## Differential Amplifier IC Differential Amplifier is a type of amplifier circuit which is used to amplify the difference of input and give the output respectively. It is used to remove noise which is present in input signal. ## Usage/Examples It is used in Amplitude Modulation. It is used in Audio Amplifier for exact and noiseless volume control. It is used in Digital and Analog data transmission system for noise cancellation. It is used for audio and video processing. It is used as an automatic gain control circuit. It is used as an electronic switch. It is used for motor control. ## Documentation To know the details of INA106 Differential Amplifier IC please refer to this link [INA106_Differential_Amplifier_datasheet.](https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/ina106.pdf?ts=1659516896123&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.co.in%252F) ## Comments/Notes Please note this is a complete analog IC. It works fine at the time of simulation. ## Contributor Name: Vanshika Tanwar Email: vanshikatanwar30@gmail.com Year: 2022 Position: FOSSEE Summer Fellowship Intern 2022