from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore from PyQt4.Qt import QTableWidgetItem import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from configuration.Appconfig import Appconfig import os class ModelEditorclass(QtGui.QWidget): ''' - Initialise the layout for dockarea - Use QVBoxLayout, QSplitter, QGridLayout to define the layout - Initalise directory to save new models, savepathtest = '../deviceModelLibrary' - Initialise buttons and options ====> - - Name Function Called ======================================== - - New opennew - - Edit openedit - - Save savemodelfile - - Upload converttoxml - - Add addparameters - - Remove removeparameter - - Diode diode_click - - BJT bjt_click - - MOS mos_click - - JFET jfet_click - - IGBT igbt_click - - Magnetic Core magnetic_click ''' def __init__(self): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self) self.savepathtest = '../deviceModelLibrary' self.obj_appconfig = Appconfig() self.newflag = 0 self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.splitter = QtGui.QSplitter() self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.splitter.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Vertical) # Initialise the table view self.modeltable = QtGui.QTableWidget() self.newbtn = QtGui.QPushButton('New') self.newbtn.setToolTip('Creating new Model Library') self.newbtn.clicked.connect(self.opennew) self.editbtn = QtGui.QPushButton('Edit') self.editbtn.setToolTip('Editing current Model Library') self.editbtn.clicked.connect(self.openedit) self.savebtn = QtGui.QPushButton('Save') self.savebtn.setToolTip('Saves the Model Library') self.savebtn.setDisabled(True) self.savebtn.clicked.connect(self.savemodelfile) self.removebtn = QtGui.QPushButton('Remove') self.removebtn.setHidden(True) self.removebtn.clicked.connect(self.removeparameter) self.addbtn = QtGui.QPushButton('Add') self.addbtn.setHidden(True) self.addbtn.clicked.connect(self.addparameters) self.uploadbtn = QtGui.QPushButton('Upload') self.uploadbtn.setToolTip( 'Uploading external .lib file to eSim') self.uploadbtn.clicked.connect(self.converttoxml) self.grid.addWidget(self.newbtn, 1, 2) self.grid.addWidget(self.editbtn, 1, 3) self.grid.addWidget(self.savebtn, 1, 4) self.grid.addWidget(self.uploadbtn, 1, 5) self.grid.addWidget(self.removebtn, 8, 4) self.grid.addWidget(self.addbtn, 5, 4) self.radiobtnbox = QtGui.QButtonGroup() self.diode = QtGui.QRadioButton('Diode') self.diode.setDisabled(True) self.bjt = QtGui.QRadioButton('BJT') self.bjt.setDisabled(True) self.mos = QtGui.QRadioButton('MOS') self.mos.setDisabled(True) self.jfet = QtGui.QRadioButton('JFET') self.jfet.setDisabled(True) self.igbt = QtGui.QRadioButton('IGBT') self.igbt.setDisabled(True) self.magnetic = QtGui.QRadioButton('Magnetic Core') self.magnetic.setDisabled(True) self.radiobtnbox.addButton(self.diode) self.diode.clicked.connect(self.diode_click) self.radiobtnbox.addButton(self.bjt) self.bjt.clicked.connect(self.bjt_click) self.radiobtnbox.addButton(self.mos) self.mos.clicked.connect(self.mos_click) self.radiobtnbox.addButton(self.jfet) self.jfet.clicked.connect(self.jfet_click) self.radiobtnbox.addButton(self.igbt) self.igbt.clicked.connect(self.igbt_click) self.radiobtnbox.addButton(self.magnetic) self.magnetic.clicked.connect(self.magnetic_click) # Dropdown for various types supported by that element, ex bjt -> npn self.types = QtGui.QComboBox() self.types.setHidden(True) self.grid.addWidget(self.types, 2, 2, 2, 3) self.grid.addWidget(self.diode, 3, 1) self.grid.addWidget(self.bjt, 4, 1) self.grid.addWidget(self.mos, 5, 1) self.grid.addWidget(self.jfet, 6, 1) self.grid.addWidget(self.igbt, 7, 1) self.grid.addWidget(self.magnetic, 8, 1) self.setLayout(self.grid) ''' - To create New Model file - Change state of other buttons accordingly, ex. enable diode, bjt, ... - Validate filename created, to check if one already exists ''' def opennew(self): self.addbtn.setHidden(True) try: self.removebtn.setHidden(True) self.modeltable.setHidden(True) except BaseException: pass os.chdir(self.savepathtest) # Opens new dialog box text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( self, 'New Model', 'Enter Model Name:') if ok: self.newflag = 1 self.diode.setDisabled(False) self.bjt.setDisabled(False) self.mos.setDisabled(False) self.jfet.setDisabled(False) self.igbt.setDisabled(False) self.magnetic.setDisabled(False) self.modelname = (str(text)) else: pass # Validate if the file