#=============================================================================== # # FILE: openProject.py # # USAGE: --- # # DESCRIPTION: It is called whenever new project is being called. # # OPTIONS: --- # REQUIREMENTS: --- # BUGS: --- # NOTES: --- # AUTHOR: Fahim Khan, fahim.elex@gmail.com # ORGANIZATION: eSim team at FOSSEE, IIT Bombay. # CREATED: Wednesday 12 February 2015 # REVISION: --- #=============================================================================== from PyQt4 import QtGui from Validation import Validation from configuration.Appconfig import Appconfig class OpenProjectInfo(QtGui.QWidget): """ This class is called when User click on Open Project Button """ def __init__(self): super(OpenProjectInfo, self).__init__() self.obj_validation = Validation() def body(self): self.obj_Appconfig = Appconfig() self.openDir = self.obj_Appconfig.default_workspace["workspace"] #print "default workspace is now 1", self.openDir self.projDir=QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self,"open",self.openDir) if self.obj_validation.validateOpenproj(self.projDir) == True: #print "Pass open project test" self.obj_Appconfig = Appconfig() self.obj_Appconfig.current_project['ProjectName'] = str(self.projDir) else: #print "Failed open project test" reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(None, "Error Message",'''<b> Error: The project doesn't contain .proj file.</b><br/> <b>Please select the proper project directory else you won't be able to perform any operation</b>''',QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok|QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok: self.body() elif reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: pass else: pass