from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, uic import os class TerminalUi(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): """This is a class that represents the GUI required to provide details regarding the ngspice simulation. This GUI consists of a progress bar, a console window which displays the log of the simulation and button required for re-simulation and cancellation of the simulation""" def __init__(self, qProcess, args): """The constructor of the TerminalUi class param: qProcess: a PyQt QProcess that runs ngspice type: qProcess: :class:`QtCore.QProcess` param: args: arguments to be passed on to the ngspice call type: args: list """ super(TerminalUi, self).__init__() # Other variables self.darkColor = True self.qProcess = qProcess self.args = args self.iconDir = "../../images" # Load the ui file uic.loadUi("TerminalUi.ui", self) # Define Our Widgets self.progressBar = self.findChild( QtWidgets.QProgressBar, "progressBar" ) self.simulationConsole = self.findChild( QtWidgets.QTextEdit, "simulationConsole" ) self.lightDarkModeButton = self.findChild( QtWidgets.QPushButton, "lightDarkModeButton" ) self.cancelSimulationButton = self.findChild( QtWidgets.QPushButton, "cancelSimulationButton" ) self.redoSimulationButton = self.findChild( QtWidgets.QPushButton, "redoSimulationButton" ) # Add functionalities to Widgets self.lightDarkModeButton.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( self.iconDir, 'light_mode.png' ) ) ) self.lightDarkModeButton.clicked.connect(self.changeColor) self.cancelSimulationButton.clicked.connect(self.cancelSimulation) self.redoSimulationButton.clicked.connect(self.redoSimulation) # show app def writeSimulationStatusToConsole(self, isSuccess): """Writes simulation status to the console with appropriate style to the :class:`Form_Ui` console. :param isSuccess: A boolean flag used to indicate whether the simulation was a success or not :type isSuccess: bool """ failedFormat = ' \ {} \ ' successFormat = ' \ {} \ ' if self.qProcess.exitStatus() == QtCore.QProcess.NormalExit: if isSuccess: self.simulationConsole.append( successFormat.format("Simulation Completed Successfully!")) else: self.simulationConsole.append( failedFormat.format("Simulation Failed!")) def cancelSimulation(self): """This function cancels the ongoing ngspice simulation. """ if (self.qProcess.state() == QtCore.QProcess.NotRunning): return cancelFormat = '{}' self.qProcess.kill() # To show progressBar completed self.progressBar.setMaximum(100) self.progressBar.setProperty("value", 100) self.simulationConsole.append( cancelFormat.format("Simulation Cancelled!")) self.simulationConsole.verticalScrollBar().setValue( self.simulationConsole.verticalScrollBar().maximum() ) def redoSimulation(self): """This function reruns the ngspice simulation """ if (self.qProcess.state() == QtCore.QProcess.Running): return # To make the progressbar running self.progressBar.setMaximum(0) self.progressBar.setProperty("value", -1) self.simulationConsole.setText("") self.qProcess.start('ngspice', self.args) def changeColor(self): """Toggles the :class:`Ui_Form` console between dark mode and light mode """ if self.darkColor is True: self.simulationConsole.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit {\n \ background-color: white;\n \ color: black;\n \ }") self.lightDarkModeButton.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( self.iconDir, "dark_mode.png" ) ) ) self.darkColor = False else: self.simulationConsole.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit {\n \ background-color: rgb(36, 31, 49);\n \ color: white;\n \ }") self.lightDarkModeButton.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( self.iconDir, "light_mode.png" ) ) ) self.darkColor = True