# ============================================================================== # FILE: createkicad.py # # USAGE: --- # # DESCRIPTION: This define all components of to create the Kicad Library. # # OPTIONS: --- # REQUIREMENTS: --- # BUGS: --- # NOTES: --- # AUTHOR: Sumanto Kar, sumantokar@iitb.ac.in, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay # ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Rahul Paknikar, rahulp@iitb.ac.in, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay # Digvijay Singh, digvijay.singh@iitb.ac.in, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay # Prof. Maheswari R. and Team, VIT Chennai # GUIDED BY: Steve Hoover, Founder Redwood EDA # Kunal Ghosh, VLSI System Design Corp.Pvt.Ltd # Anagha Ghosh, VLSI System Design Corp.Pvt.Ltd # OTHER CONTRIBUTERS: # Prof. Madhuri Kadam, Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering # Rohinth Ram, Madras Institue of Technology # Charaan S., Madras Institue of Technology # Nalinkumar S., Madras Institue of Technology # Partha Singha Roy, Kalyani Government Engineering College # ORGANIZATION: eSim Team at FOSSEE, IIT Bombay # CREATED: Monday 29, November 2021 # REVISION: Friday 16, June 2023 # ============================================================================== from . import Appconfig import re import os import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET from PyQt5 import QtWidgets class AutoSchematic: def init(self, modelname, modelpath): self.App_obj = Appconfig.Appconfig() self.modelname = modelname.split('.')[0] self.template = self.App_obj.kicad_sym_template.copy() self.xml_loc = self.App_obj.xml_loc self.lib_loc = self.App_obj.lib_loc self.modelpath = modelpath if os.name == 'nt': eSim_src = self.App_obj.src_home inst_dir = eSim_src.replace('\\eSim', '') self.kicad_ngveri_sym = \ inst_dir + '/KiCad/share/kicad/symbols/eSim_Ngveri.kicad_sym' else: self.kicad_ngveri_sym = \ '/usr/share/kicad/symbols/eSim_Ngveri.kicad_sym' # self.parser = self.App_obj.parser_ngveri def createKicadSymbol(self): ''' creating KiCad library using this function ''' xmlFound = None for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.xml_loc): if (str(self.modelname) + '.xml') in files: xmlFound = root print(xmlFound) break if xmlFound is None: self.getPortInformation() self.createXML() self.createSym() elif (xmlFound == os.path.join(self.xml_loc, 'Ngveri')): print('Library already exists...') ret = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning( None, "Warning", '''Library files for this model''' + ''' already exist. Do you want to overwrite it?
If yes press ok, else cancel it and ''' + '''change the name of your verilog model.''', QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel ) if ret == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok: print("Overwriting existing libraries") self.getPortInformation() self.createXML() self.removeOldLibrary() # Removes the existing library self.createSym() else: print("Library Creation Cancelled") return "Error" else: print('Pre-existing library...') ret = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical( self.parent, "Error", '''A standard library already ''' + '''exists with this name.
Please change the ''' + '''name of your verilog model and add it again.''', QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok ) def getPortInformation(self): ''' getting the port information here ''' portInformation = PortInfo(self, self.modelpath) portInformation.getPortInfo() self.portInfo = portInformation.bit_list self.input_length = portInformation.input_len self.portName = portInformation.port_name def createXML(self): ''' creating the XML files at `library/modelParamXML/Ngveri` ''' cwd = os.getcwd() xmlDestination = os.path.join(self.xml_loc, 'Ngveri') self.splitText = "" for bit in self.portInfo[:-1]: self.splitText += bit + "-V:" self.splitText += self.portInfo[-1] + "-V" print("changing directory to ", xmlDestination) os.chdir(xmlDestination) root = ET.Element("model") ET.SubElement(root, "name").text = self.modelname ET.SubElement(root, "type").text = "Ngveri" ET.SubElement(root, "node_number").text = str(len(self.portInfo)) ET.SubElement(root, "title").text = ( "Add parameters for " + str(self.modelname)) ET.SubElement(root, "split").text = self.splitText param = ET.SubElement(root, "param") ET.SubElement(param, "rise_delay", default="1.0e-9").text = ( "Enter Rise Delay (default=1.0e-9)") ET.SubElement(param, "fall_delay", default="1.0e-9").text = ( "Enter Fall Delay (default=1.0e-9)") ET.SubElement(param, "input_load", default="1.0e-12").text = ( "Enter Input Load (default=1.0e-12)") ET.SubElement(param, "instance_id", default="1").text = ( "Enter Instance ID (Between 0-99)") tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write(str(self.modelname) + '.xml') print("Leaving the directory ", xmlDestination) os.chdir(cwd) def findBlockSize(self): ''' Calculates the maximum between input and output ports ''' ind = self.input_length return max( self.char_sum(self.portInfo[:ind]), self.char_sum(self.portInfo[ind:]) ) def char_sum(self, ls): return sum([int(x) for x in ls]) def removeOldLibrary(self): ''' removing the old library ''' cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.lib_loc) print("Changing directory to ", self.lib_loc) sym_file = open(self.kicad_ngveri_sym) lines = sym_file.readlines() sym_file.close() output = [] line_reading_flag = False for line in lines: if line.startswith("(symbol"): # Eeschema Template start if line.split()[1] == f"\"{self.modelname}\"": line_reading_flag = True if not line_reading_flag: output.append(line) if line.startswith("))"): # Eeschema Template end line_reading_flag = False sym_file = open(self.kicad_ngveri_sym, 'w') for line in output: sym_file.write(line) os.chdir(cwd) print("Leaving directory, ", self.lib_loc) def createSym(self): ''' creating the symbol ''' self.dist_port = 2.54 # Distance between two ports (mil) self.inc_size = 2.54 # Increment size of a block (mil) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.lib_loc) print("Changing directory to ", self.lib_loc) # Removing ")" from "eSim_Ngveri.kicad_sym" file = open(self.kicad_ngveri_sym, "r") content_file = file.read() new_content_file = content_file[:-1] file.close() file = open(self.kicad_ngveri_sym, "w") file.write(new_content_file) file.close() # Appending new schematic block sym_file = open(self.kicad_ngveri_sym, "a") line1 = self.template["start_def"] line1 = line1.split() line1 = [w.replace('comp_name', self.modelname) for w in line1] self.template["start_def"] = ' '.join(line1) if os.stat(self.kicad_ngveri_sym).st_size == 0: sym_file.write( "(kicad_symbol_lib (version 20211014) " + "(generator kicad_symbol_editor)" + "\n\n" ) # Eeschema starter code # sym_file.write("#encoding utf-8"+ "\n"+ "#"+ "\n" + # "#test_compo" + "\n"+ "#"+ "\n") sym_file.write( self.template["start_def"] + "\n" + self.template["U_field"] + "\n" ) line3 = self.template["comp_name_field"] line3 = line3.split() line3 = [w.replace('comp_name', self.modelname) for w in line3] self.template["comp_name_field"] = ' '.join(line3) sym_file.write(self.template["comp_name_field"] + "\n") line4 = self.template["blank_field"] line4_1 = line4[0] line4_2 = line4[1] line4_1 = line4_1.split() line4_1 = [w.replace('blank_quotes', '""') for w in line4_1] line4_2 = line4_2.split() line4_2 = [w.replace('blank_quotes', '""') for w in line4_2] line4[0] = ' '.join(line4_1) line4[1] = ' '.join(line4_2) self.template["blank_qoutes"] = line4 sym_file.write(line4[0] + "\n" + line4[1] + "\n") draw_pos = self.template["draw_pos"] draw_pos = draw_pos.split() draw_pos = \ [w.replace('comp_name', f"{self.modelname}_0_1") for w in draw_pos] draw_pos[8] = str(float(draw_pos[8]) + # previously it is (-) float(self.findBlockSize() * self.inc_size)) draw_pos_rec = draw_pos[8] self.template["draw_pos"] = ' '.join(draw_pos) sym_file.write( self.template["draw_pos"] + "\n" + self.template["start_draw"] + " \"" + f"{self.modelname}_1_1\"" + "\n" ) input_port = self.template["input_port"] input_port = input_port.split() output_port = self.template["output_port"] output_port = output_port.split() inputs = self.portInfo[0: self.input_length] outputs = self.portInfo[self.input_length:] inputName = [] outputName = [] for i in range(self.input_length): for j in range(int(inputs[i])): inputName.append( self.portName[i] + str(int(inputs[i]) - j - 1)) for i in range(self.input_length, len(self.portName)): for j in range(int(outputs[i - self.input_length])): outputName.append( self.portName[i] + str(int(outputs[i - self.input_length]) - j - 1)) inputs = self.char_sum(inputs) outputs = self.char_sum(outputs) total = inputs + outputs port_list = [] # Set input & output port input_port[4] = draw_pos_rec output_port[4] = draw_pos_rec j = 0 for i in range(total): if (i < inputs): input_port[9] = f"\"{inputName[i]}\"" input_port[13] = f"\"{str(i + 1)}\"" input_port[4] = \ str(float(input_port[4]) - float(self.dist_port)) input_list = ' '.join(input_port) port_list.append(input_list) j = j + 1 else: output_port[9] = f"\"{outputName[i - inputs]}\"" output_port[13] = f"\"{str(i + 1)}\"" output_port[4] = \ str(float(output_port[4]) - float(self.dist_port)) output_list = ' '.join(output_port) port_list.append(output_list) for ports in port_list: sym_file.write(ports + "\n") sym_file.write( self.template["end_draw"] + "\n\n\n"+")" ) sym_file.close() os.chdir(cwd) class PortInfo: ''' The class contains port information ''' def __init__(self, model, modelpath): self.modelname = model.modelname self.bit_list = [] self.port_name = [] self.input_len = 0 self.modelpath = modelpath def getPortInfo(self): ''' getting the port information from `connection_info.txt` ''' input_list = [] output_list = [] read_file = open(self.modelpath + 'connection_info.txt', 'r') data = read_file.readlines() # print(data) read_file.close() for line in data: if re.match(r'^\s*$', line): pass else: in_items = re.findall( "INPUT", line, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE ) inout_items = re.findall( "INOUT", line, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE ) out_items = re.findall( "OUTPUT", line, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE ) if in_items: input_list.append(line.split()) if inout_items: input_list.append(line.split()) if out_items: output_list.append(line.split()) for in_list in input_list: self.bit_list.append(in_list[2]) self.port_name.append(in_list[0]) self.input_len = len(self.bit_list) for out_list in output_list: self.bit_list.append(out_list[2]) self.port_name.append(out_list[0])