from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets import os import json from configuration.Appconfig import Appconfig from projManagement.Validation import Validation # This is main class for Project Explorer Area. class ProjectExplorer(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ This class contains function: - One work as a constructor(__init__). - For saving data. - for renaming project. - for refreshing project. - for removing project. """ def __init__(self): """ This method is doing following tasks: - Working as a constructor for class ProjectExplorer. - view of project explorer area. """ QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self) self.obj_appconfig = Appconfig() self.obj_validation = Validation() self.treewidget = QtWidgets.QTreeWidget() self.window = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() header = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(["Projects", "path"]) self.treewidget.setHeaderItem(header) self.treewidget.setColumnHidden(1, True) # CSS init_path = '../../' if == 'nt': init_path = '' self.treewidget.setStyleSheet(" \ QTreeView { border-radius: 15px; border: 1px \ solid gray; padding: 5px; width: 200px; height: 150px; }\ QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:!adjoins-item { \ border-image: url(" + init_path + "images/vline.png) 0;} \ QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:adjoins-item { \ border-image: url(" + init_path + "images/branch-more.png) 0; } \ QTreeView::branch:!has-children:!has-siblings:adjoins-item { \ border-image: url(" + init_path + "images/branch-end.png) 0; } \ QTreeView::branch:has-children:!has-siblings:closed, \ QTreeView::branch:closed:has-children:has-siblings { \ border-image: none; \ image: url(" + init_path + "images/branch-closed.png); } \ QTreeView::branch:open:has-children:!has-siblings, \ QTreeView::branch:open:has-children:has-siblings { \ border-image: none; \ image: url(" + init_path + "images/branch-open.png); } \ ") for parents, children in list( self.obj_appconfig.project_explorer.items()): os.path.join(parents) if os.path.exists(parents): pathlist = parents.split(os.sep) parentnode = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem( self.treewidget, [pathlist[-1], parents] ) for files in children: QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem( parentnode, [files, os.path.join(parents, files)] ) self.window.addWidget(self.treewidget) self.treewidget.doubleClicked.connect(self.openProject) self.treewidget.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.treewidget.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.openMenu) self.setLayout(self.window) def addTreeNode(self, parents, children): os.path.join(parents) pathlist = parents.split(os.sep) parentnode = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem( self.treewidget, [pathlist[-1], parents] ) for files in children: QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem( parentnode, [files, os.path.join(parents, files)] ) ( self.obj_appconfig. proc_dict[self.obj_appconfig.current_project['ProjectName']] ) = [] ( self.obj_appconfig. dock_dict[self.obj_appconfig.current_project['ProjectName']] ) = [] def openMenu(self, position): indexes = self.treewidget.selectedIndexes() if len(indexes) > 0: level = 0 index = indexes[0] while index.parent().isValid(): index = index.parent() level += 1 menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() if level == 0: renameProject = menu.addAction("Rename Project")) renameProject.triggered.connect(self.renameProject) deleteproject = menu.addAction("Remove Project")) deleteproject.triggered.connect(self.removeProject) refreshproject = menu.addAction("Refresh")) refreshproject.triggered.connect(self.refreshProject) elif level == 1: openfile = menu.addAction("Open")) openfile.triggered.connect(self.openProject) menu.exec_(self.treewidget.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) def openProject(self): self.indexItem = self.treewidget.currentIndex() filename = str( self.filePath = str( self.indexItem.sibling(self.indexItem.row(), 1).data() ) self.obj_appconfig.print_info( 'The current project is ' + self.filePath) self.textwindow = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.textwindow.setMinimumSize(600, 500) self.textwindow.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(400, 150, 400, 400)) self.textwindow.setWindowTitle(filename) self.text = QtWidgets.QTextEdit() = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Save and Exit') self.windowgrid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() if (os.path.isfile(str(self.filePath))): self.fopen = open(str(self.filePath), 'r') lines = self.text.setText(lines) self.text.textChanged.connect(self.enable_save) vbox_main = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.textwindow) vbox_main.addWidget(self.text) vbox_main.addWidget( else: self.obj_appconfig.current_project["ProjectName"] = str( self.filePath) ( self.obj_appconfig. proc_dict[self.obj_appconfig.current_project['ProjectName']] ) = [] if ( self.obj_appconfig.current_project['ProjectName'] not in self.obj_appconfig.dock_dict ): ( self.obj_appconfig. dock_dict[ self.obj_appconfig.current_project['ProjectName']] ) = [] def enable_save(self): """This function enables save button option.""" def save_data(self): """ This function saves data before it closes the given file. It first opens file in write-mode, write operation is performed, \ closes that file and then it closes window. """ self.fopen = open(self.filePath, 'w') self.fopen.write(self.text.toPlainText()) self.fopen.close() self.textwindow.close() def removeProject(self): """ This function removes the project in explorer area by right \ clicking on project and selecting remove option. """ self.indexItem = self.treewidget.currentIndex() filePath = str( self.indexItem.sibling(self.indexItem.row(), 1).data() ) = self.indexItem.row() self.treewidget.takeTopLevelItem( if self.obj_appconfig.current_project["ProjectName"] == filePath: self.obj_appconfig.current_project["ProjectName"] = None del self.obj_appconfig.project_explorer[filePath] json.dump(self.obj_appconfig.project_explorer, open(self.obj_appconfig.dictPath["path"], 'w')) def refreshProject(self, filePath=None): """ This function refresh the