testing loops *variables are global *vector reside only in the plot where they where created R1 r2 0 r = {5k + 50*TEMPER} V1 r2 0 1 .control *create a new plot as our base plot setplot new set curplottitle = "crossplot" set plotname=$curplot * generate vector with all (here 30) elements let result=vector(30) * reshape vector to format 5 x 6 reshape result [5][6] * vector to store temperature let tvect=vector(5) *index for storing in vectors tvect and result let index = 0 foreach var -40 -20 0 20 40 set temp = $var dc v1 0 5 1 *store name of the actual dc plot set dcplotname = $curplot * back to the base plot setplot $plotname let result[index] = {$dcplotname}.v1#branch let tvect[index] = $var settype current result let index = index + 1 destroy $dcplotname end settype temp-sweep tvect setscale tvect transpose result plot result write dc_loop.out result[0] result[1] result[2] result[3] result[4] result[5] .endc .end