from PyQt4 import QtGui import json import TrackWidget from projManagement import Validation import os #from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET class SubcircuitTab(QtGui.QWidget): """ This class creates Subcircuit Tab in KicadtoNgspice Window It dynamically creates the widget for subcircuits. """ def __init__(self, schematicInfo, clarg1): kicadFile = clarg1 (projpath,filename) = os.path.split(kicadFile) project_name = os.path.basename(projpath) try: f = open(os.path.join(projpath,project_name+"_Previous_Values.json"),'r') data = json_data = json.loads(data) except: print "Subcircuit Previous values JSON is Empty" QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self) #Creating track widget object self.obj_trac = TrackWidget.TrackWidget() #Creating validation object self.obj_validation = Validation.Validation() #Row and column count self.row = 0 self.count = 1 #Entry count self.entry_var = {} self.subcircuit_dict_beg = {} self.subcircuit_dict_end = {} #List to hold information about subcircuit self.subDetail = {} #Stores the number of ports in each subcircuit self.numPorts = [] #Set Layout self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.setLayout(self.grid) for eachline in schematicInfo: words = eachline.split() if eachline[0] == 'x': print "Subcircuit : Words",words[0] self.obj_trac.subcircuitList[project_name+words[0]] = words self.subcircuit_dict_beg[words[0]] = self.count subbox = QtGui.QGroupBox() subgrid = QtGui.QGridLayout() subbox.setTitle("Add subcircuit for "+words[len(words)-1]) self.entry_var[self.count] = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.entry_var[self.count].setText("") global path_name try: for key in json_data["subcircuit"]: if key[0] == eachline[0] and key[1] == eachline[1]: #print "Subcircuit MATCHING---",child.tag[0], child.tag[1], eachline[0], eachline[1] try: if os.path.exists(json_data["subcircuit"][key][0]): self.entry_var[self.count].setText(json_data["subcircuit"][key][0]) path_name = json_data["subcircuit"][key][0] else: self.entry_var[self.count].setText("") except: print "Error when set text of subcircuit" except: print "Error before subcircuit" subgrid.addWidget(self.entry_var[self.count], self.row, 1) self.addbtn = QtGui.QPushButton("Add") self.addbtn.setObjectName("%d" %self.count) #Send the number of ports specified with the given subcircuit for verification. #eg. If the line is 'x1 4 0 3 ua741', there are 3 ports(4, 0 and 3). self.numPorts.append(len(words)-2) print "Number of ports of sub circuit : ",self.numPorts self.addbtn.clicked.connect(self.trackSubcircuit) subgrid.addWidget(self.addbtn, self.row, 2) subbox.setLayout(subgrid) #CSS subbox.setStyleSheet(" \ QGroupBox { border: 1px solid gray; border-radius: 9px; margin-top: 0.5em; } \ QGroupBox::title { subcontrol-origin: margin; left: 10px; padding: 0 3px 0 3px; } \ ") self.grid.addWidget(subbox) #Adding Subcircuit Details self.subDetail[self.count] = words[0] #Increment row and widget count if self.entry_var[self.count].text() == "": pass else: self.trackSubcircuitWithoutButton(self.count, path_name) self.subcircuit_dict_end[words[0]] = self.count self.row = self.row + 1 self.count = self.count + 1 def trackSubcircuit(self): """ This function is use to keep track of all Subcircuit widget """ sending_btn = self.sender() #print "Object Called is ",sending_btn.objectName() self.widgetObjCount = int(sending_btn.objectName()) self.subfile = str(QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self,"Open Subcircuit","../SubcircuitLibrary")) self.reply = self.obj_validation.validateSub(self.subfile,self.numPorts[self.widgetObjCount - 1]) if self.reply == "True": #Setting Library to Text Edit Line self.entry_var[self.widgetObjCount].setText(self.subfile) self.subName = self.subDetail[self.widgetObjCount] #Storing to track it during conversion self.obj_trac.subcircuitTrack[self.subName] = self.subfile elif self.reply == "PORT": self.msg = QtGui.QErrorMessage(self) self.msg.showMessage("Please select a Subcircuit with correct number of ports.") self.msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") elif self.reply == "DIREC": self.msg = QtGui.QErrorMessage(self) self.msg.showMessage("Please select a valid Subcircuit directory (Containing '.sub' file).") self.msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") def trackSubcircuitWithoutButton(self,iter_value,path_value): self.widgetObjCount = iter_value self.subfile = path_value self.reply = self.obj_validation.validateSub(self.subfile,self.numPorts[self.widgetObjCount - 1]) if self.reply == "True": #Setting Library to Text Edit Line self.entry_var[self.widgetObjCount].setText(self.subfile) self.subName = self.subDetail[self.widgetObjCount] #Storing to track it during conversion self.obj_trac.subcircuitTrack[self.subName] = self.subfile elif self.reply == "PORT": self.msg = QtGui.QErrorMessage(self) self.msg.showMessage("Please select a Subcircuit with correct number of ports.") self.msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") elif self.reply == "DIREC": self.msg = QtGui.QErrorMessage(self) self.msg.showMessage("Please select a valid Subcircuit directory (Containing '.sub' file).") self.msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message")