Declaration := Get_Entity (Arch);
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr_Mark : Mark_Type;
- begin
- Mark (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- if Trace_Elaboration then
- Ada.Text_IO.Put ("elaborating ");
- Ada.Text_IO.Put (Image_Identifier (Arch));
- Ada.Text_IO.Put (" of ");
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Image_Identifier (Entity));
- end if;
- Instance := Create_Block_Instance (Parent_Instance, Arch, Stmt);
- Instance.Up_Block := null; -- Packages_Instance;
- -- LRM93 §12.1
- -- Elaboration of a block statement involves first elaborating each not
- -- yet elaborated package containing declarations referenced by the
- -- block.
- Elaborate_Dependence (Get_Design_Unit (Arch));
- Elaborate_Generic_Clause (Instance, Get_Generic_Chain (Entity));
- Elaborate_Generic_Map_Aspect (Instance, Parent_Instance, Generic_Map);
- Elaborate_Port_Clause (Instance, Get_Port_Chain (Entity));
- Elaborate_Port_Map_Aspect (Instance, Parent_Instance,
- Get_Port_Chain (Entity), Port_Map);
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part
- (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Entity));
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Arch));
- Elaborate_Statement_Part
- (Instance, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Entity));
- Elaborate_Statement_Part
- (Instance, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Arch));
- -- Configure the unit. This will create sub units.
- Elaborate_Block_Configuration (Conf, Instance);
- Release (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- return Instance;
- end Elaborate_Architecture;
- -- Elaborate a design.
- procedure Elaborate_Design (Design: Iir_Design_Unit)
- is
- Unit : constant Iir := Get_Library_Unit (Design);
- Conf_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
- Conf : Iir_Block_Configuration;
- Arch_Unit : Iir_Design_Unit;
- Arch : Iir_Architecture_Body;
- Entity : Iir_Entity_Declaration;
- Generic_Map : Iir;
- Port_Map : Iir;
- begin
- Package_Instances :=
- new Block_Instance_Acc_Array (1 .. Instance_Slot_Type (Nbr_Packages));
- -- Use a 'fake' process to execute code during elaboration.
- Current_Process := No_Process;
- -- Find architecture and configuration for the top unit
- case Get_Kind (Unit) is
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- Arch := Unit;
- Conf_Unit := Get_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Unit);
- when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Declaration =>
- Conf_Unit := Design;
- Arch := Get_Block_Specification (Get_Block_Configuration (Unit));
- Elaborate_Dependence (Design);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_design", Unit);
- end case;
- Arch_Unit := Get_Design_Unit (Arch);
- Entity := Get_Entity (Arch);
- Elaborate_Dependence (Arch_Unit);
- -- Sanity check: memory area for expressions must be empty.
- if not Is_Empty (Expr_Pool) then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- -- Use default values for top entity generics and ports.
- Generic_Map := Create_Default_Association
- (Get_Generic_Chain (Entity), Null_Iir, Entity);
- Port_Map := Create_Default_Association
- (Get_Port_Chain (Entity), Null_Iir, Entity);
- -- Elaborate from the top configuration.
- Conf := Get_Block_Configuration (Get_Library_Unit (Conf_Unit));
- Top_Instance := Elaborate_Architecture
- (Arch, Conf, null, Arch, Generic_Map, Port_Map);
- Current_Process := null;
- -- Stop now in case of errors.
- if Nbr_Errors /= 0 then
- Grt.Errors.Fatal_Error;
- end if;
- -- Sanity check: memory area for expressions must be empty.
- if not Is_Empty (Expr_Pool) then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- end Elaborate_Design;
-end Elaboration;
diff --git a/src/simulate/ b/src/simulate/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a9ea8d..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
--- Elaboration for interpretation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with GNAT.Table;
-with Iirs; use Iirs;
-with Iir_Values; use Iir_Values;
-with Grt.Types;
-with Annotations; use Annotations;
-with Areapools;
--- This package elaborates design hierarchy.
-package Elaboration is
- Trace_Elaboration : Boolean := False;
- Trace_Drivers : Boolean := False;
- -- A block instance with its architecture/entity declaration is an
- -- instancied entity.
- type Block_Instance_Type;
- type Block_Instance_Acc is access Block_Instance_Type;
- type Objects_Array is array (Object_Slot_Type range <>) of
- Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- A block instance with its architecture/entity declaration is an
- -- instancied entity.
- type Block_Instance_Type (Max_Objs : Object_Slot_Type) is record
- -- Flag for wait statement: true if not yet executed.
- In_Wait_Flag : Boolean;
- -- Useful informations for a dynamic block (ie, a frame).
- -- The scope level and an access to the block of upper scope level.
- Scope_Level: Scope_Level_Type;
- Up_Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- -- Block, architecture, package, process, component instantiation for
- -- this instance.
- Label : Iir;
- -- For blocks: corresponding block (different from label for direct
- -- component instantiation statement and generate iterator).
- -- For packages: Null_Iir
- -- For subprograms and processes: statement being executed.
- Stmt : Iir;
- -- Instanciation tree.
- -- Parent is always set (but null for top-level block and packages)
- Parent: Block_Instance_Acc;
- -- Not null only for blocks and processes.
- Children: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Brother: Block_Instance_Acc;
- -- Pool marker for the child (only for subprograms and processes).
- Marker : Areapools.Mark_Type;
- -- Reference to the actuals, for copy-out when returning from a
- -- procedure.
- Actuals_Ref : Value_Array_Acc;
- -- Only for function frame; contains the result.
- Result: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Last object elaborated (or number of objects elaborated).
- -- Note: this is generally the slot index of the next object to be
- -- elaborated (this may be wrong for dynamic objects due to execution
- -- branches).
- Elab_Objects : Object_Slot_Type := 0;
- -- Values of the objects in that frame.
- Objects : Objects_Array (1 .. Max_Objs);
- end record;
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Object => Block_Instance_Type, Name => Block_Instance_Acc);
- procedure Elaborate_Design (Design: Iir_Design_Unit);
- procedure Elaborate_Declarative_Part
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl_Chain : Iir);
- -- Reverse operation of Elaborate_Declarative_Part.
- -- At least, finalize files.
- procedure Finalize_Declarative_Part
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl_Chain : Iir);
- procedure Elaborate_Declaration (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir);
- procedure Destroy_Iterator_Declaration
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir);
- -- Create a value for type DECL. Initialize it if DEFAULT is true.
- function Create_Value_For_Type
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Decl: Iir; Default : Boolean)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- LRM93 § Subtype Declarations
- -- The elaboration of a subtype indication creates a subtype.
- -- Used for allocator.
- procedure Elaborate_Subtype_Indication
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Ind : Iir);
- -- Create object DECL.
- -- This does nothing except marking DECL as elaborated.
- -- Used by simulation to dynamically create subprograms interfaces.
- procedure Create_Object (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir);
- procedure Create_Signal (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir);
- Top_Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- type Block_Instance_Acc_Array is array (Instance_Slot_Type range <>) of
- Block_Instance_Acc;
- type Block_Instance_Acc_Array_Acc is access Block_Instance_Acc_Array;
- Package_Instances : Block_Instance_Acc_Array_Acc;
- -- Disconnections. For each disconnection specification, the elaborator
- -- adds an entry in the table.
- type Disconnection_Entry is record
- Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Time : Iir_Value_Time;
- end record;
- package Disconnection_Table is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Disconnection_Entry,
- Table_Index_Type => Integer,
- Table_Low_Bound => 0,
- Table_Initial => 16,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- -- Connections. For each associations (block/component/entry), the
- -- elaborator adds an entry in that table.
- type Connect_Entry is record
- Formal : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Formal_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Actual : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Actual_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Assoc : Iir;
- end record;
- package Connect_Table is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Connect_Entry,
- Table_Index_Type => Integer,
- Table_Low_Bound => 0,
- Table_Initial => 32,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- -- Signals.
- type Signal_Type_Kind is
- (User_Signal,
- Implicit_Quiet, Implicit_Stable, Implicit_Delayed,
- Implicit_Transaction,
- Guard_Signal);
- type Signal_Entry (Kind : Signal_Type_Kind := User_Signal) is record
- Decl : Iir;
- Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- case Kind is
- when User_Signal =>
- Init : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- when Implicit_Quiet | Implicit_Stable | Implicit_Delayed
- | Implicit_Transaction =>
- Time : Grt.Types.Ghdl_I64;
- Prefix : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- when Guard_Signal =>
- null;
- end case;
- end record;
- package Signals_Table is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Signal_Entry,
- Table_Index_Type => Integer,
- Table_Low_Bound => 0,
- Table_Initial => 128,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- type Process_Index_Type is new Natural;
- package Processes_Table is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Block_Instance_Acc,
- Table_Index_Type => Process_Index_Type,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 128,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- package Protected_Table is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Block_Instance_Acc,
- Table_Index_Type => Protected_Index_Type,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 2,
- Table_Increment => 100);
-end Elaboration;
diff --git a/src/simulate/execution.adb b/src/simulate/execution.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index ef4cccc..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/execution.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4837 +0,0 @@
--- Interpreted simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with System;
-with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
-with Errorout; use Errorout;
-with Std_Package;
-with Evaluation;
-with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
-with Annotations; use Annotations;
-with Name_Table;
-with File_Operation;
-with Debugger; use Debugger;
-with Std_Names;
-with Str_Table;
-with Files_Map;
-with Iir_Chains; use Iir_Chains;
-with Simulation; use Simulation;
-with Grt.Astdio;
-with Grt.Stdio;
-with Grt.Options;
-with Grt.Vstrings;
-with Grt_Interface;
-with Grt.Values;
-with Grt.Errors;
-with Grt.Std_Logic_1164;
-package body Execution is
- function Execute_Function_Call
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Expr: Iir; Imp : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- procedure Finish_Sequential_Statements
- (Proc : Process_State_Acc; Complex_Stmt : Iir);
- procedure Init_Sequential_Statements
- (Proc : Process_State_Acc; Complex_Stmt : Iir);
- procedure Update_Next_Statement (Proc : Process_State_Acc);
- -- Display a message when an assertion has failed.
- procedure Execute_Failed_Assertion (Report : String;
- Severity : Natural;
- Stmt: Iir);
- function Get_Instance_By_Scope_Level
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc; Scope_Level: Scope_Level_Type)
- return Block_Instance_Acc
- is
- Current: Block_Instance_Acc := Instance;
- begin
- while Current /= null loop
- if Current.Scope_Level = Scope_Level then
- return Current;
- end if;
- Current := Current.Up_Block;
- end loop;
- -- Global scope (packages)
- if Scope_Level < Scope_Level_Global then
- return Package_Instances (Instance_Slot_Type (-Scope_Level));
- end if;
- if Current_Component /= null
- and then Current_Component.Scope_Level = Scope_Level
- then
- return Current_Component;
- end if;
- if Scope_Level = Scope_Level_Global then
- return null;
- end if;
- raise Internal_Error;
- end Get_Instance_By_Scope_Level;
- function Get_Instance_For_Slot (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc; Decl: Iir)
- return Block_Instance_Acc
- is
- begin
- return Get_Instance_By_Scope_Level (Instance,
- Get_Info (Decl).Scope_Level);
- end Get_Instance_For_Slot;
- function Create_Bounds_From_Length (Block : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Atype : Iir;
- Len : Iir_Index32)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Index_Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Index_Bounds := Execute_Bounds (Block, Atype);
- Res := Create_Range_Value (Left => Index_Bounds.Left,
- Right => null,
- Dir => Index_Bounds.Dir,
- Length => Len);
- if Len = 0 then
- -- Special case.
- Res.Right := Res.Left;
- case Res.Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- case Index_Bounds.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- Res.Left := Create_I64_Value (Res.Right.I64 + 1);
- when Iir_Downto =>
- Res.Left := Create_I64_Value (Res.Right.I64 - 1);
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- else
- case Res.Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- declare
- R : Ghdl_E32;
- begin
- case Index_Bounds.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- R := Res.Left.E32 + Ghdl_E32 (Len - 1);
- when Iir_Downto =>
- R := Res.Left.E32 - Ghdl_E32 (Len - 1);
- end case;
- Res.Right := Create_E32_Value (R);
- end;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- declare
- R : Ghdl_I64;
- begin
- case Index_Bounds.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- R := Res.Left.I64 + Ghdl_I64 (Len - 1);
- when Iir_Downto =>
- R := Res.Left.I64 - Ghdl_I64 (Len - 1);
- end case;
- Res.Right := Create_I64_Value (R);
- end;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end if;
- return Res;
- end Create_Bounds_From_Length;
- function Execute_High_Limit (Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- if Bounds.Dir = Iir_To then
- return Bounds.Right;
- else
- return Bounds.Left;
- end if;
- end Execute_High_Limit;
- function Execute_Low_Limit (Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- if Bounds.Dir = Iir_To then
- return Bounds.Left;
- else
- return Bounds.Right;
- end if;
- end Execute_Low_Limit;
- function Execute_Left_Limit (Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- return Bounds.Left;
- end Execute_Left_Limit;
- function Execute_Right_Limit (Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- return Bounds.Right;
- end Execute_Right_Limit;
- function Execute_Length (Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- return Create_I64_Value (Ghdl_I64 (Bounds.Length));
- end Execute_Length;
- function Create_Enum_Value (Pos : Natural; Etype : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Base_Type : constant Iir := Get_Base_Type (Etype);
- Mode : constant Iir_Value_Kind :=
- Get_Info (Base_Type).Scalar_Mode;
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- return Create_E32_Value (Ghdl_E32 (Pos));
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- return Create_B1_Value (Ghdl_B1'Val (Pos));
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Create_Enum_Value;
- function String_To_Iir_Value (Str : String) return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Create_Array_Value (Str'Length, 1);
- Res.Bounds.D (1) := Create_Range_Value
- (Create_I64_Value (1),
- Create_I64_Value (Str'Length),
- Iir_To);
- for I in Str'Range loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (1 + Iir_Index32 (I - Str'First)) :=
- Create_E32_Value (Character'Pos (Str (I)));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end String_To_Iir_Value;
- function Execute_Image_Attribute (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Expr_Type : Iir)
- return String
- is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Expr_Type) is
- when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- Str : String (1 .. 24);
- Last : Natural;
- begin
- Grt.Vstrings.To_String (Str, Last, Val.F64);
- return Str (Str'First .. Last);
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- Str : String (1 .. 21);
- First : Natural;
- begin
- Grt.Vstrings.To_String (Str, First, Val.I64);
- return Str (First .. Str'Last);
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- Lits : constant Iir_List :=
- Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Expr_Type);
- Pos : Natural;
- begin
- case Val.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Pos := Ghdl_B1'Pos (Val.B1);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Pos := Ghdl_E32'Pos (Val.E32);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- return Name_Table.Image
- (Get_Identifier (Get_Nth_Element (Lits, Pos)));
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- Str : String (1 .. 21);
- First : Natural;
- Id : constant Name_Id :=
- Get_Identifier (Get_Primary_Unit (Get_Base_Type (Expr_Type)));
- begin
- Grt.Vstrings.To_String (Str, First, Val.I64);
- return Str (First .. Str'Last) & ' ' & Name_Table.Image (Id);
- end;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_image_attribute", Expr_Type);
- end case;
- end Execute_Image_Attribute;
- function Execute_Shift_Operator (Left : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Count : Ghdl_I64;
- Expr : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Func : constant Iir_Predefined_Shift_Functions :=
- Get_Implicit_Definition (Get_Implementation (Expr));
- Cnt : Iir_Index32;
- Len : constant Iir_Index32 := Left.Bounds.D (1).Length;
- Dir_Left : Boolean;
- P : Iir_Index32;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- E : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- -- LRM93 7.2.3
- -- That is, if R is 0 or if L is a null array, the return value is L.
- if Count = 0 or else Len = 0 then
- return Left;
- end if;
- case Func is
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol =>
- Dir_Left := True;
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror =>
- Dir_Left := False;
- end case;
- if Count < 0 then
- Cnt := Iir_Index32 (-Count);
- Dir_Left := not Dir_Left;
- else
- Cnt := Iir_Index32 (Count);
- end if;
- case Func is
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl =>
- E := Create_Enum_Value
- (0, Get_Element_Subtype (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Expr))));
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra =>
- if Dir_Left then
- E := Left.Val_Array.V (Len);
- else
- E := Left.Val_Array.V (1);
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror =>
- Cnt := Cnt mod Len;
- if not Dir_Left then
- Cnt := (Len - Cnt) mod Len;
- end if;
- end case;
- Res := Create_Array_Value (1);
- Res.Bounds.D (1) := Left.Bounds.D (1);
- Create_Array_Data (Res, Len);
- P := 1;
- case Func is
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra =>
- if Dir_Left then
- if Cnt < Len then
- for I in Cnt .. Len - 1 loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (P) := Left.Val_Array.V (I + 1);
- P := P + 1;
- end loop;
- else
- Cnt := Len;
- end if;
- for I in 0 .. Cnt - 1 loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (P) := E;
- P := P + 1;
- end loop;
- else
- if Cnt > Len then
- Cnt := Len;
- end if;
- for I in 0 .. Cnt - 1 loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (P) := E;
- P := P + 1;
- end loop;
- for I in Cnt .. Len - 1 loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (P) := Left.Val_Array.V (I - Cnt + 1);
- P := P + 1;
- end loop;
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror =>
- for I in 1 .. Len loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (P) := Left.Val_Array.V (Cnt + 1);
- P := P + 1;
- Cnt := Cnt + 1;
- if Cnt = Len then
- Cnt := 0;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end case;
- return Res;
- end Execute_Shift_Operator;
- Hex_Chars : constant array (Natural range 0 .. 15) of Character :=
- "0123456789ABCDEF";
- function Execute_Bit_Vector_To_String (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Log_Base : Natural)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Base : constant Natural := 2 ** Log_Base;
- Blen : constant Natural := Natural (Val.Bounds.D (1).Length);
- Str : String (1 .. (Blen + Log_Base - 1) / Log_Base);
- Pos : Natural;
- V : Natural;
- N : Natural;
- begin
- V := 0;
- N := 1;
- Pos := Str'Last;
- for I in reverse Val.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- V := V + Ghdl_B1'Pos (Val.Val_Array.V (I).B1) * N;
- N := N * 2;
- if N = Base or else I = Val.Val_Array.V'First then
- Str (Pos) := Hex_Chars (V);
- Pos := Pos - 1;
- N := 1;
- V := 0;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return String_To_Iir_Value (Str);
- end Execute_Bit_Vector_To_String;
- procedure Check_Std_Ulogic_Dc
- (Loc : Iir; V : Grt.Std_Logic_1164.Std_Ulogic)
- is
- use Grt.Std_Logic_1164;
- begin
- if V = '-' then
- Execute_Failed_Assertion
- ("STD_LOGIC_1164: '-' operand for matching ordering operator",
- 2, Loc);
- end if;
- end Check_Std_Ulogic_Dc;
- -- EXPR is the expression whose implementation is an implicit function.
- function Execute_Implicit_Function (Block : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr: Iir;
- Left_Param : Iir;
- Right_Param : Iir;
- Res_Type : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- pragma Unsuppress (Overflow_Check);
- Func : Iir_Predefined_Functions;
- -- Rename definition for monadic operations.
- Left, Right: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Operand : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc renames Left;
- Result: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- procedure Eval_Right is
- begin
- Right := Execute_Expression (Block, Right_Param);
- end Eval_Right;
- -- Eval right argument, check left and right have same length,
- -- Create RESULT from left.
- procedure Eval_Array is
- begin
- Eval_Right;
- if Left.Bounds.D (1).Length /= Right.Bounds.D (1).Length then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- -- Need to copy as the result is modified.
- Result := Unshare (Left, Expr_Pool'Access);
- end Eval_Array;
- Imp : Iir;
- begin
- Imp := Get_Implementation (Expr);
- if Get_Kind (Imp) in Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name then
- Imp := Get_Named_Entity (Imp);
- end if;
- Func := Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp);
- -- Eval left operand.
- case Func is
- when Iir_Predefined_Now_Function =>
- Left := null;
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Rising_Edge
- | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Rising_Edge
- | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Falling_Edge
- | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Falling_Edge=>
- Operand := Execute_Name (Block, Left_Param, True);
- when others =>
- Left := Execute_Expression (Block, Left_Param);
- end case;
- Right := null;
- case Func is
- when Iir_Predefined_Error =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat
- | Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat
- | Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat =>
- Eval_Right;
- declare
- -- Array length of the result.
- Len: Iir_Index32;
- -- Index into the result.
- Pos: Iir_Index32;
- begin
- -- Compute the length of the result.
- case Func is
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat =>
- Len := Left.Val_Array.Len + Right.Val_Array.Len;
- when Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat =>
- Len := 1 + Right.Val_Array.Len;
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat =>
- Len := Left.Val_Array.Len + 1;
- when Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat =>
- Len := 1 + 1;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- -- LRM93 7.2.4
- -- If both operands are null arrays, then the result of the
- -- concatenation is the right operand.
- if Len = 0 then
- -- Note: this return is allowed since LEFT is free, and
- -- RIGHT must not be free.
- return Right;
- end if;
- -- Create the array result.
- Result := Create_Array_Value (Len, 1);
- Result.Bounds.D (1) := Create_Bounds_From_Length
- (Block, Get_First_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Res_Type)),
- Len);
- -- Fill the result: left.
- case Func is
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat =>
- for I in Left.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I) := Left.Val_Array.V (I);
- end loop;
- Pos := Left.Val_Array.Len;
- when Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat
- | Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat =>
- Result.Val_Array.V (1) := Left;
- Pos := 1;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- -- Note: here POS is equal to the position of the last element
- -- filled, or 0 if no elements were filled.
- -- Fill the result: right.
- case Func is
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Array_Concat
- | Iir_Predefined_Element_Array_Concat =>
- for I in Right.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (Pos + I) := Right.Val_Array.V (I);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Element_Concat
- | Iir_Predefined_Element_Element_Concat =>
- Result.Val_Array.V (Pos + 1) := Right;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end;
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_And
- | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_And =>
- if Left.B1 = Lit_Enum_0.B1 then
- -- Short circuit operator.
- Result := Lit_Enum_0;
- else
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Right.B1 = Lit_Enum_1.B1);
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nand
- | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nand =>
- if Left.B1 = Lit_Enum_0.B1 then
- -- Short circuit operator.
- Result := Lit_Enum_1;
- else
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Right.B1 = Lit_Enum_0.B1);
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Or
- | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Or =>
- if Left.B1 = Lit_Enum_1.B1 then
- -- Short circuit operator.
- Result := Lit_Enum_1;
- else
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Right.B1 = Lit_Enum_1.B1);
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Nor
- | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Nor =>
- if Left.B1 = Lit_Enum_1.B1 then
- -- Short circuit operator.
- Result := Lit_Enum_0;
- else
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Right.B1 = Lit_Enum_0.B1);
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Xor
- | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Xor =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.B1 /= Right.B1);
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Xnor
- | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Xnor =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.B1 = Right.B1);
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Not
- | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Not =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Operand.B1 = Lit_Enum_0.B1);
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Condition =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Operand.B1 = Lit_Enum_1.B1);
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Sll
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Srl
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sla
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Sra
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Rol
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Ror =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Execute_Shift_Operator (Left, Right.I64, Expr);
- when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Equality
- | Iir_Predefined_Integer_Equality
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Equality
- | Iir_Predefined_Access_Equality
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Equality
- | Iir_Predefined_Floating_Equality
- | Iir_Predefined_Record_Equality
- | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Match_Equality
- | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Match_Equality =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Is_Equal (Left, Right));
- when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Inequality
- | Iir_Predefined_Integer_Inequality
- | Iir_Predefined_Array_Inequality
- | Iir_Predefined_Access_Inequality
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Inequality
- | Iir_Predefined_Floating_Inequality
- | Iir_Predefined_Record_Inequality
- | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Match_Inequality
- | Iir_Predefined_Bit_Array_Match_Inequality =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (not Is_Equal (Left, Right));
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Less
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Less =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.I64 < Right.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Greater
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Greater =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.I64 > Right.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Less_Equal
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Less_Equal =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.I64 <= Right.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Greater_Equal
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Greater_Equal =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.I64 >= Right.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Less =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.B1 < Right.B1);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.E32 < Right.E32);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Greater =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.B1 > Right.B1);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.E32 > Right.E32);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Less_Equal =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.B1 <= Right.B1);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.E32 <= Right.E32);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Greater_Equal =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.B1 >= Right.B1);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.E32 >= Right.E32);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Minimum
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Minimum =>
- Eval_Right;
- if Compare_Value (Left, Right) = Less then
- Result := Left;
- else
- Result := Right;
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Enum_Maximum
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Maximum =>
- Eval_Right;
- if Compare_Value (Left, Right) = Less then
- Result := Right;
- else
- Result := Left;
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Plus
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Plus =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Left.I64 + Right.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Minus
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Minus =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Left.I64 - Right.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Mul =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Left.I64 * Right.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Mod =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- if Right.I64 = 0 then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Left.I64 mod Right.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Rem =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- if Right.I64 = 0 then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Left.I64 rem Right.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Div =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- if Right.I64 = 0 then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Left.I64 / Right.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Absolute
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Absolute =>
- case Operand.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Result := Create_I64_Value (abs Operand.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Negation
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Negation =>
- case Operand.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Result := Create_I64_Value (-Operand.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Identity
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_Identity =>
- case Operand.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Operand.I64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Exp =>
- Eval_Right;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- if Right.I64 < 0 then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Left.I64 ** Natural (Right.I64));
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Minimum =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Ghdl_I64'Min (Left.I64, Right.I64));
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Maximum =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Ghdl_I64'Max (Left.I64, Right.I64));
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Mul =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_F64_Value (Left.F64 * Right.F64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Div =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_F64_Value (Left.F64 / Right.F64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Minus =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_F64_Value (Left.F64 - Right.F64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Plus =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_F64_Value (Left.F64 + Right.F64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Exp =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_F64_Value (Left.F64 ** Integer (Right.I64));
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Identity =>
- Result := Create_F64_Value (Operand.F64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Negation =>
- Result := Create_F64_Value (-Operand.F64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Absolute =>
- Result := Create_F64_Value (abs (Operand.F64));
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Less =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.F64 < Right.F64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Less_Equal =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.F64 <= Right.F64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Greater =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.F64 > Right.F64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Greater_Equal =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Left.F64 >= Right.F64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Minimum =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_F64_Value (Ghdl_F64'Min (Left.F64, Right.F64));
- when Iir_Predefined_Floating_Maximum =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_F64_Value (Ghdl_F64'Max (Left.F64, Right.F64));
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_Physical_Mul =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Left.I64 * Right.I64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Mul =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Left.I64 * Right.I64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Physical_Div =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Left.I64 / Right.I64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Integer_Div =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Left.I64 / Right.I64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Real_Physical_Mul =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_I64_Value
- (Ghdl_I64 (Left.F64 * Ghdl_F64 (Right.I64)));
- when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Mul =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_I64_Value
- (Ghdl_I64 (Ghdl_F64 (Left.I64) * Right.F64));
- when Iir_Predefined_Physical_Real_Div =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_I64_Value
- (Ghdl_I64 (Ghdl_F64 (Left.I64) / Right.F64));
- when Iir_Predefined_Universal_I_R_Mul =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_F64_Value (Ghdl_F64 (Left.I64) * Right.F64);
- when Iir_Predefined_Universal_R_I_Mul =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Create_F64_Value (Left.F64 * Ghdl_F64 (Right.I64));
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_And =>
- Eval_Array;
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 and Right.Val_Array.V (I).B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Nand =>
- Eval_Array;
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- not (Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 and Right.Val_Array.V (I).B1);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Or =>
- Eval_Array;
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 or Right.Val_Array.V (I).B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Nor =>
- Eval_Array;
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- not (Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 or Right.Val_Array.V (I).B1);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Xor =>
- Eval_Array;
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 xor Right.Val_Array.V (I).B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Xnor =>
- Eval_Array;
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- not (Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 xor Right.Val_Array.V (I).B1);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Element_And =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Left, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 and Right.B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Element_Array_And =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Right, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 and Left.B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Element_Or =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Left, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 or Right.B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Element_Array_Or =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Right, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 or Left.B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Element_Xor =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Left, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 xor Right.B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Element_Array_Xor =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Right, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 xor Left.B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Element_Nand =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Left, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- not (Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 and Right.B1);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Element_Array_Nand =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Right, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- not (Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 and Left.B1);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Element_Nor =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Left, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- not (Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 or Right.B1);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Element_Array_Nor =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Right, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- not (Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 or Left.B1);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Element_Xnor =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Left, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- not (Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 xor Right.B1);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Element_Array_Xnor =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Unshare (Right, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 :=
- not (Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 xor Left.B1);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Array_Not =>
- -- Need to copy as the result is modified.
