# AD620 Amplifier

AD620 is 8-pin IC. It is a low cost, high accuracy instrumentation amplifier that requires only one external resistor to set gains of. 1 to 10,000.

## Usage/Examples

Blood Pressure Monitor

Medical ECG

Weigh Scales

Data Acquisition Equipment

Process Controls in Industry

Battery operated and portable Devices

## Documentation

To know the details of AD620 IC please go through with the documentation : [AD620_datasheet](https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/ad620.pdf)

## Comments/Notes

Please note this is a complete analog IC. Here this amplifier IC works fine for lower gains. But for getting higher gains like 500, 1000 there may be mismacthed with external resistance value.

## Contributer

Name: Ankush Mondal
Email: mondalankush369@gmail.com
Year: 2022
Position: FOSSEE Summer Fellow 2022