import sys import os from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET class PrcocessNetlist: """ This class include all the function required for pre-proccessing of netlist before converting to Ngspice Netlist. """ modelxmlDIR = '../modelParamXML' def __init__(self): pass def readNetlist(self, filename): f = open(filename) data = f.close() return data.splitlines() def readParamInfo(self, kicadNetlis): """Read Parameter information and store it into dictionary""" param = {} for eachline in kicadNetlis: print(eachline) eachline = eachline.strip() if len(eachline) > 1: words = eachline.split() option = words[0].lower() if option == '.param': for i in range(1, len(words), 1): paramList = words[i].split('=') param[paramList[0]] = paramList[1] return param def preprocessNetlist(self, kicadNetlis, param): """Preprocess netlist (replace parameters)""" netlist = [] for eachline in kicadNetlis: # Remove leading and trailing blanks spaces from line eachline = eachline.strip() # Remove special character $ eachline = eachline.replace('$', '') # Replace parameter with values for subParam in eachline.split(): if '}' in subParam: key = subParam.split()[0] key = key.strip('{') key = key.strip('}') if key in param: eachline = eachline.replace( '{' + key + '}', param[key]) else: print("Parameter " + key + " does not exists") value = input('Enter parameter value: ') eachline = eachline.replace('{' + key + '}', value) # Convert netlist into lower case letter eachline = eachline.lower() # Construct netlist if len(eachline) > 1: if eachline[0] == '+': netlist.append(netlist.pop() + eachline.replace('+', ' ')) else: netlist.append(eachline) # Copy information line infoline = netlist[0] netlist.remove(netlist[0]) return netlist, infoline def separateNetlistInfo(self, netlist): optionInfo = [] schematicInfo = [] for eachline in netlist: if eachline[0] == '*': continue elif eachline[0] == '.': optionInfo.append(eachline) else: schematicInfo.append(eachline) return optionInfo, schematicInfo def insertSpecialSourceParam(self, schematicInfo, sourcelist): # Inser Special source parameter schematicInfo1 = [] print("Reading schematic info for source details") for compline in schematicInfo: words = compline.split() compName = words[0] # Ask for parameters of source if compName[0] == 'v' or compName[0] == 'i': # Find the index component from circuit index = schematicInfo.index(compline) if words[3] == "pulse": Title = "Add parameters for pulse source " + compName v1 = ' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): ' v2 = ' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): ' td = ' Enter delay time (seconds): ' tr = ' Enter rise time (seconds): ' tf = ' Enter fall time (seconds): ' pw = ' Enter pulse width (seconds): ' tp = ' Enter period (seconds): ' sourcelist.append( [index, compline, words[3], Title, v1, v2, td, tr, tf, pw, tp]) elif words[3] == "sine": Title = "Add parameters for sine source " + compName vo = ' Enter offset value (Volts/Amps): ' va = ' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): ' freq = ' Enter frequency (Hz): ' td = ' Enter delay time (seconds): ' theta = ' Enter damping factor (1/seconds): ' sourcelist.append( [index, compline, words[3], Title, vo, va, freq, td, theta]) elif words[3] == "pwl": Title = "Add parameters for pwl source " + compName t_v = ' Enter in pwl format without bracket i.e t1 v1 t2 v2.... ' sourcelist.append([index, compline, words[3], Title, t_v]) elif words[3] == "ac": Title = "Add parameters for ac source " + compName v_a = ' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): ' p_a = ' Enter Phase Shift: ' sourcelist.append( [index, compline, words[3], Title, v_a, p_a]) elif words[3] == "exp": Title = "Add parameters for exponential source " + compName v1 = ' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): ' v2 = ' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): ' td1 = ' Enter rise delay time (seconds): ' tau1 = ' Enter rise time constant (seconds): ' td2 = ' Enter fall time (seconds): ' tau2 = ' Enter fall time constant (seconds): ' sourcelist.append( [index, compline, words[3], Title, v1, v2, td1, tau1, td2, tau2]) elif words[3] == "dc": Title = "Add parameters for DC source " + compName v1 = ' Enter value(Volts/Amps): ' v2 = ' Enter zero frequency: ' sourcelist.append( [index, compline, words[3], Title, v1, v2]) elif compName[0] == 'h' or compName[0] == 'f': # Find the index component from the circuit index = schematicInfo.index(compline) schematicInfo.remove(compline) schematicInfo.insert(index, "* " + compName) schematicInfo1.append( "V" + compName + " " + words[3] + " " + words[4] + " 0") schematicInfo1.append( compName + " " + words[1] + " " + words[2] + " " + "V" + compName + " " + words[5]) schematicInfo = schematicInfo + schematicInfo1 print("Source List : ", sourcelist) #print schematicInfo return schematicInfo, sourcelist def convertICintoBasicBlocks( self, schematicInfo, outputOption, modelList, plotText): print("Reading Schematic info for Model") # Insert details of Ngspice model unknownModelList = [] multipleModelList = [] plotList = [ 'plot_v1', 'plot_v2', 'plot_i2', 'plot_log', 'plot_db', 'plot_phase'] interMediateNodeCount = 1 k = 1 for compline in schematicInfo: words = compline.split() compName = words[0] #print "Compline----------------->",compline #print "compName-------------->",compName # Find the IC from schematic if compName[0] == 'u' or compName[0] == 'U': # Find the component from the circuit index = schematicInfo.index(compline) compType = words[len(words) - 1] schematicInfo.remove(compline) paramDict = {} # e.g compLine : u1 1 2 gain # compType : gain # compName : u1 #print "Compline",compline #print "CompType",compType #print "Words",words #print "compName",compName # Looking if model file is present if compType != "port" and compType != "ic" and compType not in plotList and compType != 'transfo': xmlfile = compType + ".xml" # XML Model File count = 0 # Check if model of same name is present modelPath = [] all_dir = [x[0] for x in os.walk(PrcocessNetlist.modelxmlDIR)] for each_dir in all_dir: all_file = os.listdir(each_dir) if xmlfile in all_file: count += 1 modelPath.append(os.path.join(each_dir, xmlfile)) if count > 1: multipleModelList.append(modelPath) elif count == 0: unknownModelList.append(compType) elif count == 1: try: print( "Start Parsing Previous Values XML for ngspice model :", modelPath) tree = ET.parse(modelPath[0]) root = tree.getroot() # Getting number of nodes for model and title for child in tree.iter(): if child.tag == 'node_number': num_of_nodes = int(child.text) elif child.tag == 'title': title = child.text + " " + compName elif child.tag == 'name': modelname = child.text elif child.tag == 'type': # Checking for Analog and Digital type = child.text elif child.tag == 'split': splitDetail = child.text for param in tree.findall('param'): for item in param: #print "Tags ",item.tag #print "Value",item.text if 'vector'in item.attrib: #print "Tag having vector attribute",item.tag,item.attrib['vector'] temp_count = 1 temp_list = [] for i in range(0, int( item.attrib['vector'])): temp_list.append( item.text + " " + str(temp_count)) temp_count += 1 if 'default' in item.attrib: paramDict[item.tag + ":" + item.attrib['default']] = temp_list else: paramDict[item.tag] = item.text else: if 'default' in item.attrib: paramDict[item.tag + ":" + item.attrib['default']] = item.text else: paramDict[item.tag] = item.text #print "Number of Nodes : ",num_of_nodes #print "Title : ",title #print "Parameters",paramDict # Creating line for adding model line in schematic if splitDetail == 'None': modelLine = "a" + str(k) + " " for i in range(1, num_of_nodes + 1): modelLine += words[i] + " " modelLine += compName else: print("Split Details :", splitDetail) modelLine = "a" + str(k) + " " vectorDetail = splitDetail.split(':') #print "Vector Details",vectorDetail pos = 1 # Node position for item in vectorDetail: try: if item.split("-")[1] == 'V': #print "Vector" if compType == "aswitch": modelLine += "(" for i in