project in explorer area by right \ clicking on project and selecting refresh option. """ if not filePath or filePath is None: self.indexItem = self.treewidget.currentIndex() filePath = str( self.indexItem.sibling(self.indexItem.row(), 1).data() ) if os.path.exists(filePath): filelistnew = os.listdir(os.path.join(filePath)) parentnode = self.treewidget.currentItem() count = parentnode.childCount() for i in range(count): for items in self.treewidget.selectedItems(): items.removeChild(items.child(0)) for files in filelistnew: QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem( parentnode, [files, os.path.join(filePath, files)] ) self.obj_appconfig.project_explorer[filePath] = filelistnew json.dump(self.obj_appconfig.project_explorer, open(self.obj_appconfig.dictPath["path"], 'w')) return True else: print("Selected project not found") print("==================") msg = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage(self) msg.setModal(True) msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") msg.showMessage('Selected project does not exist.') msg.exec_() return False def renameProject(self): """ This function renames the project present in project explorer area. It validates first: - If project names is not empty. - Project name does not contain spaces between them. - Project name is different between what it was earlier. - Project name should not exist. After project name is changed, it recreates the project explorer tree. """ self.indexItem = self.treewidget.currentIndex() self.baseFileName = str( filePath = str( self.indexItem.sibling(self.indexItem.row(), 1).data() ) newBaseFileName, ok = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText( self, 'Rename Project', 'Project Name:', QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Normal, self.baseFileName ) if ok and newBaseFileName: newBaseFileName = str(newBaseFileName) if not newBaseFileName.strip(): print("Project name cannot be empty") print("==================") msg = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage(self) msg.setModal(True) msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") msg.showMessage('The project name cannot be empty') msg.exec_() elif self.baseFileName == newBaseFileName: print("Project name has to be different") print("==================") msg = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage(self) msg.setModal(True) msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") msg.showMessage('The project name has to be different') msg.exec_() elif self.refreshProject(filePath): projectPath = None projectFiles = None for parents, children in list( self.obj_appconfig.project_explorer.items()): if filePath == parents: if os.path.exists(parents): projectPath, projectFiles = parents, children break self.workspace = \ self.obj_appconfig.default_workspace['workspace'] newBaseFileName = str(newBaseFileName).rstrip().lstrip() projDir = os.path.join(self.workspace, str(newBaseFileName)) reply = self.obj_validation.validateNewproj(str(projDir)) if not (projectPath and projectFiles): print("Selected project not found") print("Project Path :", projectPath) print("Project Files :", projectFiles) print("==================") msg = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage(self) msg.setModal(True) msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") msg.showMessage('Selected project does not exist.') msg.exec_() elif reply == "VALID": # rename project folder updatedProjectFiles = [] updatedProjectPath = newBaseFileName.join( projectPath.rsplit(self.baseFileName, 1)) print("Renaming " + projectPath + " to " + updatedProjectPath) # rename project folder try: os.rename(projectPath, updatedProjectPath) except BaseException as e: msg = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage(self) msg.setModal(True) msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") msg.showMessage(str(e)) msg.exec_() return # rename files matching project name try: for projectFile in projectFiles: if self.baseFileName in projectFile: oldFilePath = os.path.join(updatedProjectPath, projectFile) projectFile = projectFile.replace( self.baseFileName, newBaseFileName, 1) newFilePath = os.path.join( updatedProjectPath, projectFile) print("Renaming " + oldFilePath + " to " + newFilePath) os.rename(oldFilePath, newFilePath) updatedProjectFiles.append(projectFile) except BaseException as e: print("==================") print("Error! Revert renaming project") # Revert updatedProjectFiles for projectFile in updatedProjectFiles: newFilePath = os.path.join( updatedProjectPath, projectFile) projectFile = projectFile.replace( newBaseFileName, self.baseFileName, 1) oldFilePath = os.path.join( updatedProjectPath, projectFile) os.rename(newFilePath, oldFilePath) # Revert project folder name os.rename(updatedProjectPath, projectPath) print("==================") msg = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage(self) msg.setModal(True) msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") msg.showMessage(str(e)) msg.exec_() return # update project_explorer dictionary del self.obj_appconfig.project_explorer[projectPath] self.obj_appconfig.project_explorer[updatedProjectPath] = \ updatedProjectFiles # save project_explorer dictionary on disk json.dump(self.obj_appconfig.project_explorer, open( self.obj_appconfig.dictPath["path"], 'w')) # recreate project explorer tree self.treewidget.clear() for parent, children in \ self.obj_appconfig.project_explorer.items(): if os.path.exists(parent): self.addTreeNode(parent, children) elif reply == "CHECKEXIST": print("Project name already exists.") print("==========================") msg = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage(self) msg.setModal(True) msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") msg.showMessage( 'The project "' + newBaseFileName + '" already exist. Please select a different name or' + ' delete existing project' ) msg.exec_() elif reply == "CHECKNAME": print("Name can not contain space between them") print("===========================") msg = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage(self) msg.setModal(True) msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message") msg.showMessage( 'The project name should not ' + 'contain space between them' ) msg.exec_()