*****Single NMOS and PMOS Transistor For BSIM3 threshold voltage check (Id-Vgs) (Id-Vds) *** M1 2 1 3 4 n1 W=1u L=0.35u Pd=1.5u Ps=1.5u ad=1.5p as=1.5p vgs 1 0 3.5 vds 2 0 0.1 vss 3 0 0 vbs 4 0 0 M2 22 11 33 44 p1 W=2.5u L=0.35u Pd=3u Ps=3u ad=2.5p as=2.5p vgsp 11 0 -3.5 vdsp 22 0 -0.1 vssp 33 0 0 vbsp 44 0 0 .options Temp=27.0 * BSIM3v3.3.0 model with modified default parameters 0.18µm .model n1 nmos level=49 version=3.3.0 tox=3.5n nch=2.4e17 nsub=5e16 vth0=0.15 .model p1 pmos level=49 version=3.3.0 tox=3.5n nch=2.5e17 nsub=5e16 vth0=-0.15 *.include ./Modelcards/modelcard.nmos $ Berkeley model cards limited to L >= 0.35µm *.include ./Modelcards/modelcard.pmos $ Berkeley model cards limited to L >= 0.35µm * update of the default parameters required *.model n1 NMOS level=49 version=3.3.0 $ nearly no current due to VT > 2 V ? *.model p1 PMOS level=49 version=3.3.0 .control dc vgs 0 1.5 0.05 vbs 0 -2.5 -0.5 plot vss#branch dc vds 0 2 0.05 vgs 0 2 0.4 plot vss#branch dc vgsp 0 -1.5 -0.05 vbsp 0 2.5 0.5 plot vssp#branch dc vdsp 0 -2 -0.05 vgsp 0 -2 -0.4 plot vssp#branch .endc .end