# Changes to be made when eSim version is updated 1. master/VERSION\ - Change the version number 2. master/conf.py\ - Update `release` variable 3. master/setup.py\ - Update `version` field in `setup` function 4. User manual - Update user manual filename as `eSim_Manual_y.x.pdf` where y.x is the updated version. - Update path in the following line at `master/src/browser/UserManual.py` with the updated manual name ```python file = os.path.realpath('library/browser/User-Manual/eSim_Manual_2.0.pdf') ``` 5. master/src/configuration/Appconfig.py\ - In function `def __init__ (self)` , update the variable `sel._VERSION` 6. master/INSTALL\ - Update the installer file names according to the latest version 7. installers/Windows/esim-setup-script.nsi\ - Update the following lines in the script ```nsi - !define PRODUCT_VERSION "y.x" - !define VERSION "a.b.c.d" - OutFile "eSim-y.x_install.exe" ``` 8. master/README.md - Update new features, OS support and other chnages that were made in the new version.