created exists already or not # Show error accordingly self.validation(text) ''' - Call function, openfiletype, which opens the table view for Diode specs - Set states for other elements - Diode has no types, so hide that ''' def diode_click(self): self.openfiletype('Diode') self.types.setHidden(True) ''' - Set states for other elements - Initialise types combo box elements - - NPN - - PNP - Open the default type in the table - Add an event listener for type-selection event ''' def bjt_click(self): self.types.setHidden(False) self.types.clear() self.types.addItem('NPN') self.types.addItem('PNP') # Open in table default filetype = str(self.types.currentText()) self.openfiletype(filetype) # When element selected from combo box, call setfiletype self.types.activated[str].connect(self.setfiletype) ''' - Set states for other elements - Initialise types combo box elements - - NMOS(Level-1 5um) - - NMOS(Level-3 0.5um) - - ... - Open the default type in the table - Add an event listener for type-selection event ''' def mos_click(self): self.types.setHidden(False) self.types.clear() self.types.addItem('NMOS(Level-1 5um)') self.types.addItem('NMOS(Level-3 0.5um)') self.types.addItem('NMOS(Level-8 180um)') self.types.addItem('PMOS(Level-1 5um)') self.types.addItem('PMOS(Level-3 0.5um)') self.types.addItem('PMOS(Level-8 180um)') filetype = str(self.types.currentText()) self.openfiletype(filetype) self.types.activated[str].connect(self.setfiletype) ''' - Set states for other elements - Initialise types combo box elements - - N-JFET - - P-JFET - Open the default type in the table - Add an event listener for type-selection event ''' def jfet_click(self): self.types.setHidden(False) self.types.clear() self.types.addItem('N-JFET') self.types.addItem('P-JFET') filetype = str(self.types.currentText()) self.openfiletype(filetype) self.types.activated[str].connect(self.setfiletype) ''' - Set states for other elements - Initialise types combo box elements - - N-IGBT - - P-IGBT - Open the default type in the table - Add an event listener for type-selection event ''' def igbt_click(self): self.types.setHidden(False) self.types.clear() self.types.addItem('N-IGBT') self.types.addItem('P-IGBT') filetype = str(self.types.currentText()) self.openfiletype(filetype) self.types.activated[str].connect(self.setfiletype) ''' - Set states for other elements - Initialise types combo box elements - Open the default type in the table - Add an event listener for type-selection event - No types here, only one view ''' def magnetic_click(self): self.openfiletype('Magnetic Core') self.types.setHidden(True) ''' - Triggered when each type selected - Get the type clicked, from text - Open appropriate table using openfiletype(filetype) ''' def setfiletype(self, text): self.filetype = str(text) self.openfiletype(self.filetype) ''' - Select path for the filetype passed - Accordingly call `createtable(path)` to draw tables usingg QTable - Check for the state of button before rendering ''' def openfiletype(self, filetype): self.path = '../deviceModelLibrary/Templates' if self.diode.isChecked(): if filetype == 'Diode': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'D.xml') self.createtable(path) if self.bjt.isChecked(): if filetype == 'NPN': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'NPN.xml') self.createtable(path) elif filetype == 'PNP': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'PNP.xml') self.createtable(path) if self.mos.isChecked(): if filetype == 'NMOS(Level-1 5um)': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'NMOS-5um.xml') self.createtable(path) elif filetype == 'NMOS(Level-3 0.5um)': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'NMOS-0.5um.xml') self.createtable(path) elif filetype == 'NMOS(Level-8 180um)': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'NMOS-180nm.xml') self.createtable(path) elif filetype == 'PMOS(Level-1 5um)': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'PMOS-5um.xml') self.createtable(path) elif filetype == 'PMOS(Level-3 0.5um)': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'PMOS-0.5um.xml') self.createtable(path) elif filetype == 'PMOS(Level-8 180um)': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'PMOS-180nm.xml') self.createtable(path) if self.jfet.isChecked(): if filetype == 'N-JFET': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'NJF.xml') self.createtable(path) elif filetype == 