- Result := Unshare (Operand, Expr_Pool'Access);
- for I in Result.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1 := not Result.Val_Array.V (I).B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Reduction_And =>
- Result := Create_B1_Value (True);
- for I in Operand.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.B1 := Result.B1 and Operand.Val_Array.V (I).B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Reduction_Nand =>
- Result := Create_B1_Value (True);
- for I in Operand.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.B1 := Result.B1 and Operand.Val_Array.V (I).B1;
- end loop;
- Result.B1 := not Result.B1;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Reduction_Or =>
- Result := Create_B1_Value (False);
- for I in Operand.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.B1 := Result.B1 or Operand.Val_Array.V (I).B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Reduction_Nor =>
- Result := Create_B1_Value (False);
- for I in Operand.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.B1 := Result.B1 or Operand.Val_Array.V (I).B1;
- end loop;
- Result.B1 := not Result.B1;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Reduction_Xor =>
- Result := Create_B1_Value (False);
- for I in Operand.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.B1 := Result.B1 xor Operand.Val_Array.V (I).B1;
- end loop;
- when Iir_Predefined_TF_Reduction_Xnor =>
- Result := Create_B1_Value (False);
- for I in Operand.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Result.B1 := Result.B1 xor Operand.Val_Array.V (I).B1;
- end loop;
- Result.B1 := not Result.B1;
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Rising_Edge
- | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Rising_Edge =>
- return Boolean_To_Lit
- (Execute_Event_Attribute (Operand)
- and then Execute_Signal_Value (Operand).B1 = True);
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Falling_Edge
- | Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Falling_Edge =>
- return Boolean_To_Lit
- (Execute_Event_Attribute (Operand)
- and then Execute_Signal_Value (Operand).B1 = False);
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Greater =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Compare_Value (Left, Right) = Greater);
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Greater_Equal =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Compare_Value (Left, Right) >= Equal);
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Less =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Compare_Value (Left, Right) = Less);
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Less_Equal =>
- Eval_Right;
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (Compare_Value (Left, Right) <= Equal);
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Minimum =>
- Eval_Right;
- if Compare_Value (Left, Right) = Less then
- Result := Left;
- else
- Result := Right;
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Maximum =>
- Eval_Right;
- if Compare_Value (Left, Right) = Less then
- Result := Right;
- else
- Result := Left;
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Vector_Maximum =>
- declare
- El_St : constant Iir :=
- Get_Return_Type (Get_Implementation (Expr));
- V : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Result := Execute_Low_Limit (Execute_Bounds (Block, El_St));
- for I in Left.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- V := Left.Val_Array.V (I);
- if Compare_Value (V, Result) = Greater then
- Result := V;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Predefined_Vector_Minimum =>
- declare
- El_St : constant Iir :=
- Get_Return_Type (Get_Implementation (Expr));
- V : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Result := Execute_High_Limit (Execute_Bounds (Block, El_St));
- for I in Left.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- V := Left.Val_Array.V (I);
- if Compare_Value (V, Result) = Less then
- Result := V;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Predefined_Endfile =>
- Result := Boolean_To_Lit (File_Operation.Endfile (Left, Null_Iir));
- when Iir_Predefined_Now_Function =>
- Result := Create_I64_Value (Ghdl_I64 (Grt.Types.Current_Time));
- when Iir_Predefined_Integer_To_String
- | Iir_Predefined_Floating_To_String
- | Iir_Predefined_Physical_To_String =>
- Result := String_To_Iir_Value
- (Execute_Image_Attribute (Left, Get_Type (Left_Param)));
- when Iir_Predefined_Enum_To_String =>
- declare
- use Name_Table;
- Base_Type : constant Iir :=
- Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Left_Param));
- Lits : constant Iir_List :=
- Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Base_Type);
- Pos : constant Natural := Get_Enum_Pos (Left);
- Id : Name_Id;
- begin
- if Base_Type = Std_Package.Character_Type_Definition then
- Result := String_To_Iir_Value ((1 => Character'Val (Pos)));
- else
- Id := Get_Identifier (Get_Nth_Element (Lits, Pos));
- if Is_Character (Id) then
- Result := String_To_Iir_Value ((1 => Get_Character (Id)));
- else
- Result := String_To_Iir_Value (Image (Id));
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- when Iir_Predefined_Array_Char_To_String =>
- declare
- Str : String (1 .. Natural (Left.Bounds.D (1).Length));
- Lits : constant Iir_List :=
- Get_Enumeration_Literal_List
- (Get_Base_Type
- (Get_Element_Subtype (Get_Type (Left_Param))));
- Pos : Natural;
- begin
- for I in Left.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Pos := Get_Enum_Pos (Left.Val_Array.V (I));
- Str (Positive (I)) := Name_Table.Get_Character
- (Get_Identifier (Get_Nth_Element (Lits, Pos)));
- end loop;
- Result := String_To_Iir_Value (Str);
- end;
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Vector_To_Hstring =>
- return Execute_Bit_Vector_To_String (Left, 4);
- when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Vector_To_Ostring =>
- return Execute_Bit_Vector_To_String (Left, 3);
- when Iir_Predefined_Real_To_String_Digits =>
- Eval_Right;
- declare
- Str : Grt.Vstrings.String_Real_Digits;
- Last : Natural;
- begin
- Grt.Vstrings.To_String
- (Str, Last, Left.F64, Ghdl_I32 (Right.I64));
- Result := String_To_Iir_Value (Str (1 .. Last));
- end;
- when Iir_Predefined_Real_To_String_Format =>
- Eval_Right;
- declare
- Format : String (1 .. Natural (Right.Val_Array.Len) + 1);
- Str : Grt.Vstrings.String_Real_Format;
- Last : Natural;
- begin
- for I in Right.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Format (Positive (I)) :=
- Character'Val (Right.Val_Array.V (I).E32);
- end loop;
- Format (Format'Last) := ASCII.NUL;
- Grt.Vstrings.To_String
- (Str, Last, Left.F64, To_Ghdl_C_String (Format'Address));
- Result := String_To_Iir_Value (Str (1 .. Last));
- end;
- when Iir_Predefined_Time_To_String_Unit =>
- Eval_Right;
- declare
- Str : Grt.Vstrings.String_Time_Unit;
- First : Natural;
- Unit : Iir;
- begin
- Unit := Get_Unit_Chain (Std_Package.Time_Type_Definition);
- while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
- exit when Evaluation.Get_Physical_Value (Unit)
- = Iir_Int64 (Right.I64);
- Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
- end loop;
- if Unit = Null_Iir then
- Error_Msg_Exec
- ("to_string for time called with wrong unit", Expr);
- end if;
- Grt.Vstrings.To_String (Str, First, Left.I64, Right.I64);
- Result := String_To_Iir_Value
- (Str (First .. Str'Last) & ' '
- & Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Unit)));
- end;
- when Iir_Predefined_Std_Ulogic_Match_Equality =>
- Eval_Right;
- declare
- use Grt.Std_Logic_1164;
- begin
- Result := Create_E32_Value
- (Std_Ulogic'Pos
- (Match_Eq_Table (Std_Ulogic'Val (Left.E32),
- Std_Ulogic'Val (Right.E32))));
- end;
- when Iir_Predefined_Std_Ulogic_Match_Inequality =>
- Eval_Right;
- declare
- use Grt.Std_Logic_1164;
- begin
- Result := Create_E32_Value
- (Std_Ulogic'Pos
- (Not_Table (Match_Eq_Table (Std_Ulogic'Val (Left.E32),
- Std_Ulogic'Val (Right.E32)))));
- end;
- when Iir_Predefined_Std_Ulogic_Match_Ordering_Functions =>
- Eval_Right;
- declare
- use Grt.Std_Logic_1164;
- L : constant Std_Ulogic := Std_Ulogic'Val (Left.E32);
- R : constant Std_Ulogic := Std_Ulogic'Val (Right.E32);
- Res : Std_Ulogic;
- begin
- Check_Std_Ulogic_Dc (Expr, L);
- Check_Std_Ulogic_Dc (Expr, R);
- case Iir_Predefined_Std_Ulogic_Match_Ordering_Functions (Func)
- is
- when Iir_Predefined_Std_Ulogic_Match_Less =>
- Res := Match_Lt_Table (L, R);
- when Iir_Predefined_Std_Ulogic_Match_Less_Equal =>
- Res := Or_Table (Match_Lt_Table (L, R),
- Match_Eq_Table (L, R));
- when Iir_Predefined_Std_Ulogic_Match_Greater =>
- Res := Not_Table (Or_Table (Match_Lt_Table (L, R),
- Match_Eq_Table (L, R)));
- when Iir_Predefined_Std_Ulogic_Match_Greater_Equal =>
- Res := Not_Table (Match_Lt_Table (L, R));
- end case;
- Result := Create_E32_Value (Std_Ulogic'Pos (Res));
- end;
- when Iir_Predefined_Std_Ulogic_Array_Match_Equality
- | Iir_Predefined_Std_Ulogic_Array_Match_Inequality =>
- Eval_Right;
- if Left.Bounds.D (1).Length /= Right.Bounds.D (1).Length then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- declare
- use Grt.Std_Logic_1164;
- Res : Std_Ulogic := '1';
- begin
- Result := Create_E32_Value (Std_Ulogic'Pos ('1'));
- for I in Left.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Res := And_Table
- (Res,
- Match_Eq_Table
- (Std_Ulogic'Val (Left.Val_Array.V (I).E32),
- Std_Ulogic'Val (Right.Val_Array.V (I).E32)));
- end loop;
- if Func = Iir_Predefined_Std_Ulogic_Array_Match_Inequality then
- Res := Not_Table (Res);
- end if;
- Result := Create_E32_Value (Std_Ulogic'Pos (Res));
- end;
- when others =>
- Error_Msg ("execute_implicit_function: unimplemented " &
- Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (Func));
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- return Result;
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end Execute_Implicit_Function;
- procedure Execute_Implicit_Procedure
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Stmt: Iir_Procedure_Call)
- is
- Imp : constant Iir_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration :=
- Get_Named_Entity (Get_Implementation (Stmt));
- Assoc_Chain : constant Iir := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Stmt);
- Assoc: Iir;
- Args: Iir_Value_Literal_Array (0 .. 3);
- Inter_Chain : Iir;
- Expr_Mark : Mark_Type;
- begin
- Mark (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
- for I in Iir_Index32 loop
- exit when Assoc = Null_Iir;
- Args (I) := Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Actual (Assoc));
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- end loop;
- Inter_Chain := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
- case Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp) is
- when Iir_Predefined_Deallocate =>
- if Args (0).Val_Access /= null then
- Free_Heap_Value (Args (0));
- Args (0).Val_Access := null;
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_File_Open =>
- File_Operation.File_Open
- (Args (0), Args (1), Args (2), Inter_Chain, Stmt);
- when Iir_Predefined_File_Open_Status =>
- File_Operation.File_Open_Status
- (Args (0), Args (1), Args (2), Args (3),
- Get_Chain (Inter_Chain), Stmt);
- when Iir_Predefined_Write =>
- if Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (Inter_Chain)) then
- File_Operation.Write_Text (Args (0), Args (1));
- else
- File_Operation.Write_Binary (Args (0), Args (1));
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Read_Length =>
- if Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (Inter_Chain)) then
- File_Operation.Read_Length_Text
- (Args (0), Args (1), Args (2));
- else
- File_Operation.Read_Length_Binary
- (Args (0), Args (1), Args (2));
- end if;
- when Iir_Predefined_Read =>
- File_Operation.Read_Binary (Args (0), Args (1));
- when Iir_Predefined_Flush =>
- File_Operation.Flush (Args (0));
- when Iir_Predefined_File_Close =>
- if Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (Inter_Chain)) then
- File_Operation.File_Close_Text (Args (0), Stmt);
- else
- File_Operation.File_Close_Binary (Args (0), Stmt);
- end if;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_implicit_procedure",
- Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp));
- end case;
- Release (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- end Execute_Implicit_Procedure;
- procedure Execute_Foreign_Procedure
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Stmt: Iir_Procedure_Call)
- is
- Imp : constant Iir_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration :=
- Get_Implementation (Stmt);
- Assoc_Chain : constant Iir := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Stmt);
- Assoc: Iir;
- Args: Iir_Value_Literal_Array (0 .. 3) := (others => null);
- Expr_Mark : Mark_Type;
- begin
- Mark (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
- for I in Args'Range loop
- exit when Assoc = Null_Iir;
- Args (I) := Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Actual (Assoc));
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- end loop;
- case Get_Identifier (Imp) is
- when Std_Names.Name_Untruncated_Text_Read =>
- File_Operation.Untruncated_Text_Read
- (Args (0), Args (1), Args (2));
- when Std_Names.Name_Control_Simulation =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "simulation finished");
- raise Simulation_Finished;
- when others =>
- Error_Msg_Exec ("unsupported foreign procedure call", Stmt);
- end case;
- Release (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- end Execute_Foreign_Procedure;
- -- Compute the offset for INDEX into a range BOUNDS.
- -- EXPR is only used in case of error.
- function Get_Index_Offset
- (Index: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Bounds: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Expr: Iir)
- return Iir_Index32
- is
- Left_Pos, Right_Pos: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Left_Pos := Bounds.Left;
- Right_Pos := Bounds.Right;
- if Index.Kind /= Left_Pos.Kind or else Index.Kind /= Right_Pos.Kind then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- case Index.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- case Bounds.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- if Index.B1 >= Left_Pos.B1 and then
- Index.B1 <= Right_Pos.B1
- then
- -- to
- return Ghdl_B1'Pos (Index.B1) - Ghdl_B1'Pos (Left_Pos.B1);
- end if;
- when Iir_Downto =>
- if Index.B1 <= Left_Pos.B1 and then
- Index.B1 >= Right_Pos.B1
- then
- -- downto
- return Ghdl_B1'Pos (Left_Pos.B1) - Ghdl_B1'Pos (Index.B1);
- end if;
- end case;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- case Bounds.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- if Index.E32 >= Left_Pos.E32 and then
- Index.E32 <= Right_Pos.E32
- then
- -- to
- return Iir_Index32 (Index.E32 - Left_Pos.E32);
- end if;
- when Iir_Downto =>
- if Index.E32 <= Left_Pos.E32 and then
- Index.E32 >= Right_Pos.E32
- then
- -- downto
- return Iir_Index32 (Left_Pos.E32 - Index.E32);
- end if;
- end case;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- case Bounds.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- if Index.I64 >= Left_Pos.I64 and then
- Index.I64 <= Right_Pos.I64
- then
- -- to
- return Iir_Index32 (Index.I64 - Left_Pos.I64);
- end if;
- when Iir_Downto =>
- if Index.I64 <= Left_Pos.I64 and then
- Index.I64 >= Right_Pos.I64
- then
- -- downto
- return Iir_Index32 (Left_Pos.I64 - Index.I64);
- end if;
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- return 0;
- end Get_Index_Offset;
- -- Create an iir_value_literal of kind iir_value_array and of life LIFE.
- -- Allocate the array of bounds, and fill it from A_TYPE.
- -- Allocate the array of values.
- function Create_Array_Bounds_From_Type
- (Block : Block_Instance_Acc;
- A_Type : Iir;
- Create_Val_Array : Boolean)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Index_List : Iir_List;
- Len : Iir_Index32;
- Bound : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- -- Only for constrained subtypes.
- if Get_Kind (A_Type) = Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (A_Type);
- Res := Create_Array_Value
- (Iir_Index32 (Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List)));
- Len := 1;
- for I in 1 .. Res.Bounds.Nbr_Dims loop
- Bound := Execute_Bounds
- (Block, Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, Natural (I - 1)));
- Len := Len * Bound.Length;
- Res.Bounds.D (I) := Bound;
- end loop;
- if Create_Val_Array then
- Create_Array_Data (Res, Len);
- end if;
- return Res;
- end Create_Array_Bounds_From_Type;
- -- Return the steps (ie, offset in the array when index DIM is increased
- -- by one) for array ARR and dimension DIM.
- function Get_Step_For_Dim (Arr: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Dim : Natural)
- return Iir_Index32
- is
- Bounds : Value_Bounds_Array_Acc renames Arr.Bounds;
- Res : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Res := 1;
- for I in Iir_Index32 (Dim + 1) .. Bounds.Nbr_Dims loop
- Res := Res * Bounds.D (I).Length;
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Get_Step_For_Dim;
- -- Create a literal for a string or a bit_string
- function String_To_Enumeration_Array_1 (Str: Iir; El_Type : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Lit: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Element_Mode : Iir_Value_Scalars;
- procedure Create_Lit_El
- (Index : Iir_Index32; Literal: Iir_Enumeration_Literal)
- is
- R : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- P : constant Iir_Int32 := Get_Enum_Pos (Literal);
- begin
- case Element_Mode is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- R := Create_B1_Value (Ghdl_B1'Val (P));
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- R := Create_E32_Value (Ghdl_E32'Val (P));
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Lit.Val_Array.V (Index) := R;
- end Create_Lit_El;
- El_Btype : constant Iir := Get_Base_Type (El_Type);
- Literal_List: constant Iir_List :=
- Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (El_Btype);
- Len: Iir_Index32;
- Str_As_Str: constant String := Iirs_Utils.Image_String_Lit (Str);
- El : Iir;
- begin
- Element_Mode := Get_Info (El_Btype).Scalar_Mode;
- case Get_Kind (Str) is
- when Iir_Kind_String_Literal =>
- Len := Iir_Index32 (Str_As_Str'Length);
- Lit := Create_Array_Value (Len, 1);
- for I in Lit.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- -- FIXME: use literal from type ??
- El := Find_Name_In_List
- (Literal_List,
- Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Str_As_Str (Natural (I))));
- if El = Null_Iir then
- -- FIXME: could free what was already built.
- return null;
- end if;
- Create_Lit_El (I, El);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
- declare
- Lit_0, Lit_1 : Iir;
- Buf : String_Fat_Acc;
- Len1 : Int32;
- begin
- Lit_0 := Get_Bit_String_0 (Str);
- Lit_1 := Get_Bit_String_1 (Str);
- Buf := Str_Table.Get_String_Fat_Acc (Get_String_Id (Str));
- Len1 := Get_String_Length (Str);
- Lit := Create_Array_Value (Iir_Index32 (Len1), 1);
- if Lit_0 = Null_Iir or Lit_1 = Null_Iir then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- for I in 1 .. Len1 loop
- case Buf (I) is
- when '0' =>
- Create_Lit_El (Iir_Index32 (I), Lit_0);
- when '1' =>
- Create_Lit_El (Iir_Index32 (I), Lit_1);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- return Lit;
- end String_To_Enumeration_Array_1;
- -- Create a literal for a string or a bit_string
- function String_To_Enumeration_Array (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Str: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Array_Type: constant Iir := Get_Type (Str);
- Index_Types : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Array_Type);
- begin
- if Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_Types) /= 1 then
- raise Internal_Error; -- array must be unidimensional
- end if;
- Res := String_To_Enumeration_Array_1
- (Str, Get_Element_Subtype (Array_Type));
- -- When created from static evaluation, a string may still have an
- -- unconstrained type.
- if Get_Constraint_State (Array_Type) /= Fully_Constrained then
- Res.Bounds.D (1) :=
- Create_Range_Value (Create_I64_Value (1),
- Create_I64_Value (Ghdl_I64 (Res.Val_Array.Len)),
- Iir_To,
- Res.Val_Array.Len);
- else
- Res.Bounds.D (1) :=
- Execute_Bounds (Block, Get_First_Element (Index_Types));
- end if;
- -- The range may not be statically constant.
- if Res.Bounds.D (1).Length /= Res.Val_Array.Len then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Str);
- end if;
- return Res;
- end String_To_Enumeration_Array;
- -- Fill LENGTH elements of RES, starting at ORIG by steps of STEP.
- -- Use expressions from (BLOCK, AGGREGATE) to fill the elements.
- -- EL_TYPE is the type of the array element.
- procedure Fill_Array_Aggregate_1
- (Block : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Aggregate : Iir;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Orig : Iir_Index32;
- Step : Iir_Index32;
- Dim : Iir_Index32;
- Nbr_Dim : Iir_Index32;
- El_Type : Iir)
- is
- Value : Iir;
- Bound : constant Iir_Value_Literal_Acc := Res.Bounds.D (Dim);
- procedure Set_Elem (Pos : Iir_Index32)
- is
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Dim = Nbr_Dim then
- -- VALUE is an expression (which may be an aggregate, but not
- -- a sub-aggregate.
- Val := Execute_Expression_With_Type (Block, Value, El_Type);
- -- LRM93
- -- For a multi-dimensional aggregate of dimension n, a check
- -- is made that all (n-1)-dimensional subaggregates have the
- -- same bounds.
- -- GHDL: I have added an implicit array conversion, however
- -- it may be useful to allow cases like this:
- -- type str_array is array (natural range <>)
- -- of string (10 downto 1);
- -- constant floats : str_array :=
- -- ( "00000000.0", HT & "+1.5ABCDE");
- -- The subtype of the first sub-aggregate (0.0) is
- -- determinated by the context, according to rule 9 and 4
- -- of LRM93 and therefore is string (10 downto 1),
- -- while the subtype of the second sub-aggregate (HT & ...)
- -- is determinated by rules 1 and 2 of LRM 7.2.4, and is
- -- string (1 to 10).
- -- Unless an implicit conversion is used, according to the
- -- LRM, this should fail, but it makes no sens.
- --
- -- FIXME: Add a warning, a flag ?
- --Implicit_Array_Conversion (Block, Val, El_Type, Value);
- --Check_Constraints (Block, Val, El_Type, Value);
- Res.Val_Array.V (1 + Orig + Pos * Step) := Val;
- else
- case Get_Kind (Value) is
- when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
- -- VALUE is a sub-aggregate.
- Fill_Array_Aggregate_1 (Block, Value, Res,
- Orig + Pos * Step,
- Step / Res.Bounds.D (Dim + 1).Length,
- Dim + 1, Nbr_Dim, El_Type);
- when Iir_Kind_String_Literal
- | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
- pragma Assert (Dim + 1 = Nbr_Dim);
- Val := String_To_Enumeration_Array_1 (Value, El_Type);
- if Val.Val_Array.Len /= Res.Bounds.D (Nbr_Dim).Length then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Value);
- end if;
- for I in Val.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (Orig + Pos * Step + I) :=
- Val.Val_Array.V (I);
- end loop;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("fill_array_aggregate_1", Value);
- end case;
- end if;
- end Set_Elem;
- procedure Set_Elem_By_Expr (Expr : Iir)
- is
- Expr_Pos: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Expr_Pos := Execute_Expression (Block, Expr);
- Set_Elem (Get_Index_Offset (Expr_Pos, Bound, Expr));
- end Set_Elem_By_Expr;
- procedure Set_Elem_By_Range (Expr : Iir)
- is
- A_Range : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- High, Low : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- A_Range := Execute_Bounds (Block, Expr);
- if Is_Nul_Range (A_Range) then
- return;
- end if;
- if A_Range.Dir = Iir_To then
- High := A_Range.Right;
- Low := A_Range.Left;
- else
- High := A_Range.Left;
- Low := A_Range.Right;
- end if;
- -- Locally modified (incremented)
- Low := Unshare (Low, Expr_Pool'Access);
- loop
- Set_Elem (Get_Index_Offset (Low, Bound, Expr));
- exit when Is_Equal (Low, High);
- Increment (Low);
- end loop;
- end Set_Elem_By_Range;
- Length : constant Iir_Index32 := Bound.Length;
- Assoc : Iir;
- Pos : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Assoc := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggregate);
- Pos := 0;
- while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
- Value := Get_Associated_Expr (Assoc);
- loop
- case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
- if Pos >= Length then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Assoc);
- end if;
- Set_Elem (Pos);
- Pos := Pos + 1;
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
- Set_Elem_By_Expr (Get_Choice_Expression (Assoc));
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
- Set_Elem_By_Range (Get_Choice_Range (Assoc));
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
- for J in 1 .. Length loop
- if Res.Val_Array.V (Orig + J * Step) = null then
- Set_Elem (J - 1);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- exit when Assoc = Null_Iir;
- exit when not Get_Same_Alternative_Flag (Assoc);
- end loop;
- end loop;
- -- Check each elements have been set.
- -- FIXME: check directly with type.
- for J in 1 .. Length loop
- if Res.Val_Array.V (Orig + J * Step) = null then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Aggregate);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Fill_Array_Aggregate_1;
- -- Use expressions from (BLOCK, AGGREGATE) to fill RES.
- procedure Fill_Array_Aggregate
- (Block : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Aggregate : Iir;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- Aggr_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Aggregate);
- El_Type : constant Iir := Get_Element_Subtype (Aggr_Type);
- Index_List : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Aggr_Type);
- Nbr_Dim : constant Iir_Index32 :=
- Iir_Index32 (Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List));
- Step : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Step := Get_Step_For_Dim (Res, 1);
- Fill_Array_Aggregate_1
- (Block, Aggregate, Res, 0, Step, 1, Nbr_Dim, El_Type);
- end Fill_Array_Aggregate;
- function Execute_Record_Aggregate (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Aggregate: Iir;
- Aggregate_Type: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- List : constant Iir_List :=
- Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (Aggregate_Type));
- Res: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Expr : Iir;
- procedure Set_Expr (Pos : Iir_Index32) is
- El : constant Iir := Get_Nth_Element (List, Natural (Pos - 1));
- begin
- Res.Val_Record.V (Pos) :=
- Execute_Expression_With_Type (Block, Expr, Get_Type (El));
- end Set_Expr;
- Pos : Iir_Index32;
- Assoc: Iir;
- N_Expr : Iir;
- begin
- Res := Create_Record_Value (Iir_Index32 (Get_Nbr_Elements (List)));
- Assoc := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggregate);
- Pos := 1;
- loop
- N_Expr := Get_Associated_Expr (Assoc);
- if N_Expr /= Null_Iir then
- Expr := N_Expr;
- end if;
- case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
- Set_Expr (Pos);
- Pos := Pos + 1;
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
- Set_Expr (1 + Get_Element_Position (Get_Choice_Name (Assoc)));
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
- for I in Res.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- if Res.Val_Record.V (I) = null then
- Set_Expr (I);
- end if;
- end loop;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_record_aggregate", Assoc);
- end case;
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- exit when Assoc = Null_Iir;
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Execute_Record_Aggregate;
- function Execute_Aggregate
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Aggregate: Iir;
- Aggregate_Type: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Aggregate_Type) is
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Create_Array_Bounds_From_Type
- (Block, Aggregate_Type, True);
- Fill_Array_Aggregate (Block, Aggregate, Res);
- return Res;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
- return Execute_Record_Aggregate
- (Block, Aggregate, Aggregate_Type);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_aggregate", Aggregate_Type);
- end case;
- end Execute_Aggregate;
- function Execute_Simple_Aggregate (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Aggr : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- List : constant Iir_List := Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Aggr);
- begin
- Res := Create_Array_Bounds_From_Type (Block, Get_Type (Aggr), True);
- for I in Res.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (I) :=
- Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Nth_Element (List, Natural (I - 1)));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Execute_Simple_Aggregate;
- -- Fill LENGTH elements of RES, starting at ORIG by steps of STEP.
- -- Use expressions from (BLOCK, AGGREGATE) to fill the elements.
- -- EL_TYPE is the type of the array element.
- procedure Execute_Name_Array_Aggregate
- (Block : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Aggregate : Iir;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Orig : Iir_Index32;
- Step : Iir_Index32;
- Dim : Iir_Index32;
- Nbr_Dim : Iir_Index32;
- El_Type : Iir)
- is
- Value : Iir;
- Bound : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- procedure Set_Elem (Pos : Iir_Index32)
- is
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Is_Sig : Boolean;
- begin
- if Dim = Nbr_Dim then
- -- VALUE is an expression (which may be an aggregate, but not
- -- a sub-aggregate.
- Execute_Name_With_Base (Block, Value, null, Val, Is_Sig);
- Res.Val_Array.V (1 + Orig + Pos * Step) := Val;
- else
- -- VALUE is a sub-aggregate.
- Execute_Name_Array_Aggregate
- (Block, Value, Res,
- Orig + Pos * Step,
- Step / Res.Bounds.D (Dim + 1).Length,
- Dim + 1, Nbr_Dim, El_Type);
- end if;
- end Set_Elem;
- Assoc : Iir;
- Pos : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Assoc := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggregate);
- Bound := Res.Bounds.D (Dim);
- Pos := 0;
- while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
- Value := Get_Associated_Expr (Assoc);
- case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
- declare
- Expr_Pos: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Val : constant Iir := Get_Expression (Assoc);
- begin
- Expr_Pos := Execute_Expression (Block, Val);
- Pos := Get_Index_Offset (Expr_Pos, Bound, Val);
- end;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Set_Elem (Pos);
- Pos := Pos + 1;
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- end loop;
- end Execute_Name_Array_Aggregate;
- function Execute_Record_Name_Aggregate
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Aggregate: Iir;
- Aggregate_Type: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- List : constant Iir_List :=
- Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (Aggregate_Type));
- Res: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Expr : Iir;
- Pos : Iir_Index32;
- El_Pos : Iir_Index32;
- Is_Sig : Boolean;
- Assoc: Iir;
- begin
- Res := Create_Record_Value (Iir_Index32 (Get_Nbr_Elements (List)));
- Assoc := Get_Association_Choices_Chain (Aggregate);
- Pos := 0;
- loop
- Expr := Get_Associated_Expr (Assoc);
- if Expr = Null_Iir then
- -- List of choices is not allowed.
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_None =>
- El_Pos := Pos;
- Pos := Pos + 1;
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Name =>
- El_Pos := Get_Element_Position (Get_Name (Assoc));
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_record_name_aggregate", Assoc);
- end case;
- Execute_Name_With_Base
- (Block, Expr, null, Res.Val_Record.V (1 + El_Pos), Is_Sig);
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- exit when Assoc = Null_Iir;
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Execute_Record_Name_Aggregate;
- function Execute_Name_Aggregate
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Aggregate: Iir;
- Aggregate_Type: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Aggregate_Type) is
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- El_Type : constant Iir := Get_Element_Subtype (Aggregate_Type);
- Index_List : constant Iir_List :=
- Get_Index_Subtype_List (Aggregate_Type);
- Nbr_Dim : constant Iir_Index32 :=
- Iir_Index32 (Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List));
- Step : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Res := Create_Array_Bounds_From_Type
- (Block, Aggregate_Type, True);
- Step := Get_Step_For_Dim (Res, 1);
- Execute_Name_Array_Aggregate
- (Block, Aggregate, Res, 0, Step, 1, Nbr_Dim, El_Type);
- return Res;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
- return Execute_Record_Name_Aggregate
- (Block, Aggregate, Aggregate_Type);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_name_aggregate", Aggregate_Type);
- end case;
- end Execute_Name_Aggregate;
- -- Return the indexes range of dimension DIM for type or object PREFIX.
- -- DIM starts at 1.
- function Execute_Indexes
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Prefix: Iir; Dim : Iir_Int64)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
- when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
- declare
- Index : Iir;
- begin
- Index := Get_Nth_Element
- (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Get_Type (Prefix)),
- Natural (Dim - 1));
- return Execute_Bounds (Block, Index);
- end;
- when Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name =>
- return Execute_Indexes (Block, Get_Named_Entity (Prefix), Dim);
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_indexes", Prefix);
- when others =>
- declare
- Orig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Orig := Execute_Name (Block, Prefix, True);
- return Orig.Bounds.D (Iir_Index32 (Dim));
- end;
- end case;
- end Execute_Indexes;
- function Execute_Bounds (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Prefix: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Bound : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Prefix) is
- when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
- declare
- Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Prefix);
- begin
- if Info = null then
- Bound := Create_Range_Value
- (Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Left_Limit (Prefix)),
- Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Right_Limit (Prefix)),
- Get_Direction (Prefix));
- elsif Info.Kind = Kind_Object then
- Bound := Get_Instance_For_Slot
- (Block, Prefix).Objects (Info.Slot);
- else
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
- return Execute_Bounds (Block, Get_Type (Prefix));
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
- -- FIXME: move this block before and avoid recursion.