range(0, int( item.split("-")[0])): modelLine += words[pos] + " " pos += 1 modelLine += ") " else: modelLine += "[" for i in range(0, int( item.split("-")[0])): modelLine += words[pos] + " " pos += 1 modelLine += "] " elif item.split("-")[1] == 'NV': #print "Non Vector" for i in range(0, int( item.split("-")[0])): modelLine += words[pos] + " " pos += 1 except BaseException: print( "There is error while processing Vector Details") sys.exit(2) modelLine += compName #print "Final Model Line :",modelLine try: schematicInfo.append(modelLine) k = k + 1 except Exception as e: print( "Error while appending ModelLine ", modelLine) print("Exception Message : ", str(e)) # Insert comment at remove line schematicInfo.insert(index, "* " + compline) comment = "* Schematic Name: " + compType + ", NgSpice Name: " + modelname # Here instead of adding compType(use for XML), # added modelName(Unique Model Name) modelList.append( [index, compline, modelname, compName, comment, title, type, paramDict]) except Exception as e: print( "Unable to parse the model, Please check your your XML file") print("Exception Message : ", str(e)) sys.exit(2) elif compType == "ic": schematicInfo.insert(index, "* " + compline) modelname = "ic" comment = "* " + compline title = "Initial Condition for " + compName type = "NA" # Its is not model text = "Enter initial voltage at node for " + compline paramDict[title] = text modelList.append( [index, compline, modelname, compName, comment, title, type, paramDict]) elif compType in plotList: schematicInfo.insert(index, "* " + compline) if compType == 'plot_v1': words = compline.split() plotText.append("plot v(" + words[1] + ")") elif compType == 'plot_v2': words = compline.split() plotText.append( "plot v(" + words[1] + "," + words[2] + ")") elif compType == 'plot_i2': words = compline.split() # Adding zero voltage source to netlist schematicInfo.append( "v_" + words[0] + " " + words[1] + " " + words[2] + " " + "0") plotText.append("plot i(v_" + words[0] + ")") elif compType == 'plot_log': words = compline.split() plotText.append("plot log(" + words[1] + ")") elif compType == 'plot_db': words = compline.split() plotText.append("plot db(" + words[1] + ")") elif compType == 'plot_phase': words = compline.split() plotText.append("plot phase(" + words[1] + ")") elif compType == 'transfo': schematicInfo.insert(index, "* " + compline) # For Primary Couple modelLine = "a" + str(k) + " (" + words[1] + " " + words[2] + ") (interNode_" + str( interMediateNodeCount) + " " + words[3] + ") " modelLine += compName + "_primary" schematicInfo.append(modelLine) k = k + 1 # For iron core modelLine = "a" + str(k) + " (" + words[4] + " " + words[2] + ") (interNode_" + str( interMediateNodeCount + 1) + " " + words[3] + ") " modelLine += compName + "_secondary" schematicInfo.append(modelLine) k = k + 1 # For Secondary Couple modelLine = "a" + str(k) + " (interNode_" + str( interMediateNodeCount) + " interNode_" + str(interMediateNodeCount + 1) + ") " modelLine += compName + "_iron_core" schematicInfo.append(modelLine) k = k + 1 interMediateNodeCount += 2 modelname = "transfo" comment = "* " + compline title = "Transformer details for model " + compName type = "NA" # It is model but do not load from xml and lib file paramDict['h1_array'] = "Enter the H1 array " paramDict['primary_turns'] = "Enter the primary number of turns (default=310) " paramDict['area'] = "Enter iron core area (default=1)" paramDict['secondar_turns'] = "Enter the secondary number of turns (default=620)" paramDict['length'] = "Enter iron core length (default=0.01)" paramDict['b1_array'] = "Enter the B1 array " modelList.append( [index, compline, modelname, compName, comment, title, type, paramDict]) else: schematicInfo.insert(index, "* " + compline) print( "UnknownModelList Used in the Schematic", unknownModelList) print( "Multiple Model XML file with same name ", multipleModelList) print("Model List Details : ", modelList) return schematicInfo, outputOption, modelList, unknownModelList, multipleModelList, plotText