# ========================================================================= # FILE: NgVeri.py # # USAGE: --- # # DESCRIPTION: This define all components of the NgVeri Tab. # # OPTIONS: --- # REQUIREMENTS: --- # BUGS: --- # NOTES: --- # AUTHOR: Sumanto Kar, sumantokar@iitb.ac.in, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay # ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Rahul Paknikar, rahulp@iitb.ac.in, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay # Digvijay Singh, digvijay.singh@iitb.ac.in, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay # Prof. Maheswari R. and Team, VIT Chennai # GUIDED BY: Steve Hoover, Founder Redwood EDA # Kunal Ghosh, VLSI System Design Corp.Pvt.Ltd # Anagha Ghosh, VLSI System Design Corp.Pvt.Ltd # OTHER CONTRIBUTERS: # Prof. Madhuri Kadam, Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering # Rohinth Ram, Madras Institue of Technology # Charaan S., Madras Institue of Technology # Nalinkumar S., Madras Institue of Technology # ORGANIZATION: eSim Team at FOSSEE, IIT Bombay # CREATED: Monday 29, November 2021 # REVISION: Tuesday 25, January 2022 # ========================================================================= # importing the files and libraries from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtGui from . import Maker from . import ModelGeneration import os import subprocess from configuration.Appconfig import Appconfig from configparser import SafeConfigParser from configparser import ConfigParser # beginning class NgVeri. This class create the NgVeri Tab class NgVeri(QtWidgets.QWidget): # initialising the variables def __init__(self, filecount): print(self) QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self) # Maker.addverilog(self) self.obj_Appconfig = Appconfig() self.home = os.path.expanduser("~") self.parser = SafeConfigParser() self.parser.read(os.path.join( self.home, os.path.join('.nghdl', 'config.ini'))) self.ngspice_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'NGSPICE_HOME') self.release_dir = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'RELEASE') self.src_home = self.parser.get('SRC', 'SRC_HOME') self.licensefile = self.parser.get('SRC', 'LICENSE') self.digital_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'DIGITAL_MODEL') self.digital_home = self.digital_home.split("/ghdl")[0] + "/Ngveri" self.count = 0 self.text = "" self.entry_var = {} self.createNgveriWidget() self.fname = "" self.filecount = filecount # Creating the various components of the Widget(Ngveri Tab) def createNgveriWidget(self): self.grid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.setLayout(self.grid) self.grid.addWidget(self.createoptionsBox(), 0, 0, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) self.grid.addWidget(self.creategroup(), 1, 0, 5, 0) self.show() # Adding the verilog file in Maker tab to Ngveri Tab automatically def addverilog(self): init_path = '../../../' if os.name == 'nt': init_path = '' # b=Maker.Maker(self) print(Maker.verilogFile) if Maker.verilogFile[self.filecount] == "": reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical( None, "Error Message", "Error: No Verilog File Chosen. \ Please chose a Verilog file in Makerchip Tab", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok: self.obj_Appconfig.print_error( 'No VerilogFile. Please add a File in Makerchip Tab') return self.fname = Maker.verilogFile[self.filecount] model = ModelGeneration.ModelGeneration(self.fname, self.entry_var[0]) file = (os.path.basename(self.fname)).split('.')[0] if self.entry_var[1].findText(file) == -1: self.entry_var[1].addItem(file) model.verilogfile() error = model.verilogParse() if error != "Error": model.getPortInfo() model.cfuncmod() model.ifspecwrite() model.sim_main_header() model.sim_main() model.modpathlst() model.run_verilator() model.make_verilator() model.copy_verilator() model.runMake() model.runMakeInstall() txt = self.entry_var[0].toPlainText() if not "error" in txt.lower(): self.entry_var[0].append('''

Model Created Successfully !

''') else: self.entry_var[0].append('''

There was an error during model creation,
Please rectify the error and try again !