'P-JFET': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'PJF.xml') self.createtable(path) if self.igbt.isChecked(): if filetype == 'N-IGBT': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'NIGBT.xml') self.createtable(path) elif filetype == 'P-IGBT': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'PIGBT.xml') self.createtable(path) if self.magnetic.isChecked(): if filetype == 'Magnetic Core': path = os.path.join(self.path, 'CORE.xml') self.createtable(path) else: pass ''' - When `Edit` button clicked, this function called - Set states for other buttons accordingly - Open the file selector box with path as deviceModelLibrary and filetype set as .lib, save it in `self.editfile` - Create table for the selected .lib file using `self.createtable(path)` - Handle exception of no file selected ''' def openedit(self): os.chdir(self.savepathtest) self.newflag = 0 self.addbtn.setHidden(True) self.types.setHidden(True) self.diode.setDisabled(True) self.mos.setDisabled(True) self.jfet.setDisabled(True) self.igbt.setDisabled(True) self.bjt.setDisabled(True) self.magnetic.setDisabled(True) try: self.editfile = str( QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Open Library Directory", "../deviceModelLibrary", "*.lib")) self.createtable(self.editfile) except BaseException: print("No File selected for edit") pass ''' - Set states for other components - Initialise QTable widget - Set options for QTable widget - Place QTable widget, using `self.grid.addWidget` - Select the `.xml` file from the modelfile passed as `.lib` - Use ET (xml.etree.ElementTree) to parse the xml file - Extract data from the XML and store it in `modeldict` - Show the extracted data in QTableWidget - Can edit QTable inplace, connect `edit_modeltable` function for editing ''' def createtable(self, modelfile): self.savebtn.setDisabled(False) self.addbtn.setHidden(False) self.removebtn.setHidden(False) self.modelfile = modelfile self.modeldict = {} self.modeltable = QtGui.QTableWidget() self.modeltable.resizeColumnsToContents() self.modeltable.setColumnCount(2) self.modeltable.resizeRowsToContents() self.modeltable.resize(200, 200) self.grid.addWidget(self.modeltable, 3, 2, 8, 2) filepath, filename = os.path.split(self.modelfile) base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) self.modelfile = os.path.join(filepath, base + '.xml') print("Model File used for creating table : ", self.modelfile) self.tree = ET.parse(self.modelfile) self.root = self.tree.getroot() for elem in self.tree.iter(tag='ref_model'): self.ref_model = elem.text for elem in self.tree.iter(tag='model_name'): self.model_name = elem.text row = 0 # get data from XML and store to dictionary (self.modeldict) for params in self.tree.findall('param'): for paramlist in params: self.modeldict[paramlist.tag] = paramlist.text row = row + 1 self.modeltable.setRowCount(row) count = 0 # setItem in modeltable, for each item in modeldict for tags, values in list(self.modeldict.items()): self.modeltable.setItem(count, 0, QTableWidgetItem(tags)) try: valueitem = QTableWidgetItem(values) except BaseException: pass self.modeltable.setItem(count, 1, valueitem) count = count + 1 self.modeltable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ("Parameters;Values").split(";") ) self.modeltable.itemChanged.connect(self.edit_modeltable) ''' - Called when editing model inplace in QTableWidget - Set states of other components - Get data from the modeltable of the selected row - Edit name and value as per needed - Add the val name pair in the modeldict ''' def edit_modeltable(self): self.savebtn.setDisabled(False) try: indexitem = self.modeltable.currentItem() name = str( rowno = indexitem.row() para = self.modeltable.item(rowno, 0) val = str( self.modeldict[val] = name except BaseException: pass ''' - Called when `Add` button clicked beside QTableWidget - Open up dialog box to enter parameter and value accordingly - Validate if parameter already in list of parameters - Accordingly add parameter and value in modeldict as well as table - text1 => parameter, text2 => value ''' def addparameters(self): text1, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( self, 'Parameter', 'Enter Parameter') if ok: if text1 in list(self.modeldict.keys()): self.msg = QtGui.QErrorMessage(self) self.msg.showMessage( "The paramaeter " + text1 + " is already in the list") self.msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") return text2, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( self, 