* AD620A SPICE Macro-model * Description: Amplifier * Generic Desc: 30/36V Bipolar, Inamp, prec G=1-10,000 * Developed by: ARG/ADSC * Revision History: 08/10/2012 - Updated to new header style * 1.0 - Added V2,V3,V12,V13 and D3,D4,D15,D16 to clamp inputs to Q3,Q4 to prevent output phase reversal. * Copyright 1990, 2012 by Analog Devices, Inc. * * Refer to http://www.analog.com/Analog_Root/static/techSupport/designTools/spiceModels/license/spice_general.html for License Statement. Use of this model * indicates your acceptance with the terms and provisions in the License Statement. * * BEGIN Notes: * * Not Modeled: * * Parameters modeled include: * This version of the AD620 model simulates the worst-case parameters of the 'A' grade. * The worst-case parameters * used correspond to those in the data sheet. * * END Notes * * Node assignments * non-inverting input * | inverting input * | | positive supply * | | | negative supply * | | | | output * | | | | | ref * | | | | | | rg1 * | | | | | | | rg2 * | | | | | | | | *.SUBCKT AD620A 1 2 99 50 46 20 7 8 .SUBCKT AD620A 1 7 8 2 50 20 46 99 * * INPUT STAGE * I1 7 50 5.002E-6 I2 8 50 5.002E-6 IOS 3 4 0.5E-9 VIOS 21 3 125E-6 CCM 3 4 2E-12 CD1 3 0 2E-12 CD2 4 0 2E-12 Q1 5 4 7 QN1 Q2 6 21 8 QN1 D1 7 4 DX D2 8 21 DX R1 1 3 400 R2 2 4 400 R3 99 5 100E3 R4 99 6 100E3 R5 7 9 24.7E3 R6 8 10 24.7E3 E1 9 46 (11,5) 375E6 E2 10 46 (11,6) 375E6 V1 99 11 0.5 RV1 99 11 1E3 CC1 5 9 4E-12 CC2 6 10 4E-12 * * DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIER AND POLE AT 1MHZ * I3 18 50 5E-6 R7 99 12 11.937E3 R8 99 15 11.937E3 R9 14 18 1.592E3 R10 17 18 1.592E3 R11 9 13 10E3 R12 13 46 10E3 Q3 12 13 14 QN2 Q4 15 16 17 QN2 R13 19 16 10E3 R14 16 20 10E3 C1 12 15 6.667E-12 EOOS 19 10 POLY(1) (38,98) 1.5E-3 223.872 *EREF 98 0 POLY(2) (99,0) (50,0) 0 0.5 0.5 EREF1 98 100 99 0 0.5 EREF2 100 0 50 0 0.5 D3 13 51 DX D4 16 52 DX V2 99 51 0.7 V3 99 52 0.7 D15 53 13 DX D16 54 16 DX V12 53 50 0.7 V13 54 50 0.7 * * GAIN STAGE AND DOMINANT POLE AT 0.667HZ * R16 25 98 35.810E9 C2 25 98 6.667E-12 G1 98 25 (12,15) 83.776E-6 V6 99 26 1.53 V7 27 50 1.33 D7 25 26 DX D8 27 25 DX * * POLE AT 10MHZ * R17 40 98 1 C3 40 98 15.916E-9 G2 98 40 (25,98) 1 * * COMMON MODE STAGE WITH ZERO AT 708HZ * * E3 36 98 POLY(2) (1,98) (2,98) 0 0.5 0.5 E31 36 37 1 98 0.5 E32 37 98 2 98 0.5 R18 36 38 1E6 R19 38 98 1 C5 36 38 224.812E-12 * * OUTPUT STAGE * GSY 99 50 POLY(1) (99,50) 1.1725E-3 3.125E-6 RO1 99 45 250 RO2 45 50 250 L1 45 46 1E-6 GO1 45 99 (99,40) 4E-3 GO2 50 45 (40,50) 4E-3 GC1 43 50 (40,45) 4E-3 GC2 44 50 (45,40) 4E-3 F1 45 0 V4 1 F2 0 45 V5 1 V4 41 45 1.65 V5 45 42 1.65 D9 50 43 DY D10 50 44 DY D11 99 43 DX D12 99 44 DX D13 40 41 DX D14 42 40 DX * * MODELS USED * .MODEL DX D(IS=1E-12) .MODEL DY D(IS=1E-12 BV=50) .MODEL QN1 NPN(BF=2.5E3 KF=0.7E-15 AF=1) .MODEL QN2 NPN(BF=250 KF=0.5E-14 AF=1) .ENDS AD620A