# LM386 Amplifier LM386 is power amplifier IC designed for use in low voltage consumer applications. It is used in various field of electronics applications like Radio amplifier, TV sound systems, power converter etc. The gain of the IC can be varied from 20 to 200 using external circuit or components. ## Usage/Examples Wien bridge oscillator Power converters Ultrasonic drivers Small servo drivers Intercoms Line drivers TV sound systems Portable tape player amplifiers AM to FM radio amplifiers Audio boosters Used in speakers of laptop & portable Used for voice record from microphone, battery operated speakers. ## Documentation To know the details of LM386 IC please go through with the documentation : [LM386_datasheet](https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm386.pdf) ## Comments/Notes Please note this is a complete analog IC. It works fine at the time of simulation. But remember there may be minor error for very high gain. ## Contributer Name: Ankush Mondal Email: mondalankush369@gmail.com Year: 2022 Position: FOSSEE Summer Fellow 2022