- return Execute_Bounds (Block, Get_Range_Constraint (Prefix));
- when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
- declare
- Prefix_Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Dim : Iir_Int64;
- begin
- Dim := Get_Value (Get_Parameter (Prefix));
- Prefix_Val := Execute_Indexes (Block, Get_Prefix (Prefix), Dim);
- Bound := Prefix_Val;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
- declare
- Dim : Iir_Int64;
- begin
- Dim := Get_Value (Get_Parameter (Prefix));
- Bound := Execute_Indexes (Block, Get_Prefix (Prefix), Dim);
- case Bound.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- Bound := Create_Range_Value
- (Bound.Right, Bound.Left, Iir_Downto, Bound.Length);
- when Iir_Downto =>
- Bound := Create_Range_Value
- (Bound.Right, Bound.Left, Iir_To, Bound.Length);
- end case;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
- return Execute_Bounds
- (Block,
- Get_Range_Constraint (Get_Type (Get_Type_Declarator (Prefix))));
- when Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name =>
- return Execute_Bounds (Block, Get_Named_Entity (Prefix));
- when others =>
- -- Error_Kind ("execute_bounds", Get_Kind (Prefix));
- declare
- Prefix_Val: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Prefix_Val := Execute_Expression (Block, Prefix);
- Bound := Prefix_Val.Bounds.D (1);
- end;
- end case;
- if not Bound.Dir'Valid then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- return Bound;
- end Execute_Bounds;
- -- Perform type conversion as desribed in LRM93 7.3.5
- function Execute_Type_Conversion (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Conv : Iir_Type_Conversion;
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Target_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Conv);
- Res: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Val;
- case Get_Kind (Target_Type) is
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
- case Res.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- null;
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- if Res.F64 > Ghdl_F64 (Iir_Int64'Last) or
- Res.F64 < Ghdl_F64 (Iir_Int64'First)
- then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Conv);
- end if;
- Res := Create_I64_Value (Ghdl_I64 (Res.F64));
- when Iir_Value_B1
- | Iir_Value_E32
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_Array
- | Iir_Value_Signal
- | Iir_Value_Record
- | Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- -- These values are not of abstract numeric type.
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition =>
- case Res.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- null;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Res := Create_F64_Value (Ghdl_F64 (Res.I64));
- when Iir_Value_B1
- | Iir_Value_E32
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_Array
- | Iir_Value_Signal
- | Iir_Value_Record
- | Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- -- These values are not of abstract numeric type.
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
- -- must be same type.
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
- -- LRM93 7.3.5
- -- if the type mark denotes an unconstrained array type and the
- -- operand is not a null array, then for each index position, the
- -- bounds of the result are obtained by converting the bounds of
- -- the operand to the corresponding index type of the target type.
- -- FIXME: what is bound conversion ??
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
- -- LRM93 7.3.5
- -- If the type mark denotes a constrained array subtype, then the
- -- bounds of the result are those imposed by the type mark.
- Implicit_Array_Conversion (Block, Res, Target_Type, Conv);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_type_conversion", Target_Type);
- end case;
- Check_Constraints (Block, Res, Target_Type, Conv);
- return Res;
- end Execute_Type_Conversion;
- -- Decrement VAL.
- -- May raise a constraint error using EXPR.
- function Execute_Dec (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Expr : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Val.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- if Val.B1 = False then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- Res := Create_B1_Value (False);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- if Val.E32 = 0 then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- Res := Create_E32_Value (Val.E32 - 1);
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- if Val.I64 = Ghdl_I64'First then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- Res := Create_I64_Value (Val.I64 - 1);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- return Res;
- end Execute_Dec;
- -- Increment VAL.
- -- May raise a constraint error using EXPR.
- function Execute_Inc (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Expr : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Val.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- if Val.B1 = True then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- Res := Create_B1_Value (True);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- if Val.E32 = Ghdl_E32'Last then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- Res := Create_E32_Value (Val.E32 + 1);
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- if Val.I64 = Ghdl_I64'Last then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end if;
- Res := Create_I64_Value (Val.I64 + 1);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- return Res;
- end Execute_Inc;
- function Execute_Expression_With_Type
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr: Iir;
- Expr_Type : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate
- and then not Is_Fully_Constrained_Type (Get_Type (Expr))
- then
- return Execute_Aggregate (Block, Expr, Expr_Type);
- else
- Res := Execute_Expression (Block, Expr);
- Implicit_Array_Conversion (Block, Res, Expr_Type, Expr);
- Check_Constraints (Block, Res, Expr_Type, Expr);
- return Res;
- end if;
- end Execute_Expression_With_Type;
- function Execute_Signal_Init_Value (Block : Block_Instance_Acc; Expr : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Base : constant Iir := Get_Object_Prefix (Expr);
- Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Base);
- Bblk : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Base_Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Is_Sig : Boolean;
- begin
- Bblk := Get_Instance_By_Scope_Level (Block, Info.Scope_Level);
- Base_Val := Bblk.Objects (Info.Slot + 1);
- Execute_Name_With_Base (Block, Expr, Base_Val, Res, Is_Sig);
- pragma Assert (Is_Sig);
- return Res;
- end Execute_Signal_Init_Value;
- procedure Execute_Name_With_Base (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr: Iir;
- Base : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Res : out Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Is_Sig : out Boolean)
- is
- Slot_Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- -- Default value
- Is_Sig := False;
- case Get_Kind (Expr) is
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
- Is_Sig := True;
- if Base /= null then
- Res := Base;
- else
- Slot_Block := Get_Instance_For_Slot (Block, Expr);
- Res := Slot_Block.Objects (Get_Info (Expr).Slot);
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- pragma Assert (Base = null);
- -- FIXME: add a flag ?
- case Get_Kind (Get_Object_Prefix (Expr)) is
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
- Is_Sig := True;
- when others =>
- Is_Sig := False;
- end case;
- Slot_Block := Get_Instance_For_Slot (Block, Expr);
- Res := Slot_Block.Objects (Get_Info (Expr).Slot);
- when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
- | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Terminal_Declaration
- | Iir_Kinds_Quantity_Declaration =>
- if Base /= null then
- Res := Base;
- else
- declare
- Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Expr);
- begin
- Slot_Block :=
- Get_Instance_By_Scope_Level (Block, Info.Scope_Level);
- Res := Slot_Block.Objects (Info.Slot);
- end;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
- declare
- Prefix: Iir;
- Index_List: Iir_List;
- Index: Iir;
- Nbr_Dimensions: Iir_Index32;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Pfx: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Pos, Off : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Prefix := Get_Prefix (Expr);
- Index_List := Get_Index_List (Expr);
- Nbr_Dimensions := Iir_Index32 (Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List));
- Execute_Name_With_Base (Block, Prefix, Base, Pfx, Is_Sig);
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Dimensions loop
- Index := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, Natural (I - 1));
- Value := Execute_Expression (Block, Index);
- Off := Get_Index_Offset (Value, Pfx.Bounds.D (I), Expr);
- if I = 1 then
- Pos := Off;
- else
- Pos := Pos * Pfx.Bounds.D (I).Length + Off;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Res := Pfx.Val_Array.V (1 + Pos);
- -- FIXME: free PFX.
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
- declare
- Prefix: Iir;
- Prefix_Array: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Srange : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Index_Order : Order;
- -- Lower and upper bounds of the slice.
- Low, High: Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Srange := Execute_Bounds (Block, Get_Suffix (Expr));
- Prefix := Get_Prefix (Expr);
- Execute_Name_With_Base
- (Block, Prefix, Base, Prefix_Array, Is_Sig);
- if Prefix_Array = null then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- -- LRM93 6.5
- -- It is an error if the direction of the discrete range is not
- -- the same as that of the index range of the array denoted by
- -- the prefix of the slice name.
- if Srange.Dir /= Prefix_Array.Bounds.D (1).Dir then
- Error_Msg_Exec ("slice direction mismatch", Expr);
- end if;
- -- LRM93 6.5
- -- It is an error if either of the bounds of the
- -- discrete range does not belong to the index range of the
- -- prefixing array, unless the slice is a null slice.
- Index_Order := Compare_Value (Srange.Left, Srange.Right);
- if (Srange.Dir = Iir_To and Index_Order = Greater)
- or (Srange.Dir = Iir_Downto and Index_Order = Less)
- then
- -- Null slice.
- Low := 1;
- High := 0;
- else
- Low := Get_Index_Offset
- (Srange.Left, Prefix_Array.Bounds.D (1), Expr);
- High := Get_Index_Offset
- (Srange.Right, Prefix_Array.Bounds.D (1), Expr);
- end if;
- Res := Create_Array_Value (High - Low + 1, 1);
- Res.Bounds.D (1) := Srange;
- for I in Low .. High loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (1 + I - Low) :=
- Prefix_Array.Val_Array.V (1 + I);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
- declare
- Prefix: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Pos: Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Execute_Name_With_Base
- (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), Base, Prefix, Is_Sig);
- Pos := Get_Element_Position (Get_Selected_Element (Expr));
- Res := Prefix.Val_Record.V (Pos + 1);
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Dereference
- | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference =>
- declare
- Prefix: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Prefix := Execute_Name (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr));
- Res := Prefix.Val_Access;
- if Res = null then
- Error_Msg_Exec ("deferencing null access", Expr);
- end if;
- end;
- when Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name
- | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
- Execute_Name_With_Base
- (Block, Get_Named_Entity (Expr), Base, Res, Is_Sig);
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
- -- A prefix can be an expression
- if Base /= null then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Res := Execute_Expression (Block, Expr);
- when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
- Res := Execute_Name_Aggregate (Block, Expr, Get_Type (Expr));
- -- FIXME: is_sig ?
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_name_with_base", Expr);
- end case;
- end Execute_Name_With_Base;
- function Execute_Name (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr: Iir;
- Ref : Boolean := False)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Is_Sig : Boolean;
- begin
- Execute_Name_With_Base (Block, Expr, null, Res, Is_Sig);
- if not Is_Sig or else Ref then
- return Res;
- else
- return Execute_Signal_Value (Res);
- end if;
- end Execute_Name;
- function Execute_Image_Attribute (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Expr: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Attr_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr));
- begin
- Val := Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Parameter (Expr));
- return String_To_Iir_Value
- (Execute_Image_Attribute (Val, Attr_Type));
- end Execute_Image_Attribute;
- function Execute_Value_Attribute (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Str_Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Expr: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- use Grt_Interface;
- use Name_Table;
- pragma Unreferenced (Block);
- Expr_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Expr);
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Str_Bnd : aliased Std_String_Bound := Build_Bound (Str_Val);
- Str_Str : aliased Std_String_Uncons (1 .. Str_Bnd.Dim_1.Length);
- Str : aliased Std_String := (To_Std_String_Basep (Str_Str'Address),
- To_Std_String_Boundp (Str_Bnd'Address));
- begin
- Set_Std_String_From_Iir_Value (Str, Str_Val);
- case Get_Kind (Expr_Type) is
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition =>
- Res := Create_I64_Value
- (Grt.Values.Ghdl_Value_I64 (Str'Unrestricted_Access));
- when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition =>
- Res := Create_F64_Value
- (Grt.Values.Ghdl_Value_F64 (Str'Unrestricted_Access));
- when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- Is_Real : Boolean;
- Lit_Pos : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Lit_End : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Unit_Pos : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Unit_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Mult : Ghdl_I64;
- Unit : Iir;
- Unit_Id : Name_Id;
- begin
- Grt.Values.Ghdl_Value_Physical_Split
- (Str'Unrestricted_Access,
- Is_Real, Lit_Pos, Lit_End, Unit_Pos);
- -- Find unit.
- Unit_Len := 0;
- Unit_Pos := Unit_Pos + 1; -- From 0 based to 1 based
- for I in Unit_Pos .. Str_Bnd.Dim_1.Length loop
- exit when Grt.Values.Is_Whitespace (Str_Str (I));
- Unit_Len := Unit_Len + 1;
- Str_Str (I) := Grt.Values.To_LC (Str_Str (I));
- end loop;
- Unit := Get_Primary_Unit (Expr_Type);
- while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
- Unit_Id := Get_Identifier (Unit);
- exit when Get_Name_Length (Unit_Id) = Natural (Unit_Len)
- and then Image (Unit_Id) =
- String (Str_Str (Unit_Pos .. Unit_Pos + Unit_Len - 1));
- Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
- end loop;
- if Unit = Null_Iir then
- Error_Msg_Exec ("incorrect unit name", Expr);
- end if;
- Mult := Ghdl_I64 (Get_Value (Get_Physical_Unit_Value (Unit)));
- Str_Bnd.Dim_1.Length := Lit_End;
- if Is_Real then
- Res := Create_I64_Value
- (Ghdl_I64
- (Grt.Values.Ghdl_Value_F64 (Str'Unrestricted_Access)
- * Ghdl_F64 (Mult)));
- else
- Res := Create_I64_Value
- (Grt.Values.Ghdl_Value_I64 (Str'Unrestricted_Access)
- * Mult);
- end if;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- Lit_Start : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Lit_End : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Enums : constant Iir_List :=
- Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Get_Base_Type (Expr_Type));
- Enum : Iir;
- Enum_Id : Name_Id;
- begin
- -- Remove leading and trailing blanks
- for I in Str_Str'Range loop
- if not Grt.Values.Is_Whitespace (Str_Str (I)) then
- Lit_Start := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- for I in reverse Lit_Start .. Str_Str'Last loop
- if not Grt.Values.Is_Whitespace (Str_Str (I)) then
- Lit_End := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Convert to lower case.
- for I in Lit_Start .. Lit_End loop
- Str_Str (I) := Grt.Values.To_LC (Str_Str (I));
- end loop;
- for I in Natural loop
- Enum := Get_Nth_Element (Enums, I);
- if Enum = Null_Iir then
- Error_Msg_Exec ("incorrect unit name", Expr);
- end if;
- Enum_Id := Get_Identifier (Enum);
- exit when (Get_Name_Length (Enum_Id) =
- Natural (Lit_End - Lit_Start + 1))
- and then (Image (Enum_Id) =
- String (Str_Str (Lit_Start .. Lit_End)));
- end loop;
- return Create_Enum_Value
- (Natural (Get_Enum_Pos (Enum)), Expr_Type);
- end;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("value_attribute", Expr_Type);
- end case;
- return Res;
- end Execute_Value_Attribute;
- function Execute_Path_Instance_Name_Attribute
- (Block : Block_Instance_Acc; Attr : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- use Evaluation;
- use Grt.Vstrings;
- use Name_Table;
- Name : constant Path_Instance_Name_Type :=
- Get_Path_Instance_Name_Suffix (Attr);
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Rstr : Rstring;
- Is_Instance : constant Boolean :=
- Get_Kind (Attr) = Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute;
- begin
- if Name.Path_Instance = Null_Iir then
- return String_To_Iir_Value (Name.Suffix);
- end if;
- Instance := Get_Instance_By_Scope_Level
- (Block, Get_Info (Name.Path_Instance).Frame_Scope_Level);
- loop
- case Get_Kind (Instance.Label) is
- when Iir_Kind_Entity_Declaration =>
- if Instance.Parent = null then
- Prepend (Rstr, Image (Get_Identifier (Instance.Label)));
- exit;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
- if Is_Instance then
- Prepend (Rstr, ')');
- Prepend (Rstr, Image (Get_Identifier (Instance.Label)));
- Prepend (Rstr, '(');
- end if;
- if Is_Instance or else Instance.Parent = null then
- Prepend
- (Rstr,
- Image (Get_Identifier (Get_Entity (Instance.Label))));
- end if;
- if Instance.Parent = null then
- Prepend (Rstr, ':');
- exit;
- else
- Instance := Instance.Parent;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
- Prepend (Rstr, Image (Get_Label (Instance.Label)));
- Prepend (Rstr, ':');
- Instance := Instance.Parent;
- when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
- declare
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Val := Execute_Name (Instance, Instance.Label);
- Prepend (Rstr, ')');
- Prepend (Rstr, Execute_Image_Attribute
- (Val, Get_Type (Instance.Label)));
- Prepend (Rstr, '(');
- end;
- Instance := Instance.Parent;
- when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
- Prepend (Rstr, Image (Get_Label (Instance.Label)));
- Prepend (Rstr, ':');
- Instance := Instance.Parent;
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
- if Is_Instance then
- Prepend (Rstr, '@');
- end if;
- Prepend (Rstr, Image (Get_Label (Instance.Label)));
- Prepend (Rstr, ':');
- Instance := Instance.Parent;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("Execute_Path_Instance_Name_Attribute",
- Instance.Label);
- end case;
- end loop;
- declare
- Str1 : String (1 .. Length (Rstr));
- Len1 : Natural;
- begin
- Copy (Rstr, Str1, Len1);
- Free (Rstr);
- return String_To_Iir_Value (Str1 & ':' & Name.Suffix);
- end;
- end Execute_Path_Instance_Name_Attribute;
- -- For 'Last_Event and 'Last_Active: convert the absolute last time to
- -- a relative delay.
- function To_Relative_Time (T : Ghdl_I64) return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- A : Ghdl_I64;
- begin
- if T = -Ghdl_I64'Last then
- A := Ghdl_I64'Last;
- else
- A := Ghdl_I64 (Grt.Types.Current_Time) - T;
- end if;
- return Create_I64_Value (A);
- end To_Relative_Time;
- -- Evaluate an expression.
- function Execute_Expression (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Expr: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Expr) is
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- Res := Execute_Name (Block, Expr);
- return Res;
- when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Value
- | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name
- | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name
- | Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
- | Iir_Kind_Dereference
- | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference =>
- return Execute_Name (Block, Expr);
- when Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name
- | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Name =>
- return Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Named_Entity (Expr));
- when Iir_Kind_Aggregate =>
- return Execute_Aggregate (Block, Expr, Get_Type (Expr));
- when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate =>
- return Execute_Simple_Aggregate (Block, Expr);
- when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator
- | Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
- declare
- Imp : Iir;
- begin
- Imp := Get_Implementation (Expr);
- if Get_Kind (Imp) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
- return Execute_Function_Call (Block, Expr, Imp);
- else
- if Get_Kind (Expr) in Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator then
- Res := Execute_Implicit_Function
- (Block, Expr, Get_Left (Expr), Get_Right (Expr),
- Get_Type (Expr));
- else
- Res := Execute_Implicit_Function
- (Block, Expr, Get_Operand (Expr), Null_Iir,
- Get_Type (Expr));
- end if;
- return Res;
- end if;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
- declare
- Imp : constant Iir :=
- Get_Named_Entity (Get_Implementation (Expr));
- Assoc : Iir;
- Args : Iir_Array (0 .. 1);
- begin
- if Get_Kind (Imp) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
- return Execute_Function_Call (Block, Expr, Imp);
- else
- Assoc := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr);
- if Assoc /= Null_Iir then
- Args (0) := Get_Actual (Assoc);
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- else
- Args (0) := Null_Iir;
- end if;
- if Assoc /= Null_Iir then
- Args (1) := Get_Actual (Assoc);
- else
- Args (1) := Null_Iir;
- end if;
- return Execute_Implicit_Function
- (Block, Expr, Args (0), Args (1), Get_Type (Expr));
- end if;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal =>
- declare
- Lit_Type : constant Iir := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Expr));
- Lit : constant Iir_Int64 := Get_Value (Expr);
- begin
- case Get_Info (Lit_Type).Scalar_Mode is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- return Create_I64_Value (Ghdl_I64 (Lit));
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal =>
- return Create_F64_Value (Ghdl_F64 (Get_Fp_Value (Expr)));
- when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal =>
- declare
- Lit_Type : constant Iir := Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Expr));
- Lit : constant Iir_Int32 := Get_Enum_Pos (Expr);
- begin
- case Get_Info (Lit_Type).Scalar_Mode is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- return Create_B1_Value (Ghdl_B1'Val (Lit));
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- return Create_E32_Value (Ghdl_E32 (Lit));
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal
- | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration =>
- return Create_I64_Value
- (Ghdl_I64 (Evaluation.Get_Physical_Value (Expr)));
- when Iir_Kind_String_Literal
- | Iir_Kind_Bit_String_Literal =>
- return String_To_Enumeration_Array (Block, Expr);
- when Iir_Kind_Null_Literal =>
- return Null_Lit;
- when Iir_Kind_Overflow_Literal =>
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- return null;
- when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Expression =>
- return Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Expression (Expr));
- when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
- return Execute_Type_Conversion
- (Block, Expr,
- Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Expression (Expr)));
- when Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression =>
- Res := Execute_Expression_With_Type
- (Block, Get_Expression (Expr), Get_Type (Get_Type_Mark (Expr)));
- return Res;
- when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression =>
- Res := Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Expression (Expr));
- Res := Unshare_Heap (Res);
- return Create_Access_Value (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype =>
- Res := Create_Value_For_Type
- (Block,
- Get_Type_Of_Subtype_Indication (Get_Subtype_Indication (Expr)),
- True);
- Res := Unshare_Heap (Res);
- return Create_Access_Value (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_Left_Type_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Bounds (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr));
- return Execute_Left_Limit (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_Right_Type_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Bounds (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr));
- return Execute_Right_Limit (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Bounds (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr));
- return Execute_High_Limit (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Bounds (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr));
- return Execute_Low_Limit (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Indexes
- (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), Get_Value (Get_Parameter (Expr)));
- return Execute_High_Limit (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Indexes
- (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), Get_Value (Get_Parameter (Expr)));
- return Execute_Low_Limit (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Indexes
- (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), Get_Value (Get_Parameter (Expr)));
- return Execute_Left_Limit (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Indexes
- (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), Get_Value (Get_Parameter (Expr)));
- return Execute_Right_Limit (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Indexes
- (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), Get_Value (Get_Parameter (Expr)));
- return Execute_Length (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Indexes
- (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), Get_Value (Get_Parameter (Expr)));
- return Boolean_To_Lit (Res.Dir = Iir_To);
- when Iir_Kind_Event_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Name (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), True);
- return Boolean_To_Lit (Execute_Event_Attribute (Res));
- when Iir_Kind_Active_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Name (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), True);
- return Boolean_To_Lit (Execute_Active_Attribute (Res));
- when Iir_Kind_Driving_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Name (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), True);
- return Boolean_To_Lit (Execute_Driving_Attribute (Res));
- when Iir_Kind_Last_Value_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Name (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), True);
- return Execute_Last_Value_Attribute (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Name (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), True);
- return Execute_Driving_Value_Attribute (Res);
- when Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Name (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), True);
- return To_Relative_Time (Execute_Last_Event_Attribute (Res));
- when Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Name (Block, Get_Prefix (Expr), True);
- return To_Relative_Time (Execute_Last_Active_Attribute (Res));
- when Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute =>
- declare
- Prefix_Type: constant Iir := Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr));
- Base_Type : constant Iir := Get_Base_Type (Prefix_Type);
- Mode : constant Iir_Value_Kind :=
- Get_Info (Base_Type).Scalar_Mode;
- begin
- Res := Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Parameter (Expr));
- case Mode is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- null;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Res := Create_E32_Value (Ghdl_E32 (Res.I64));
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Res := Create_B1_Value (Ghdl_B1'Val (Res.I64));
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_expression(val attribute)",
- Prefix_Type);
- end case;
- Check_Constraints (Block, Res, Prefix_Type, Expr);
- return Res;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute =>
- declare
- N_Res: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Prefix_Type: constant Iir := Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr));
- Base_Type : constant Iir := Get_Base_Type (Prefix_Type);
- Mode : constant Iir_Value_Kind :=
- Get_Info (Base_Type).Scalar_Mode;
- begin
- Res := Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Parameter (Expr));
- case Mode is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- null;
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- N_Res := Create_I64_Value (Ghdl_B1'Pos (Res.B1));
- Res := N_Res;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- N_Res := Create_I64_Value (Ghdl_I64 (Res.E32));
- Res := N_Res;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_expression(pos attribute)",
- Base_Type);
- end case;
- Check_Constraints (Block, Res, Get_Type (Expr), Expr);
- return Res;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Succ_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Parameter (Expr));
- Res := Execute_Inc (Res, Expr);
- Check_Constraints (Block, Res, Get_Type (Expr), Expr);
- return Res;
- when Iir_Kind_Pred_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Parameter (Expr));
- Res := Execute_Dec (Res, Expr);
- Check_Constraints (Block, Res, Get_Type (Expr), Expr);
- return Res;
- when Iir_Kind_Leftof_Attribute =>
- declare
- Bound : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Parameter (Expr));
- Bound := Execute_Bounds
- (Block, Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr)));
- case Bound.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- Res := Execute_Dec (Res, Expr);
- when Iir_Downto =>
- Res := Execute_Inc (Res, Expr);
- end case;
- Check_Constraints (Block, Res, Get_Type (Expr), Expr);
- return Res;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Rightof_Attribute =>
- declare
- Bound : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Parameter (Expr));
- Bound := Execute_Bounds
- (Block, Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr)));
- case Bound.Dir is
- when Iir_Downto =>
- Res := Execute_Dec (Res, Expr);
- when Iir_To =>
- Res := Execute_Inc (Res, Expr);
- end case;
- Check_Constraints (Block, Res, Get_Type (Expr), Expr);
- return Res;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute =>
- return Execute_Image_Attribute (Block, Expr);
- when Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute =>
- Res := Execute_Expression (Block, Get_Parameter (Expr));
- return Execute_Value_Attribute (Block, Res, Expr);
- when Iir_Kind_Path_Name_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute =>
- return Execute_Path_Instance_Name_Attribute (Block, Expr);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_expression", Expr);
- end case;
- end Execute_Expression;
- procedure Execute_Dyadic_Association
- (Out_Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- In_Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr : Iir;
- Inter_Chain: Iir)
- is
- Inter: Iir;
- Val: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Inter := Inter_Chain;
- for I in 0 .. 1 loop
- if I = 0 then
- Val := Execute_Expression (Out_Block, Get_Left (Expr));
- else
- Val := Execute_Expression (Out_Block, Get_Right (Expr));
- end if;
- Implicit_Array_Conversion (In_Block, Val, Get_Type (Inter), Expr);
- Check_Constraints (In_Block, Val, Get_Type (Inter), Expr);
- Elaboration.Create_Object (In_Block, Inter);
- In_Block.Objects (Get_Info (Inter).Slot) :=
- Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
- end loop;
- end Execute_Dyadic_Association;
- procedure Execute_Monadic_Association
- (Out_Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- In_Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr : Iir;
- Inter: Iir)
- is
- Val: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Val := Execute_Expression (Out_Block, Get_Operand (Expr));
- Implicit_Array_Conversion (In_Block, Val, Get_Type (Inter), Expr);
- Check_Constraints (In_Block, Val, Get_Type (Inter), Expr);
- Elaboration.Create_Object (In_Block, Inter);
- In_Block.Objects (Get_Info (Inter).Slot) :=
- Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- end Execute_Monadic_Association;
- -- Create a block instance for subprogram IMP.
- function Create_Subprogram_Instance (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Imp : Iir)
- return Block_Instance_Acc
- is
- Func_Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Imp);
- subtype Block_Type is Block_Instance_Type (Func_Info.Nbr_Objects);
- function To_Block_Instance_Acc is new
- Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Block_Instance_Acc);
- function Alloc_Block_Instance is new
- Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Block_Type);
- Up_Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Res : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Up_Block := Get_Instance_By_Scope_Level
- (Instance, Func_Info.Frame_Scope_Level - 1);
- Res := To_Block_Instance_Acc
- (Alloc_Block_Instance
- (Instance_Pool,
- Block_Instance_Type'(Max_Objs => Func_Info.Nbr_Objects,
- Scope_Level => Func_Info.Frame_Scope_Level,
- Up_Block => Up_Block,
- Label => Imp,
- Stmt => Null_Iir,
- Parent => Instance,
- Children => null,
- Brother => null,
- Marker => Empty_Marker,
- Objects => (others => null),
- Elab_Objects => 0,
- In_Wait_Flag => False,
- Actuals_Ref => null,
- Result => null)));
- return Res;
- end Create_Subprogram_Instance;
- -- Destroy a dynamic block_instance.
- procedure Execute_Subprogram_Call_Final (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- is
- Subprg_Body : constant Iir := Get_Subprogram_Body (Instance.Label);
- begin
- Finalize_Declarative_Part
- (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Subprg_Body));
- end Execute_Subprogram_Call_Final;
- function Execute_Function_Body (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Func : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Subprg_Body : constant Iir := Get_Subprogram_Body (Func);
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Current_Process.Instance := Instance;
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part
- (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Subprg_Body));
- -- execute statements
- Instance.Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Subprg_Body);
- Execute_Sequential_Statements (Current_Process);
- pragma Assert (Current_Process.Instance = Instance);
- if Instance.Result = null then
- Error_Msg_Exec
- ("function scope exited without a return statement", Func);
- end if;
- -- Free variables, slots...
- -- Need to copy the return value, because it can contains values from
- -- arguments.
- Res := Instance.Result;
- Current_Process.Instance := Instance.Parent;
- Execute_Subprogram_Call_Final (Instance);
- return Res;
- end Execute_Function_Body;
- function Execute_Assoc_Function_Conversion
- (Block : Block_Instance_Acc; Func : Iir; Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Inter : Iir;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- Mark (Marker, Instance_Pool.all);
- -- Create an instance for this function.
- Instance := Create_Subprogram_Instance (Block, Func);
- Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Func);
- Elaboration.Create_Object (Instance, Inter);
- -- FIXME: implicit conversion
- Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Inter).Slot) := Val;
- Res := Execute_Function_Body (Instance, Func);
- Res := Unshare (Res, Expr_Pool'Access);
- Release (Marker, Instance_Pool.all);
- return Res;
- end Execute_Assoc_Function_Conversion;
- function Execute_Assoc_Conversion
- (Block : Block_Instance_Acc; Conv : Iir; Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Ent : Iir;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Conv) is
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
- -- FIXME: shouldn't CONV always be a denoting_name ?
- return Execute_Assoc_Function_Conversion
- (Block, Get_Named_Entity (Get_Implementation (Conv)), Val);
- when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
- -- FIXME: shouldn't CONV always be a denoting_name ?
