path: root/help
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'help')
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-rw-r--r--help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/ScilabWarning.pngbin0 -> 603 bytes
33 files changed, 1072 insertions, 326 deletions
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index 8f93d27..cceebb0 100644
--- a/help/builder_help.sce
+++ b/help/builder_help.sce
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
-here = get_absolute_file_path("builder_help.sce");
-d = dir(here);
-d =;
-la_LA = d(grep(d, "/[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}/", "r")); // filtering out ./images/ ./mml/, ...
-tbx_builder_help_lang(la_LA, here);
-clear here d la_LA
+toolbox_title = "scilab_octave"
+help_dir = get_absolute_file_path('builder_help.sce');
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
+// Generated by tbx_build_help_loader: Please, do not edit this file
+clear add_help_chapter;
diff --git a/help/en_US/c_multiplybypi.xml b/help/en_US/c_multiplybypi.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 469fc4e..0000000
--- a/help/en_US/c_multiplybypi.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- * This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
- *
- -->
-<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" version="5.0-subset Scilab" xml:id="c_multiplybypi" xml:lang="en">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>c_multiplybypi</refname>
- <refpurpose>multiply by %pi a number</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <title>Syntax</title>
- <synopsis>a = multiplybypi(b)</synopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Arguments</title>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>b</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>first input argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>a</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>output argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>Do a special multiplication.</para>
- <para>Add here a paragraph of the function description </para>
- <para>
- LaTeX can also be used to render equation: In this case, the rendering should <latex>$x*\pi$</latex>
- </para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Examples</title>
- <programlisting role="example">c_multiplybypi(3)</programlisting>
- </refsection>
- <refsection role="see also">
- <title>See also</title>
- <simplelist type="inline">
- <member>
- <link linkend="c_sum">c_sum</link>
- </member>
- <member>
- <link type="scilab" linkend="">Link to the Scilab help page</link>
- </member>
- </simplelist>
- </refsection>
diff --git a/help/en_US/c_sub.xml b/help/en_US/c_sub.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b82fc2..0000000
--- a/help/en_US/c_sub.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- * This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
- *
- -->
-<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:scilab="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" version="5.0-subset Scilab" xml:id="c_sub" xml:lang="en">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>c_sub</refname>
- <refpurpose>subtraction from C</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <title>Syntax</title>
- <synopsis>a = c_sub(b,c)</synopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Arguments</title>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>b</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>first input argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>c</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>second input argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>a</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>output argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>Do a subtraction.</para>
- <para>Add here a paragraph of the function description </para>
- <para>
- LaTeX can also be used to render equation: In this case, the rendering should <latex>$x-y$</latex>
- </para>
- <para>It is now possible to include an image in using Scilab code (this requires to declare the namespace xmlns:scilab=""):</para>
- <programlisting role="xml">
- <![CDATA[
- <scilab:image>
- plot3d();
- </scilab:image>
- ]]>
- </programlisting>
- <scilab:image>
- plot3d();
- </scilab:image>
- <para>If an image contains a localized string then the attribute scilab:localized="true" is required:</para>
- <programlisting role="xml">
- <![CDATA[
- <scilab:image localized="true">
- plot2d();
- xtitle("My Beautiful 2D plots");
- </scilab:image>
- ]]>
- </programlisting>
- <scilab:image localized="true">
- plot2d();
- xtitle("My Beautiful 2D plots");
- </scilab:image>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Examples</title>
- <programlisting role="example">c_sub(3,4)</programlisting>
- </refsection>
- <refsection role="see also">
- <title>See also</title>
- <simplelist type="inline">
- <member>
- <link linkend="c_sum">c_sum</link>
- </member>
- </simplelist>
- </refsection>
diff --git a/help/en_US/c_sum.xml b/help/en_US/c_sum.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fe04116..0000000
