"Testimonials by FOSSEE Summer Fellows", "page callback" => "fellowship_testimonials_display_all", "access arguments" => array("view fellowship_testimonials"), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK );*/ $items["internship-experiences"] = array( "title" => "Intership Experiences", "page callback" => "drupal_get_form", "page arguments" => array( "fellowship_testimonials_display_form" ), "access arguments" => array( "view fellowship_testimonials" ), "type" => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM ); $items["internship-experiences/year-wise"] = array( "title" => "Testimonials by FOSSEE internship-experiences year wise", "page callback" => "fellowship_testimonials_display_year_wise", "access arguments" => array("view fellowship_testimonials"), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'testimonials_year_wise.inc' ); $items["internship-experiences/add"] = array( "title" => "Add internship-experiences", "page callback" => "fellowship_testimonials_add_all", "access arguments" => array("manage fellowship_testimonials"), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'testimonials_add.inc' ); $items["internship-experiences/edit"] = array( "title" => "Edit internship-experiences", "page callback" => "fellowship_testimonials_edit_all", "access arguments" => array("manage fellowship_testimonials"), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'testimonials_edit.inc' ); $items["internship-experiences/delete"] = array( "title" => "Delete internship-experiences", "page callback" => "fellowship_testimonials_delete_all", "access arguments" => array("manage fellowship_testimonials"), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); $items["animation-hackathon/vle-registration"] = array( "title" => "All India 2D Animation Hackathon registration", "page callback" => "animation_hackathon_vle_registration", //"page arguments" => "animation_hackathon_vle_registration_form", "access arguments" => array("Animation Hackathon registration"), "type" => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, "file" => 'vle_registration.inc' ); $items["animation-hackathon/view/registrations"] = array( "title" => "All India 2D Animation Hackathon Registered particpants", "page callback" => "view_animation_hackathon_vle_registrations", /*"page arguments" => "",**/ "access arguments" => array("Manage Animation Hackathon registration"), "type" => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, "file" => 'vle_registration.inc' ); $items["animation-hackathon/view/registrations/download"] = array( "title" => "All India 2D Animation Hackathon Registered particpants", "page callback" => "download_registration_details", /*"page arguments" => "",**/ "access arguments" => array("Manage Animation Hackathon registration"), "type" => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, "file" => 'vle_registration.inc' ); return $items; } function fellowship_testimonials_permission() { return array( "view fellowship_testimonials" => array ( "title" => t("view fellowship_testimonials"), 'restrict access' => TRUE, ), "manage fellowship_testimonials" => array ( "title" => t("manage fellowship_testimonials"), 'restrict access' => TRUE, ), "Animation Hackathon registration" => array( "title" => t("Animation Hackathon registration"), 'restrict access' => TRUE ), "Manage Animation Hackathon registration" => array( "title" => t("Manage Animation Hackathon registration"), 'restrict access' => TRUE ) ); } function get_video_testimonials() { $page_content = ""; /*$query = " SELECT * FROM fellowship_testimonials ORDER BY id DESC "; $result = pager_query($query, 4, 0, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fellowship_testimonials");*/ $query = db_select('fellowship_testimonials'); $query->fields('fellowship_testimonials'); $query->condition('testimonial_type', 'V'); $query->orderBy('year', 'DESC'); //$result = $query->extend('PagerDefault')->limit(3)->execute(); $result = $query->execute(); $page_content .= "
"; while($row = $result->fetchObject()) { $speakerquery = db_select('fellows'); $speakerquery->fields('fellows'); $speakerquery->condition('t_id', $row->id); $speakerresult = $speakerquery->execute(); $page_content .= "
"; while($speakerrow = $speakerresult->fetchObject()){ $page_content .= "

Institute: {$speakerrow->institute}, {$speakerrow->place}

"; } $page_content .= "{$row->activity}

Floss: {$row->fellowship_task}

Year of participation: {$row->year}

"; } $page_content .= "
"; //$page_content .= theme("pager", NULL, 4, 0); $page_content .= theme('pager', array('header' => NULL, 'rows' => 4 )); return $page_content; } function get_text_testimonials() { $page_content = ""; /*$query = " SELECT * FROM fellowship_testimonials ORDER BY id DESC "; $result = pager_query($query, 4, 0, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fellowship_testimonials");*/ $query = db_select('fellowship_testimonials'); $query->fields('fellowship_testimonials'); $query->condition('testimonial_type', 'T'); $query->orderBy('year', 'DESC'); //$result = $query->extend('PagerDefault')->limit(3)->execute(); $result = $query->execute(); $page_content .= "
"; while($row = $result->fetchObject()) { $speakerquery = db_select('fellows'); $speakerquery->fields('fellows'); $speakerquery->condition('t_id', $row->id); $speakerresult = $speakerquery->execute(); $speakerrow = $speakerresult->fetchObject(); $page_content .= "


"; //while($speakerrow = $speakerresult->fetchObject()){ $page_content .= "

{$speakerrow->institute}, {$speakerrow->place}
"; // } $page_content .= "{$row->fellowship_task}, {$row->activity}, {$row->year}

"; } $page_content .= "
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' . get_video_testimonials() . '
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