- return Execute_Type_Conversion (Block, Conv, Val);
- when Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name =>
- Ent := Get_Named_Entity (Conv);
- if Get_Kind (Ent) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
- return Execute_Assoc_Function_Conversion (Block, Ent, Val);
- elsif Get_Kind (Ent) in Iir_Kinds_Type_Declaration then
- return Execute_Type_Conversion (Block, Ent, Val);
- else
- Error_Kind ("execute_assoc_conversion(1)", Ent);
- end if;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_assoc_conversion(2)", Conv);
- end case;
- end Execute_Assoc_Conversion;
- -- Establish correspondance for association list ASSOC_LIST from block
- -- instance OUT_BLOCK for subprogram of block SUBPRG_BLOCK.
- procedure Execute_Association
- (Out_Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Subprg_Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Assoc_Chain: Iir)
- is
- Nbr_Assoc : constant Natural := Get_Chain_Length (Assoc_Chain);
- Assoc: Iir;
- Actual : Iir;
- Inter: Iir;
- Formal : Iir;
- Conv : Iir;
- Val: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Assoc_Idx : Iir_Index32;
- Last_Individual : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Mode : Iir_Mode;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- Subprg_Block.Actuals_Ref := null;
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
- Assoc_Idx := 1;
- while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
- Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
- Inter := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc);
- -- Extract the actual value.
- case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
- when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
- -- Not allowed in individual association.
- pragma Assert (Formal = Inter);
- pragma Assert (Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc));
- Actual := Get_Default_Value (Inter);
- when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
- Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
- when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
- -- FIXME: signals ?
- pragma Assert
- (Get_Kind (Inter) /= Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration);
- Last_Individual := Create_Value_For_Type
- (Out_Block, Get_Actual_Type (Assoc), False);
- Last_Individual := Unshare (Last_Individual, Instance_Pool);
- Elaboration.Create_Object (Subprg_Block, Inter);
- Subprg_Block.Objects (Get_Info (Inter).Slot) := Last_Individual;
- goto Continue;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_association(1)", Assoc);
- end case;
- -- Compute actual value.
- case Get_Kind (Inter) is
- when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
- Val := Execute_Expression (Out_Block, Actual);
- Implicit_Array_Conversion
- (Subprg_Block, Val, Get_Type (Formal), Assoc);
- Check_Constraints (Subprg_Block, Val, Get_Type (Formal), Assoc);
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
- Val := Execute_Name (Out_Block, Actual, True);
- Implicit_Array_Conversion
- (Subprg_Block, Val, Get_Type (Formal), Assoc);
- when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
- Mode := Get_Mode (Inter);
- if Mode = Iir_In_Mode then
- -- FIXME: Ref ?
- Val := Execute_Expression (Out_Block, Actual);
- else
- Val := Execute_Name (Out_Block, Actual, False);
- end if;
- -- FIXME: by value for scalars ?
- -- Keep ref for back-copy
- if Mode /= Iir_In_Mode then
- if Subprg_Block.Actuals_Ref = null then
- declare
- subtype Actuals_Ref_Type is
- Value_Array (Iir_Index32 (Nbr_Assoc));
- function To_Value_Array_Acc is new
- Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address,
- Value_Array_Acc);
- function Alloc_Actuals_Ref is new
- Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Actuals_Ref_Type);
- begin
- Subprg_Block.Actuals_Ref := To_Value_Array_Acc
- (Alloc_Actuals_Ref
- (Instance_Pool,
- Actuals_Ref_Type'(Len => Iir_Index32 (Nbr_Assoc),
- V => (others => null))));
- end;
- end if;
- Subprg_Block.Actuals_Ref.V (Assoc_Idx) :=
- Unshare_Bounds (Val, Instance_Pool);
- end if;
- if Mode = Iir_Out_Mode then
- if Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
- -- For an OUT variable using an out conversion, don't
- -- associate with the actual, create a temporary value.
- Val := Create_Value_For_Type
- (Out_Block, Get_Type (Formal), True);
- elsif Get_Kind (Get_Type (Formal)) in
- Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition
- then
- -- These are passed by value. Must be reset.
- Val := Create_Value_For_Type
- (Out_Block, Get_Type (Formal), True);
- end if;
- else
- if Get_Kind (Assoc) =
- Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
- then
- Conv := Get_In_Conversion (Assoc);
- if Conv /= Null_Iir then
- Val := Execute_Assoc_Conversion
- (Subprg_Block, Conv, Val);
- end if;
- end if;
- -- FIXME: check constraints ?
- end if;
- Implicit_Array_Conversion
- (Subprg_Block, Val, Get_Type (Formal), Assoc);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_association(2)", Inter);
- end case;
- if Get_Whole_Association_Flag (Assoc) then
- case Get_Kind (Inter) is
- when Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
- -- FIXME: Arguments are passed by copy.
- Elaboration.Create_Object (Subprg_Block, Inter);
- Subprg_Block.Objects (Get_Info (Inter).Slot) :=
- Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
- Elaboration.Create_Signal (Subprg_Block, Inter);
- Subprg_Block.Objects (Get_Info (Inter).Slot) :=
- Unshare_Bounds (Val, Instance_Pool);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_association", Inter);
- end case;
- else
- declare
- Targ : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Is_Sig : Boolean;
- begin
- Execute_Name_With_Base
- (Subprg_Block, Formal, Last_Individual, Targ, Is_Sig);
- Store (Targ, Val);
- end;
- end if;
- << Continue >> null;
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- Assoc_Idx := Assoc_Idx + 1;
- end loop;
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- end Execute_Association;
- procedure Execute_Back_Association (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- is
- Proc : Iir;
- Assoc: Iir;
- Inter: Iir;
- Formal : Iir;
- Assoc_Idx : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Proc := Get_Procedure_Call (Instance.Parent.Stmt);
- Assoc := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Proc);
- Assoc_Idx := 1;
- while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
- if Get_Kind (Assoc) /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual then
- Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
- Inter := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc);
- case Get_Kind (Inter) is
- when Iir_Kind_Variable_Interface_Declaration =>
- if Get_Mode (Inter) /= Iir_In_Mode
- and then Get_Kind (Get_Type (Inter)) /=
- Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
- then
- -- For out/inout variable interface, the value must
- -- be copied (FIXME: unless when passed by reference ?).
- declare
- Targ : constant Iir_Value_Literal_Acc :=
- Instance.Actuals_Ref.V (Assoc_Idx);
- Base : constant Iir_Value_Literal_Acc :=
- Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Inter).Slot);
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Conv : Iir;
- Is_Sig : Boolean;
- Expr_Mark : Mark_Type;
- begin
- Mark (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- -- Extract for individual association.
- Execute_Name_With_Base
- (Instance, Formal, Base, Val, Is_Sig);
- Conv := Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc);
- if Conv /= Null_Iir then
- Val := Execute_Assoc_Conversion
- (Instance, Conv, Val);
- -- FIXME: free val ?
- end if;
- Store (Targ, Val);
- Release (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- end;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_File_Interface_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_back_association", Inter);
- end case;
- end if;
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- Assoc_Idx := Assoc_Idx + 1;
- end loop;
- end Execute_Back_Association;
- -- When a subprogram of a protected type is called, a link to the object
- -- must be passed. This procedure modifies the up_link of SUBPRG_BLOCK to
- -- point to the block of the object (extracted from CALL and BLOCK).
- -- This change doesn't modify the parent (so that the activation chain is
- -- not changed).
- procedure Adjust_Up_Link_For_Protected_Object
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Call: Iir; Subprg_Block : Block_Instance_Acc)
- is
- Meth_Obj : constant Iir := Get_Method_Object (Call);
- Obj : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Obj_Block : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- if Meth_Obj /= Null_Iir then
- Obj := Execute_Name (Block, Meth_Obj, True);
- Obj_Block := Protected_Table.Table (Obj.Prot);
- Subprg_Block.Up_Block := Obj_Block;
- end if;
- end Adjust_Up_Link_For_Protected_Object;
- function Execute_Foreign_Function_Call
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Expr : Iir; Imp : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Block);
- begin
- case Get_Identifier (Imp) is
- when Std_Names.Name_Get_Resolution_Limit =>
- return Create_I64_Value
- (Ghdl_I64
- (Evaluation.Get_Physical_Value (Std_Package.Time_Base)));
- when others =>
- Error_Msg_Exec ("unsupported foreign function call", Expr);
- end case;
- return null;
- end Execute_Foreign_Function_Call;
- -- BLOCK is the block instance in which the function call appears.
- function Execute_Function_Call
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Expr: Iir; Imp : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Inter_Chain : constant Iir := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
- Subprg_Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Assoc_Chain: Iir;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Mark (Block.Marker, Instance_Pool.all);
- Subprg_Block := Create_Subprogram_Instance (Block, Imp);
- case Get_Kind (Expr) is
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
- Adjust_Up_Link_For_Protected_Object (Block, Expr, Subprg_Block);
- Assoc_Chain := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Expr);
- Execute_Association (Block, Subprg_Block, Assoc_Chain);
- -- No out/inout interface for functions.
- pragma Assert (Subprg_Block.Actuals_Ref = null);
- when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
- Execute_Dyadic_Association
- (Block, Subprg_Block, Expr, Inter_Chain);
- when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator =>
- Execute_Monadic_Association
- (Block, Subprg_Block, Expr, Inter_Chain);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_subprogram_call_init", Expr);
- end case;
- if Get_Foreign_Flag (Imp) then
- Res := Execute_Foreign_Function_Call (Subprg_Block, Expr, Imp);
- else
- Res := Execute_Function_Body (Subprg_Block, Imp);
- end if;
- -- Unfortunately, we don't know where the result has been allocated,
- -- so copy it before releasing the instance pool.
- Res := Unshare (Res, Expr_Pool'Access);
- Release (Block.Marker, Instance_Pool.all);
- return Res;
- end Execute_Function_Call;
- -- Slide an array VALUE using bounds from REF_VALUE. Do not modify
- -- VALUE if not an array.
- procedure Implicit_Array_Conversion (Value : in out Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Ref_Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Expr : Iir)
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Value.Kind /= Iir_Value_Array then
- return;
- end if;
- Res := Create_Array_Value (Value.Bounds.Nbr_Dims);
- Res.Val_Array := Value.Val_Array;
- for I in Value.Bounds.D'Range loop
- if Value.Bounds.D (I).Length /= Ref_Value.Bounds.D (I).Length then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- return;
- end if;
- Res.Bounds.D (I) := Ref_Value.Bounds.D (I);
- end loop;
- Value := Res;
- end Implicit_Array_Conversion;
- procedure Implicit_Array_Conversion (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Value : in out Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Ref_Type : Iir;
- Expr : Iir)
- is
- Ref_Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- -- Do array conversion only if REF_TYPE is a constrained array type
- -- definition.
- if Value.Kind /= Iir_Value_Array then
- return;
- end if;
- if Get_Constraint_State (Ref_Type) /= Fully_Constrained then
- return;
- end if;
- Ref_Value := Create_Array_Bounds_From_Type (Instance, Ref_Type, True);
- for I in Value.Bounds.D'Range loop
- if Value.Bounds.D (I).Length /= Ref_Value.Bounds.D (I).Length then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- return;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Ref_Value.Val_Array.V := Value.Val_Array.V;
- Value := Ref_Value;
- end Implicit_Array_Conversion;
- procedure Check_Array_Constraints
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Def: Iir;
- Expr: Iir)
- is
- Index_List: Iir_List;
- Element_Subtype: Iir;
- New_Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- -- Nothing to check for unconstrained arrays.
- if not Get_Index_Constraint_Flag (Def) then
- return;
- end if;
- Index_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
- for I in Value.Bounds.D'Range loop
- New_Bounds := Execute_Bounds
- (Instance, Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, Natural (I - 1)));
- if not Is_Equal (Value.Bounds.D (I), New_Bounds) then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- return;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Boolean'(False) then
- Index_List := Get_Index_List (Def);
- Element_Subtype := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
- for I in Value.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Check_Constraints
- (Instance, Value.Val_Array.V (I), Element_Subtype, Expr);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Check_Array_Constraints;
- -- Check DEST and SRC are array compatible.
- procedure Check_Array_Match
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Dest: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Expr: Iir)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Instance);
- begin
- for I in Dest.Bounds.D'Range loop
- if Dest.Bounds.D (I).Length /= Src.Bounds.D (I).Length then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Check_Array_Match;
- pragma Unreferenced (Check_Array_Match);
- procedure Check_Constraints
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Def: Iir;
- Expr: Iir)
- is
- Base_Type : constant Iir := Get_Base_Type (Def);
- High, Low: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Bound : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Def) is
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
- Bound := Execute_Bounds (Instance, Def);
- if Bound.Dir = Iir_To then
- High := Bound.Right;
- Low := Bound.Left;
- else
- High := Bound.Left;
- Low := Bound.Right;
- end if;
- case Get_Info (Base_Type).Scalar_Mode is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- if Value.I64 in Low.I64 .. High.I64 then
- return;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- if Value.E32 in Low.E32 .. High.E32 then
- return;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- if Value.F64 in Low.F64 .. High.F64 then
- return;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- if Value.B1 in Low.B1 .. High.B1 then
- return;
- end if;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
- Check_Array_Constraints (Instance, Value, Def, Expr);
- return;
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- El: Iir_Element_Declaration;
- List : Iir_List;
- begin
- List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (Def));
- for I in Natural loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
- exit when El = Null_Iir;
- Check_Constraints
- (Instance,
- Value.Val_Record.V (Get_Element_Position (El) + 1),
- Get_Type (El),
- Expr);
- end loop;
- end;
- return;
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
- return;
- when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
- return;
- when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
- return;
- when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
- return;
- when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
- return;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("check_constraints", Def);
- end case;
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Expr);
- end Check_Constraints;
- function Execute_Resolution_Function
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Imp : Iir; Arr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Inter : Iir;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- -- Create a frame for this function.
- Instance := Create_Subprogram_Instance (Block, Imp);
- Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
- Elaboration.Create_Object (Instance, Inter);
- Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Inter).Slot) := Arr;
- return Execute_Function_Body (Instance, Imp);
- end Execute_Resolution_Function;
- procedure Execute_Signal_Assignment
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Stmt: Iir_Signal_Assignment_Statement)
- is
- Wf : constant Iir_Waveform_Element := Get_Waveform_Chain (Stmt);
- Nbr_We : constant Natural := Get_Chain_Length (Wf);
- Transactions : Transaction_Type (Nbr_We);
- We: Iir_Waveform_Element;
- Res: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Rdest: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Targ_Type : Iir;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- Rdest := Execute_Name (Instance, Get_Target (Stmt), True);
- Targ_Type := Get_Type (Get_Target (Stmt));
- -- Disconnection statement.
- if Wf = Null_Iir then
- Disconnect_Signal (Rdest);
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- return;
- end if;
- Transactions.Stmt := Stmt;
- -- LRM93 8.4.1
- -- Evaluation of a waveform consists of the evaluation of each waveform
- -- elements in the waveform.
- We := Wf;
- for I in Transactions.Els'Range loop
- declare
- Trans : Transaction_El_Type renames Transactions.Els (I);
- begin
- if Get_Time (We) /= Null_Iir then
- Res := Execute_Expression (Instance, Get_Time (We));
- -- LRM93 8.4.1
- -- It is an error if the time expression in a waveform element
- -- evaluates to a negative value.
- if Res.I64 < 0 then
- Error_Msg_Exec ("time value is negative", Get_Time (We));
- end if;
- Trans.After := Std_Time (Res.I64);
- else
- -- LRM93 8.4.1
- -- If the after clause of a waveform element is not present,
- -- then an implicit "after 0 ns" is assumed.
- Trans.After := 0;
- end if;
- -- LRM93 8.4.1
- -- It is an error if the sequence of new transactions is not in
- -- ascending order with respect to time.
- if I > 1
- and then Trans.After <= Transactions.Els (I - 1).After
- then
- Error_Msg_Exec
- ("sequence not in ascending order with respect to time", We);
- end if;
- if Get_Kind (Get_We_Value (We)) = Iir_Kind_Null_Literal then
- -- null transaction.
- Trans.Value := null;
- else
- -- LRM93 8.4.1
- -- For the first form of waveform element, the value component
- -- of the transaction is determined by the value expression in
- -- the waveform element.
- Trans.Value := Execute_Expression_With_Type
- (Instance, Get_We_Value (We), Targ_Type);
- end if;
- end;
- We := Get_Chain (We);
- end loop;
- pragma Assert (We = Null_Iir);
- case Get_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt) is
- when Iir_Transport_Delay =>
- Transactions.Reject := 0;
- when Iir_Inertial_Delay =>
- -- LRM93 8.4
- -- or, in the case that a pulse rejection limit is specified,
- -- a pulse whose duration is shorter than that limit will not
- -- be transmitted.
- -- Every inertially delayed signal assignment has a pulse
- -- rejection limit.
- if Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Stmt) /= Null_Iir then
- -- LRM93 8.4
- -- If the delay mechanism specifies inertial delay, and if the
- -- reserved word reject followed by a time expression is
- -- present, then the time expression specifies the pulse
- -- rejection limit.
- Res := Execute_Expression
- (Instance, Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Stmt));
- -- LRM93 8.4
- -- It is an error if the pulse rejection limit for any
- -- inertially delayed signal assignement statement is either
- -- negative ...
- if Res.I64 < 0 then
- Error_Msg_Exec ("reject time negative", Stmt);
- end if;
- -- LRM93 8.4
- -- ... or greather than the time expression associated with
- -- the first waveform element.
- Transactions.Reject := Std_Time (Res.I64);
- if Transactions.Reject > Transactions.Els (1).After then
- Error_Msg_Exec
- ("reject time greather than time expression", Stmt);
- end if;
- else
- -- LRM93 8.4
- -- In all other cases, the pulse rejection limit is the time
- -- expression associated ith the first waveform element.
- Transactions.Reject := Transactions.Els (1).After;
- end if;
- end case;
- -- FIXME: slice Transactions to remove transactions after end of time.
- Assign_Value_To_Signal (Instance, Rdest, Transactions);
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- end Execute_Signal_Assignment;
- procedure Assign_Simple_Value_To_Object
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Dest: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Dest_Type: Iir;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Stmt: Iir)
- is
- begin
- if Dest.Kind /= Value.Kind then
- raise Internal_Error; -- literal kind mismatch.
- end if;
- Check_Constraints (Instance, Value, Dest_Type, Stmt);
- Store (Dest, Value);
- end Assign_Simple_Value_To_Object;
- procedure Assign_Array_Value_To_Object
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Target: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Target_Type: Iir;
- Depth: Natural;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Stmt: Iir)
- is
- Element_Type: Iir;
- begin
- if Target.Val_Array.Len /= Value.Val_Array.Len then
- -- Dimension mismatch.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- if Depth = Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Index_List (Target_Type)) then
- Element_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Target_Type);
- for I in Target.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Assign_Value_To_Object (Instance,
- Target.Val_Array.V (I),
- Element_Type,
- Value.Val_Array.V (I),
- Stmt);
- end loop;
- else
- for I in Target.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Assign_Array_Value_To_Object (Instance,
- Target.Val_Array.V (I),
- Target_Type,
- Depth + 1,
- Value.Val_Array.V (I),
- Stmt);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Assign_Array_Value_To_Object;
- procedure Assign_Record_Value_To_Object
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Target: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Target_Type: Iir;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Stmt: Iir)
- is
- Element_Type: Iir;
- List : Iir_List;
- Element: Iir_Element_Declaration;
- Pos : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- if Target.Val_Record.Len /= Value.Val_Record.Len then
- -- Dimension mismatch.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Target_Type);
- for I in Natural loop
- Element := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
- exit when Element = Null_Iir;
- Element_Type := Get_Type (Element);
- Pos := Get_Element_Position (Element);
- Assign_Value_To_Object (Instance,
- Target.Val_Record.V (1 + Pos),
- Element_Type,
- Value.Val_Record.V (1 + Pos),
- Stmt);
- end loop;
- end Assign_Record_Value_To_Object;
- procedure Assign_Value_To_Object
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Target: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Target_Type: Iir;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Stmt: Iir)
- is
- begin
- case Target.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- Assign_Array_Value_To_Object
- (Instance, Target, Target_Type, 1, Value, Stmt);
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Assign_Record_Value_To_Object
- (Instance, Target, Target_Type, Value, Stmt);
- when Iir_Value_Scalars
- | Iir_Value_Access =>
- Assign_Simple_Value_To_Object
- (Instance, Target, Target_Type, Value, Stmt);
- when Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Signal
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Assign_Value_To_Object;
- -- Display a message when an assertion has failed.
- -- REPORT is the value (string) to display, or null to use default message.
- -- SEVERITY is the severity or null to use default (error).
- -- STMT is used to display location.
- procedure Execute_Failed_Assertion (Report : String;
- Severity : Natural;
- Stmt: Iir) is
- begin
- -- LRM93 8.2
- -- The error message consists of at least:
- -- 4: name of the design unit containing the assertion.
- Disp_Iir_Location (Stmt);
- -- 1: an indication that this message is from an assertion.
- Put (Standard_Error, "(assertion ");
- -- 2: the value of the severity level.
- case Severity is
- when 0 =>
- Put (Standard_Error, "note");
- when 1 =>
- Put (Standard_Error, "warning");
- when 2 =>
- Put (Standard_Error, "error");
- when 3 =>
- Put (Standard_Error, "failure");
- when others =>
- Error_Internal (Null_Iir, "execute_failed_assertion");
- end case;
- if Disp_Time_Before_Values then
- Put (Standard_Error, " at ");
- Grt.Astdio.Put_Time (Grt.Stdio.stderr, Current_Time);
- end if;
- Put (Standard_Error, "): ");
- -- 3: the value of the message string.
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, Report);
- -- Stop execution if the severity is too high.
- if Severity >= Grt.Options.Severity_Level then
- Debug (Reason_Assert);
- Grt.Errors.Fatal_Error;
- end if;
- end Execute_Failed_Assertion;
- procedure Execute_Failed_Assertion (Report : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Severity : Natural;
- Stmt: Iir) is
- begin
- if Report /= null then
- declare
- Msg : String (1 .. Natural (Report.Val_Array.Len));
- begin
- for I in Report.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Msg (Positive (I)) :=
- Character'Val (Report.Val_Array.V (I).E32);
- end loop;
- Execute_Failed_Assertion (Msg, Severity, Stmt);
- end;
- else
- -- The default value for the message string is:
- -- "Assertion violation.".
- -- Does the message string include quotes ?
- Execute_Failed_Assertion ("Assertion violation.", Severity, Stmt);
- end if;
- end Execute_Failed_Assertion;
- procedure Execute_Report_Statement
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc; Stmt: Iir; Default_Severity : Natural)
- is
- Expr: Iir;
- Report, Severity_Lit: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Severity : Natural;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- Expr := Get_Report_Expression (Stmt);
- if Expr /= Null_Iir then
- Report := Execute_Expression (Instance, Expr);
- else
- Report := null;
- end if;
- Expr := Get_Severity_Expression (Stmt);
- if Expr /= Null_Iir then
- Severity_Lit := Execute_Expression (Instance, Expr);
- Severity := Natural'Val (Severity_Lit.E32);
- else
- Severity := Default_Severity;
- end if;
- Execute_Failed_Assertion (Report, Severity, Stmt);
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- end Execute_Report_Statement;
- function Is_In_Choice
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Choice: Iir;
- Expr: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Boolean
- is
- Res : Boolean;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Choice) is
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
- return True;
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
- declare
- Expr1: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Expr1 := Execute_Expression
- (Instance, Get_Choice_Expression (Choice));
- Res := Is_Equal (Expr, Expr1);
- return Res;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Range =>
- declare
- A_Range : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- A_Range := Execute_Bounds
- (Instance, Get_Choice_Range (Choice));
- Res := Is_In_Range (Expr, A_Range);
- end;
- return Res;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("is_in_choice", Choice);
- end case;
- end Is_In_Choice;
- -- Return TRUE iff VAL is in the range defined by BOUNDS.
- function Is_In_Range (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Boolean
- is
- Max, Min : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Bounds.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- Min := Bounds.Left;
- Max := Bounds.Right;
- when Iir_Downto =>
- Min := Bounds.Right;
- Max := Bounds.Left;
- end case;
- case Val.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- return Val.E32 >= Min.E32 and Val.E32 <= Max.E32;
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- return Val.B1 >= Min.B1 and Val.B1 <= Max.B1;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- return Val.I64 >= Min.I64 and Val.I64 <= Max.I64;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- return False;
- end case;
- end Is_In_Range;
- -- Increment or decrement VAL according to BOUNDS.DIR.
- -- FIXME: use increment ?
- procedure Update_Loop_Index (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Val.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- case Bounds.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- Val.E32 := Val.E32 + 1;
- when Iir_Downto =>
- Val.E32 := Val.E32 - 1;
- end case;
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- case Bounds.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- Val.B1 := True;
- when Iir_Downto =>
- Val.B1 := False;
- end case;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- case Bounds.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- Val.I64 := Val.I64 + 1;
- when Iir_Downto =>
- Val.I64 := Val.I64 - 1;
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Update_Loop_Index;
- procedure Finalize_For_Loop_Statement (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Stmt : Iir)
- is
- begin
- Destroy_Iterator_Declaration
- (Instance, Get_Parameter_Specification (Stmt));
- end Finalize_For_Loop_Statement;
- procedure Finalize_Loop_Statement (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Stmt : Iir)
- is
- begin
- if Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement then
- Finalize_For_Loop_Statement (Instance, Stmt);
- end if;
- end Finalize_Loop_Statement;
- procedure Execute_For_Loop_Statement (Proc : Process_State_Acc)
- is
- Instance : constant Block_Instance_Acc := Proc.Instance;
- Stmt : constant Iir_For_Loop_Statement := Instance.Stmt;
- Iterator : constant Iir := Get_Parameter_Specification (Stmt);
- Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Index : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Stmt_Chain : Iir;
- Is_Nul : Boolean;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- -- Elaborate the iterator (and its type).
- Elaborate_Declaration (Instance, Iterator);
- -- Extract bounds.
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- Bounds := Execute_Bounds (Instance, Get_Type (Iterator));
- Index := Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Iterator).Slot);
- Store (Index, Bounds.Left);
- Is_Nul := Is_Nul_Range (Bounds);
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- if Is_Nul then
- -- Loop is complete.
- Finalize_For_Loop_Statement (Instance, Stmt);
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- else
- Stmt_Chain := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt);
- if Stmt_Chain = Null_Iir then
- -- Nothing to do for an empty loop.
- Finalize_For_Loop_Statement (Instance, Stmt);
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- else
- Instance.Stmt := Stmt_Chain;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Execute_For_Loop_Statement;
- -- This function is called when there is no more statements to execute
- -- in the statement list of a for_loop. Returns FALSE in case of end of
- -- loop.
- function Finish_For_Loop_Statement (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- return Boolean
- is
- Iterator : constant Iir := Get_Parameter_Specification (Instance.Stmt);
- Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Index : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- -- FIXME: avoid allocation.
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- Bounds := Execute_Bounds (Instance, Get_Type (Iterator));
- Index := Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Iterator).Slot);
- if Is_Equal (Index, Bounds.Right) then
- -- Loop is complete.
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- Finalize_For_Loop_Statement (Instance, Instance.Stmt);
- return False;
- else
- -- Update the loop index.
- Update_Loop_Index (Index, Bounds);
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- -- start the loop again.
- Instance.Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Instance.Stmt);
- return True;
- end if;
- end Finish_For_Loop_Statement;
- -- Evaluate boolean condition COND. If COND is Null_Iir, returns true.
- function Execute_Condition (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Cond : Iir) return Boolean
- is
- V : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Res : Boolean;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- if Cond = Null_Iir then
- return True;
- end if;
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- V := Execute_Expression (Instance, Cond);
- Res := V.B1 = True;
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- return Res;
- end Execute_Condition;
- -- Start a while loop statement, or return FALSE if the loop is not
- -- executed.
- procedure Execute_While_Loop_Statement (Proc : Process_State_Acc)
- is
- Instance: constant Block_Instance_Acc := Proc.Instance;
- Stmt : constant Iir := Instance.Stmt;
- Cond : Boolean;
- begin
- Cond := Execute_Condition (Instance, Get_Condition (Stmt));
- if Cond then
- Init_Sequential_Statements (Proc, Stmt);
- else
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- end if;
- end Execute_While_Loop_Statement;
- -- This function is called when there is no more statements to execute
- -- in the statement list of a while loop. Returns FALSE iff loop is
- -- completed.
- function Finish_While_Loop_Statement (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- return Boolean
- is
- Cond : Boolean;
- begin
- Cond := Execute_Condition (Instance, Get_Condition (Instance.Stmt));
- if Cond then
- -- start the loop again.
- Instance.Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Instance.Stmt);
- return True;
- else
- -- Loop is complete.
- return False;
- end if;
- end Finish_While_Loop_Statement;
- -- Return TRUE if the loop must be executed again
- function Finish_Loop_Statement (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Stmt : Iir) return Boolean is
- begin
- Instance.Stmt := Stmt;
- case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
- when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
- return Finish_While_Loop_Statement (Instance);
- when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
- return Finish_For_Loop_Statement (Instance);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("finish_loop_statement", Stmt);
- end case;
- end Finish_Loop_Statement;
- -- Return FALSE if the next statement should be executed (possibly
- -- updated).
- procedure Execute_Exit_Next_Statement (Proc : Process_State_Acc;
- Is_Exit : Boolean)
- is
- Instance : constant Block_Instance_Acc := Proc.Instance;
- Stmt : constant Iir := Instance.Stmt;
- Label : constant Iir := Get_Named_Entity (Get_Loop_Label (Stmt));
- Cond : Boolean;
- Parent : Iir;
- begin
- Cond := Execute_Condition (Instance, Get_Condition (Stmt));
- if not Cond then
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- return;
- end if;
- Parent := Stmt;
- loop
- Parent := Get_Parent (Parent);
- case Get_Kind (Parent) is
- when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
- if Label = Null_Iir or else Label = Parent then
- -- Target is this statement.