--- a/help/en_US/c_sum.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- * This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
- *
- -->
-<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" version="5.0-subset Scilab" xml:id="c_sum" xml:lang="en">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>c_sum</refname>
- <refpurpose>sum from C</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <title>Syntax</title>
- <synopsis>a = c_sum(b,c)</synopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Arguments</title>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>b</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>first input argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>c</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>second input argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>a</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>output argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>Do a sum.</para>
- <para>Add here a paragraph of the function description </para>
- <para>
- LaTeX can also be used to render equation: In this case, the rendering should <latex>$x+y$</latex>
- </para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Examples</title>
- <programlisting role="example">c_sum(3,4)</programlisting>
- </refsection>
- <refsection role="see also">
- <title>See also</title>
- <simplelist type="inline">
- <member>
- <link linkend="fortran_sum">fortran_sum</link>
- </member>
- <member>
- <link type="scilab" linkend="">Link to the Scilab help page</link>
- </member>
- </simplelist>
- </refsection>
diff --git a/help/en_US/fortran_sum.xml b/help/en_US/fortran_sum.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a2f9a31..0000000
--- a/help/en_US/fortran_sum.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- * This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
- -->
-<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" version="5.0-subset Scilab" xml:id="fortran_sum" xml:lang="en">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>fortran_sum</refname>
- <refpurpose>sum from fortran</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <title>Syntax</title>
- <synopsis>a = fortran_sum(b,c)</synopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Arguments</title>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>b</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>first input argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>c</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>second input argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>a</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>output argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>Do a sum.</para>
- <para>Add here a paragraph of the function description</para>
- <para>
- LaTeX can also be used to render equation: In this case, the rendering should <latex>$x+y$</latex>
- </para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Examples</title>
- <programlisting role="example">fortran_sum(3,4)</programlisting>
- </refsection>
- <refsection role="see also">
- <title>See also</title>
- <simplelist type="inline">
- <member>
- <link linkend="c_sum">c_sum</link>
- </member>
- <member>
- <link type="scilab" linkend="">Link to the Scilab help page</link>
- </member>
- </simplelist>
- </refsection>
diff --git a/help/en_US/master_help.xml b/help/en_US/master_help.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..275890c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/en_US/master_help.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book [
+<!--Begin Entities-->
+<!ENTITY a2ed2d4be3584d8c38302185542e7a55c SYSTEM "/home/rupak/scilab-toolbox/scilab_octave/help/en_US/octave_fun.xml">
+<!--End Entities-->
+<book version="5.0-subset Scilab" xml:lang="en_US"
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ xmlns:xi=""
+ xmlns:svg=""
+ xmlns:mml=""
+ xmlns:html=""
+ xmlns:db="">
+ <info xml:id='scilab_octave_manual'>
+ <title>scilab_octave</title>
+ </info>
+<part xml:id='section_597319ec0f8f262cff8ce5d679429f35'>
diff --git a/help/en_US/octave_fun.xml b/help/en_US/octave_fun.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfbb118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/en_US/octave_fun.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ *
+ * This help file was generated from octave_fun.sci using help_from_sci().
+ *
+ -->
+<refentry version="5.0-subset Scilab" xml:id="octave_fun" xml:lang="en"
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xlink=""
+ xmlns:svg=""
+ xmlns:ns3=""
+ xmlns:mml=""
+ xmlns:scilab=""
+ xmlns:db="">
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>octave_fun</refname>
+ <refpurpose>Calls an octave function with given inputs and returns the expected output</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <title>Syntax</title>
+ <synopsis>
+ [y1, y2, ...] = octave_fun("octave_function",input1,input2,...)
+ [y1, y2, ...] = octave_fun("octave_function",input1,input2,...,optional_input1,optional_input2,...)
+ [y1, y2, ...] = octave_fun("octave_function","octave_package",input1,input2,...)
+ [y1, y2, ...] = octave_fun("octave_function","octave_package",input1,input2,...,optional_input1,optional_input2,...)
