% Beamer Presentation Template % Author: Primal Pappachan % Last Updated: 4 - 10 - 2011 % \documentclass[compress,red]{beamer} % \usetheme{Warsaw} % other themes: AnnArbor, Antibes, Bergen, Berkeley, Berlin, Boadilla, boxes, CambridgeUS, Copenhagen, Darmstadt, default, Dresden, Frankfurt, Goettingen, % Hannover, Ilmenau, JuanLesPins, Luebeck, Madrid, Maloe, Marburg, Montpellier, PaloAlto, Pittsburg, Rochester, Singapore, Szeged, classic \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usefonttheme{professionalfonts} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{verbatim} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{graphics} \usepackage{subfigure} %\usecolortheme{default} % color themes: albatross, beaver, beetle, crane, default, dolphin, dov, fly, lily, orchid, rose, seagull, seahorse, sidebartab, structure, whale, wolverine \useoutertheme[subsection=false]{smoothbars} \usefonttheme[onlysmall]{structurebold} % font themes: default, professionalfonts, serif, structurebold, structureitalicserif, structuresmallcapsserif \setbeamerfont{title}{shape=\itshape,family=\rmfamily} %\setbeamercolor{title}{fg=black!80!black,bg=red!90!white} \logo{} %\logo{\includegraphics[height=0.5cm]{logo.pdf}} %% Use \insertlogo to insert the logo at place \title{FOSSEE} \subtitle{Free and Open source Software for Science and Engineering Education} \author[]{www.fossee.in} %\author[Euclid]{Euclid of Alexandria \institute{IIT Bombay} \date[]{} %\date[ISPN ’80]{27th International Symposium of Prime Numbers} \begin{document} \begin{frame} \titlepage \end{frame} \begin{frame} \section*{Outline} \tableofcontents \end{frame} \section{FOSS} \begin{frame} \frametitle{FOSS} \begin{definition} \alert{FOSS} stands for Free and Open-source Software in Science and Engineering \end{definition} \end{frame} \subsection{What users can do?} \begin{frame} \frametitle{What users can do?} \begin{block}{Benefits} \begin{itemize} \item See and modify the source code \pause \item Redistribute and improve the source code \pause \item Use the software for any purpose \end{itemize} \end{block} \end{frame} \subsection{For whom?} \begin{frame} \frametitle{FOSS is befitting for} \begin{enumerate} \item Academic Institutions\pause \item Entrepreneurs \pause \item Defence Establishments \pause \item Research Organisations \pause \item Private Industries \pause \item Individual User \pause \end{enumerate} \begin{block}{FOSS for everyone} \pause FOSS is for anyone who uses Computer to get things done quickly and efficiently \end{block} \end{frame} \section{FOSSEE} \subsection{FOSSEE at IITB} \begin{frame} \frametitle{FOSSEE} \begin{block}{Stands for} Free and Open source Software for Science and Engineering Education \pause \end{block} \begin{center} \vspace*{0.25cm} \includegraphics[scale=2]{fossee.png} \pause \end{center} \vspace*{0.25cm} \begin{itemize} \item Based at IIT Bombay \pause \item Funded by MHRD \pause \item Part of National Mission on Education through ICT \pause \end{itemize} %\begin{overlayarea} %\only<3>{Based at IIT Bombay} %\only<4>{Funded by MHRD} %\only<5>{Part of National Mission on Education through ICT} %\end{overlayarea} \end{frame} \subsection{Goals} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Goals} \begin{itemize} \item To promote \alert{FOSS} packages to minimize use of commercial tools in science and engineering education \pause \item To create documenation for supported \alert{FOSS} packages \pause \item To spread awareness among students and teachers about supported \alert{FOSS} packages \end{itemize} \end{frame} \subsection{People} \begin{frame} \frametitle{People} \begin{itemize} \item Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran \\ {\footnotesize Aerospace Engineering Department} \pause \item Prof. Madhu Belur \\ {\footnotesize Electrical Engineering Department} \pause \item Prof. Mani Bhushan \\ {\footnotesize Chemical Engineering Department} \pause \item Prof. Kannan Moudgalya \\ {\footnotesize Chemical Engineering Department} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \subsection{Block Diagram} \begin{frame} \frametitle{FOSSEE Projects} \begin{center} \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{blockdiagram.png} \end{center} \end{frame} \subsection{At IITB} \begin{frame} \frametitle{FOSSEE focus at