- if Is_Exit then
- Finalize_Loop_Statement (Instance, Parent);
- Instance.Stmt := Parent;
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- elsif not Finish_Loop_Statement (Instance, Parent) then
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- else
- Init_Sequential_Statements (Proc, Parent);
- end if;
- return;
- else
- Finalize_Loop_Statement (Instance, Parent);
- end if;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Execute_Exit_Next_Statement;
- procedure Execute_Case_Statement (Proc : Process_State_Acc)
- is
- Instance : constant Block_Instance_Acc := Proc.Instance;
- Stmt : constant Iir := Instance.Stmt;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Assoc: Iir;
- Stmt_Chain : Iir;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- Value := Execute_Expression (Instance, Get_Expression (Stmt));
- Assoc := Get_Case_Statement_Alternative_Chain (Stmt);
- while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
- if not Get_Same_Alternative_Flag (Assoc) then
- Stmt_Chain := Get_Associated_Chain (Assoc);
- end if;
- if Is_In_Choice (Instance, Assoc, Value) then
- if Stmt_Chain = Null_Iir then
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- else
- Instance.Stmt := Stmt_Chain;
- end if;
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- return;
- end if;
- Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
- end loop;
- -- FIXME: infinite loop???
- Error_Msg_Exec ("no choice for expression", Stmt);
- raise Internal_Error;
- end Execute_Case_Statement;
- procedure Execute_Call_Statement (Proc : Process_State_Acc)
- is
- Instance : constant Block_Instance_Acc := Proc.Instance;
- Stmt : constant Iir := Instance.Stmt;
- Call : constant Iir := Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt);
- Imp : constant Iir := Get_Named_Entity (Get_Implementation (Call));
- Subprg_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Assoc_Chain: Iir;
- Subprg_Body : Iir;
- begin
- if Get_Kind (Imp) = Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration then
- Execute_Implicit_Procedure (Instance, Call);
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- elsif Get_Foreign_Flag (Imp) then
- Execute_Foreign_Procedure (Instance, Call);
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- else
- Mark (Instance.Marker, Instance_Pool.all);
- Subprg_Instance := Create_Subprogram_Instance (Instance, Imp);
- Adjust_Up_Link_For_Protected_Object
- (Instance, Call, Subprg_Instance);
- Assoc_Chain := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call);
- Execute_Association (Instance, Subprg_Instance, Assoc_Chain);
- Current_Process.Instance := Subprg_Instance;
- Subprg_Body := Get_Subprogram_Body (Imp);
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part
- (Subprg_Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Subprg_Body));
- Init_Sequential_Statements (Proc, Subprg_Body);
- end if;
- end Execute_Call_Statement;
- procedure Finish_Procedure_Frame (Proc : Process_State_Acc)
- is
- Old_Instance : constant Block_Instance_Acc := Proc.Instance;
- begin
- Execute_Back_Association (Old_Instance);
- Proc.Instance := Old_Instance.Parent;
- Execute_Subprogram_Call_Final (Old_Instance);
- Release (Proc.Instance.Marker, Instance_Pool.all);
- end Finish_Procedure_Frame;
- procedure Execute_If_Statement
- (Proc : Process_State_Acc; Stmt: Iir_Wait_Statement)
- is
- Clause: Iir;
- Cond: Boolean;
- begin
- Clause := Stmt;
- loop
- Cond := Execute_Condition (Proc.Instance, Get_Condition (Clause));
- if Cond then
- Init_Sequential_Statements (Proc, Clause);
- return;
- end if;
- Clause := Get_Else_Clause (Clause);
- exit when Clause = Null_Iir;
- end loop;
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- end Execute_If_Statement;
- procedure Execute_Variable_Assignment
- (Proc : Process_State_Acc; Stmt : Iir)
- is
- Instance : constant Block_Instance_Acc := Proc.Instance;
- Target : constant Iir := Get_Target (Stmt);
- Target_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Target);
- Expr : constant Iir := Get_Expression (Stmt);
- Expr_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Expr);
- Target_Val: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- Target_Val := Execute_Expression (Instance, Target);
- -- If the type of the target is not static and the value is
- -- an aggregate, then the aggregate may be contrained by the
- -- target.
- if Get_Kind (Expr) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate
- and then Get_Type_Staticness (Expr_Type) < Locally
- and then Get_Kind (Expr_Type)
- in Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition
- then
- Res := Copy_Array_Bound (Target_Val);
- Fill_Array_Aggregate (Instance, Expr, Res);
- else
- Res := Execute_Expression (Instance, Expr);
- end if;
- if Get_Kind (Target_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition then
- -- Note: target_type may be dynamic (slice case), so
- -- check_constraints is not called.
- Implicit_Array_Conversion (Res, Target_Val, Stmt);
- else
- Check_Constraints (Instance, Res, Target_Type, Stmt);
- end if;
- -- Note: we need to unshare before copying to avoid
- -- overwrites (in assignments like: v (1 to 4) := v (3 to 6)).
- -- FIXME: improve that handling (detect overlaps before).
- Store (Target_Val, Unshare (Res, Expr_Pool'Access));
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- end Execute_Variable_Assignment;
- function Execute_Return_Statement (Proc : Process_State_Acc)
- return Boolean
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Instance : constant Block_Instance_Acc := Proc.Instance;
- Stmt : constant Iir := Instance.Stmt;
- Expr : constant Iir := Get_Expression (Stmt);
- begin
- if Expr /= Null_Iir then
- Res := Execute_Expression (Instance, Expr);
- Implicit_Array_Conversion (Instance, Res, Get_Type (Stmt), Stmt);
- Check_Constraints (Instance, Res, Get_Type (Stmt), Stmt);
- Instance.Result := Res;
- end if;
- case Get_Kind (Instance.Label) is
- when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
- Finish_Procedure_Frame (Proc);
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- return False;
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
- return True;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Execute_Return_Statement;
- procedure Finish_Sequential_Statements
- (Proc : Process_State_Acc; Complex_Stmt : Iir)
- is
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc := Proc.Instance;
- Stmt : Iir;
- begin
- Stmt := Complex_Stmt;
- loop
- Instance.Stmt := Stmt;
- case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
- when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
- if Finish_For_Loop_Statement (Instance) then
- return;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
- if Finish_While_Loop_Statement (Instance) then
- return;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
- Instance.Stmt := Null_Iir;
- return;
- when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
- -- Start again.
- Instance.Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt);
- return;
- when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
- Finish_Procedure_Frame (Proc);
- Instance := Proc.Instance;
- when Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
- Error_Msg_Exec ("missing return statement in function", Stmt);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_next_statement", Stmt);
- end case;
- Stmt := Get_Chain (Instance.Stmt);
- if Stmt /= Null_Iir then
- Instance.Stmt := Stmt;
- return;
- end if;
- Stmt := Get_Parent (Instance.Stmt);
- end loop;
- end Finish_Sequential_Statements;
- procedure Init_Sequential_Statements
- (Proc : Process_State_Acc; Complex_Stmt : Iir)
- is
- Stmt : Iir;
- begin
- Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Complex_Stmt);
- if Stmt /= Null_Iir then
- Proc.Instance.Stmt := Stmt;
- else
- Finish_Sequential_Statements (Proc, Complex_Stmt);
- end if;
- end Init_Sequential_Statements;
- procedure Update_Next_Statement (Proc : Process_State_Acc)
- is
- Instance : constant Block_Instance_Acc := Proc.Instance;
- Stmt : Iir;
- begin
- Stmt := Get_Chain (Instance.Stmt);
- if Stmt /= Null_Iir then
- Instance.Stmt := Stmt;
- return;
- end if;
- Finish_Sequential_Statements (Proc, Get_Parent (Instance.Stmt));
- end Update_Next_Statement;
- procedure Execute_Sequential_Statements (Proc : Process_State_Acc)
- is
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Stmt: Iir;
- begin
- loop
- Instance := Proc.Instance;
- Stmt := Instance.Stmt;
- -- End of process or subprogram.
- exit when Stmt = Null_Iir;
- if Trace_Statements then
- declare
- Name : Name_Id;
- Line : Natural;
- Col : Natural;
- begin
- Files_Map.Location_To_Position
- (Get_Location (Stmt), Name, Line, Col);
- Put_Line ("Execute statement at "
- & Name_Table.Image (Name)
- & Natural'Image (Line));
- end;
- end if;
- if Flag_Need_Debug then
- Debug (Reason_Break);
- end if;
- -- execute statement STMT.
- case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
- when Iir_Kind_Null_Statement =>
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
- Execute_If_Statement (Proc, Stmt);
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
- Execute_Signal_Assignment (Instance, Stmt);
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- when Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement =>
- declare
- Res : Boolean;
- begin
- Res := Execute_Condition
- (Instance, Get_Assertion_Condition (Stmt));
- if not Res then
- Execute_Report_Statement (Instance, Stmt, 2);
- end if;
- end;
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- when Iir_Kind_Report_Statement =>
- Execute_Report_Statement (Instance, Stmt, 0);
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- when Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
- Execute_Variable_Assignment (Proc, Stmt);
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- when Iir_Kind_Return_Statement =>
- if Execute_Return_Statement (Proc) then
- return;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
- Execute_For_Loop_Statement (Proc);
- when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
- Execute_While_Loop_Statement (Proc);
- when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
- Execute_Case_Statement (Proc);
- when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
- if Execute_Wait_Statement (Instance, Stmt) then
- return;
- end if;
- Update_Next_Statement (Proc);
- when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
- Execute_Call_Statement (Proc);
- when Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement =>
- Execute_Exit_Next_Statement (Proc, True);
- when Iir_Kind_Next_Statement =>
- Execute_Exit_Next_Statement (Proc, False);
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("execute_sequential_statements", Stmt);
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Execute_Sequential_Statements;
-end Execution;
diff --git a/src/simulate/ b/src/simulate/
deleted file mode 100644
index faed111..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
--- Interpreted simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Types; use Types;
-with Iirs; use Iirs;
-with Iir_Values; use Iir_Values;
-with Elaboration; use Elaboration;
-with Areapools; use Areapools;
-package Execution is
- Trace_Statements : Boolean := False;
- -- If true, disp current time in assert message.
- Disp_Time_Before_Values: Boolean := False;
- Current_Component : Block_Instance_Acc := null;
- -- State associed with each process.
- type Process_State_Type is record
- -- The process instance.
- Top_Instance: Block_Instance_Acc := null;
- Proc: Iir := Null_Iir;
- -- Memory pool to allocate objects from.
- Pool : aliased Areapool;
- -- The stack of the process.
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc := null;
- end record;
- type Process_State_Acc is access all Process_State_Type;
- Simulation_Finished : exception;
- -- Current process being executed. This is only for the debugger.
- Current_Process : Process_State_Acc;
- -- Pseudo process used for resolution functions, ...
- No_Process : Process_State_Acc := new Process_State_Type;
- -- Execute a list of sequential statements.
- -- Return when there is no more statements to execute.
- procedure Execute_Sequential_Statements (Proc : Process_State_Acc);
- -- Evaluate an expression.
- function Execute_Expression (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Expr: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Evaluate boolean condition COND. If COND is Null_Iir, returns true.
- function Execute_Condition (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Cond : Iir) return Boolean;
- -- Execute a name. Return the value if Ref is False, or the reference
- -- (for a signal, a quantity or a terminal) if Ref is True.
- function Execute_Name (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr: Iir;
- Ref : Boolean := False)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- procedure Execute_Name_With_Base (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr: Iir;
- Base : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Res : out Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Is_Sig : out Boolean);
- -- Return the initial value (default value) of signal name EXPR. To be
- -- used only during (non-dynamic) elaboration.
- function Execute_Signal_Init_Value (Block : Block_Instance_Acc; Expr : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Execute_Expression_With_Type
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr: Iir;
- Expr_Type : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Execute_Resolution_Function
- (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Imp : Iir; Arr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Execute_Assoc_Conversion
- (Block : Block_Instance_Acc; Conv : Iir; Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Sub function common for left/right/length/low/high attributes.
- -- Return bounds of PREFIX.
- function Execute_Bounds (Block: Block_Instance_Acc; Prefix: Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Compute the offset for INDEX into a range BOUNDS.
- -- EXPR is only used in case of error.
- function Get_Index_Offset
- (Index: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Bounds: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Expr: Iir)
- return Iir_Index32;
- function Execute_Low_Limit (Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Get_Instance_For_Slot (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc; Decl: Iir)
- return Block_Instance_Acc;
- -- Store VALUE to TARGET.
- -- Note: VALUE is not freed.
- procedure Assign_Value_To_Object
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Target: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Target_Type: Iir;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Stmt: Iir);
- -- Check VALUE follows the constraints of DEF.
- -- INSTANCE,DEF is the definition of a subtype.
- -- EXPR is just used in case of error to display the location
- -- If there is no location, EXPR can be null.
- -- Implicitly convert VALUE (array cases).
- -- Return in case of success.
- -- Raise errorout.execution_constraint_error in case of failure.
- procedure Check_Constraints
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Def: Iir; Expr: Iir);
- -- If VALUE is not an array, then this is a no-op.
- -- If VALUE is an array, then bounds are checked and converted. INSTANCE
- -- is the instance corresponding to REF_TYPE.
- -- EXPR is used in case of error.
- procedure Implicit_Array_Conversion (Value : in out Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Ref_Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Expr : Iir);
- procedure Implicit_Array_Conversion (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Value : in out Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Ref_Type : Iir;
- Expr : Iir);
- -- Create an iir_value_literal of kind iir_value_array and of life LIFE.
- -- Allocate the array of bounds, and fill it from A_TYPE.
- -- Allocate the array of values.
- function Create_Array_Bounds_From_Type
- (Block : Block_Instance_Acc;
- A_Type : Iir;
- Create_Val_Array : Boolean)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Create a range from LEN for scalar type ATYPE.
- function Create_Bounds_From_Length (Block : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Atype : Iir;
- Len : Iir_Index32)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Return TRUE iff VAL is in the range defined by BOUNDS.
- function Is_In_Range (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Boolean;
- -- Increment or decrement VAL according to BOUNDS.DIR.
- procedure Update_Loop_Index (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Bounds : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- -- Create a block instance for subprogram IMP.
- function Create_Subprogram_Instance (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Imp : Iir)
- return Block_Instance_Acc;
- function Execute_Function_Body (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc; Func : Iir)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Execute_Image_Attribute (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Expr_Type : Iir)
- return String;
-end Execution;
diff --git a/src/simulate/file_operation.adb b/src/simulate/file_operation.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 33700fd..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/file_operation.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
--- File operations for interpreter
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Types; use Types;
-with Annotations; use Annotations;
-with Execution; use Execution;
-with Debugger; use Debugger;
-with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
-with Grt_Interface; use Grt_Interface;
-package body File_Operation is
- -- Open a file.
- -- See LRM93 3.4.1 for definition of arguments.
- -- IS_TEXT is true if the file format is text.
- -- The purpose of the IS_TEXT is to allow a text implementation of file
- -- type TEXT, defined in std.textio.
- procedure File_Open (Status : out Ghdl_I32;
- File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- External_Name : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Mode : Ghdl_I32;
- Is_Text : Boolean;
- Return_Status : Boolean)
- is
- Name_Len : constant Ghdl_Index_Type :=
- Ghdl_Index_Type (External_Name.Bounds.D (1).Length);
- Name_Str : aliased Std_String_Uncons (1 .. Name_Len);
- Name_Bnd : aliased Std_String_Bound := Build_Bound (External_Name);
- Name : aliased Std_String := (To_Std_String_Basep (Name_Str'Address),
- To_Std_String_Boundp (Name_Bnd'Address));
- begin
- -- Convert the string to an Ada string.
- for I in External_Name.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Name_Str (Name_Str'First + Ghdl_Index_Type (I - 1)) :=
- Character'Val (External_Name.Val_Array.V (I).E32);
- end loop;
- if Is_Text then
- if Return_Status then
- Status := Ghdl_Text_File_Open_Status
- (File.File, Mode, Name'Unrestricted_Access);
- else
- Ghdl_Text_File_Open (File.File, Mode, Name'Unrestricted_Access);
- Status := Open_Ok;
- end if;
- else
- if Return_Status then
- Status := Ghdl_File_Open_Status
- (File.File, Mode, Name'Unrestricted_Access);
- else
- Ghdl_File_Open (File.File, Mode, Name'Unrestricted_Access);
- Status := Open_Ok;
- end if;
- end if;
- end File_Open;
- -- Open a file.
- procedure File_Open (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Name : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Mode : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- File_Decl : Iir;
- Stmt : Iir)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Stmt);
- Is_Text : constant Boolean := Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (File_Decl));
- File_Mode : constant Ghdl_I32 := Ghdl_I32 (Mode.E32);
- Status : Ghdl_I32;
- begin
- File_Open (Status, File, Name, File_Mode, Is_Text, False);
- if Status /= Open_Ok then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- end File_Open;
- procedure File_Open_Status (Status : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Name : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Mode : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- File_Decl : Iir;
- Stmt : Iir)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Stmt);
- Is_Text : constant Boolean := Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (File_Decl));
- File_Mode : constant Ghdl_I32 := Ghdl_I32 (Mode.E32);
- R_Status : Ghdl_I32;
- begin
- File_Open (R_Status, File, Name, File_Mode, Is_Text, True);
- Status.E32 := Ghdl_E32 (R_Status);
- end File_Open_Status;
- function Elaborate_File_Declaration
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc; Decl: Iir_File_Declaration)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Def : constant Iir := Get_Type (Decl);
- External_Name : Iir;
- File_Name: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Is_Text : constant Boolean := Get_Text_File_Flag (Def);
- File_Mode : Ghdl_I32;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Status : Ghdl_I32;
- Mode : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Is_Text then
- Res := Create_File_Value (Ghdl_Text_File_Elaborate);
- else
- declare
- Sig : constant String_Acc := Get_Info (Def).File_Signature;
- Cstr : Ghdl_C_String;
- begin
- if Sig = null then
- Cstr := null;
- else
- Cstr := To_Ghdl_C_String (Sig.all'Address);
- end if;
- Res := Create_File_Value (Ghdl_File_Elaborate (Cstr));
- end;
- end if;
- External_Name := Get_File_Logical_Name (Decl);
- -- LRM93
- -- If file open information is not included in a given file declaration,
- -- then the file declared by the declaration is not opened when the file
- -- declaration is elaborated.
- if External_Name = Null_Iir then
- return Res;
- end if;
- File_Name := Execute_Expression (Instance, External_Name);
- if Get_File_Open_Kind (Decl) /= Null_Iir then
- Mode := Execute_Expression (Instance, Get_File_Open_Kind (Decl));
- File_Mode := Ghdl_I32 (Mode.E32);
- else
- case Get_Mode (Decl) is
- when Iir_In_Mode =>
- File_Mode := Read_Mode;
- when Iir_Out_Mode =>
- File_Mode := Write_Mode;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end if;
- File_Open (Status, Res, File_Name, File_Mode, Is_Text, False);
- return Res;
- end Elaborate_File_Declaration;
- procedure File_Close_Text (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Stmt : Iir) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Stmt);
- begin
- Ghdl_Text_File_Close (File.File);
- end File_Close_Text;
- procedure File_Close_Binary (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Stmt : Iir) is
- pragma Unreferenced (Stmt);
- begin
- Ghdl_File_Close (File.File);
- end File_Close_Binary;
- procedure File_Destroy_Text (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- Ghdl_Text_File_Finalize (File.File);
- end File_Destroy_Text;
- procedure File_Destroy_Binary (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- Ghdl_File_Finalize (File.File);
- end File_Destroy_Binary;
- procedure Write_Binary (File: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- case Value.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Ghdl_Write_Scalar (File.File, Ghdl_Ptr (Value.B1'Address), 1);
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Ghdl_Write_Scalar (File.File, Ghdl_Ptr (Value.I64'Address), 8);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Ghdl_Write_Scalar (File.File, Ghdl_Ptr (Value.E32'Address), 4);
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- Ghdl_Write_Scalar (File.File, Ghdl_Ptr (Value.F64'Address), 8);
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Value.Bounds.D'Range loop
- Ghdl_Write_Scalar
- (File.File, Ghdl_Ptr (Value.Bounds.D (I).Length'Address), 4);
- end loop;
- for I in Value.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Write_Binary (File, Value.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Value.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Write_Binary (File, Value.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Write_Binary;
- procedure Write_Text (File: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- Val_Len : constant Ghdl_Index_Type :=
- Ghdl_Index_Type (Value.Bounds.D (1).Length);
- Val_Str : aliased Std_String_Uncons (1 .. Val_Len);
- Val_Bnd : aliased Std_String_Bound := Build_Bound (Value);
- Val : aliased Std_String := (To_Std_String_Basep (Val_Str'Address),
- To_Std_String_Boundp (Val_Bnd'Address));
- begin
- -- Convert the string to an Ada string.
- for I in Value.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Val_Str (Val_Str'First + Ghdl_Index_Type (I - 1)) :=
- Character'Val (Value.Val_Array.V (I).E32);
- end loop;
- Ghdl_Text_Write (File.File, Val'Unrestricted_Access);
- end Write_Text;
- function Endfile (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Stmt : Iir)
- return Boolean
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Stmt);
- begin
- return Grt.Files.Ghdl_File_Endfile (File.File);
- end Endfile;
- procedure Read_Length_Text (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Length : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- Val_Len : constant Ghdl_Index_Type :=
- Ghdl_Index_Type (Value.Bounds.D (1).Length);
- Val_Str : aliased Std_String_Uncons (1 .. Val_Len);
- Val_Bnd : aliased Std_String_Bound := Build_Bound (Value);
- Val : aliased Std_String := (To_Std_String_Basep (Val_Str'Address),
- To_Std_String_Boundp (Val_Bnd'Address));
- Len : Std_Integer;
- begin
- Len := Ghdl_Text_Read_Length (File.File, Val'Unrestricted_Access);
- for I in 1 .. Len loop
- Value.Val_Array.V (Iir_Index32 (I)).E32 :=
- Character'Pos (Val_Str (Ghdl_Index_Type (I)));
- end loop;
- Length.I64 := Ghdl_I64 (Len);
- end Read_Length_Text;
- procedure Untruncated_Text_Read (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Str : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Length : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- Res : Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read_Result;
- Val_Len : constant Ghdl_Index_Type :=
- Ghdl_Index_Type (Str.Bounds.D (1).Length);
- Val_Str : aliased Std_String_Uncons (1 .. Val_Len);
- Val_Bnd : aliased Std_String_Bound := Build_Bound (Str);
- Val : aliased Std_String := (To_Std_String_Basep (Val_Str'Address),
- To_Std_String_Boundp (Val_Bnd'Address));
- begin
- Ghdl_Untruncated_Text_Read
- (Res'Unrestricted_Access, File.File, Val'Unrestricted_Access);
- for I in 1 .. Res.Len loop
- Str.Val_Array.V (Iir_Index32 (I)).E32 :=
- Character'Pos (Val_Str (Ghdl_Index_Type (I)));
- end loop;
- Length.I64 := Ghdl_I64 (Res.Len);
- end Untruncated_Text_Read;
- procedure Read_Binary (File: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Value.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Ghdl_Read_Scalar (File.File, Ghdl_Ptr (Value.B1'Address), 1);
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Ghdl_Read_Scalar (File.File, Ghdl_Ptr (Value.I64'Address), 8);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Ghdl_Read_Scalar (File.File, Ghdl_Ptr (Value.E32'Address), 4);
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- Ghdl_Read_Scalar (File.File, Ghdl_Ptr (Value.F64'Address), 8);
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Value.Bounds.D'Range loop
- declare
- Len : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Ghdl_Read_Scalar (File.File, Ghdl_Ptr (Len'Address), 4);
- if Len /= Value.Bounds.D (I).Length then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Null_Iir); -- FIXME: loc
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- for I in Value.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Read_Binary (File, Value.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Value.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Read_Binary (File, Value.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Read_Binary;
- procedure Read_Length_Binary (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Length : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- Len : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Ghdl_Read_Scalar (File.File, Ghdl_Ptr (Len'Address), 4);
- for I in 1 .. Len loop
- if I <= Value.Bounds.D (1).Length then
- Read_Binary (File, Value.Val_Array.V (I));
- else
- -- FIXME: for empty arrays ??
- -- Lose_Binary (File, Value.Val_Array (0));
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Length.I64 := Ghdl_I64 (Len);
- end Read_Length_Binary;
- procedure Flush (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- Ghdl_File_Flush (File.File);
- end Flush;
-end File_Operation;
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deleted file mode 100644
index b66a067..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
--- File operations for interpreter
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Iirs; use Iirs;
-with Iir_Values; use Iir_Values;
-with Elaboration; use Elaboration;
-with Grt.Files; use Grt.Files;
-package File_Operation is
- Null_File : constant Natural := 0;
- -- Open a file.
- procedure File_Open (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Name : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Mode : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- File_Decl : Iir;
- Stmt : Iir);
- procedure File_Open_Status (Status : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Name : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Mode : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- File_Decl : Iir;
- Stmt : Iir);
- -- Close a file.
- -- If the file was not open, this has no effects.
- procedure File_Close_Text (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Stmt : Iir);
- procedure File_Close_Binary (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Stmt : Iir);
- procedure File_Destroy_Text (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- procedure File_Destroy_Binary (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- -- Elaborate a file_declaration.
- function Elaborate_File_Declaration
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc; Decl: Iir_File_Declaration)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Write VALUE to FILE.
- -- STMT is the statement, to display error.
- procedure Write_Text (File: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- procedure Write_Binary (File: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- procedure Read_Binary (File: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- procedure Read_Length_Text (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Length : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- procedure Read_Length_Binary (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Length : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- procedure Untruncated_Text_Read (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Str : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Length : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- procedure Flush (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- -- Test end of FILE is reached.
- function Endfile (File : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Stmt : Iir)
- return Boolean;
-end File_Operation;
diff --git a/src/simulate/grt_interface.adb b/src/simulate/grt_interface.adb
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index c4eab58..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/grt_interface.adb
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--- Interpreted simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Iirs; use Iirs;
-with Types; use Types;
-package body Grt_Interface is
- To_Dir : constant array (Iir_Direction) of Ghdl_Dir_Type :=
- (Iir_To => Dir_To, Iir_Downto => Dir_Downto);
- function Build_Bound (Arr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) return Std_String_Bound
- is
- Rng : constant Iir_Value_Literal_Acc := Arr.Bounds.D (1);
- begin
- return (Dim_1 => (Left => Std_Integer (Rng.Left.I64),
- Right => Std_Integer (Rng.Right.I64),
- Dir => To_Dir (Rng.Dir),
- Length => Ghdl_Index_Type (Rng.Length)));
- end Build_Bound;
- procedure Set_Std_String_From_Iir_Value (Str : Std_String;
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- for I in Val.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Str.Base (Ghdl_Index_Type (I - 1)) :=
- Character'Val (Val.Val_Array.V (I).E32);
- end loop;
- end Set_Std_String_From_Iir_Value;
-end Grt_Interface;
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--- a/src/simulate/
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--- Interpreted simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
-with Iir_Values; use Iir_Values;
-package Grt_Interface is
- procedure Set_Std_String_From_Iir_Value (Str : Std_String;
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- function Build_Bound (Arr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) return Std_String_Bound;
-end Grt_Interface;
diff --git a/src/simulate/iir_values.adb b/src/simulate/iir_values.adb
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--- a/src/simulate/iir_values.adb
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--- Naive values for interpreted simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with GNAT.Debug_Utilities;
-with Name_Table;
-with Debugger; use Debugger;
-with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
-package body Iir_Values is
- -- Functions for iir_value_literal
- function Is_Equal (Left, Right: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Left.Kind /= Right.Kind then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- return Left.B1 = Right.B1;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- return Left.E32 = Right.E32;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- return Left.I64 = Right.I64;
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- return Left.F64 = Right.F64;
- when Iir_Value_Access =>
- return Left.Val_Access = Right.Val_Access;
- when Iir_Value_File =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- if Left.Bounds.Nbr_Dims /= Right.Bounds.Nbr_Dims then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- for I in Left.Bounds.D'Range loop
- if Left.Bounds.D (I).Length /= Right.Bounds.D (I).Length then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- for I in Left.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- if not Is_Equal (Left.Val_Array.V (I),
- Right.Val_Array.V (I)) then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return True;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- if Left.Val_Record.Len /= Right.Val_Record.Len then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- for I in Left.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- if not Is_Equal (Left.Val_Record.V (I),
- Right.Val_Record.V (I)) then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return True;
- when Iir_Value_Range =>
- if Left.Dir /= Right.Dir then
- return False;
- end if;
- if not Is_Equal (Left.Left, Right.Left) then
- return False;
- end if;
- if not Is_Equal (Left.Right, Right.Right) then
- return False;
- end if;
- return True;
- when Iir_Value_Signal
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Is_Equal;
- function Compare_Value (Left, Right : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Order is
- begin
- if Left.Kind /= Right.Kind then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- case Left.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- if Left.B1 < Right.B1 then
- return Less;
- elsif Left.B1 = Right.B1 then
- return Equal;
- else
- return Greater;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- if Left.E32 < Right.E32 then
- return Less;
- elsif Left.E32 = Right.E32 then
- return Equal;
- else
- return Greater;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- if Left.I64 < Right.I64 then
- return Less;
- elsif Left.I64 = Right.I64 then
- return Equal;
- else
- return Greater;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- if Left.F64 < Right.F64 then
- return Less;
- elsif Left.F64 = Right.F64 then
- return Equal;
- elsif Left.F64 > Right.F64 then
- return Greater;
- else
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- -- LRM93 §7.2.2
- -- For discrete array types, the relation < (less than) is defined
- -- such as the left operand is less than the right operand if
- -- and only if:
- -- * the left operand is a null array and the right operand is
- -- a non-null array; otherwise
- -- * both operands are non-null arrays, and one of the following
- -- conditions is satisfied:
- -- - the leftmost element of the left operand is less than
- -- that of the right; or
- -- - the leftmost element of the left operand is equal to
- -- that of the right, and the tail of the left operand is
- -- less than that of the right (the tail consists of the
- -- remaining elements to the rights of the leftmost element
- -- and can be null)
- -- The relation <= (less than or equal) for discrete array types
- -- is defined to be the inclusive disjunction of the results of
- -- the < and = operators for the same two operands.
- -- The relation > (greater than) and >= (greater than of equal)
- -- are defined to be the complements of the <= and < operators
- -- respectively for the same two operands.
