from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore from configuration.Appconfig import Appconfig from frontEnd import TerminalUi import os # This Class creates NgSpice Window class NgspiceWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, netlist, startSimulation): """ - Creates constructor for NgspiceWidget class. - Creates NgspiceWindow and runs the process - Calls the logs the ngspice process, returns it's simulation status and calls the plotter - Checks whether it is Linux and runs gaw :param netlist: The file .cir.out file that contains the instructions. :type netlist: str :param startSimulation: A function that disables the toolbar buttons of connects the finishSimulation function to finished.connect :type startSimulation: function """ QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self) self.obj_appconfig = Appconfig() self.process = QtCore.QProcess(self) self.projDir = self.obj_appconfig.current_project["ProjectName"] self.args = ['-b', '-r', netlist.replace(".cir.out", ".raw"), netlist] self.terminalUi = TerminalUi.TerminalUi(self.process, self.args) self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) self.layout.addWidget(self.terminalUi) # print("Argument to ngspice command : ", netlist) # This variable makes sure that finished.connect is called exactly once self.process.isFinishConnected = False self.process.\ started.\ connect(lambda: startSimulation(process=self.process, function=self.finishSimulation)) self.process.setWorkingDirectory(self.projDir) self.process.start('ngspice', self.args) self.process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect( lambda: self.readyReadAll()) self.obj_appconfig.process_obj.append(self.process) print(self.obj_appconfig.proc_dict) ( self.obj_appconfig.proc_dict [self.obj_appconfig.current_project['ProjectName']].append( ) if != "nt": self.gawProcess = QtCore.QProcess(self) self.gawCommand = "gaw " + netlist.replace(".cir.out", ".raw") self.gawProcess.start('sh', ['-c', self.gawCommand]) print(self.gawCommand) def finishSimulation(self, exitCode, exitStatus, checkNgspiceProcessFinished): """This function is intended to run when the ngspice simulation finishes. It singals to the function that generates the plots and also writes in the appropriate status of the simulation (Whether it was a success or not). :param exitCode: The exit code signal of the qprocess that runs ngspice :type exitCode: int :param exitStatus: The exit status signal of the qprocess that runs ngspice :type exitStatus: class:`QtCore.QProcess.ExitStatus` :param checkNgspiceProcessFinished: Takes the plotting function as input and uses it to generate the plots. The reason why this is passed in such a way is to minimize the no. of functions passed through a chain of objects. :type checkNgspiceProcessFinished: function """ # To stop progressbar from running after simulation is completed self.terminalUi.progressBar.setMaximum(100) self.terminalUi.progressBar.setProperty("value", 100) if exitStatus == QtCore.QProcess.NormalExit: checkNgspiceProcessFinished(exitCode) failedFormat = ' \ {} \ ' successFormat = ' \ {} \ ' if exitCode == 0: self.terminalUi.simulationConsole.append( successFormat.format("Simulation Completed Successfully!")) else: self.terminalUi.simulationConsole.append( failedFormat.format("Simulation Failed!")) self.terminalUi.simulationConsole.verticalScrollBar().setValue( self.terminalUi.simulationConsole.verticalScrollBar().maximum() ) else: self.msg = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage() self.msg.setModal(True) self.msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") self.msg.showMessage( 'Ngspice simulation did not complete successfully.' ) self.msg.exec_() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def readyReadAll(self): """Outputs the ngspice process standard output and standard error to :class:`TerminalUi.TerminalUi` console """ self.terminalUi.simulationConsole.insertPlainText( str(self.process.readAllStandardOutput().data(), encoding='utf-8') ) stderror = str(self.process.readAllStandardError().data(), encoding='utf-8') # For suppressing the PrinterOnly error that batch mode throws stderror = '\n'.join([line for line in stderror.split('\n') if ('PrinterOnly' not in line and 'viewport for graphics' not in line)]) self.terminalUi.simulationConsole.insertPlainText( stderror )