Calls an octave function with given inputs and returns the expected output
[y1, y2, ...] = octave_fun("octave_function",input1,input2,...) [y1, y2, ...] = octave_fun("octave_function",input1,input2,...,optional_input1,optional_input2,...) [y1, y2, ...] = octave_fun("octave_function","octave_package",input1,input2,...) [y1, y2, ...] = octave_fun("octave_function","octave_package",input1,input2,...,optional_input1,optional_input2,...)
ouput as returned by octave. It can be a vector or matrix of doubles
name of the function in octave that has to be called. It has to be a string in double quotes
input as expected by the octave function. It can be a vector or matrix of doubles
an optional argument that the given octave function can accept. It has to be a string in double quotes
name of the package in octave that has to be loaded as required by the octave function. It has to be a string in double quotes
This function accepts an octave function name with the relevant inputs and returns the output as generated. It requires Octave to be installed along with necessary packages.