- if Left.Bounds.Nbr_Dims /= 1 or Right.Bounds.Nbr_Dims /= 1 then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- for I in 1 .. Iir_Index32'Min (Left.Bounds.D (1).Length,
- Right.Bounds.D (1).Length)
- loop
- case Compare_Value (Left.Val_Array.V (I),
- Right.Val_Array.V (I)) is
- when Less =>
- return Less;
- when Greater =>
- return Greater;
- when Equal =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- if Left.Bounds.D (1).Length < Right.Bounds.D (1).Length then
- return Less;
- elsif Left.Bounds.D (1).Length = Right.Bounds.D (1).Length then
- return Equal;
- else
- return Greater;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_Signal
- | Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_Record
- | Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Compare_Value;
- function Is_Nul_Range (Arange : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) return Boolean
- is
- Cmp : Order;
- begin
- Cmp := Compare_Value (Arange.Left, Arange.Right);
- case Arange.Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- return Cmp = Greater;
- when Iir_Downto =>
- return Cmp = Less;
- end case;
- end Is_Nul_Range;
- procedure Increment (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- case Val.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- if Val.B1 = False then
- Val.B1 := True;
- else
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Val.E32 := Val.E32 + 1;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Val.I64 := Val.I64 + 1;
- when Iir_Value_F64
- | Iir_Value_Array
- | Iir_Value_Record
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_Signal
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Increment;
- procedure Store (Dest : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- begin
- if Dest.Kind /= Src.Kind then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- case Dest.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- if Dest.Val_Array.Len /= Src.Val_Array.Len then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- for I in Dest.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Store (Dest.Val_Array.V (I), Src.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- if Dest.Val_Record.Len /= Src.Val_Record.Len then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- for I in Dest.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Store (Dest.Val_Record.V (I), Src.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Dest.B1 := Src.B1;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Dest.E32 := Src.E32;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Dest.I64 := Src.I64;
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- Dest.F64 := Src.F64;
- when Iir_Value_Access =>
- Dest.Val_Access := Src.Val_Access;
- when Iir_Value_File =>
- Dest.File := Src.File;
- when Iir_Value_Protected =>
- Dest.Prot := Src.Prot;
- when Iir_Value_Signal
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Store;
- procedure Check_Bounds (Dest : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Loc : Iir)
- is
- begin
- case Dest.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- if Src.Kind /= Iir_Value_Array then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- if Dest.Val_Array.Len /= Src.Val_Array.Len then
- Error_Msg_Constraint (Loc);
- end if;
- if Dest.Val_Array.Len /= 0 then
- Check_Bounds (Dest.Val_Array.V (1), Src.Val_Array.V (1), Loc);
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- if Src.Kind /= Iir_Value_Record then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- if Dest.Val_Record.Len /= Src.Val_Record.Len then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- for I in Dest.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Check_Bounds (Dest.Val_Record.V (I), Src.Val_Record.V (I), Loc);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- if Src.Kind /= Dest.Kind then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_B1
- | Iir_Value_E32
- | Iir_Value_I64
- | Iir_Value_F64
- | Iir_Value_Signal =>
- return;
- end case;
- end Check_Bounds;
- function To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (System.Address, Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- function To_Value_Array_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (System.Address, Value_Array_Acc);
- function To_Value_Bounds_Array_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (System.Address, Value_Bounds_Array_Acc);
- function Create_Signal_Value (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype Signal_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_Signal);
- function Alloc is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Signal_Value);
- begin
- return To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc (Global_Pool'Access,
- (Kind => Iir_Value_Signal, Sig => Sig)));
- end Create_Signal_Value;
- function Create_Terminal_Value (Terminal : Terminal_Index_Type)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype Terminal_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_Terminal);
- function Alloc is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Terminal_Value);
- begin
- return To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc (Global_Pool'Access,
- (Kind => Iir_Value_Terminal, Terminal => Terminal)));
- end Create_Terminal_Value;
- function Create_Quantity_Value (Quantity : Quantity_Index_Type)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype Quantity_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_Quantity);
- function Alloc is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Quantity_Value);
- begin
- return To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc (Global_Pool'Access,
- (Kind => Iir_Value_Quantity, Quantity => Quantity)));
- end Create_Quantity_Value;
- function Create_Protected_Value (Prot : Protected_Index_Type)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype Protected_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_Protected);
- function Alloc is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Protected_Value);
- begin
- return To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc (Global_Pool'Access,
- (Kind => Iir_Value_Protected, Prot => Prot)));
- end Create_Protected_Value;
- function Create_B1_Value (Val : Ghdl_B1) return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype B1_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_B1);
- function Alloc is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (B1_Value);
- begin
- return To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc (Current_Pool, (Kind => Iir_Value_B1, B1 => Val)));
- end Create_B1_Value;
- function Create_E32_Value (Val : Ghdl_E32) return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype E32_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_E32);
- function Alloc is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (E32_Value);
- begin
- return To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc (Current_Pool, (Kind => Iir_Value_E32, E32 => Val)));
- end Create_E32_Value;
- function Create_I64_Value (Val : Ghdl_I64) return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype I64_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_I64);
- function Alloc is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (I64_Value);
- begin
- return To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc (Current_Pool, (Kind => Iir_Value_I64, I64 => Val)));
- end Create_I64_Value;
- function Create_F64_Value (Val : Ghdl_F64) return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype F64_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_F64);
- function Alloc is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (F64_Value);
- begin
- return To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc (Current_Pool, (Kind => Iir_Value_F64, F64 => Val)));
- end Create_F64_Value;
- function Create_Access_Value (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype Access_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_Access);
- function Alloc is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Access_Value);
- begin
- return To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc (Current_Pool,
- (Kind => Iir_Value_Access, Val_Access => Val)));
- end Create_Access_Value;
- function Create_Range_Value
- (Left, Right : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Dir : Iir_Direction;
- Length : Iir_Index32)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype Range_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_Range);
- function Alloc is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Range_Value);
- begin
- return To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc (Current_Pool,
- (Kind => Iir_Value_Range,
- Left => Left,
- Right => Right,
- Dir => Dir,
- Length => Length)));
- end Create_Range_Value;
- function Create_File_Value (Val : Grt.Files.Ghdl_File_Index)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype File_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_File);
- function Alloc is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (File_Value);
- begin
- return To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc (Current_Pool,
- (Kind => Iir_Value_File, File => Val)));
- end Create_File_Value;
- -- Create a range_value of life LIFE.
- function Create_Range_Value
- (Left, Right : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Dir : Iir_Direction)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Low, High : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Len : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- case Dir is
- when Iir_To =>
- Low := Left;
- High := Right;
- when Iir_Downto =>
- Low := Right;
- High := Left;
- end case;
- case (Low.Kind) is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- if High.B1 >= Low.B1 then
- Len := Ghdl_B1'Pos (High.B1) - Ghdl_B1'Pos (Low.B1) + 1;
- else
- Len := 0;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- if High.E32 >= Low.E32 then
- Len := Iir_Index32 (High.E32 - Low.E32 + 1);
- else
- Len := 0;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- declare
- L : Ghdl_I64;
- begin
- if High.I64 = Ghdl_I64'Last and Low.I64 = Ghdl_I64'First
- then
- -- Prevent overflow
- Len := Iir_Index32'Last;
- else
- L := High.I64 - Low.I64;
- if L >= Ghdl_I64 (Iir_Index32'Last) then
- -- Prevent overflow
- Len := Iir_Index32'Last;
- else
- L := L + 1;
- if L < 0 then
- -- null range.
- Len := 0;
- else
- Len := Iir_Index32 (L);
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- Len := 0;
- when Iir_Value_Array
- | Iir_Value_Record
- | Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_Signal
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- return Create_Range_Value (Left, Right, Dir, Len);
- end Create_Range_Value;
- -- Return an array of length LENGTH.
- function Create_Array_Value (Dim : Iir_Index32;
- Pool : Areapool_Acc := Current_Pool)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype Array_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_Array);
- function Alloc_Array is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Array_Value);
- subtype Dim_Type is Value_Bounds_Array (Dim);
- function Alloc_Bounds is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Dim_Type);
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc_Array (Pool,
- (Kind => Iir_Value_Array,
- Bounds => null, Val_Array => null)));
- Res.Bounds := To_Value_Bounds_Array_Acc
- (Alloc_Bounds (Pool, Dim_Type'(Nbr_Dims => Dim,
- D => (others => null))));
- return Res;
- end Create_Array_Value;
- procedure Create_Array_Data (Arr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Len : Iir_Index32;
- Pool : Areapool_Acc := Current_Pool)
- is
- use System;
- subtype Data_Type is Value_Array (Len);
- Res : Address;
- begin
- -- Manually allocate the array to handle large arrays without
- -- creating a large temporary value.
- Allocate
- (Pool.all, Res, Data_Type'Size / Storage_Unit, Data_Type'Alignment);
- declare
- -- Discard the warnings for no pragma Import as we really want
- -- to use the default initialization.
- pragma Warnings (Off);
- Addr1 : constant Address := Res;
- Init : Data_Type;
- for Init'Address use Addr1;
- pragma Warnings (On);
- begin
- null;
- end;
- Arr.Val_Array := To_Value_Array_Acc (Res);
- end Create_Array_Data;
- function Create_Array_Value (Length: Iir_Index32;
- Dim : Iir_Index32;
- Pool : Areapool_Acc := Current_Pool)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Create_Array_Value (Dim, Pool);
- Create_Array_Data (Res, Length, Pool);
- return Res;
- end Create_Array_Value;
- function Create_Record_Value
- (Nbr : Iir_Index32; Pool : Areapool_Acc := Current_Pool)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- subtype Record_Value is Iir_Value_Literal (Iir_Value_Record);
- function Alloc_Record is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Record_Value);
- subtype Data_Type is Value_Array (Nbr);
- function Alloc_Data is new Alloc_On_Pool_Addr (Data_Type);
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := To_Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- (Alloc_Record (Pool, (Kind => Iir_Value_Record, Val_Record => null)));
- Res.Val_Record := To_Value_Array_Acc
- (Alloc_Data (Pool, Data_Type'(Len => Nbr, V => (others => null))));
- return Res;
- end Create_Record_Value;
- -- Create a copy of SRC with a specified life.
- function Copy (Src: in Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Src.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- return Create_E32_Value (Src.E32);
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- return Create_I64_Value (Src.I64);
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- return Create_F64_Value (Src.F64);
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- return Create_B1_Value (Src.B1);
- when Iir_Value_Access =>
- return Create_Access_Value (Src.Val_Access);
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- Res := Copy_Array_Bound (Src);
- for I in Src.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (I) := Copy (Src.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- when Iir_Value_Range =>
- return Create_Range_Value
- (Left => Copy (Src.Left),
- Right => Copy (Src.Right),
- Dir => Src.Dir,
- Length => Src.Length);
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Res := Copy_Record (Src);
- for I in Src.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Record.V (I) := Copy (Src.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- when Iir_Value_File =>
- return Create_File_Value (Src.File);
- when Iir_Value_Protected =>
- return Create_Protected_Value (Src.Prot);
- when Iir_Value_Signal
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Copy;
- function Copy_Array_Bound (Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Create_Array_Value (Src.Val_Array.Len, Src.Bounds.Nbr_Dims);
- for I in Res.Bounds.D'Range loop
- Res.Bounds.D (I) := Copy (Src.Bounds.D (I));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Copy_Array_Bound;
- function Copy_Record (Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- return Create_Record_Value (Src.Val_Record.Len);
- end Copy_Record;
- function Unshare (Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Pool : Areapool_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Prev_Pool : constant Areapool_Acc := Current_Pool;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Current_Pool := Pool;
- Res := Copy (Src);
- Current_Pool := Prev_Pool;
- return Res;
- end Unshare;
- function Unshare_Bounds (Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Pool : Areapool_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- if Src.Kind /= Iir_Value_Array then
- return Src;
- end if;
- declare
- Prev_Pool : constant Areapool_Acc := Current_Pool;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Current_Pool := Pool;
- Res := Create_Array_Value (Src.Val_Array.Len, Src.Bounds.Nbr_Dims);
- for I in Src.Bounds.D'Range loop
- Res.Bounds.D (I) := Copy (Src.Bounds.D (I));
- end loop;
- Res.Val_Array.V := Src.Val_Array.V;
- Current_Pool := Prev_Pool;
- return Res;
- end;
- end Unshare_Bounds;
- Heap_Pool : aliased Areapool;
- function Unshare_Heap (Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- -- FIXME: this is never free.
- return Unshare (Src, Heap_Pool'Access);
- end Unshare_Heap;
- procedure Free_Heap_Value (Acc : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- null;
- end Free_Heap_Value;
- function Get_Nbr_Of_Scalars (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) return Natural is
- begin
- case Val.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Scalars
- | Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_Signal =>
- return 1;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- declare
- Total : Natural := 0;
- begin
- for I in Val.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Total := Total + Get_Nbr_Of_Scalars (Val.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- return Total;
- end;
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- if Val.Val_Array.Len = 0 then
- -- Nul array
- return 0;
- else
- -- At least one element.
- return Natural (Val.Val_Array.Len)
- * Get_Nbr_Of_Scalars (Val.Val_Array.V (1));
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Terminal
- | Iir_Value_Quantity =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_Nbr_Of_Scalars;
- function Get_Enum_Pos (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) return Natural is
- begin
- case Val.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- return Ghdl_E32'Pos (Val.E32);
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- return Ghdl_B1'Pos (Val.B1);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_Enum_Pos;
- procedure Disp_Value_Tab (Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Tab: Ada.Text_IO.Count)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use GNAT.Debug_Utilities;
- begin
- Set_Col (Tab);
- if Value = null then
- Put_Line ("*NULL*");
- return;
- end if;
- if Boolean'(True) then
- Put (Image (Value.all'Address) & ' ');
- end if;
- case Value.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Put_Line ("b1:" & Ghdl_B1'Image (Value.B1));
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Put_Line ("e32:" & Ghdl_E32'Image (Value.E32));
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Put_Line ("i64:" & Ghdl_I64'Image (Value.I64));
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- Put_Line ("F64:" & Ghdl_F64'Image (Value.F64));
- when Iir_Value_Access =>
- -- FIXME.
- if Value.Val_Access = null then
- Put_Line ("access: null");
- else
- Put ("access: ");
- Put_Line (Image (Value.Val_Access.all'Address));
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- if Value.Val_Array = null then
- Put_Line ("array, without elements");
- return;
- else
- Put_Line ("array, length: "
- & Iir_Index32'Image (Value.Val_Array.Len));
- declare
- Ntab: constant Count := Tab + Indentation;
- begin
- Set_Col (Ntab);
- if Value.Bounds /= null then
- Put_Line ("bounds 1 .."
- & Iir_Index32'Image (Value.Bounds.Nbr_Dims)
- & ':');
- for I in Value.Bounds.D'Range loop
- Disp_Value_Tab (Value.Bounds.D (I), Ntab);
- end loop;
- else
- Put_Line ("bounds = null");
- end if;
- Set_Col (Ntab);
- Put_Line ("values 1 .."
- & Iir_Index32'Image (Value.Val_Array.Len)
- & ':');
- for I in Value.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Disp_Value_Tab (Value.Val_Array.V (I), Ntab);
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_Range =>
- Put_Line ("range:");
- Set_Col (Tab);
- Put (" direction: ");
- Put (Iir_Direction'Image (Value.Dir));
- Put (", length:");
- Put_Line (Iir_Index32'Image (Value.Length));
- if Value.Left /= null then
- Set_Col (Tab);
- Put (" left bound: ");
- Disp_Value_Tab (Value.Left, Col);
- end if;
- if Value.Right /= null then
- Set_Col (Tab);
- Put (" right bound: ");
- Disp_Value_Tab (Value.Right, Col);
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Put_Line ("record:");
- for I in Value.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Disp_Value_Tab (Value.Val_Record.V (I), Tab + Indentation);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Put ("signal: ");
- if Value.Sig = null then
- Put_Line ("(not created)");
- else
- Put_Line (Image (Value.Sig.all'Address));
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_File =>
- Put_Line ("file:" & Grt.Files.Ghdl_File_Index'Image (Value.File));
- when Iir_Value_Protected =>
- Put_Line ("protected");
- when Iir_Value_Quantity =>
- Put_Line ("quantity");
- when Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- Put_Line ("terminal");
- end case;
- end Disp_Value_Tab;
- procedure Disp_Value (Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- Disp_Value_Tab (Value, 1);
- end Disp_Value;
- -- Return TRUE if VALUE has an indirect value.
- function Is_Indirect (Value : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) return Boolean is
- begin
- case Value.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Scalars
- | Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- return False;
- when Iir_Value_Range =>
- return Is_Indirect (Value.Left)
- or else Is_Indirect (Value.Right);
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Value.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- if Is_Indirect (Value.Val_Array.V (I)) then
- return True;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return False;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Value.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- if Is_Indirect (Value.Val_Record.V (I)) then
- return True;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return False;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- return True;
- end case;
- end Is_Indirect;
- procedure Disp_Iir_Value_Array (Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- A_Type: Iir;
- Dim: Iir_Index32;
- Off : in out Iir_Index32)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- type Last_Enum_Type is (None, Char, Identifier);
- Last_Enum: Last_Enum_Type;
- El_Type: Iir;
- Enum_List: Iir_List;
- El_Id : Name_Id;
- El_Pos : Natural;
- begin
- if Dim = Value.Bounds.Nbr_Dims then
- -- Last dimension
- El_Type := Get_Base_Type (Get_Element_Subtype (A_Type));
- -- Pretty print vectors of enumerated types
- if Get_Kind (El_Type) = Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
- and then not Is_Indirect (Value)
- then
- Last_Enum := None;
- Enum_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (El_Type);
- for I in 1 .. Value.Bounds.D (Dim).Length loop
- El_Pos := Get_Enum_Pos (Value.Val_Array.V (Off));
- Off := Off + 1;
- El_Id := Get_Identifier (Get_Nth_Element (Enum_List, El_Pos));
- if Name_Table.Is_Character (El_Id) then
- case Last_Enum is
- when None =>
- Put ("""");
- when Identifier =>
- Put (" & """);
- when Char =>
- null;
- end case;
- Put (Name_Table.Get_Character (El_Id));
- Last_Enum := Char;
- else
- case Last_Enum is
- when None =>
- null;
- when Identifier =>
- Put (" & ");
- when Char =>
- Put (""" & ");
- end case;
- Put (Name_Table.Image (El_Id));
- Last_Enum := Identifier;
- end if;
- end loop;
- case Last_Enum is
- when None =>
- Put ("""");
- when Identifier =>
- null;
- when Char =>
- Put ("""");
- end case;
- else
- Put ("(");
- for I in 1 .. Value.Bounds.D (Dim).Length loop
- if I /= 1 then
- Put (", ");
- end if;
- Disp_Iir_Value (Value.Val_Array.V (Off), El_Type);
- Off := Off + 1;
- end loop;
- Put (")");
- end if;
- else
- Put ("(");
- for I in 1 .. Value.Bounds.D (Dim).Length loop
- if I /= 1 then
- Put (", ");
- end if;
- Disp_Iir_Value_Array (Value, A_Type, Dim + 1, Off);
- end loop;
- Put (")");
- end if;
- end Disp_Iir_Value_Array;
- procedure Disp_Iir_Value_Record
- (Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; A_Type: Iir)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
- List : Iir_List;
- begin
- List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (A_Type));
- Put ("(");
- for I in Value.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, Natural (I - 1));
- if I /= 1 then
- Put (", ");
- end if;
- Put (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (El)));
- Put (" => ");
- Disp_Iir_Value (Value.Val_Record.V (I), Get_Type (El));
- end loop;
- Put (")");
- end Disp_Iir_Value_Record;
- procedure Disp_Iir_Value (Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; A_Type: Iir) is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- if Value = null then
- Put ("!NULL!");
- return;
- end if;
- case Value.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Put (Ghdl_I64'Image (Value.I64));
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- Put (Ghdl_F64'Image (Value.F64));
- when Iir_Value_E32
- | Iir_Value_B1 =>
- declare
- Bt : constant Iir := Get_Base_Type (A_Type);
- Id : Name_Id;
- Pos : Integer;
- begin
- if Value.Kind = Iir_Value_E32 then
- Pos := Ghdl_E32'Pos (Value.E32);
- else
- Pos := Ghdl_B1'Pos (Value.B1);
- end if;
- Id := Get_Identifier
- (Get_Nth_Element (Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Bt), Pos));
- Put (Name_Table.Image (Id));
- end;
- when Iir_Value_Access =>
- if Value.Val_Access = null then
- Put ("null");
- else
- -- FIXME.
- Put ("*acc*");
- end if;
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- declare
- Off : Iir_Index32;
- begin
- Off := 1;
- Disp_Iir_Value_Array (Value, A_Type, 1, Off);
- pragma Assert (Off = Value.Val_Array.Len + 1);
- end;
- when Iir_Value_File =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Disp_Iir_Value_Record (Value, A_Type);
- when Iir_Value_Range =>
- -- FIXME.
- raise Internal_Error;
- when Iir_Value_Quantity =>
- Put ("[quantity]");
- when Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- Put ("[terminal]");
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Put ("[signal]");
- when Iir_Value_Protected =>
- Put ("[protected]");
- end case;
- end Disp_Iir_Value;
-end Iir_Values;
diff --git a/src/simulate/ b/src/simulate/
deleted file mode 100644
index 699ab88..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
--- Naive values for interpreted simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Types; use Types;
-with Iirs; use Iirs;
-with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
-with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
-with Grt.Files;
-with Areapools; use Areapools;
--- with System.Debug_Pools;
-package Iir_Values is
- -- During simulation, all values are contained into objects of type
- -- iir_value_literal. The annotation pass creates such objects for every
- -- literal of units. The elaboration pass creates such objects for
- -- signals, variables, contants...
- -- The simulator uses iir_value_literal for intermediate results, for
- -- computed values...
- -- There is several kinds of iir_value_literal, mainly depending on the
- -- type of the value:
- --
- -- iir_value_e32:
- -- the value is an enumeration literal. The enum field contains the
- -- position of the literal (same as 'pos).
- --
- -- iir_value_i64:
- -- the value is an integer.
- --
- -- iir_value_f64:
- -- the value is a floating point.
- --
- -- iir_value_range:
- -- Boundaries and direction.
- --
- -- iir_value_array:
- -- All the values are contained in the array Val_Array.
- -- Boundaries of the array are contained in the array BOUNDS, one element
- -- per dimension, from 1 to number of dimensions.
- --
- -- iir_value_signal:
- -- Special case: the iir_value_literal designates a signal.
- --
- -- iir_value_record
- -- For records.
- --
- -- iir_value_access
- -- for accesses.
- --
- -- iir_value_file
- -- for files.
- -- Memory management:
- -- The values are always allocated on areapool, which uses a mark/release
- -- management. A release operation frees all the memory of the areapool
- -- allocated since the mark. This memory management is very efficient.
- --
- -- There is one areapool per processes; there is one mark per instances.
- -- Objects (variables, signals, constants, iterators, ...) are allocated
- -- on the per-process pool. When an activation frame is created (due
- -- to a call to a subprogram), a mark is saved. When the activation frame
- -- is removed (due to a return from subprogram), the memory is released to
- -- the mark. That's simple.
- --
- -- Objects for the process is allocated in that areapool, but never
- -- released (could be if the process is waiting forever if the user don't
- -- need to inspect values).
- --
- -- Signals and constants for blocks/entity/architecture are allocated on
- -- a global pool.
- --
- -- In fact this is not so simple because of functions: they return a
- -- value. The current solution is to compute every expressions on a
- -- expression pool (only one is needed as the computation cannot be
- -- suspended), use the result (copy in case of assignment or return), and
- -- release that pool.
- --
- -- It is highly recommended to share values as much as possible for
- -- expressions (for example, alias the values of 'others =>'). Do not
- -- share values for names, but be sure to keep the original nodes.
- -- ??? In fact sharing is required to pass actual by references.
- -- When an object is created, be sure to unshare the values. This is
- -- usually achieved by Copy.
- --
- -- Finally, a pool is also needed during elaboration (as elaboration is
- -- not done within the context of a process).
- type Iir_Value_Kind is
- (Iir_Value_B1, Iir_Value_E32,
- Iir_Value_I64, Iir_Value_F64,
- Iir_Value_Access,
- Iir_Value_File,
- Iir_Value_Range,
- Iir_Value_Array, Iir_Value_Record,
- Iir_Value_Protected,
- Iir_Value_Signal,
- Iir_Value_Terminal,
- Iir_Value_Quantity);
- type Protected_Index_Type is new Natural;
- type Quantity_Index_Type is new Natural;
- type Terminal_Index_Type is new Natural;
- -- Scalar values. Only these ones can be signals.
- subtype Iir_Value_Scalars is
- Iir_Value_Kind range Iir_Value_B1 .. Iir_Value_F64;
- type Iir_Value_Literal (Kind: Iir_Value_Kind);
- type Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is access Iir_Value_Literal;
- -- Must start at 0.
- -- Thus, length of the array is val_array'last - 1.
- type Iir_Value_Literal_Array is array (Iir_Index32 range <>) of
- Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- type Iir_Value_Literal_Array_Acc is access Iir_Value_Literal_Array;
- type Value_Bounds_Array (Nbr_Dims : Iir_Index32) is record
- D : Iir_Value_Literal_Array (1 .. Nbr_Dims);
- end record;
- type Value_Bounds_Array_Acc is access Value_Bounds_Array;
- type Value_Array (Len : Iir_Index32) is record
- V : Iir_Value_Literal_Array (1 .. Len);
- end record;
- type Value_Array_Acc is access Value_Array;
- type Iir_Value_Literal (Kind: Iir_Value_Kind) is record
- case Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- B1 : Ghdl_B1;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- E32 : Ghdl_E32;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- I64 : Ghdl_I64;
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- F64 : Ghdl_F64;
- when Iir_Value_Access =>
- Val_Access: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- when Iir_Value_File =>
- File: Grt.Files.Ghdl_File_Index;
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- Val_Array: Value_Array_Acc; -- range 1 .. N
- Bounds : Value_Bounds_Array_Acc; -- range 1 .. Dim
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Val_Record: Value_Array_Acc; -- range 1 .. N
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
- when Iir_Value_Protected =>
- Prot : Protected_Index_Type;
- when Iir_Value_Quantity =>
- Quantity : Quantity_Index_Type;
- when Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- Terminal : Terminal_Index_Type;
- when Iir_Value_Range =>
- Dir: Iir_Direction;
- Length : Iir_Index32;
- Left: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Right: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- end case;
- end record;
- -- What is chosen for time.
- -- Currently only int32 is available, but time should use an int64.
- subtype Iir_Value_Time is Ghdl_I64;
- Global_Pool : aliased Areapool;
- Expr_Pool : aliased Areapool;
- -- Areapool used by Create_*_Value
- Current_Pool : Areapool_Acc := Expr_Pool'Access;
- -- Pool for objects allocated in the current instance.
- Instance_Pool : Areapool_Acc;
- function Create_Signal_Value (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Create_Terminal_Value (Terminal : Terminal_Index_Type)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Create_Quantity_Value (Quantity : Quantity_Index_Type)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Create_B1_Value (Val : Ghdl_B1) return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Create_E32_Value (Val : Ghdl_E32) return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Return an iir_value_literal_acc (iir_value_int64).
- function Create_I64_Value (Val : Ghdl_I64) return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Return an iir_value_literal_acc (iir_value_fp64)
- function Create_F64_Value (Val : Ghdl_F64) return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Create_Access_Value (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Create_File_Value (Val : Grt.Files.Ghdl_File_Index)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Create_Protected_Value (Prot : Protected_Index_Type)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Return an iir_value_literal (iir_value_record) of NBR elements.
- function Create_Record_Value
- (Nbr : Iir_Index32; Pool : Areapool_Acc := Current_Pool)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Allocate array and the dimension vector (but bounds and values aren't
- -- allocated).
- function Create_Array_Value (Dim : Iir_Index32;
- Pool : Areapool_Acc := Current_Pool)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Allocate the Val_Array vector.
- procedure Create_Array_Data (Arr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Len : Iir_Index32;
- Pool : Areapool_Acc := Current_Pool);
- -- Return an array of length LENGTH and DIM bounds.
- -- If DIM is 0, then the bounds array is not allocated.
- function Create_Array_Value (Length: Iir_Index32;
- Dim : Iir_Index32;
- Pool : Areapool_Acc := Current_Pool)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Create a range_value of life LIFE.
- function Create_Range_Value
- (Left, Right : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Dir : Iir_Direction;
- Length : Iir_Index32)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Create a range_value (compute the length)
- function Create_Range_Value
- (Left, Right : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Dir : Iir_Direction)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Return true if the value of LEFT and RIGHT are equal.
- -- Return false if they are not equal.
- -- Raise constraint_error if the types differes.
- -- Value or sub-value must not be indirect.
- function Is_Equal (Left, Right: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) return Boolean;
- -- Return TRUE iif ARANGE is a nul range.
- function Is_Nul_Range (Arange : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) return Boolean;
- -- Get order of LEFT with RIGHT.
- -- Must be discrete kind (enum, int, fp, physical) or array (uni dim).
- type Order is (Less, Equal, Greater);
- function Compare_Value (Left, Right : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Order;
- -- Check that SRC has the same structure as DEST. Report an error at
- -- LOC if not.
- procedure Check_Bounds (Dest : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Loc : Iir);
- -- Store (by copy) SRC into DEST.
- -- The type must be equal (otherwise constraint_error is raised).
- -- Life of DEST must be Target, otherwise program_error is raised.
- -- Value or sub-value must not be indirect.
- procedure Store (Dest : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- -- Create a copy of SRC allocated in POOL.
- function Unshare (Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Pool : Areapool_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- If SRC is an array, just copy the bounds in POOL and return it.
- -- Otherwise return SRC. Values are always kept, so that this could
- -- be used by alias declarations.
- function Unshare_Bounds (Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Pool : Areapool_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Create a copy of SRC on the heap.
- function Unshare_Heap (Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Deallocate value accessed by ACC.
- procedure Free_Heap_Value (Acc : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- -- Increment.
- -- VAL must be of kind integer or enumeration.
- -- VAL must be of life temporary.
- procedure Increment (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- -- Copy BOUNDS of SRC with a specified life.
- -- Note: val_array is allocated but not filled.
- function Copy_Array_Bound (Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Copy the bounds (well the array containing the values) of SRC.
- -- Val_record is allocated but not filled.
- function Copy_Record (Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Return the number of scalars elements in VALS.
- function Get_Nbr_Of_Scalars (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) return Natural;
- -- Return the position of an enumerated type value.
- function Get_Enum_Pos (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) return Natural;
- -- Well known values.
- -- Boolean_to_lit can be used to convert a boolean value from Ada to a
- -- boolean value for vhdl.
