OpAmp Test with Bipolar Table Model * please run the table generator table-generator-q-2d.sp in ngspice to * create the table data file qinn-clc409-2d-1.table required by clc409mod.sub vddp vp 0 3 vddn vn 0 -3 Xopmap 0 ino outo vp vn CLC409 Rin in ino 1k Rfb ino outo 3k vin in 0 dc 0 PULSE(-1 1 20NS 20NS 20NS 500NS 1000NS) * circuit with standard bip model *.include clc409.sub * circuit with qinn bipolar table model .include clc409mod.sub .options savecurrents .control dc vin -1 1 0.1 plot v(outo) reset tran 10n 1000n plot v(outo) .endc .end