# LM7809 Voltage Regulator LM7809 is a voltage regulator IC which belongs to 78xx series. It produces 9 volt constant DC output with the higher input voltages. It is used in various electronics devices or gadgets to maintain a constant DC power supply. ## Usage/Examples Voltage Step Down Power Supplies Motor Drivers Battery Chargers Solar Supplies Microcontroller power supplies ## Documentation To know the details of LM7809 IC please go through with the documentation [LM7809_datasheet](https://pdf.datasheet.live/7cb7272b/fairchildsemi.com/LM7809.pdf) ## Comments/Notes Please note this is a complete analog IC. It works fine at the time of simulation. ## Contributer Name: Ankush Mondal Email: mondalankush369@gmail.com Year: 2022 Position: FOSSEE Summer Fellow 2022