- type Lit_Enum_Type is array (Boolean) of Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Lit_Enum_0 : constant Iir_Value_Literal_Acc :=
- new Iir_Value_Literal'(Kind => Iir_Value_B1,
- B1 => False);
- Lit_Enum_1 : constant Iir_Value_Literal_Acc :=
- new Iir_Value_Literal'(Kind => Iir_Value_B1,
- B1 => True);
- Boolean_To_Lit: constant Lit_Enum_Type :=
- (False => Lit_Enum_0, True => Lit_Enum_1);
- Lit_Boolean_False: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- renames Boolean_To_Lit (False);
- Lit_Boolean_True: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- renames Boolean_To_Lit (True);
- -- Literal NULL.
- Null_Lit: constant Iir_Value_Literal_Acc :=
- new Iir_Value_Literal'(Kind => Iir_Value_Access,
- Val_Access => null);
- -- Disp a value_literal in raw form.
- procedure Disp_Value (Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- procedure Disp_Value_Tab (Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Tab: Ada.Text_IO.Count);
- -- Disp a value_literal in readable form.
- procedure Disp_Iir_Value (Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; A_Type: Iir);
-end Iir_Values;
diff --git a/src/simulate/sim_be.adb b/src/simulate/sim_be.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 49a1468..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/sim_be.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
--- Interpreter back-end
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Sem;
-with Canon;
-with Annotations;
-with Disp_Tree;
-with Errorout; use Errorout;
-with Flags;
-with Disp_Vhdl;
-with Post_Sems;
-package body Sim_Be is
- procedure Finish_Compilation (Unit: Iir_Design_Unit; Main: Boolean := False)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- Lib_Unit : Iir;
- begin
- Lib_Unit := Get_Library_Unit (Unit);
- -- Semantic analysis.
- if Flags.Verbose then
- Put_Line ("semantize " & Disp_Node (Lib_Unit));
- end if;
- Sem.Semantic (Unit);
- if (Main or Flags.Dump_All) and then Flags.Dump_Sem then
- Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (Unit);
- end if;
- if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
- raise Compilation_Error;
- end if;
- if (Main or Flags.List_All) and then Flags.List_Sem then
- Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Vhdl (Unit);
- end if;
- -- Post checks
- ----------------
- Post_Sems.Post_Sem_Checks (Unit);
- if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
- raise Compilation_Error;
- end if;
- -- Canonicalisation.
- ------------------
- if Flags.Verbose then
- Put_Line ("canonicalize " & Disp_Node (Lib_Unit));
- end if;
- Canon.Canonicalize (Unit);
- if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
- raise Compilation_Error;
- end if;
- if (Main or Flags.List_All) and then Flags.List_Canon then
- Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Vhdl (Unit);
- end if;
- if Flags.Flag_Elaborate then
- if Get_Kind (Lib_Unit) = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body then
- declare
- Config : Iir_Design_Unit;
- begin
- Config := Canon.Create_Default_Configuration_Declaration
- (Lib_Unit);
- Set_Default_Configuration_Declaration (Lib_Unit, Config);
- if (Main or Flags.Dump_All) and then Flags.Dump_Canon then
- Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (Config);
- end if;
- if (Main or Flags.List_All) and then Flags.List_Canon then
- Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Vhdl (Config);
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Annotation.
- -------------
- if Flags.Verbose then
- Put_Line ("annotate " & Disp_Node (Lib_Unit));
- end if;
- Annotations.Annotate (Unit);
- if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then
- raise Compilation_Error;
- end if;
- if (Main or Flags.List_All) and then Flags.List_Annotate then
- Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Vhdl (Unit);
- end if;
- if (Main or Flags.Dump_All) and then Flags.Dump_Annotate then
- Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (Unit);
- end if;
- end Finish_Compilation;
-end Sim_Be;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9256c4b..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--- Interpreter back-end
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Iirs; use Iirs;
-package Sim_Be is
- procedure Finish_Compilation
- (Unit: Iir_Design_Unit; Main: Boolean := False);
-end Sim_Be;
diff --git a/src/simulate/simulation-ams-debugger.adb b/src/simulate/simulation-ams-debugger.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cdbc75..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/simulation-ams-debugger.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
--- Interpreter AMS simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Debugger; use Debugger;
-with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Disp_Vhdl;
-package body Simulation.AMS.Debugger is
- procedure Disp_Quantity_Name (Quantity : Quantity_Index_Type)
- is
- Obj : Scalar_Quantity renames Scalar_Quantities.Table (Quantity);
- begin
- Disp_Instance_Name (Obj.Instance, True);
- Put ('.');
- Put (Image_Identifier (Obj.Decl));
- if Obj.Kind = Quantity_Reference then
- Put ("'Ref");
- end if;
- end Disp_Quantity_Name;
- procedure Disp_Term (Term : Ams_Term_Acc) is
- begin
- case Term.Sign is
- when Op_Plus =>
- Put (" + ");
- when Op_Minus =>
- Put (" - ");
- end case;
- case Term.Op is
- when Op_Quantity =>
- Disp_Quantity_Name (Term.Quantity);
- when Op_Vhdl_Expr =>
- Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Expression (Term.Vhdl_Expr);
- end case;
- end Disp_Term;
- procedure Disp_Characteristic_Expression
- (Ce : Characteristic_Expressions_Index)
- is
- Obj : Characteristic_Expr renames
- Characteristic_Expressions.Table (Ce);
- Expr : Ams_Term_Acc := Obj.Expr;
- begin
- case Obj.Kind is
- when Explicit =>
- Put ("Explic:");
- when Contribution =>
- Put ("Contri:");
- when Structural =>
- Put ("Struct:");
- end case;
- while Expr /= null loop
- Disp_Term (Expr);
- Expr := Expr.Next;
- end loop;
- New_Line;
- end Disp_Characteristic_Expression;
- procedure Disp_Characteristic_Expressions is
- begin
- Put_Line ("Characteristic expressions:");
- for I in Characteristic_Expressions.First
- .. Characteristic_Expressions.Last
- loop
- Disp_Characteristic_Expression (I);
- end loop;
- end Disp_Characteristic_Expressions;
-end Simulation.AMS.Debugger;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0cfcded..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
--- Interpreter AMS simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package Simulation.AMS.Debugger is
- procedure Disp_Quantity_Name (Quantity : Quantity_Index_Type);
- procedure Disp_Characteristic_Expression
- (Ce : Characteristic_Expressions_Index);
- procedure Disp_Characteristic_Expressions;
-end Simulation.AMS.Debugger;
diff --git a/src/simulate/simulation-ams.adb b/src/simulate/simulation-ams.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 31dd43e..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/simulation-ams.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
--- Interpreter AMS simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Errorout; use Errorout;
-package body Simulation.AMS is
- function Create_Characteristic_Expression
- (Kind : Characteristic_Expr_Kind)
- return Characteristic_Expressions_Index
- is
- begin
- case Kind is
- when Contribution =>
- Characteristic_Expressions.Append
- ((Kind => Contribution,
- Expr => null,
- Tolerance => 0,
- Dependencies => null));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- return Characteristic_Expressions.Last;
- end Create_Characteristic_Expression;
- function Create_Scalar_Quantity (Kind : Quantity_Kind;
- Decl : Iir;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- return Quantity_Index_Type
- is
- begin
- case Kind is
- when Quantity_Reference =>
- Scalar_Quantities.Append
- ((Kind => Quantity_Reference,
- Value => 0.0,
- Decl => Decl,
- Instance => Instance,
- Contribution =>
- Create_Characteristic_Expression (Contribution)));
- when Quantity_Across =>
- Scalar_Quantities.Append
- ((Kind => Quantity_Across,
- Value => 0.0,
- Decl => Decl,
- Instance => Instance));
- when Quantity_Through =>
- Scalar_Quantities.Append
- ((Kind => Quantity_Through,
- Value => 0.0,
- Decl => Decl,
- Instance => Instance));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- return Scalar_Quantities.Last;
- end Create_Scalar_Quantity;
- function Create_Scalar_Terminal (Decl : Iir;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- return Terminal_Index_Type
- is
- begin
- -- Simply create the reference quantity for a terminal
- return Terminal_Index_Type
- (Create_Scalar_Quantity (Quantity_Reference, Decl, Instance));
- end Create_Scalar_Terminal;
- function Get_Terminal_Reference (Terminal : Terminal_Index_Type)
- return Quantity_Index_Type is
- begin
- return Quantity_Index_Type (Terminal);
- end Get_Terminal_Reference;
- procedure Add_Characteristic_Expression
- (Kind : Characteristic_Expr_Kind; Expr : Ams_Term_Acc)
- is
- begin
- Characteristic_Expressions.Append
- ((Kind => Kind,
- Expr => Expr,
- Tolerance => Default_Tolerance_Index,
- Dependencies => null));
- end Add_Characteristic_Expression;
- procedure Compute_Dependencies (Idx : Characteristic_Expressions_Index)
- is
- package Quantity_Table is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Quantity_Index_Type,
- Table_Index_Type => Natural,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 16,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- El : Characteristic_Expr renames Characteristic_Expressions.Table (Idx);
- Res : Quantity_Dependency_Acc := null;
- procedure Add_Dependency (Block : Block_Instance_Acc; N : Iir)
- is
- Q : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (N) is
- when Iir_Kinds_Branch_Quantity_Declaration =>
- Q := Execute_Name (Block, N, True);
- Quantity_Table.Append (Q.Quantity);
- when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name =>
- Add_Dependency (Block, Get_Named_Entity (N));
- when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator =>
- Add_Dependency (Block, Get_Left (N));
- Add_Dependency (Block, Get_Right (N));
- when Iir_Kinds_Literal =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("compute_dependencies", N);
- end case;
- end Add_Dependency;
- Term : Ams_Term_Acc := El.Expr;
- begin
- pragma Assert (El.Dependencies = null);
- while Term /= null loop
- case Term.Op is
- when Op_Quantity =>
- Quantity_Table.Append (Term.Quantity);
- when Op_Vhdl_Expr =>
- Add_Dependency (Term.Vhdl_Instance, Term.Vhdl_Expr);
- end case;
- Term := Term.Next;
- end loop;
- Res := new Quantity_Dependency_Type (Nbr => Quantity_Table.Last);
- for I in Quantity_Table.First .. Quantity_Table.Last loop
- Res.Quantities (I) := Quantity_Table.Table (I);
- end loop;
- Quantity_Table.Free;
- El.Dependencies := Res;
- end Compute_Dependencies;
- function Build (Op : Ams_Sign;
- Val : Quantity_Index_Type;
- Right : Ams_Term_Acc := null)
- return Ams_Term_Acc
- is
- begin
- return new Ams_Term'(Op => Op_Quantity,
- Sign => Op,
- Next => Right,
- Quantity => Val);
- end Build;
- function Build (Op : Ams_Sign;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr : Iir;
- Right : Ams_Term_Acc := null)
- return Ams_Term_Acc
- is
- begin
- return new Ams_Term'
- (Op => Op_Vhdl_Expr,
- Sign => Op,
- Vhdl_Expr => Expr,
- Vhdl_Instance => Instance,
- Next => Right);
- end Build;
- procedure Append_Characteristic_Expression
- (Terminal : Terminal_Index_Type; Expr : Ams_Term_Acc)
- is
- Ref : constant Quantity_Index_Type := Get_Terminal_Reference (Terminal);
- Ce : constant Characteristic_Expressions_Index :=
- Scalar_Quantities.Table (Ref).Contribution;
- begin
- pragma Assert (Expr.Next = null);
- Expr.Next := Characteristic_Expressions.Table (Ce).Expr;
- Characteristic_Expressions.Table (Ce).Expr := Expr;
- end Append_Characteristic_Expression;
- procedure Create_Tables is
- begin
- for I in Characteristic_Expressions.First
- .. Characteristic_Expressions.Last
- loop
- Compute_Dependencies (I);
- end loop;
- end Create_Tables;
-end Simulation.AMS;
diff --git a/src/simulate/ b/src/simulate/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ca5136..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
--- Interpreter AMS simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with GNAT.Table;
-package Simulation.AMS is
- -- AMS expressions
- --
- -- At many places during elaboration, the LRM defines characteristic
- -- expressions that aren't present in source code:
- -- * contribution expression (
- -- * characteristic expression for an across quantity declaration
- -- (
- -- * characteristic expression for simple simultaneous statement (the
- -- expression is in the source in that case) (15.1)
- --
- -- They are represented using a list of Ams_Expression elements. The value
- -- is the sum of each element, using the + or - sign.
- type Ams_Sign is (Op_Plus, Op_Minus);
- -- Sign for the operand
- type Ams_Operand is (Op_Quantity, Op_Vhdl_Expr);
- -- The operand is one of:
- -- Op_Quantity: a quantity
- -- Op_Vhdl_Expr: an expression from the design. This expression may contain
- -- quantities
- type Ams_Term (<>) is private;
- type Ams_Term_Acc is access Ams_Term;
- -- A term of a characteristic expression
- type Characteristic_Expr_Kind is
- (Explicit,
- Contribution,
- Structural);
- type Tolerance_Index_Type is new Natural;
- Default_Tolerance_Index : constant Tolerance_Index_Type := 0;
- -- Tolerance
- type Characteristic_Expressions_Index is new Natural;
- type Quantity_Kind is
- (Quantity_Reference,
- -- The potential of a terminal. This is an across quantity between the
- -- terminal and the reference terminal of the nature.
- Quantity_Across,
- Quantity_Through,
- Quantity_Free
- -- Explicitly declared quantities
- );
- function Create_Scalar_Quantity (Kind : Quantity_Kind;
- Decl : Iir;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- return Quantity_Index_Type;
- -- Create a new scalar quantity
- function Create_Scalar_Terminal (Decl : Iir;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- return Terminal_Index_Type;
- -- Create a new scalar terminal
- function Get_Terminal_Reference (Terminal : Terminal_Index_Type)
- return Quantity_Index_Type;
- -- Get the reference quantity of a terminal
- procedure Add_Characteristic_Expression
- (Kind : Characteristic_Expr_Kind; Expr : Ams_Term_Acc);
- -- Add a new characteristic expression
- function Build (Op : Ams_Sign;
- Val : Quantity_Index_Type;
- Right : Ams_Term_Acc := null)
- return Ams_Term_Acc;
- function Build (Op : Ams_Sign;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Expr : Iir;
- Right : Ams_Term_Acc := null)
- return Ams_Term_Acc;
- -- Build a term of a characteristic expression
- procedure Append_Characteristic_Expression
- (Terminal : Terminal_Index_Type; Expr : Ams_Term_Acc);
- -- Append an expression to the contribution of a terminal
- procedure Create_Tables;
- type Quantity_Index_Array is array (Positive range <>)
- of Quantity_Index_Type;
- type Quantity_Dependency_Type (Nbr : Natural);
- type Quantity_Dependency_Acc is access Quantity_Dependency_Type;
- type Quantity_Dependency_Type (Nbr : Natural) is record
- Quantities : Quantity_Index_Array (1 .. Nbr);
- end record;
- type Ams_Term (Op : Ams_Operand) is record
- Sign : Ams_Sign;
- Next : Ams_Term_Acc;
- case Op is
- when Op_Quantity =>
- Quantity : Quantity_Index_Type;
- when Op_Vhdl_Expr =>
- Vhdl_Expr : Iir;
- Vhdl_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- end case;
- end record;
- type Characteristic_Expr is record
- Kind : Characteristic_Expr_Kind;
- Expr : Ams_Term_Acc;
- Tolerance : Tolerance_Index_Type;
- Dependencies : Quantity_Dependency_Acc;
- end record;
- package Characteristic_Expressions is new Gnat.Table
- (Table_Index_Type => Characteristic_Expressions_Index,
- Table_Component_Type => Characteristic_Expr,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 128,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- type Scalar_Quantity (Kind : Quantity_Kind := Quantity_Reference) is record
- Value : Ghdl_F64;
- -- The value of the quantity
- Decl : Iir;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- -- Declaration for the quantity
- case Kind is
- when Quantity_Reference =>
- Contribution : Characteristic_Expressions_Index;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end record;
- package Scalar_Quantities is new Gnat.Table
- (Table_Index_Type => Quantity_Index_Type,
- Table_Component_Type => Scalar_Quantity,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 128,
- Table_Increment => 100);
-end Simulation.AMS;
diff --git a/src/simulate/simulation.adb b/src/simulate/simulation.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f3f871..0000000
--- a/src/simulate/simulation.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1669 +0,0 @@
--- Interpreted simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Errorout; use Errorout;
-with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
-with Trans_Analyzes;
-with Types; use Types;
-with Debugger; use Debugger;
-with Simulation.AMS.Debugger;
-with Areapools; use Areapools;
-with Grt.Stacks;
-with Grt.Signals;
-with Grt.Processes;
-with Grt.Main;
-with Grt.Errors;
-with Grt.Rtis;
-package body Simulation is
- function Value_To_Iir_Value (Mode : Mode_Type; Val : Value_Union)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Mode_B1 =>
- return Create_B1_Value (Val.B1);
- when Mode_E32 =>
- return Create_E32_Value (Val.E32);
- when Mode_I64 =>
- return Create_I64_Value (Val.I64);
- when Mode_F64 =>
- return Create_F64_Value (Val.F64);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error; -- FIXME
- end case;
- end Value_To_Iir_Value;
- procedure Iir_Value_To_Value (Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Dst : out Value_Union) is
- begin
- case Src.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Dst.B1 := Src.B1;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Dst.E32 := Src.E32;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Dst.I64 := Src.I64;
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- Dst.F64 := Src.F64;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error; -- FIXME
- end case;
- end Iir_Value_To_Value;
- type Read_Signal_Flag_Enum is
- (Read_Signal_Event,
- Read_Signal_Active,
- -- In order to reuse the same code (that returns immediately if the
- -- attribute is true), we use not driving.
- Read_Signal_Not_Driving);
- function Read_Signal_Flag (Lit: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Kind : Read_Signal_Flag_Enum)
- return Boolean
- is
- begin
- case Lit.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Lit.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- if Read_Signal_Flag (Lit.Val_Array.V (I), Kind) then
- return True;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return False;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Lit.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- if Read_Signal_Flag (Lit.Val_Record.V (I), Kind) then
- return True;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return False;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- case Kind is
- when Read_Signal_Event =>
- return Lit.Sig.Event;
- when Read_Signal_Active =>
- return Lit.Sig.Active;
- when Read_Signal_Not_Driving =>
- if Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Driving (Lit.Sig) = True then
- return False;
- else
- return True;
- end if;
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Read_Signal_Flag;
- function Execute_Event_Attribute (Lit: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Boolean is
- begin
- return Read_Signal_Flag (Lit, Read_Signal_Event);
- end Execute_Event_Attribute;
- function Execute_Active_Attribute (Lit: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Boolean is
- begin
- return Read_Signal_Flag (Lit, Read_Signal_Active);
- end Execute_Active_Attribute;
- function Execute_Driving_Attribute (Lit: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Boolean is
- begin
- return not Read_Signal_Flag (Lit, Read_Signal_Not_Driving);
- end Execute_Driving_Attribute;
- type Read_Signal_Value_Enum is
- (Read_Signal_Last_Value,
- -- For conversion functions.
- Read_Signal_Driving_Value,
- Read_Signal_Effective_Value,
- -- 'Driving_Value
- Read_Signal_Driver_Value);
- function Execute_Read_Signal_Value (Sig: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Attr : Read_Signal_Value_Enum)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Sig.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- Res := Copy_Array_Bound (Sig);
- for I in Sig.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (I) :=
- Execute_Read_Signal_Value (Sig.Val_Array.V (I), Attr);
- end loop;
- return Res;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Res := Create_Record_Value (Sig.Val_Record.Len);
- for I in Sig.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Record.V (I) :=
- Execute_Read_Signal_Value (Sig.Val_Record.V (I), Attr);
- end loop;
- return Res;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- case Attr is
- when Read_Signal_Last_Value =>
- return Value_To_Iir_Value
- (Sig.Sig.Mode, Sig.Sig.Last_Value);
- when Read_Signal_Driver_Value =>
- case Sig.Sig.Mode is
- when Mode_F64 =>
- return Create_F64_Value
- (Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64
- (Sig.Sig));
- when Mode_I64 =>
- return Create_I64_Value
- (Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64
- (Sig.Sig));
- when Mode_E32 =>
- return Create_E32_Value
- (Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E32
- (Sig.Sig));
- when Mode_B1 =>
- return Create_B1_Value
- (Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B1
- (Sig.Sig));
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Read_Signal_Effective_Value =>
- return Value_To_Iir_Value
- (Sig.Sig.Mode, Sig.Sig.Value);
- when Read_Signal_Driving_Value =>
- return Value_To_Iir_Value
- (Sig.Sig.Mode, Sig.Sig.Driving_Value);
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Execute_Read_Signal_Value;
- type Write_Signal_Enum is
- (Write_Signal_Driving_Value,
- Write_Signal_Effective_Value);
- procedure Execute_Write_Signal (Sig: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Attr : Write_Signal_Enum) is
- begin
- case Sig.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- pragma Assert (Val.Kind = Iir_Value_Array);
- pragma Assert (Sig.Val_Array.Len = Val.Val_Array.Len);
- for I in Sig.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Execute_Write_Signal
- (Sig.Val_Array.V (I), Val.Val_Array.V (I), Attr);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- pragma Assert (Val.Kind = Iir_Value_Record);
- pragma Assert (Sig.Val_Record.Len = Val.Val_Record.Len);
- for I in Sig.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Execute_Write_Signal
- (Sig.Val_Record.V (I), Val.Val_Record.V (I), Attr);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- pragma Assert (Val.Kind in Iir_Value_Scalars);
- case Attr is
- when Write_Signal_Driving_Value =>
- Iir_Value_To_Value (Val, Sig.Sig.Driving_Value);
- when Write_Signal_Effective_Value =>
- Iir_Value_To_Value (Val, Sig.Sig.Value);
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Execute_Write_Signal;
- function Execute_Last_Value_Attribute (Indirect: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- return Execute_Read_Signal_Value (Indirect, Read_Signal_Last_Value);
- end Execute_Last_Value_Attribute;
- function Execute_Driving_Value_Attribute (Indirect: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- return Execute_Read_Signal_Value (Indirect, Read_Signal_Driver_Value);
- end Execute_Driving_Value_Attribute;
- type Signal_Read_Last_Type is
- (Read_Last_Event,
- Read_Last_Active);
- -- Return the Last_Event absolute time.
- function Execute_Read_Signal_Last (Indirect: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Kind : Signal_Read_Last_Type)
- return Ghdl_I64
- is
- Res: Ghdl_I64;
- begin
- case Indirect.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- Res := Ghdl_I64'First;
- for I in Indirect.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Res := Ghdl_I64'Max
- (Res, Execute_Read_Signal_Last (Indirect.Val_Array.V (I),
- Kind));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- case Kind is
- when Read_Last_Event =>
- return Ghdl_I64 (Indirect.Sig.Last_Event);
- when Read_Last_Active =>
- return Ghdl_I64 (Indirect.Sig.Last_Active);
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Execute_Read_Signal_Last;
- function Execute_Last_Event_Attribute (Indirect: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Ghdl_I64 is
- begin
- return Execute_Read_Signal_Last (Indirect, Read_Last_Event);
- end Execute_Last_Event_Attribute;
- function Execute_Last_Active_Attribute (Indirect: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Ghdl_I64 is
- begin
- return Execute_Read_Signal_Last (Indirect, Read_Last_Active);
- end Execute_Last_Active_Attribute;
- function Execute_Signal_Value (Indirect: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- Res: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Indirect.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- Res := Copy_Array_Bound (Indirect);
- for I in Indirect.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (I) :=
- Execute_Signal_Value (Indirect.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Res := Create_Record_Value (Indirect.Val_Record.Len);
- for I in Indirect.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Record.V (I) :=
- Execute_Signal_Value (Indirect.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- return Value_To_Iir_Value (Indirect.Sig.Mode, Indirect.Sig.Value);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Execute_Signal_Value;
- procedure Assign_Value_To_Array_Signal
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Target: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Transactions: Transaction_Type)
- is
- Sub_Trans : Transaction_Type (Transactions.Len);
- begin
- Sub_Trans.Stmt := Transactions.Stmt;
- Sub_Trans.Reject := Transactions.Reject;
- for J in Target.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- for K in Transactions.Els'Range loop
- declare
- T : Transaction_El_Type renames Transactions.Els (K);
- S : Transaction_El_Type renames Sub_Trans.Els (K);
- begin
- S.After := T.After;
- if T.Value = null then
- S.Value := null;
- else
- S.Value := T.Value.Val_Array.V (J);
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- Assign_Value_To_Signal
- (Instance, Target.Val_Array.V (J), Sub_Trans);
- end loop;
- end Assign_Value_To_Array_Signal;
- procedure Assign_Value_To_Record_Signal
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Target: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Transactions: Transaction_Type)
- is
- Sub_Trans : Transaction_Type (Transactions.Len);
- begin
- Sub_Trans.Stmt := Transactions.Stmt;
- Sub_Trans.Reject := Transactions.Reject;
- for J in Target.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- for K in Transactions.Els'Range loop
- declare
- T : Transaction_El_Type renames Transactions.Els (K);
- S : Transaction_El_Type renames Sub_Trans.Els (K);
- begin
- S.After := T.After;
- if T.Value = null then
- S.Value := null;
- else
- S.Value := T.Value.Val_Record.V (J);
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- Assign_Value_To_Signal
- (Instance, Target.Val_Record.V (J), Sub_Trans);
- end loop;
- end Assign_Value_To_Record_Signal;
- procedure Assign_Value_To_Scalar_Signal
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Target: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Transactions: Transaction_Type)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Instance);
- use Grt.Signals;
- begin
- declare
- El : Transaction_El_Type renames Transactions.Els (1);
- begin
- if El.Value = null then
- Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null
- (Target.Sig, Transactions.Reject, El.After);
- if Transactions.Els'Last /= 1 then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- return;
- end if;
- -- FIXME: null transaction, check constraints.
- case Iir_Value_Scalars (El.Value.Kind) is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B1
- (Target.Sig, Transactions.Reject, El.Value.B1, El.After);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E32
- (Target.Sig, Transactions.Reject, El.Value.E32, El.After);
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64
- (Target.Sig, Transactions.Reject, El.Value.I64, El.After);
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64
- (Target.Sig, Transactions.Reject, El.Value.F64, El.After);
- end case;
- end;
- for I in 2 .. Transactions.Els'Last loop
- declare
- El : Transaction_El_Type renames Transactions.Els (I);
- begin
- case Iir_Value_Scalars (El.Value.Kind) is
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B1
- (Target.Sig, El.Value.B1, El.After);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E32
- (Target.Sig, El.Value.E32, El.After);
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64
- (Target.Sig, El.Value.I64, El.After);
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64
- (Target.Sig, El.Value.F64, El.After);
- end case;
- end;
- end loop;
- end Assign_Value_To_Scalar_Signal;
- procedure Assign_Value_To_Signal
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Target: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Transaction: Transaction_Type)
- is
- begin
- case Target.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- Assign_Value_To_Array_Signal
- (Instance, Target, Transaction);
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Assign_Value_To_Record_Signal
- (Instance, Target, Transaction);
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Assign_Value_To_Scalar_Signal
- (Instance, Target, Transaction);
- when Iir_Value_Scalars
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Assign_Value_To_Signal;
- procedure Disconnect_Signal (Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- case Sig.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Sig.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Disconnect_Signal (Sig.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Sig.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Disconnect_Signal (Sig.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect (Sig.Sig);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Disconnect_Signal;
- -- Call Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity for each scalar subelement of
- -- SIG.
- procedure Wait_Add_Sensitivity (Sig: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Sig.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity (Sig.Sig);
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Sig.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Wait_Add_Sensitivity (Sig.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Sig.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Wait_Add_Sensitivity (Sig.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Wait_Add_Sensitivity;
- -- Return true if the process should be suspended.
- function Execute_Wait_Statement (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Stmt: Iir_Wait_Statement)
- return Boolean
- is
- Expr: Iir;
- El : Iir;
- List: Iir_List;
- Res: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Status : Boolean;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- if not Instance.In_Wait_Flag then
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- -- LRM93 8.1
- -- The execution of a wait statement causes the time expression to
- -- be evaluated to determine the timeout interval.
- Expr := Get_Timeout_Clause (Stmt);
- if Expr /= Null_Iir then
- Res := Execute_Expression (Instance, Expr);
- Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout (Std_Time (Res.I64));
- end if;
- -- LRM93 8.1
- -- The suspended process may also resume as a result of an event
- -- occuring on any signal in the sensitivity set of the wait
- -- statement.
- List := Get_Sensitivity_List (Stmt);
- if List /= Null_Iir_List then
- for J in Natural loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, J);
- exit when El = Null_Iir;
- Wait_Add_Sensitivity (Execute_Name (Instance, El, True));
- end loop;
- end if;
- -- LRM93 8.1
- -- It also causes the execution of the corresponding process
- -- statement to be suspended.
- Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Wait;
- Instance.In_Wait_Flag := True;
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- return True;
- else
- -- LRM93 8.1
- -- The suspended process will resume, at the latest, immediately
- -- after the timeout interval has expired.
- if not Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Has_Timeout then
- -- Compute the condition clause only if the timeout has not
- -- expired.
- -- LRM93 8.1
- -- If such an event occurs, the condition in the condition clause
- -- is evaluated.
- --
- -- if no condition clause appears, the condition clause until true
- -- is assumed.
- Status :=
- Execute_Condition (Instance, Get_Condition_Clause (Stmt));
- if not Status then
- -- LRM93 8.1
- -- If the value of the condition is FALSE, the process will
- -- re-suspend.
- -- Such re-suspension does not involve the recalculation of
- -- the timeout interval.
- Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Wait;
- return True;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- LRM93 8.1
- -- If the value of the condition is TRUE, the process will resume.
- -- next statement.
- Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close;
- Instance.In_Wait_Flag := False;
- return False;
- end if;
- end Execute_Wait_Statement;
- function To_Instance_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (System.Address, Grt.Stacks.Instance_Acc);
- procedure Process_Executer (Self : Grt.Stacks.Instance_Acc);
- pragma Convention (C, Process_Executer);
- procedure Process_Executer (Self : Grt.Stacks.Instance_Acc)
- is
- function To_Process_State_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Grt.Stacks.Instance_Acc, Process_State_Acc);
- Process : Process_State_Acc renames
- To_Process_State_Acc (Self);
- begin
- -- For debugger
- Current_Process := Process;
- Instance_Pool := Process.Pool'Access;
- if Trace_Simulation then
- Put (" run process: ");
- Disp_Instance_Name (Process.Top_Instance);
- Put_Line (" (" & Disp_Location (Process.Proc) & ")");
- end if;
- Execute_Sequential_Statements (Process);
- -- Sanity checks.
- if not Is_Empty (Expr_Pool) then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- case Get_Kind (Process.Proc) is
- when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
- if Process.Instance.In_Wait_Flag then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- if Process.Instance.Stmt = Null_Iir then
- Process.Instance.Stmt :=
- Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Process.Proc);
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
- if not Process.Instance.In_Wait_Flag then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Instance_Pool := null;
- Current_Process := null;
- end Process_Executer;
- type Resolver_Read_Mode is (Read_Port, Read_Driver);
- function Resolver_Read_Value (Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Mode : Resolver_Read_Mode;
- Index : Ghdl_Index_Type)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- use Grt.Signals;
- Val : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- case Sig.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- Res := Copy_Array_Bound (Sig);
- for I in Sig.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (I) :=
- Resolver_Read_Value (Sig.Val_Array.V (I), Mode, Index);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- Res := Create_Record_Value (Sig.Val_Record.Len);
- for I in Sig.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Record.V (I) :=
- Resolver_Read_Value (Sig.Val_Record.V (I), Mode, Index);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- case Mode is
- when Read_Port =>
- Val := Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port (Sig.Sig, Index);
- when Read_Driver =>
- Val := Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver (Sig.Sig, Index);
- end case;
- Res := Value_To_Iir_Value (Sig.Sig.Mode, Val.all);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- return Res;
- end Resolver_Read_Value;
- procedure Resolution_Proc (Instance_Addr : System.Address;
- Val : System.Address;
- Bool_Vec : System.Address;
- Vec_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Nbr_Drv : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Nbr_Ports : Ghdl_Index_Type)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Val);
- Instance : Resolv_Instance_Type;
- pragma Import (Ada, Instance);
- for Instance'Address use Instance_Addr;
- type Bool_Array is array (1 .. Nbr_Drv) of Boolean;
- Vec : Bool_Array;
- pragma Import (Ada, Vec);
- for Vec'Address use Bool_Vec;
- Off : Iir_Index32;
- Arr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Arr_Type : constant Iir :=
- Get_Type (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Instance.Func));
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Len : constant Iir_Index32 := Iir_Index32 (Vec_Len + Nbr_Ports);
- Instance_Mark, Expr_Mark : Mark_Type;
- begin
- pragma Assert (Instance_Pool = null);
- Instance_Pool := Global_Pool'Access;
- Mark (Instance_Mark, Instance_Pool.all);
- Mark (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- Current_Process := No_Process;
- Arr := Create_Array_Value (Len, 1);
- Arr.Bounds.D (1) := Create_Bounds_From_Length
- (Instance.Block,
- Get_First_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Arr_Type)),
- Len);
- -- First ports
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Ports loop
- Arr.Val_Array.V (Iir_Index32 (I)) := Resolver_Read_Value
- (Instance.Sig, Read_Port, I - 1);
- end loop;
- -- Then drivers.
- Off := Iir_Index32 (Nbr_Ports) + 1;
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Drv loop
- if Vec (I) then
- Arr.Val_Array.V (Off) := Resolver_Read_Value
- (Instance.Sig, Read_Driver, I - 1);
- Off := Off + 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Call resolution function.
- Res := Execute_Resolution_Function (Instance.Block, Instance.Func, Arr);
- -- Set driving value.
- Execute_Write_Signal (Instance.Sig, Res, Write_Signal_Driving_Value);
- Release (Instance_Mark, Instance_Pool.all);
- Release (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- Instance_Pool := null;
- end Resolution_Proc;
- type Convert_Mode is (Convert_In, Convert_Out);
- type Convert_Instance_Type is record
- Mode : Convert_Mode;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Func : Iir;
- Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Dst : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- end record;
- type Convert_Instance_Acc is access Convert_Instance_Type;
- procedure Conversion_Proc (Data : System.Address) is
- Conv : Convert_Instance_Type;
- pragma Import (Ada, Conv);
- for Conv'Address use Data;
- Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Dst : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Expr_Mark : Mark_Type;
- begin
- pragma Assert (Instance_Pool = null);
- Instance_Pool := Global_Pool'Access;
- Mark (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- Current_Process := No_Process;
- case Conv.Mode is
- when Convert_In =>
- Src := Execute_Read_Signal_Value
- (Conv.Src, Read_Signal_Effective_Value);
- when Convert_Out =>
- Src := Execute_Read_Signal_Value
- (Conv.Src, Read_Signal_Driving_Value);
- end case;
- Dst := Execute_Assoc_Conversion (Conv.Instance, Conv.Func, Src);
- Check_Bounds (Conv.Dst, Dst, Conv.Func);
- case Conv.Mode is
- when Convert_In =>
- Execute_Write_Signal (Conv.Dst, Dst, Write_Signal_Effective_Value);
- when Convert_Out =>
- Execute_Write_Signal (Conv.Dst, Dst, Write_Signal_Driving_Value);
- end case;
- Release (Expr_Mark, Expr_Pool);
- Instance_Pool := null;
- end Conversion_Proc;
- function Guard_Func (Data : System.Address) return Ghdl_B1
- is
- Guard : Guard_Instance_Type;
- pragma Import (Ada, Guard);
- for Guard'Address use Data;
- Val : Boolean;
- Prev_Instance_Pool : Areapool_Acc;
- begin
- pragma Assert (Instance_Pool = null
- or else Instance_Pool = Global_Pool'Access);
- Prev_Instance_Pool := Instance_Pool;
- Instance_Pool := Global_Pool'Access;
- Current_Process := No_Process;
- Val := Execute_Condition
- (Guard.Instance, Get_Guard_Expression (Guard.Guard));
- Instance_Pool := Prev_Instance_Pool;
- return Ghdl_B1'Val (Boolean'Pos (Val));
- end Guard_Func;
- -- Add a driver for signal designed by VAL (via index field) for instance
- -- INSTANCE of process PROC.
- -- FIXME: default value.
- procedure Add_Source
- (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc; Val: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Proc: Iir)
- is
- begin
- case Val.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- if Proc = Null_Iir then
- -- Can this happen ?
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver (Val.Sig);
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Val.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Add_Source (Instance, Val.Val_Array.V (I), Proc);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Val.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Add_Source (Instance, Val.Val_Record.V (I), Proc);
- end loop;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Add_Source;
- -- Add drivers for process PROC.
- -- Note: this is done recursively on the callees of PROC.
- procedure Elaborate_Drivers (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc; Proc: Iir)
- is
- Driver_List: Iir_List;
- El: Iir;
- Val: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- if Trace_Drivers then
- Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Drivers for ");
- Disp_Instance_Name (Instance);
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (": " & Disp_Node (Proc));
- end if;
- Driver_List := Trans_Analyzes.Extract_Drivers (Proc);
- -- Some processes have no driver list (assertion).
- if Driver_List = Null_Iir_List then
- return;
- end if;
- for I in Natural loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (Driver_List, I);
- exit when El = Null_Iir;
- if Trace_Drivers then
- Put_Line (' ' & Disp_Node (El));
- end if;
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- Val := Execute_Name (Instance, El, True);
- Add_Source (Instance, Val, Proc);
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- end loop;
- end Elaborate_Drivers;
- -- Call Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity for each scalar subelement of
- -- SIG.
- procedure Process_Add_Sensitivity (Sig: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- case Sig.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity (Sig.Sig);
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Sig.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Process_Add_Sensitivity (Sig.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Sig.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Process_Add_Sensitivity (Sig.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Process_Add_Sensitivity;
- procedure Create_Processes
- is
- use Grt.Processes;
- El : Iir;
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Instance_Grt : Grt.Stacks.Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Processes_State := new Process_State_Array (1 .. Processes_Table.Last);
- for I in Processes_Table.First .. Processes_Table.Last loop
- Instance := Processes_Table.Table (I);
- El := Instance.Label;
- Instance_Pool := Processes_State (I).Pool'Access;
- Instance.Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (El);
- Processes_State (I).Top_Instance := Instance;
- Processes_State (I).Proc := El;
- Processes_State (I).Instance := Instance;
- Current_Process := Processes_State (I)'Access;
- Instance_Grt := To_Instance_Acc (Processes_State (I)'Address);
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
- if Get_Postponed_Flag (El) then
- Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register
- (Instance_Grt,
- Process_Executer'Access,
- null, System.Null_Address);
- else
- Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register
- (Instance_Grt,
- Process_Executer'Access,
- null, System.Null_Address);
- end if;
- -- Register sensitivity.
- declare
- Sig_List : Iir_List;
- Sig : Iir;
- Marker : Mark_Type;
- begin
- Sig_List := Get_Sensitivity_List (El);
- for J in Natural loop
- Sig := Get_Nth_Element (Sig_List, J);
- exit when Sig = Null_Iir;
- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- Process_Add_Sensitivity
- (Execute_Name (Instance, Sig, True));
- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
- if Get_Postponed_Flag (El) then
- Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register
- (Instance_Grt,
- Process_Executer'Access,
- null, System.Null_Address);
- else
- Ghdl_Process_Register
- (Instance_Grt,
- Process_Executer'Access,
- null, System.Null_Address);
- end if;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- -- LRM93 §12.4.4 Other Concurrent Statements
- -- All other concurrent statements are either process
- -- statements or are statements for which there is an
- -- equivalent process statement.
- -- Elaboration of a process statement proceeds as follows:
- -- 1. The process declarative part is elaborated.
- Elaborate_Declarative_Part
- (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (El));
- -- 2. The drivers required by the process statement
- -- are created.
- -- 3. The initial transaction defined by the default value
- -- associated with each scalar signal driven by the
- -- process statement is inserted into the corresponding
- -- driver.
- -- FIXME: do it for drivers in called subprograms too.
- Elaborate_Drivers (Instance, El);
- if not Is_Empty (Expr_Pool) then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- -- Elaboration of all concurrent signal assignment
- -- statements and concurrent assertion statements consists
- -- of the construction of the equivalent process statement
- -- followed by the elaboration of the equivalent process
- -- statement.
- -- [GHDL: this is done by canonicalize. ]
- -- FIXME: check passive statements,
- -- check no wait statement in sensitized processes.
- Instance_Pool := null;
- end loop;
- if Trace_Simulation then
- Disp_Signals_Value;
- end if;
- end Create_Processes;
- -- Configuration for the whole design
- Top_Config : Iir_Design_Unit;
- -- Elaborate the design
- procedure Ghdl_Elaborate;
- pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Elaborate, "__ghdl_ELABORATE");
- procedure Set_Disconnection (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Time : Iir_Value_Time)
- is
- begin
- case Val.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect (Val.Sig, Std_Time (Time));
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Val.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Set_Disconnection (Val.Val_Record.V (I), Time);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Val.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Set_Disconnection (Val.Val_Array.V (I), Time);
- end loop;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Set_Disconnection;
- procedure Create_Disconnections is
- begin
- for I in Disconnection_Table.First .. Disconnection_Table.Last loop
- declare
- E : Disconnection_Entry renames Disconnection_Table.Table (I);
- begin
- Set_Disconnection (E.Sig, E.Time);
- end;
- end loop;
- end Create_Disconnections;
- type Connect_Mode is (Connect_Source, Connect_Effective);
- -- Add a driving value PORT to signal SIG, ie: PORT is a source for SIG.
- -- As a side effect, this connect the signal SIG with the port PORT.
- -- PORT is the formal, while SIG is the actual.
- procedure Connect (Sig: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Port: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Mode : Connect_Mode)
- is
- begin
- case Sig.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- if Port.Kind /= Sig.Kind then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- if Sig.Val_Array.Len /= Port.Val_Array.Len then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- for I in Sig.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Connect (Sig.Val_Array.V (I), Port.Val_Array.V (I), Mode);
- end loop;
- return;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- if Port.Kind /= Sig.Kind then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- if Sig.Val_Record.Len /= Port.Val_Record.Len then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- for I in Sig.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Connect (Sig.Val_Record.V (I), Port.Val_Record.V (I), Mode);
- end loop;
- return;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- case Port.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- -- Here, SIG and PORT are simple signals (not composite).
- -- PORT is a source for SIG.
- case Mode is
- when Connect_Source =>
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source
- (Sig.Sig, Port.Sig);
- when Connect_Effective =>
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value
- (Port.Sig, Sig.Sig);
- end case;
- when Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_Scalars -- FIXME: by value
- | Iir_Value_Record
- | Iir_Value_Array
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- -- These cannot be driving value for a signal.
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- if Mode = Connect_Source then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E32 (Port.Sig, Sig.E32);
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- if Mode = Connect_Source then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64 (Port.Sig, Sig.I64);
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- if Mode = Connect_Source then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B1 (Port.Sig, Sig.B1);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Connect;
- function Get_Leftest_Signal (Val : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc is
- begin
- case Val.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- return Val;
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- return Get_Leftest_Signal (Val.Val_Array.V (1));
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- return Get_Leftest_Signal (Val.Val_Record.V (1));
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_Leftest_Signal;
- procedure Add_Conversion (Conv : Convert_Instance_Acc)
- is
- Src_Left : Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
- Src_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Dst_Left : Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
- Dst_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- begin
- Conv.Src := Unshare_Bounds (Conv.Src, Instance_Pool);
- Conv.Dst := Unshare_Bounds (Conv.Dst, Instance_Pool);
- Src_Left := Get_Leftest_Signal (Conv.Src).Sig;
- Src_Len := Ghdl_Index_Type (Get_Nbr_Of_Scalars (Conv.Src));
- Dst_Left := Get_Leftest_Signal (Conv.Dst).Sig;
- Dst_Len := Ghdl_Index_Type (Get_Nbr_Of_Scalars (Conv.Dst));
- case Conv.Mode is
- when Convert_In =>
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion (Conversion_Proc'Address,
- Conv.all'Address,
- Src_Left, Src_Len,
- Dst_Left, Dst_Len);
- when Convert_Out =>
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion (Conversion_Proc'Address,
- Conv.all'Address,
- Src_Left, Src_Len,
- Dst_Left, Dst_Len);
- end case;
- end Add_Conversion;
- function Create_Shadow_Signal (Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc
- is
- begin
- case Sig.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- case Sig.Sig.Mode is
- when Mode_I64 =>
- return Create_Signal_Value
- (Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64
- (0, null, System.Null_Address));
- when Mode_B1 =>
- return Create_Signal_Value
- (Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_B1
- (False, null, System.Null_Address));
- when Mode_E32 =>
- return Create_Signal_Value
- (Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_E32
- (0, null, System.Null_Address));
- when Mode_F64 =>
- return Create_Signal_Value
- (Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64
- (0.0, null, System.Null_Address));
- when Mode_E8
- | Mode_I32 =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- declare
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Unshare_Bounds (Sig, Instance_Pool);
- for I in Res.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Array.V (I) :=
- Create_Shadow_Signal (Sig.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- declare
- Res : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Create_Record_Value
- (Sig.Val_Record.Len, Instance_Pool);
- for I in Res.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Res.Val_Record.V (I) :=
- Create_Shadow_Signal (Sig.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end;
- when Iir_Value_Scalars
- | Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Terminal
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_File =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Create_Shadow_Signal;
- procedure Set_Connect
- (Formal_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Formal_Expr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Local_Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Local_Expr : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Assoc : Iir_Association_Element_By_Expression)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Formal_Instance);
- Formal : constant Iir := Get_Formal (Assoc);
- Inter : constant Iir := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc);
- begin
- if False and Trace_Elaboration then
- Put ("connect formal ");
- Put (Iir_Mode'Image (Get_Mode (Inter)));
- Put (" ");
- Disp_Iir_Value (Formal_Expr, Get_Type (Formal));
- Put (" with actual ");
- Disp_Iir_Value (Local_Expr, Get_Type (Get_Actual (Assoc)));
- New_Line;
- end if;
- case Get_Mode (Inter) is
- when Iir_Out_Mode
- | Iir_Inout_Mode
- | Iir_Buffer_Mode
- | Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
- -- FORMAL_EXPR is a source for LOCAL_EXPR.
- declare
- Out_Conv : constant Iir := Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc);
- Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if Out_Conv /= Null_Iir then
- Src := Create_Shadow_Signal (Local_Expr);
- Add_Conversion
- (new Convert_Instance_Type'
- (Mode => Convert_Out,
- Instance => Local_Instance,
- Func => Out_Conv,
- Src => Formal_Expr,
- Dst => Src));
- else
- Src := Formal_Expr;
- end if;
- -- LRM93 §12.6.2
- -- A signal is said to be active [...] if one of its source
- -- is active.
- Connect (Local_Expr, Src, Connect_Source);
- end;
- when Iir_In_Mode =>
- null;
- when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- case Get_Mode (Inter) is
- when Iir_In_Mode
- | Iir_Inout_Mode
- | Iir_Buffer_Mode
- | Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
- declare
- In_Conv : constant Iir := Get_In_Conversion (Assoc);
- Src : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- begin
- if In_Conv /= Null_Iir then
- Src := Create_Shadow_Signal (Formal_Expr);
- Add_Conversion
- (new Convert_Instance_Type'
- (Mode => Convert_In,
- Instance => Local_Instance,
- Func => Get_Implementation (In_Conv),
- Src => Local_Expr,
- Dst => Src));
- else
- Src := Local_Expr;
- end if;
- Connect (Src, Formal_Expr, Connect_Effective);
- end;
- when Iir_Out_Mode =>
- null;
- when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Set_Connect;
- procedure Create_Connects is
- begin
- -- New signals may be created (because of conversions).
- Instance_Pool := Global_Pool'Access;
- for I in Connect_Table.First .. Connect_Table.Last loop
- declare
- E : Connect_Entry renames Connect_Table.Table (I);
- begin
- Set_Connect (E.Formal_Instance, E.Formal,
- E.Actual_Instance, E.Actual,
- E.Assoc);
- end;
- end loop;
- Instance_Pool := null;
- end Create_Connects;
- procedure Create_Guard_Signal
- (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Sig_Guard : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Guard : Iir)
- is
- procedure Add_Guard_Sensitivity (Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- case Sig.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence (Sig.Sig);
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Sig.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Add_Guard_Sensitivity (Sig.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Sig.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Add_Guard_Sensitivity (Sig.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Add_Guard_Sensitivity;
- Dep_List : Iir_List;
- Dep : Iir;
- Data : Guard_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Data := new Guard_Instance_Type'(Instance => Instance,
- Guard => Guard);
- Sig_Guard.Sig := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard
- (Data.all'Address, Guard_Func'Access);
- Dep_List := Get_Guard_Sensitivity_List (Guard);
- for I in Natural loop
- Dep := Get_Nth_Element (Dep_List, I);
- exit when Dep = Null_Iir;
- Add_Guard_Sensitivity (Execute_Name (Instance, Dep, True));
- end loop;
- -- FIXME: free mem
- end Create_Guard_Signal;
- procedure Create_Implicit_Signal (Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Time : Ghdl_I64;
- Prefix : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Kind : Signal_Type_Kind)
- is
- procedure Register_Prefix (Pfx : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc) is
- begin
- case Pfx.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix (Pfx.Sig);
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Pfx.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Register_Prefix (Pfx.Val_Array.V (I));
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Pfx.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Register_Prefix (Pfx.Val_Record.V (I));
- end loop;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Register_Prefix;
- begin
- case Kind is
- when Implicit_Stable =>
- Sig.Sig := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal (Std_Time (Time));
- when Implicit_Quiet =>
- Sig.Sig := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal (Std_Time (Time));
- when Implicit_Transaction =>
- Sig.Sig := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Register_Prefix (Prefix);
- end Create_Implicit_Signal;
- procedure Create_Delayed_Signal
- (Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Pfx : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc; Val : Std_Time)
- is
- begin
- case Pfx.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- for I in Sig.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Create_Delayed_Signal
- (Sig.Val_Array.V (I), Pfx.Val_Array.V (I), Val);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- for I in Pfx.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- Create_Delayed_Signal
- (Sig.Val_Record.V (I), Pfx.Val_Array.V (I), Val);
- end loop;
- when Iir_Value_Signal =>
- Sig.Sig := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal (Pfx.Sig, Val);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Create_Delayed_Signal;
- -- Create a new signal, using DEFAULT as initial value.
- -- Set its number.
- procedure Create_User_Signal (Block: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Signal: Iir;
- Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Default : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- is
- use Grt.Rtis;
- procedure Create_Signal (Lit: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Sig_Type: Iir;
- Already_Resolved : Boolean)
- is
- Sub_Resolved : Boolean := Already_Resolved;
- Resolv_Func : Iir;
- Resolv_Instance : Resolv_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- if not Already_Resolved
- and then Get_Kind (Sig_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition
- then
- Resolv_Func := Get_Resolution_Function (Sig_Type);
- else
- Resolv_Func := Null_Iir;
- end if;
- if Resolv_Func /= Null_Iir then
- Sub_Resolved := True;
- Resolv_Instance := new Resolv_Instance_Type'
- (Func => Get_Named_Entity (Resolv_Func),
- Block => Block,
- Sig => Sig);
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution
- (Resolution_Proc'Access,
- Resolv_Instance.all'Address,
- System.Null_Address,
- Ghdl_Index_Type (Get_Nbr_Of_Scalars (Lit)));
- end if;
- case Lit.Kind is
- when Iir_Value_Array =>
- declare
- Sig_El_Type : constant Iir :=
- Get_Element_Subtype (Get_Base_Type (Sig_Type));
- begin
- for I in Lit.Val_Array.V'Range loop
- Create_Signal (Lit.Val_Array.V (I), Sig.Val_Array.V (I),
- Sig_El_Type, Sub_Resolved);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Value_Record =>
- declare
- El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
- List : Iir_List;
- begin
- List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List
- (Get_Base_Type (Sig_Type));
- for I in Lit.Val_Record.V'Range loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (List, Natural (I - 1));
- Create_Signal (Lit.Val_Record.V (I), Sig.Val_Record.V (I),
- Get_Type (El), Sub_Resolved);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Iir_Value_I64 =>
- Sig.Sig := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64
- (Lit.I64, null, System.Null_Address);
- when Iir_Value_B1 =>
- Sig.Sig := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_B1
- (Lit.B1, null, System.Null_Address);
- when Iir_Value_E32 =>
- Sig.Sig := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_E32
- (Lit.E32, null, System.Null_Address);
- when Iir_Value_F64 =>
- Sig.Sig := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64
- (Lit.F64, null, System.Null_Address);
- when Iir_Value_Signal
- | Iir_Value_Range
- | Iir_Value_File
- | Iir_Value_Access
- | Iir_Value_Protected
- | Iir_Value_Quantity
- | Iir_Value_Terminal =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Create_Signal;
- Sig_Type: constant Iir := Get_Type (Signal);
- Mode : Mode_Signal_Type;
- Kind : Kind_Signal_Type;
- type Iir_Mode_To_Mode_Signal_Type is
- array (Iir_Mode) of Mode_Signal_Type;
- Iir_Mode_To_Mode_Signal : constant Iir_Mode_To_Mode_Signal_Type :=
- (Iir_Unknown_Mode => Mode_Signal,
- Iir_Linkage_Mode => Mode_Linkage,
- Iir_Buffer_Mode => Mode_Buffer,
- Iir_Out_Mode => Mode_Out,
- Iir_Inout_Mode => Mode_Inout,
- Iir_In_Mode => Mode_In);
- type Iir_Kind_To_Kind_Signal_Type is
- array (Iir_Signal_Kind) of Kind_Signal_Type;
- Iir_Kind_To_Kind_Signal : constant Iir_Kind_To_Kind_Signal_Type :=
- (Iir_No_Signal_Kind => Kind_Signal_No,
- Iir_Register_Kind => Kind_Signal_Register,
- Iir_Bus_Kind => Kind_Signal_Bus);
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Signal) is
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
- Mode := Iir_Mode_To_Mode_Signal (Get_Mode (Signal));
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
- Mode := Mode_Signal;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("elaborate_signal", Signal);
- end case;
- Kind := Iir_Kind_To_Kind_Signal (Get_Signal_Kind (Signal));
- Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Set_Mode (Mode, Kind, True);
- Create_Signal (Default, Sig, Sig_Type, False);
- end Create_User_Signal;
- procedure Create_Signals is
- begin
- for I in Signals_Table.First .. Signals_Table.Last loop
- declare
- E : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (I);
- begin
- case E.Kind is
- when Guard_Signal =>
- Create_Guard_Signal (E.Instance, E.Sig, E.Decl);
- when Implicit_Stable | Implicit_Quiet | Implicit_Transaction =>
- Create_Implicit_Signal (E.Sig, E.Time, E.Prefix, E.Kind);
- when Implicit_Delayed =>
- Create_Delayed_Signal (E.Sig, E.Prefix, Std_Time (E.Time));
- when User_Signal =>
- Create_User_Signal (E.Instance, E.Decl, E.Sig, E.Init);
- end case;
- end;
- end loop;
- end Create_Signals;
- procedure Ghdl_Elaborate
- is
- Entity: Iir_Entity_Declaration;
- -- Number of input ports of the top entity.
- In_Signals: Natural;
- El : Iir;
- begin
- Instance_Pool := Global_Pool'Access;
- Elaboration.Elaborate_Design (Top_Config);
- Entity := Iirs_Utils.Get_Entity (Get_Library_Unit (Top_Config));
- if not Is_Empty (Expr_Pool) then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- Instance_Pool := null;
- -- Be sure there is no IN ports in the top entity.
- El := Get_Port_Chain (Entity);
- In_Signals := 0;
- while El /= Null_Iir loop
- if Get_Mode (El) = Iir_In_Mode then
- In_Signals := In_Signals + 1;
- end if;
- El := Get_Chain (El);
- end loop;
- if In_Signals /= 0 then
- Error_Msg ("top entity should not have inputs signals");
- -- raise Simulation_Error;
- end if;
- if Disp_Stats then
- Disp_Design_Stats;
- end if;
- if Disp_Ams then
- Simulation.AMS.Debugger.Disp_Characteristic_Expressions;
- end if;
- -- There is no inputs.
- -- All the simulation is done via time, so it must be displayed.
- Disp_Time_Before_Values := True;
- -- Initialisation.
- if Trace_Simulation then
- Put_Line ("Initialisation:");
- end if;
- Create_Signals;
- Create_Connects;
- Create_Disconnections;
- Create_Processes;
- if Disp_Tree then
- Debugger.Disp_Instances_Tree;
- end if;
- if Flag_Interractive then
- Debug (Reason_Elab);
- end if;
- end Ghdl_Elaborate;
- procedure Simulation_Entity (Top_Conf : Iir_Design_Unit) is
- begin
- Top_Config := Top_Conf;
- Grt.Processes.One_Stack := True;
- Grt.Errors.Error_Hook := Debug_Error'Access;
- if Flag_Interractive then
- Debug (Reason_Start);
- end if;
- Grt.Main.Run;
- exception
- when Debugger_Quit =>
- null;
- when Simulation_Finished =>
- null;
- end Simulation_Entity;
-end Simulation;
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--- Interpreted simulation
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
-with Iirs; use Iirs;
-with Iir_Values; use Iir_Values;
-with Elaboration; use Elaboration;
-with Execution; use Execution;
-package Simulation is
- Trace_Simulation : Boolean := False;
- Disp_Tree : Boolean := False;
- Disp_Stats : Boolean := False;
- Disp_Ams : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Debugger : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Interractive : Boolean := False;
- type Resolv_Instance_Type is record
- Func : Iir;
- Block : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- end record;
- type Resolv_Instance_Acc is access Resolv_Instance_Type;
- -- The resolution procedure for GRT.
- procedure Resolution_Proc (Instance_Addr : System.Address;
- Val : System.Address;
- Bool_Vec : System.Address;
- Vec_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Nbr_Drv : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Nbr_Ports : Ghdl_Index_Type);
- pragma Convention (C, Resolution_Proc);
- type Guard_Instance_Type is record
- Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Guard : Iir;
- end record;
- type Guard_Instance_Acc is access Guard_Instance_Type;
- function Guard_Func (Data : System.Address) return Ghdl_B1;
- pragma Convention (C, Guard_Func);
- -- The entry point of the simulator.
- procedure Simulation_Entity (Top_Conf : Iir_Design_Unit);
- type Process_State_Array is
- array (Process_Index_Type range <>) of aliased Process_State_Type;
- type Process_State_Array_Acc is access Process_State_Array;
- -- Array containing all processes.
- Processes_State: Process_State_Array_Acc;
- function Execute_Signal_Value (Indirect: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Execute_Event_Attribute (Lit: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Boolean;
- function Execute_Active_Attribute (Lit: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Boolean;
- function Execute_Driving_Attribute (Lit: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Boolean;
- function Execute_Last_Value_Attribute (Indirect: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- function Execute_Driving_Value_Attribute (Indirect: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- Return the Last_Event absolute time.
- function Execute_Last_Event_Attribute (Indirect: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Ghdl_I64;
- function Execute_Last_Active_Attribute (Indirect: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc)
- return Ghdl_I64;
- -- Type for a transaction: it contains the value, the absolute time at which
- -- the transaction should occur and a pointer to the next transaction.
- -- This constitute a simple linked list, the elements must be ordered
- -- according to time.
- type Transaction_El_Type is record
- -- The value of the waveform element.
- -- Can't be an array.
- -- Life must be target.
- Value: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- -- After time at which the transaction should occur.
- After : Grt.Types.Std_Time;
- end record;
- type Transaction_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Transaction_El_Type;
- type Transaction_Type (Len : Natural) is record
- -- Statement that created this transaction. Used to disp location
- -- in case of error (constraint error).
- Stmt: Iir;
- Reject : Std_Time;
- Els : Transaction_Array (1 .. Len);
- end record;
- procedure Assign_Value_To_Signal (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
- Target: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
- Transaction: Transaction_Type);
- procedure Disconnect_Signal (Sig : Iir_Value_Literal_Acc);
- -- Return true if the process should be suspended.
- function Execute_Wait_Statement (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
- Stmt: Iir_Wait_Statement)
- return Boolean;
-end Simulation;