# Diode

Diode is a pn junction device, which allows the current to flow in one direction. In
this chapter different types of diodes have been discussed. The devices in this family are used in matching circuits for electronic tuning.

## Diode(S2M)

* DI_S2M Diode model
.MODEL DI_S2M D( Is=1.30u Rs=8.92m N=2.58 tt=4.32u Cjo=37.0p M=0.333 Vj=0.538 Bv=1.00k Ibv=5.00u )


## Diode(S1B)

* DI_S1B Diode model
.MODEL DI_S1B D( Is=7.31E-018 Rs=42.0m N=0.775 tt=4.32u Cjo=42.4p M=0.333 Vj=1 Bv=100 Ibv=5.00u )


## Usage/Examples

Digital logic

Rectifying a voltage

## Documentation

To know the details of S2M Diode and S1B Diode please go through with the documentation :  [S2M_datasheet](https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/14771/PANJIT/S2M.html) and [S1B_datasheet](https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/14765/PANJIT/S1B.html)

## Comments/Notes

Please note this is a complete Device modeling. 

## Contributer


Email: balakrishnaeppili0920@gmail.com

Year: 2022

Position: FOSSEE Summer Fellow 2022