From d5760603472a1a4f07acdda1ef44f8115a8bc269 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Saketh1499 Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2021 10:13:41 +0530 Subject: Certificate generation --- pdf/fpdf/doc/index.htm | 59 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+) create mode 100755 pdf/fpdf/doc/index.htm (limited to 'pdf/fpdf/doc/index.htm') diff --git a/pdf/fpdf/doc/index.htm b/pdf/fpdf/doc/index.htm new file mode 100755 index 0000000..32ded00 --- /dev/null +++ b/pdf/fpdf/doc/index.htm @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + + + + +FPDF 1.82 Reference Manual + + + +

FPDF 1.82 Reference Manual

+__construct - constructor
+AcceptPageBreak - accept or not automatic page break
+AddFont - add a new font
+AddLink - create an internal link
+AddPage - add a new page
+AliasNbPages - define an alias for number of pages
+Cell - print a cell
+Close - terminate the document
+Error - fatal error
+Footer - page footer
+GetPageHeight - get current page height
+GetPageWidth - get current page width
+GetStringWidth - compute string length
+GetX - get current x position
+GetY - get current y position
+Header - page header
+Image - output an image
+Line - draw a line
+Link - put a link
+Ln - line break
+MultiCell - print text with line breaks
+Output - save or send the document
+PageNo - page number
+Rect - draw a rectangle
+SetAuthor - set the document author
+SetAutoPageBreak - set the automatic page breaking mode
+SetCompression - turn compression on or off
+SetCreator - set document creator
+SetDisplayMode - set display mode
+SetDrawColor - set drawing color
+SetFillColor - set filling color
+SetFont - set font
+SetFontSize - set font size
+SetKeywords - associate keywords with document
+SetLeftMargin - set left margin
+SetLineWidth - set line width
+SetLink - set internal link destination
+SetMargins - set margins
+SetRightMargin - set right margin
+SetSubject - set document subject
+SetTextColor - set text color
+SetTitle - set document title
+SetTopMargin - set top margin
+SetX - set current x position
+SetXY - set current x and y positions
+SetY - set current y position and optionally reset x
+Text - print a string
+Write - print flowing text
+ + -- cgit