# =========================================================================
#          FILE: Appconfig.py
#         USAGE: ---
#   DESCRIPTION: This define all configuration used in Application.
#       OPTIONS: ---
#          BUGS: ---
#         NOTES: ---
#        AUTHOR: Fahim Khan, fahim.elex@gmail.com
#  ORGANIZATION: eSim team at FOSSEE, IIT Bombay.
#       CREATED: Wednesday 04 February 2015
#      REVISION:  ---
# =========================================================================

from PyQt4 import QtGui
import os
import json
from configparser import SafeConfigParser

class Appconfig(QtGui.QWidget):
    All configuration goes here.
    May change in future for code optimization.

    This class also contains function for
    - Printing error.
    - Showing warnings.
    - Dispalying information.

    # Home directory
    home = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "eSim-Workspace")
    default_workspace = {"workspace": home}
    # Current Project detail
    current_project = {"ProjectName": None}
    # Current Subcircuit detail
    current_subcircuit = {"SubcircuitName": None}
    # Workspace detail
    workspace_text = '''eSim stores your project in a folder called a \
    eSim-Workspace. You can choose a different workspace folder to use\
     for this session.'''
    procThread_list = []
    proc_dict = {}
    # holds the pids of all external windows corresponds to the current project
    dock_dict = {}  # holds all dockwidgets
    dictPath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".projectExplorer.txt")
    noteArea = {}

    parser_esim = SafeConfigParser()

    # Try catch added, since eSim cannot be accessed under parser for Win10
        modelica_map_json = parser_esim.get('eSim', 'MODELICA_MAP_JSON')
    except BaseException:
        print("Cannot access eSim in parser")

        project_explorer = json.load(open(dictPath))
    except BaseException:
        project_explorer = {}
    process_obj = []

    def __init__(self):
        super(Appconfig, self).__init__()
        # Application Details
        self._APPLICATION = 'eSim'
        self._VERSION = 'v1.1'
        self._AUTHOR = 'Fahim'

        # Application geometry setting
        self._app_xpos = 100
        self._app_ypos = 100
        self._app_width = 600
        self._app_heigth = 400

    def print_info(self, info):
        self.noteArea['Note'].append('[INFO]: ' + info)

    def print_warning(self, warning):
        self.noteArea['Note'].append('[WARNING]: ' + warning)

    def print_error(self, error):
        self.noteArea['Note'].append('[ERROR]: ' + error)