'Value', 'Enter Value') if ok: currentRowCount = self.modeltable.rowCount() self.modeltable.insertRow(currentRowCount) self.modeltable.setItem( currentRowCount, 0, QTableWidgetItem(text1)) self.modeltable.setItem( currentRowCount, 1, QTableWidgetItem(text2)) self.modeldict[str(text1)] = str(text2) else: pass else: pass ''' - Called when save functon clicked - If new file created, call `createXML` file - Else call `savethefile` ''' def savemodelfile(self): if self.newflag == 1: self.createXML(self.model_name) else: self.savethefile(self.editfile) ''' - Create .xml and .lib file if new model is being created - Save it in the corresponding compoenent directory, example Diode, IGBT.. - For each component, separate folder is there - Check the contents of .lib and .xml file to understand their structure ''' def createXML(self, model_name): root = ET.Element("library") ET.SubElement(root, "model_name").text = model_name ET.SubElement(root, "ref_model").text = self.modelname param = ET.SubElement(root, "param") for tags, text in list(self.modeldict.items()): ET.SubElement(param, tags).text = text tree = ET.ElementTree(root) defaultcwd = os.getcwd() self.savepath = '../deviceModelLibrary' if self.diode.isChecked(): savepath = os.path.join(self.savepath, 'Diode') os.chdir(savepath) txtfile = open(self.modelname + '.lib', 'w') txtfile.write( '.MODEL ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + '(') for tags, text in list(self.modeldict.items()): txtfile.write(' ' + tags + '=' + text) txtfile.write(' )') tree.write(self.modelname + ".xml") self.obj_appconfig.print_info( 'New ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + ' library created at ' + os.getcwd()) if self.mos.isChecked(): savepath = os.path.join(self.savepath, 'MOS') os.chdir(savepath) txtfile = open(self.modelname + '.lib', 'w') txtfile.write( '.MODEL ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + '(') for tags, text in list(self.modeldict.items()): txtfile.write(' ' + tags + '=' + text) txtfile.write(' )') tree.write(self.modelname + ".xml") self.obj_appconfig.print_info( 'New ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + ' library created at ' + os.getcwd()) if self.jfet.isChecked(): savepath = os.path.join(self.savepath, 'JFET') os.chdir(savepath) txtfile = open(self.modelname + '.lib', 'w') txtfile.write( '.MODEL ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + '(') for tags, text in list(self.modeldict.items()): txtfile.write(' ' + tags + '=' + text) txtfile.write(' )') tree.write(self.modelname + ".xml") self.obj_appconfig.print_info( 'New ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + ' library created at ' + os.getcwd()) if self.igbt.isChecked(): savepath = os.path.join(self.savepath, 'IGBT') os.chdir(savepath) txtfile = open(self.modelname + '.lib', 'w') txtfile.write( '.MODEL ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + '(') for tags, text in list(self.modeldict.items()): txtfile.write(' ' + tags + '=' + text) txtfile.write(' )') tree.write(self.modelname + ".xml") self.obj_appconfig.print_info( 'New ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + ' library created at ' + os.getcwd()) if self.magnetic.isChecked(): savepath = os.path.join(self.savepath, 'Misc') os.chdir(savepath) txtfile = open(self.modelname + '.lib', 'w') txtfile.write( '.MODEL ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + '(') for tags, text in list(self.modeldict.items()): txtfile.write(' ' + tags + '=' + text) txtfile.write(' )') tree.write(self.modelname + ".xml") self.obj_appconfig.print_info( 'New ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + ' library created at ' + os.getcwd()) if self.bjt.isChecked(): savepath = os.path.join(self.savepath, 'Transistor') os.chdir(savepath) txtfile = open(self.modelname + '.lib', 'w') txtfile.write( '.MODEL ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + '(') for tags, text in list(self.modeldict.items()): txtfile.write(' ' + tags + '=' + text) txtfile.write(' )') tree.write(self.modelname + ".xml") self.obj_appconfig.print_info( 'New ' + self.modelname + ' ' + self.model_name + ' library created at ' + os.getcwd()) txtfile.close() os.chdir(defaultcwd) ''' - This function checks if the file (xml type) with the name already exists - Accordingly show error message ''' def validation(self, text): newfilename = text + '.xml' all_dir = [x[0] for x in os.walk(self.savepathtest)] for each_dir in all_dir: all_files = os.listdir(each_dir) if