''') # This function is used to add additional files required by the verilog # top module def addfile(self): if len(Maker.verilogFile) < (self.filecount + 1): reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical( None, "Error Message", "Error: No Verilog File Chosen. \ Please chose a Verilog file in Makerchip Tab", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok: self.obj_Appconfig.print_error( 'No VerilogFile. Please chose\ a Verilog File in Makerchip Tab') return self.fname = Maker.verilogFile[self.filecount] model = ModelGeneration.ModelGeneration(self.fname, self.entry_var[0]) # model.verilogfile() model.addfile() # This function is used to add additional folder required by the verilog # top module def addfolder(self): if len(Maker.verilogFile) < (self.filecount + 1): reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical( None, "Error Message", "Error: No Verilog File Chosen. \ Please chose a Verilog file in Makerchip Tab", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok: self.obj_Appconfig.print_error( 'No VerilogFile. Please chose \ a Verilog File in Makerchip Tab') return self.fname = Maker.verilogFile[self.filecount] model = ModelGeneration.ModelGeneration(self.fname, self.entry_var[0]) # model.verilogfile() model.addfolder() # This function is used to clear the terminal def clearTerminal(self): self.entry_var[0].setText("") # This function is used to create buttons/options def createoptionsBox(self): self.optionsbox = QtWidgets.QGroupBox() self.optionsbox.setTitle("Select Options") self.optionsgrid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.optionsgroupbtn = QtWidgets.QButtonGroup() self.addverilogbutton = QtWidgets.QPushButton( "Run Verilog to NgSpice Converter") self.optionsgroupbtn.addButton(self.addverilogbutton) self.addverilogbutton.clicked.connect(self.addverilog) self.optionsgrid.addWidget(self.addverilogbutton, 0, 1) #self.optionsbox.setLayout(self.optionsgrid) #self.grid.addWidget(self.creategroup(), 1, 0, 5, 0) self.addfilebutton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Add Other file") self.optionsgroupbtn.addButton(self.addfilebutton) self.addfilebutton.clicked.connect(self.addfile) self.optionsgrid.addWidget(self.addfilebutton, 0, 2) #self.optionsbox.setLayout(self.optionsgrid) #self.grid.addWidget(self.creategroup(), 1, 0, 5, 0) self.addfolderbutton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Add Folder") self.optionsgroupbtn.addButton(self.addfolderbutton) self.addfolderbutton.clicked.connect(self.addfolder) self.optionsgrid.addWidget(self.addfolderbutton, 0, 3) #self.optionsbox.setLayout(self.optionsgrid) #self.grid.addWidget(self.creategroup(), 1, 0, 5, 0) self.clearTerminalBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Clear Terminal") self.optionsgroupbtn.addButton(self.clearTerminalBtn) self.clearTerminalBtn.clicked.connect(self.clearTerminal) self.optionsgrid.addWidget(self.clearTerminalBtn, 0, 4) self.optionsbox.setLayout(self.optionsgrid) #self.grid.addWidget(self.creategroup(), 1, 0, 5, 0) return self.optionsbox # This function is used to remove models in modlst of Ngspice folder if # the user wants to remove a model.Note: files do not get removed def edit_modlst(self, text): if text == "Edit modlst": return index = self.entry_var[1].findText(text) self.entry_var[1].removeItem(index) self.entry_var[1].setCurrentIndex(0) ret = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning( None, "Warning", '''Do you want to remove model:''' + text, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel ) if ret == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok: mod = open(self.digital_home + '/modpath.lst', 'r') data = mod.readlines() mod.close() data.remove(text + "\n") mod = open(self.digital_home + '/modpath.lst', 'w') for item in data: mod.write(item) self.fname = Maker.verilogFile[self.filecount] model = ModelGeneration.ModelGeneration( self.fname, self.entry_var[0]) model.runMake() model.runMakeInstall() return #else: # return # This is to remove lint_off comments needed by the verilator warnings # This function writes to the lint_off.txt here in the same folder def lint_off_edit(self, text): if text == "Edit lint_off": return index = self.entry_var[2].findText(text) self.entry_var[2].removeItem(index) self.entry_var[2].setCurrentIndex(0) ret = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning( None, "Warning", '''Do you want to remove the lint off error:''' + text, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel) if ret == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok: file = open("../maker/lint_off.txt", 'r') data = file.readlines() file.close() data.remove(text + "\n") file = open("../maker/lint_off.txt", 'w') for item in data: file.write(item) return #else: # return # This is to add lint_off comments needed by the verilator warnings # This function writes to the lint_off.txt here in the same folder def add_lint_off(self): text = self.entry_var[3].text() if self.entry_var[2].findText(text) == -1: self.entry_var[2].addItem(text) file = open("../maker/lint_off.txt", 'a+') file.write(text + "\n") file.close() self.entry_var[3].setText("") # creating various other groups like terminal, edit modlst, edit lint_off # and add lint_off def creategroup(self): self.trbox = QtWidgets.QGroupBox() self.trbox.setTitle("Terminal") # self.trbox.setDisabled(True) # self.trbox.setVisible(False) self.trgrid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.trbox.setLayout(self.trgrid) self.count = 0 self.start = QtWidgets.QLabel("Terminal") # self.trgrid.addWidget(self.start, 2,0) self.entry_var[self.count] = QtWidgets.QTextEdit() self.entry_var[self.count].setReadOnly(1) self.trgrid.addWidget(self.entry_var[self.count], 1, 1, 5, 3) self.entry_var[self.count].setMaximumWidth(1000) self.entry_var[self.count].setMaximumHeight(1000) self.count += 1 self.entry_var[self.count] = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.entry_var[self.count].addItem("Edit modlst") self.modlst = open(self.digital_home + '/modpath.lst', 'r') self.data = self.modlst.readlines() self.modlst.close() for item in self.data: if item != "\n": self.entry_var[self.count].addItem(item.strip()) self.entry_var[self.count].activated[str].connect(self.edit_modlst) self.trgrid.addWidget(self.entry_var[self.count], 1, 4, 1, 2) self.count += 1 self.entry_var[self.count] = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.entry_var[self.count].addItem("Edit lint_off") self.lint_off = open("../maker/lint_off.txt", 'r') self.data = self.lint_off.readlines() self.lint_off.close() for item in self.data: if item != "\n": self.entry_var[self.count].addItem(item.strip()) self.entry_var[self.count].activated[str].connect(self.lint_off_edit) self.trgrid.addWidget(self.entry_var[self.count], 2, 4, 1, 2) self.count += 1 self.entry_var[self.count] = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) self.trgrid.addWidget(self.entry_var[self.count], 3, 4) self.entry_var[self.count].setMaximumWidth(100) self.count += 1 self.entry_var[self.count] = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Add Lint_Off") self.entry_var[self.count].setMaximumWidth(100) self.trgrid.addWidget(self.entry_var[self.count], 3, 5) self.entry_var[self.count].clicked.connect(self.add_lint_off) self.count += 1 # CSS self.trbox.setStyleSheet(" \ QGroupBox { border: 1px solid gray; border-radius: \ 9px; margin-top: 0.5em; } \ QGroupBox::title { subcontrol-origin: margin; left: \ 10px; padding: 0 3px 0 3px; } \ ") return self.trbox