+ </synopsis>
+ <title>Parameters</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>y :</term>
+ <listitem><para> ouput as returned by octave. It can be a vector or matrix of doubles</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>octave_function :</term>
+ <listitem><para> name of the function in octave that has to be called. It has to be a string in double quotes</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>input :</term>
+ <listitem><para> input as expected by the octave function. It can be a vector or matrix of doubles</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>optional_input :</term>
+ <listitem><para> an optional argument that the given octave function can accept. It has to be a string in double quotes</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>octave_package :</term>
+ <listitem><para> name of the package in octave that has to be loaded as required by the octave function. It has to be a string in double quotes</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>
+This function accepts an octave function name with the relevant inputs and returns the output as generated. It requires Octave to be installed along with necessary packages.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+&amp; C^Tâ‹…x \\
+&amp; \text{subject to}&amp; Aâ‹…x = b \\
+&amp; &amp; Gâ‹…x \preceq_K h \\
+&amp; &amp; x_i \in \{0,1\}, i \in \!\, bool_vars\
+&amp; &amp; x_j \in \!\, \mathbb{Z}, i \in \!\, int_vars\\
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+// Finding the inverse of a matrix using octave
+A=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 0]
+y = octave_fun("inv",A)
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+// Finding the roots of a polynomial using its coefficients as inputs, using octave
+p = [1 2 3];
+y = octave_fun("roots",p)
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+// Generating filter coefficients of a Hamming window of length M, using octave.
+M = 5
+y = octave_fun("hamming",M)
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+// Generating filter coefficients of a Hamming window of length M with optional arguments, using octave.
+M = 5
+y = octave_fun("hamming",M,"periodic")
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <programlisting role="example"><![CDATA[
+// Generating an elliptic or Cauer filter with given passband ripple and stopband attenuation, using octave and its "signal" package. See help in octave for more information about "ellip" function
+[b, a]=octave_fun("ellip","signal",5,1,90,[0.1 0.2])
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <title>Authors</title>
+ <simplelist type="vert">
+ <member>Rupak Rokade</member>
+ </simplelist>
diff --git a/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/JavaHelpSearch/DOCS
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+‡PƒÎÀk` \ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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+JavaSearch 1.0
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/help/en_US/scilab_en_US_help/ScilabEdit.png
Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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+ font-style: normal;
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+ @import url("style.css");
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+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div class="manualnavbar">
+ <table width="100%"><tr>
+ <td width="30%">
+ </td>
+ <td width="40%" class="center">
+ </td>
+ <td width="30%" class="next">
+ </td>
+ </tr></table>
+ <hr />
+ </div>
+ <br /><br />
+ <h3 class="book-title">scilab_octave</h3>
+<ul class="list-part"><a name="scilab_octave_manual"></a><div class="info"></div>
+<li><a href="section_597319ec0f8f262cff8ce5d679429f35.html" class="part">scilab_octave</a>
+<ul class="list-chapter"><li><a href="octave_fun.html" class="refentry">octave_fun</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Calls an octave function with given inputs and returns the expected output</span></li></ul></li></ul>
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+ <br /><br />
+ <div class="refnamediv"><h1 class="refname">octave_fun</h1>
+ <p class="refpurpose">Calls an octave function with given inputs and returns the expected output</p></div>
+<div class="refsynopsisdiv"><h3 class="title">Syntax</h3>
+ <div class="synopsis"><pre><span class="default">[</span><span class="default">y1</span><span class="default">, </span><span class="default">y2</span><span class="default">, ...] = </span><span class="functionid">octave_fun</span><span class="default">(</span>&#0034;<span class="default">octave_function</span>&#0034;<span class="default">,</span><span class="default">input1</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">input2</span><span class="default">,...)</span>
+<span class="default">[</span><span class="default">y1</span><span class="default">, </span><span class="default">y2</span><span class="default">, ...] = </span><span class="functionid">octave_fun</span><span class="default">(</span>&#0034;<span class="default">octave_function</span>&#0034;<span class="default">,</span><span class="default">input1</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">input2</span><span class="default">,...,</span><span class="default">optional_input1</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">optional_input2</span><span class="default">,...)</span>