newfilename in all_files: self.msg = QtGui.QErrorMessage(self) self.msg.showMessage( 'The file with name ' + text + ' already exists.') self.msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") ''' - This function save the editing in the model table - Create .lib and .xml file for the editfile path and replace them - Also print Updated Library with libpath in the command window ''' def savethefile(self, editfile): xmlpath, file = os.path.split(editfile) filename = os.path.splitext(file)[0] libpath = os.path.join(xmlpath, filename + '.lib') libfile = open(libpath, 'w') libfile.write( '.MODEL ' + self.ref_model + ' ' + self.model_name + '(') for tags, text in list(self.modeldict.items()): libfile.write(' ' + tags + '=' + text) libfile.write(' )') libfile.close() root = ET.Element("library") ET.SubElement(root, "model_name").text = self.model_name ET.SubElement(root, "ref_model").text = self.ref_model param = ET.SubElement(root, "param") for tags, text in list(self.modeldict.items()): ET.SubElement(param, tags).text = text tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write(os.path.join(xmlpath, filename + ".xml")) self.obj_appconfig.print_info('Updated library ' + libpath) ''' - Get the index of the current selected item - Remove the whole row from QTable Widget - Remove the param,value pair from modeldict ''' def removeparameter(self): self.savebtn.setDisabled(False) index = self.modeltable.currentIndex() remove_item = self.modeltable.item(index.row(), 0).text() self.modeltable.removeRow(index.row()) del self.modeldict[str(remove_item)] ''' - Called when upload button clicked - Used to read file form a certain location for .lib extension - Accordingly parse it and extract modelname and modelref - Also extract param value pairs - Take input the name of the library you want to save it as - Save it in `User Libraries` with the given name, and input from uploaded file ''' def converttoxml(self): os.chdir(self.savepathtest) self.addbtn.setHidden(True) self.removebtn.setHidden(True) self.modeltable.setHidden(True) model_dict = {} stringof = [] self.libfile = str( QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Open Library Directory", "../deviceModelLibrary", "*.lib")) libopen = open(self.libfile) filedata = modelcount = 0 for words in filedata: modelcount = modelcount + 1 if words.lower() == '.model': break ref_model = filedata[modelcount] model_name = filedata[modelcount + 1] model_name = list(model_name) modelnamecnt = 0 flag = 0 for chars in model_name: modelnamecnt = modelnamecnt + 1 if chars == '(': flag = 1 break if flag == 1: model_name = ''.join(model_name[0:modelnamecnt - 1]) else: model_name = ''.join(model_name) libopen1 = open(self.libfile) while True: char = if not char: break stringof.append(char) count = 0 for chars in stringof: count = count + 1 if chars == '(': break count1 = 0 for chars in stringof: count1 = count1 + 1 if chars == ')': break stringof = stringof[count:count1 - 1] stopcount = [] listofname = [] stopcount.append(0) count = 0 for chars in stringof: count = count + 1 if chars == '=': stopcount.append(count) stopcount.append(count) i = 0 for no in stopcount: try: listofname.append( ''.join(stringof[int(stopcount[i]):int(stopcount[i + 1])])) i = i + 1 except BaseException: pass listoflist = [] listofname2 = [ el.replace( '\t', '').replace( '\n', ' ').replace( '+', '').replace( ')', '').replace( '=', '') for el in listofname] listofname = [] for item in listofname2: listofname.append(item.rstrip().lstrip()) for values in listofname: valuelist = values.split(' ') listoflist.append(valuelist) for i in range(1, len(listoflist)): model_dict[listoflist[0][0]] = listoflist[1][0] try: model_dict[listoflist[i][-1]] = listoflist[i + 1][0] except BaseException: pass root = ET.Element("library") ET.SubElement(root, "model_name").text = model_name ET.SubElement(root, "ref_model").text = ref_model param = ET.SubElement(root, "param") for tags, text in list(model_dict.items()): ET.SubElement(param, tags).text = text tree = ET.ElementTree(root) defaultcwd = os.getcwd() savepath = os.path.join(self.savepathtest, 'User Libraries') os.chdir(savepath) text, ok1 = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( self, 'Model Name', 'Enter Model Library Name') if ok1: tree.write(text + ".xml") fileopen = open(text + ".lib", 'w') f = open(self.libfile) fileopen.write( f.close() fileopen.close() os.chdir(defaultcwd) libopen.close() libopen1.close()