proc Blt_ActiveLegend { graph } { $graph legend bind all [list blt::ActivateLegend $graph ] $graph legend bind all [list blt::DeactivateLegend $graph] $graph legend bind all [list blt::HighlightLegend $graph] } proc Blt_Crosshairs { graph } { blt::Crosshairs $graph } proc Blt_ZoomStack { graph } { blt::ZoomStack $graph } proc Blt_PrintKey { graph } { blt::PrintKey $graph } proc Blt_ClosestPoint { graph } { blt::ClosestPoint $graph } # # The following procedures that reside in the "blt" namespace are # supposed to be private. # proc blt::ActivateLegend { graph } { set elem [$graph legend get current] $graph legend activate $elem } proc blt::DeactivateLegend { graph } { set elem [$graph legend get current] $graph legend deactivate $elem } proc blt::HighlightLegend { graph } { set elem [$graph legend get current] set relief [$graph element cget $elem -labelrelief] if { $relief == "flat" } { $graph element configure $elem -labelrelief raised $graph element activate $elem } else { $graph element configure $elem -labelrelief flat $graph element deactivate $elem } } proc blt::Crosshairs { graph { event "Any-Motion" } } { $graph crosshairs on bind bltCrosshairs <$event> { %W crosshairs configure -position @%x,%y } $graph crosshairs configure -color red blt::AddBindTag $graph bltCrosshairs } proc blt::InitStack { graph } { global zoomInfo set zoomInfo($graph,interval) 100 set zoomInfo($graph,afterId) 0 set zoomInfo($graph,A,x) {} set zoomInfo($graph,A,y) {} set zoomInfo($graph,B,x) {} set zoomInfo($graph,B,y) {} set zoomInfo($graph,stack) {} set zoomInfo($graph,corner) A } proc blt::ZoomStack { graph {start "ButtonPress-1"} {reset "ButtonPress-3"} } { global zoomInfo zoomMod blt::InitStack $graph if { [info exists zoomMod] } { set modifier $zoomMod } else { set modifier "" } bind bltZoomGraph <${modifier}${start}> { blt::SetZoomPoint %W %x %y } bind bltZoomGraph <${modifier}${reset}> { if { [%W inside %x %y] } { blt::ResetZoom %W } } blt::AddBindTag $graph bltZoomGraph } proc blt::PrintKey { graph {event "Shift-ButtonRelease-3"} } { bind bltPrintGraph <$event> { Blt_PostScriptDialog %W } blt::AddBindTag $graph bltPrintGraph } proc blt::ClosestPoint { graph {event "Control-ButtonPress-2"} } { bind bltClosestPoint <$event> { blt::FindElement %W %x %y } blt::AddBindTag $graph bltClosestPoint } proc blt::AddBindTag { graph name } { set oldtags [bindtags $graph] if { [lsearch $oldtags $name] < 0 } { bindtags $graph [concat $name $oldtags] } } proc blt::FindElement { graph x y } { if ![$graph element closest $x $y info -interpolate yes] { beep return } # -------------------------------------------------------------- # find(name) - element Id # find(index) - index of closest point # find(x) find(y) - coordinates of closest point # or closest point on line segment. # find(dist) - distance from sample coordinate # -------------------------------------------------------------- set markerName "bltClosest_$info(name)" catch { $graph marker delete $markerName } $graph marker create text -coords { $info(x) $info(y) } \ -name $markerName \ -text "$info(name): $info(dist)\nindex $info(index)" \ -font *lucida*-r-*-10-* \ -anchor center -justify left \ -yoffset 0 -bg {} set coords [$graph invtransform $x $y] set nx [lindex $coords 0] set ny [lindex $coords 1] $graph marker create line -coords "$nx $ny $info(x) $info(y)" \ -name line.$markerName blt::FlashPoint $graph $info(name) $info(index) 10 blt::FlashPoint $graph $info(name) [expr $info(index) + 1] 10 } proc blt::FlashPoint { graph name index count } { if { $count & 1 } { $graph element deactivate $name } else { $graph element activate $name $index } incr count -1 if { $count > 0 } { after 200 blt::FlashPoint $graph $name $index $count update } else { eval $graph marker delete [$graph marker names "bltClosest_*"] } } proc blt::GetCoords { graph x y index } { global zoomInfo if { [$graph cget -invertxy] } { set zoomInfo($graph,$index,x) $y set zoomInfo($graph,$index,y) $x } else { set zoomInfo($graph,$index,x) $x set zoomInfo($graph,$index,y) $y } } proc blt::MarkPoint { graph index } { global zoomInfo set x [$graph xaxis invtransform $zoomInfo($graph,$index,x)] set y [$graph yaxis invtransform $zoomInfo($graph,$index,y)] set marker "zoomText_$index" set text [format "x=%.4g\ny=%.4g" $x $y] if [$graph