+<span class="default">[</span><span class="default">y1</span><span class="default">, </span><span class="default">y2</span><span class="default">, ...] = </span><span class="functionid">octave_fun</span><span class="default">(</span>&#0034;<span class="default">octave_function</span>&#0034;<span class="default">,</span>&#0034;<span class="default">octave_package</span>&#0034;<span class="default">,</span><span class="default">input1</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">input2</span><span class="default">,...)</span>
+<span class="default">[</span><span class="default">y1</span><span class="default">, </span><span class="default">y2</span><span class="default">, ...] = </span><span class="functionid">octave_fun</span><span class="default">(</span>&#0034;<span class="default">octave_function</span>&#0034;<span class="default">,</span>&#0034;<span class="default">octave_package</span>&#0034;<span class="default">,</span><span class="default">input1</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">input2</span><span class="default">,...,</span><span class="default">optional_input1</span><span class="default">,</span><span class="default">optional_input2</span><span class="default">,...)</span></pre></div></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Parameters</h3>
+ <dl><dt><span class="term">y :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">ouput as returned by octave. It can be a vector or matrix of doubles</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">octave_function :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">name of the function in octave that has to be called. It has to be a string in double quotes</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">input :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">input as expected by the octave function. It can be a vector or matrix of doubles</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">optional_input :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">an optional argument that the given octave function can accept. It has to be a string in double quotes</p></dd></dt>
+ <dt><span class="term">octave_package :</span>
+ <dd><p class="para">name of the package in octave that has to be loaded as required by the octave function. It has to be a string in double quotes</p></dd></dt></dl></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Description</h3>
+ <p class="para">This function accepts an octave function name with the relevant inputs and returns the output as generated. It requires Octave to be installed along with necessary packages.</p>
+ <p class="para"></p>
+ <p class="para"></p></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Examples</h3>
+ <div class="programlisting"><table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td width="98%"><pre class="scilabcode"><span class="scilabcomment">// Finding the inverse of a matrix using octave</span>
+<span class="scilabid">A</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span> <span class="scilabnumber">2</span> <span class="scilabnumber">3</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span><span class="scilabnumber">4</span> <span class="scilabnumber">5</span> <span class="scilabnumber">6</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span><span class="scilabnumber">7</span> <span class="scilabnumber">8</span> <span class="scilabnumber">0</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span>
+<span class="scilabid">y</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabid">octave_fun</span><span class="scilabopenclose">(</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabstring">inv</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">A</span><span class="scilabopenclose">)</span>
+<span class="scilabid">y</span><span class="scilaboperator">*</span><span class="scilabid">A</span></pre></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.execexample/"><img src="ScilabExecute.png" border="0"/></a></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.editexample/"><img src="ScilabEdit.png" border="0"/></a></td><td></td></tr></table></div></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Examples</h3>
+ <div class="programlisting"><table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td width="98%"><pre class="scilabcode"><span class="scilabcomment">// Finding the roots of a polynomial using its coefficients as inputs, using octave</span>
+<span class="scilabid">p</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span> <span class="scilabnumber">2</span> <span class="scilabnumber">3</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabdefault">;</span>
+<span class="scilabid">y</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabid">octave_fun</span><span class="scilabopenclose">(</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabstring">roots</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">p</span><span class="scilabopenclose">)</span></pre></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.execexample/"><img src="ScilabExecute.png" border="0"/></a></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.editexample/"><img src="ScilabEdit.png" border="0"/></a></td><td></td></tr></table></div></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Examples</h3>
+ <div class="programlisting"><table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td width="98%"><pre class="scilabcode"><span class="scilabcomment">// Generating filter coefficients of a Hamming window of length M, using octave.</span>
+<span class="scilabid">M</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabnumber">5</span>