IITB} \begin{itemize} \item Python family \pause \begin{itemize} \item Python \item NumPy \item SciPy \item Sage \pause \end{itemize} \item Scilab family \pause \begin{itemize} \item Scilab \item Single Board Heater System \item Xcos \pause \end{itemize} \item Other FOSS actively pursued/used \pause \begin{itemize} \item GNURadio \item KiCAD \item OpenFOAM \item Ngspice \item \LaTeX % \Latex \Latex \pause \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \section{Activities} \subsection{Thrust Areas} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Thrust Areas} \begin{itemize} \item SDES Course \pause \item Workshops \pause \item Textbook Companion Project \pause \item Spoken Tutorials \pause \end{itemize} \end{frame} \subsection{SDES} \begin{frame} \frametitle{SDES} \begin{block}{SDES} Software Development Techniques for Scientists and Engineers \end{block} \begin{itemize} \item Equips a student with various FOSS tools for curricular purposes \pause \item For students of BE/BTech and ME/MTech programmes \pause \item SDES/Python course currently in curriculum of IIT Bombay and BHU Varanasi \pause \item SDES Coordinators' workshop was held in September 2011 \pause \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{WORKSHOP} \framesubtitle{Teacher's training Workshop} \begin{itemize} \item Introduce the faculty of various science and engineering colleges to advantages of FOSS. \pause \item Motivate them to include SDES course in their curriculum. \pause \item Conducted in 2 parts \begin{enumerate} \item At IIT \pause \item Through e-learning tool A-VIEW \pause \end{enumerate} \end{itemize} \begin{block}{Large Picture} From all over India, over {\Large 1000} Teacher's will be trained. \end{block} \end{frame} \subsection{Workshops} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Workshops all over India} \begin{center} \includegraphics[scale=.15]{workshop.png} \end{center} \end{frame} \subsection{Spoken Tutorials} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Spoken Tutorials} \begin{columns} \column{.5\textwidth} \begin{block}{On} \begin{itemize} \item Scilab \pause \item Python \pause \item \LaTeX \pause \item Version Control \pause \item Linux utilities \pause \end{itemize} \end{block} \column{.5\textwidth} \begin{block}{For} \begin{itemize} \item Self Learning and Teaching purposes \pause \item Over \alert{50} tutorials already completed \pause \end{itemize} \end{block} \pause \end{columns} \begin{block}{Website} http://www.spoken-tutorial.org \end{block} \end{frame} \subsection{TextBook Companion Project} \begin{frame} \frametitle{TextBook Companion Project} \begin{block}{Goal} Create a repository of reference material in the form of solved examples for Scientific Computing with Open Source tools. \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{How it works?} \begin{figure} \centering \mbox{ \subfigure{\includegraphics[width=1.5in,height=1.5in]{1.png}} \pause \subfigure{\includegraphics[width=1.5in,height=1.5in]{2.png}} \pause \subfigure{\includegraphics[width=1.5in,height=1.5in]{3.png}}} \end{figure} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Statistics} \begin{center} \includegraphics[scale=.15]{textbook.png} \end{center} \end{frame} \subsection{Achievements} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Achievements} \small \bf {\bf so far (August 2011), till March 2012, till July 2012} % {\bf Deliverables} % please give milestones with timelines linking with payments \begin{center} \begin{table}[h] \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|} \hline Item & Aug '11 & Mar '12 & Jul '12 \tabularnewline & (achieved) & (expected) & (proposed) \tabularnewline \hline \hline Workshops\footnote{\bf These are 1 to 5 days workshop targetted towards \alert{teachers}, and \alert{evaluated online} before issuing a participation certificate} & 40 & 55 & 70\tabularnewline \hline Conferences & 5 & 6 & 7 \tabularnewline \hline Textbook Companions & 51 & 100 & 200 \tabularnewline \hline Spoken Tutorials & 45 & 60 & 70 \tabularnewline \hline Course conversion & 5 & 5 & 5\tabularnewline \hline Lab Migration & 4 & 10 & 20 \tabularnewline \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \end{center} \end{frame} \section*{} \begin{frame} \begin{center} \huge Thank you\\ \pause \end{center} \end{frame} \end{document}