marker exists $marker] { $graph marker configure $marker -coords { $x $y } -text $text } else { $graph marker create text -coords { $x $y } -name $marker \ -font *lucida*-r-*-10-* \ -text $text -anchor center -bg {} -justify left } } proc blt::DestroyZoomTitle { graph } { global zoomInfo if { $zoomInfo($graph,corner) == "A" } { catch { $graph marker delete "zoomTitle" } } } proc blt::PopZoom { graph } { global zoomInfo set zoomStack $zoomInfo($graph,stack) if { [llength $zoomStack] > 0 } { set cmd [lindex $zoomStack 0] set zoomInfo($graph,stack) [lrange $zoomStack 1 end] eval $cmd blt::ZoomTitleLast $graph busy hold $graph update after 2000 "blt::DestroyZoomTitle $graph" busy release $graph } else { catch { $graph marker delete "zoomTitle" } } } # Push the old axis limits on the stack and set the new ones proc blt::PushZoom { graph } { global zoomInfo eval $graph marker delete [$graph marker names "zoom*"] if { [info exists zoomInfo($graph,afterId)] } { after cancel $zoomInfo($graph,afterId) } set x1 $zoomInfo($graph,A,x) set y1 $zoomInfo($graph,A,y) set x2 $zoomInfo($graph,B,x) set y2 $zoomInfo($graph,B,y) if { ($x1 == $x2) || ($y1 == $y2) } { # No delta, revert to start return } set cmd {} foreach margin { xaxis yaxis x2axis y2axis } { foreach axis [$graph $margin use] { set min [$graph axis cget $axis -min] set max [$graph axis cget $axis -max] set c [list $graph axis configure $axis -min $min -max $max] append cmd "$c\n" } } set zoomInfo($graph,stack) [linsert $zoomInfo($graph,stack) 0 $cmd] busy hold $graph # This update lets the busy cursor take effect. update foreach margin { xaxis x2axis } { foreach axis [$graph $margin use] { set min [$graph axis invtransform $axis $x1] set max [$graph axis invtransform $axis $x2] if { $min!=$max } { if { $min > $max } { $graph axis configure $axis -min $max -max $min } else { $graph axis configure $axis -min $min -max $max } } } } foreach margin { yaxis y2axis } { foreach axis [$graph $margin use] { set min [$graph axis invtransform $axis $y1] set max [$graph axis invtransform $axis $y2] if { $min!=$max } { if { $min > $max } { $graph axis configure $axis -min $max -max $min } else { $graph axis configure $axis -min $min -max $max } } } } # This "update" forces the graph to be redrawn update busy release $graph } # # This routine terminates either an existing zoom, or pops back to # the previous zoom level (if no zoom is in progress). # proc blt::ResetZoom { graph } { global zoomInfo if { ![info exists zoomInfo($graph,corner)] } { blt::InitStack $graph } eval $graph marker delete [$graph marker names "zoom*"] if { $zoomInfo($graph,corner) == "A" } { # Reset the whole axis blt::PopZoom $graph } else { global zoomMod if { [info exists zoomMod] } { set modifier $zoomMod } else { set modifier "Any-" } set zoomInfo($graph,corner) A bind $graph <${modifier}Motion> { } } } option add *zoomTitle.font -*-helvetica-medium-R-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-* option add *zoomTitle.shadow yellow4 option add *zoomTitle.foreground yellow1 option add *zoomTitle.coords "-Inf Inf" proc blt::ZoomTitleNext { graph } { global zoomInfo set level [expr [llength $zoomInfo($graph,stack)] + 1] if { [$graph cget -invertxy] } { set coords "-Inf -Inf" } else { set coords "-Inf Inf" } $graph marker create text -name "zoomTitle" -text "Zoom #$level" \ -coords $coords -bindtags "" -anchor nw } proc blt::ZoomTitleLast { graph } { global zoomInfo set level [llength $zoomInfo($graph,stack)] if { $level > 0 } { $graph marker create text -name "zoomTitle" -anchor nw \ -text "Zoom #$level" } } proc blt::SetZoomPoint { graph x y } { global zoomInfo zoomMod if { ![info exists zoomInfo($graph,corner)] } { blt::InitStack $graph } blt::GetCoords $graph $x $y $zoomInfo($graph,corner) if { [info exists zoomMod] } { set modifier $zoomMod } else { set modifier "Any-" } if { $zoomInfo($graph,corner) == "A" } { if { ![$graph inside $x $y] } { return } # First corner selected, start watching motion events #blt::MarkPoint $graph A blt::ZoomTitleNext $graph bind $graph <${modifier}Motion> { blt::GetCoords %W %x %y B #blt::MarkPoint $graph B blt::Box %W } set zoomInfo($graph,corner) B } else { # Delete the modal binding bind $graph <${modifier}Motion> { } blt::PushZoom $graph set zoomInfo($graph,corner) A } } option add *zoomOutline.dashes 4 option add *zoomTitle.anchor nw option add *zoomOutline.lineWidth 2 option add *zoomOutline.xor yes proc blt::MarchingAnts { graph offset } { global zoomInfo incr offset if { [$graph marker exists zoomOutline] } { $graph marker configure zoomOutline -dashoffset $offset set interval $zoomInfo($graph,interval) set id [after $interval [list blt::MarchingAnts $graph $offset]] set zoomInfo($graph,afterId) $id } } proc blt::Box { graph } { global zoomInfo if { $zoomInfo($graph,A,x) > $zoomInfo($graph,B,x) } { set x1 [$graph xaxis invtransform $zoomInfo($graph,B,x)] set y1 [$graph yaxis invtransform $zoomInfo($graph,B,y)] set x2 [$graph xaxis invtransform $zoomInfo($graph,A,x)] set y2 [$graph yaxis invtransform $zoomInfo($graph,A,y)] } else { set x1 [$graph xaxis invtransform $zoomInfo($graph,A,x)] set y1 [$graph yaxis invtransform $zoomInfo($graph,A,y)] set x2 [$graph xaxis invtransform $zoomInfo($graph,B,x)] set y2 [$graph yaxis invtransform $zoomInfo($graph,B,y)] } set coords { $x1 $y1 $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2 $x1 $y1 } if { [$graph marker exists "zoomOutline"] } { $graph marker configure "zoomOutline" -coords $coords } else { set X [lindex [$graph xaxis use] 0] set Y [lindex [$graph yaxis use] 0] $graph marker create line -coords $coords -name "zoomOutline" \ -mapx $X -mapy $Y set interval $zoomInfo($graph,interval) set id [after $interval [list blt::MarchingAnts $graph 0]] set zoomInfo($graph,afterId) $id } } proc Blt_PostScriptDialog { graph } { global POSTSCRIPTWINDOW global POSTSCRIPTGRAPH set top $ toplevel $top wm title $top "Postscript out" set POSTSCRIPTWINDOW $top set POSTSCRIPTGRAPH $graph foreach var { center landscape maxpect preview decorations padx pady paperwidth paperheight width height colormode } { global $graph.$var set $graph.$var [$graph postscript cget -$var] } set row 1 set col 0 label $top.title -text "PostScript Options" blt::table $top $top.title -cspan 7 foreach bool { center landscape maxpect preview decorations } { set w $top.$bool-label label $w -text "-$bool" -font *courier*-r-*12* blt::table $top $row,$col $w -anchor e -pady { 2 0 } -padx { 0 4 } set w $top.$bool-yes global $graph.$bool radiobutton $w -text "yes" -variable $graph.$bool -value 1 blt::table $top $row,$col+1 $w -anchor w set w $top.$bool-no radiobutton $w -text "no" -variable $graph.$bool -value 0 blt::table $top $row,$col+2 $w -anchor w incr row } label $top.modes -text "-colormode" -font *courier*-r-*12* blt::table $top $row,0 $top.modes -anchor e -pady { 2 0 } -padx { 0 4 } set col 1 foreach m { color greyscale } { set w $top.$m radiobutton $w -text $m -variable $graph.colormode -value $m blt::table $top $row,$col $w -anchor w incr col } set row 1 frame $top.sep -width 2 -bd 1 -relief sunken blt::table $top $row,3 $top.sep -fill y -rspan 6 set col 4 foreach value { padx pady paperwidth paperheight width height } { set w $top.$value-label label $w -text "-$value" -font *courier*-r-*12* blt::table $top $row,$col $w -anchor e -pady { 2 0 } -padx { 0 4 } set w $top.$value-entry global $graph.$value entry $w -textvariable $graph.$value -width 8 blt::table $top $row,$col+1 $w -cspan 2 -anchor w -padx 8 incr row } blt::table configure $top c3 -width .125i button $top.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "destroy $top" blt::table $top $row,0 $top.cancel -width 1i -pady 2 -cspan 3 button $top.reset -text "Reset" -command "destroy $top" #blt::table $top $row,1 $top.reset -width 1i button $top.print -text "Print" -command {blt::ResetPostScript $POSTSCRIPTGRAPH; destroy $POSTSCRIPTWINDOW } blt::table $top $row,4 $top.print -width 1i -pady 2 -cspan 2 } proc blt::ResetPostScript { graph } { foreach var { center landscape maxpect preview decorations padx pady paperwidth paperheight width height colormode } { global $graph.$var set old [$graph postscript cget -$var] if { [catch {$graph postscript configure -$var [set $graph.$var]}] != 0 } { $graph postscript configure -$var $old set $graph.$var $old } } set types {{"Postscript File" {.ps} } {"Encapsulated Postscript File" {.eps} }}; set PSFILE [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -parent . -initialfile Untitled -defaultextension .ps] if {[string length $PSFILE]!=0} { $graph postscript output $PSFILE } }