+<span class="scilabid">y</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabid">octave_fun</span><span class="scilabopenclose">(</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabstring">hamming</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">M</span><span class="scilabopenclose">)</span></pre></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.execexample/"><img src="ScilabExecute.png" border="0"/></a></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.editexample/"><img src="ScilabEdit.png" border="0"/></a></td><td></td></tr></table></div></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Examples</h3>
+ <div class="programlisting"><table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td width="98%"><pre class="scilabcode"><span class="scilabcomment">// Generating filter coefficients of a Hamming window of length M with optional arguments, using octave.</span>
+<span class="scilabid">M</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabnumber">5</span>
+<span class="scilabid">y</span> <span class="scilaboperator">=</span> <span class="scilabid">octave_fun</span><span class="scilabopenclose">(</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabstring">hamming</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabid">M</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabstring">periodic</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabopenclose">)</span></pre></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.execexample/"><img src="ScilabExecute.png" border="0"/></a></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.editexample/"><img src="ScilabEdit.png" border="0"/></a></td><td></td></tr></table></div></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Examples</h3>
+ <div class="programlisting"><table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td width="98%"><pre class="scilabcode"><span class="scilabcomment">// Generating an elliptic or Cauer filter with given passband ripple and stopband attenuation, using octave and its </span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabcomment">signal</span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabcomment"> package. See help in octave for more information about </span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabcomment">ellip</span><span class="scilabcomment">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabcomment"> function</span>
+<span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabid">b</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span> <span class="scilabid">a</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilaboperator">=</span><span class="scilabid">octave_fun</span><span class="scilabopenclose">(</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabstring">ellip</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabstring">signal</span><span class="scilabstring">&#0034;</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">5</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">1</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabnumber">90</span><span class="scilabdefault">,</span><span class="scilabopenclose">[</span><span class="scilabnumber">0.1</span> <span class="scilabnumber">0.2</span><span class="scilabopenclose">]</span><span class="scilabopenclose">)</span></pre></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.execexample/"><img src="ScilabExecute.png" border="0"/></a></td><td valign="top"><a href="scilab://scilab.editexample/"><img src="ScilabEdit.png" border="0"/></a></td><td></td></tr></table></div></div>
+<div class="refsection"><h3 class="title">Authors</h3>
+ <ul class="itemizedlist"><li class="member">Rupak Rokade</li></ul></div>
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+ <h3 class="title-part">scilab_octave</h3>
+<ul class="list-chapter"><li><a href="octave_fun.html" class="refentry">octave_fun</a> &#8212; <span class="refentry-description">Calls an octave function with given inputs and returns the expected output</span></li></ul>
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- *
- * This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
- *
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-<refentry xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:db="" version="5.0-subset Scilab" xml:id="scilab_sum" xml:lang="en">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>scilab_sum</refname>
- <refpurpose>sum from scilab</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <title>Syntax</title>
- <synopsis>a = scilab_sum(b,c)</synopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection>
- <title>Arguments</title>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>b</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>first input argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>c</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>second input argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>a</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>output argument</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>Do a sum.</para>
- <para>Add here a paragraph of the function description </para>
- <para>
- LaTeX can also be used to render equation: In this case, the rendering should <latex>$x+y$</latex>
- </para>
- </refsection>
- <refsection>
- <title>Examples</title>
- <programlisting role="example">scilab_sum(3,4)</programlisting>
- </refsection>
- <refsection role="see also">
- <title>See also</title>
- <simplelist type="inline">
- <member>
- <link linkend="c_sum">c_sum</link>
- </member>
- <member>
- <link type="scilab" linkend="">Link to the Scilab help page</link>
- </member>
- </simplelist>
- </refsection>