Circuit to perform Monte Carlo simulation in ngspice * 25 stage Ring-Osc. using inverters with BSIM3 vin in out dc 0.5 pulse 0.5 0 0.1n 5n 1 1 1 vdd dd 0 dc 3.3 vss ss 0 dc 0 ve sub 0 dc 0 vpe well 0 dc 3.3 .subckt inv1 dd ss sub well in out mn1 out in ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.35u as=3p ad=3p ps=4u pd=4u mp1 out in dd well p1 w=4u l=0.35u as=7p ad=7p ps=6u pd=6u .ends inv1 .subckt inv5 dd ss sub well in out xinv1 dd ss sub well in 1 inv1 xinv2 dd ss sub well 1 2 inv1 xinv3 dd ss sub well 2 3 inv1 xinv4 dd ss sub well 3 4 inv1 xinv5 dd ss sub well 4 out inv1 .ends inv5 xinv1 dd ss sub well in out5 inv5 xinv2 dd ss sub well out5 out10 inv5 xinv3 dd ss sub well out10 out15 inv5 xinv4 dd ss sub well out15 out20 inv5 xinv5 dd ss sub well out20 out inv5 xinv11 dd 0 sub well out buf inv1 * output is buf cout buf ss 0.2pF * .options noacct * The following model parameters are varying statistically: * vth0, u0, tox * see the AGAUSS function used to define the parameter * the deviation is 10%, just for example, not measured ******************************************************************************** .model n1 nmos +level=8 +version=3.3.0 +tnom=27.0 +nch=2.498e+17 tox=AGAUSS(9e-09, 9e-09, 10) xj=1.00000e-07 +lint=9.36e-8 wint=1.47e-7 +vth0=AGAUSS(.6322,.6322,10) k1=.756 k2=-3.83e-2 k3=-2.612 +dvt0=2.812 dvt1=0.462 dvt2=-9.17e-2 +nlx=3.52291e-08 w0=1.163e-6 +k3b=2.233 +vsat=86301.58 ua=6.47e-9 ub=4.23e-18 uc=-4.706281e-11 +rdsw=650 u0=AGAUSS(388.3203,388.3203,10) wr=1 +a0=.3496967 ags=.1 b0=0.546 b1=1 +dwg=-6.0e-09 dwb=-3.56e-09 prwb=-.213 +keta=-3.605872e-02 a1=2.778747e-02 a2=.9 +voff=-6.735529e-02 nfactor=1.139926 cit=1.622527e-04 +cdsc=-2.147181e-05 +cdscb=0 dvt0w=0 dvt1w=0 dvt2w=0 +cdscd=0 prwg=0 +eta0=1.0281729e-02 etab=-5.042203e-03 +dsub=.31871233 +pclm=1.114846 pdiblc1=2.45357e-03 pdiblc2=6.406289e-03 +drout=.31871233 pscbe1=5000000 pscbe2=5e-09 pdiblcb=-.234 +pvag=0 delta=0.01 +wl=0 ww=-1.420242e-09 wwl=0 +wln=0 wwn=.2613948 ll=1.300902e-10 +lw=0 lwl=0 lln=.316394 lwn=0 +kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051 +at=22400 +ute=-1.48 +ua1=3.31e-10 ub1=2.61e-19 uc1=-3.42e-10 +kt1l=0 prt=764.3 +noimod=2 +af=1.075e+00 kf=9.670e-28 ef=1.056e+00 +noia=1.130e+20 noib=7.530e+04 noic=-8.950e-13 **** PMOS *** .model p1 pmos +level=8 +version=3.3.0 +tnom=27.0 +nch=3.533024e+17 tox=AGAUSS(9e-09,9e-09,10) xj=1.00000e-07 +lint=6.23e-8 wint=1.22e-7 +vth0=AGAUSS(-.6732829,-.6732829,10) k1=.8362093 k2=-8.606622e-02 k3=1.82 +dvt0=1.903801 dvt1=.5333922 dvt2=-.1862677 +nlx=1.28e-8 w0=2.1e-6 +k3b=-0.24 prwg=-0.001 prwb=-0.323 +vsat=103503.2 ua=1.39995e-09 ub=1.e-19 uc=-2.73e-11 +rdsw=460 u0=AGAUSS(138.7609,138.7609,10) +a0=.4716551 ags=0.12 +keta=-1.871516e-03 a1=.3417965 a2=0.83 +voff=-.074182 nfactor=1.54389 cit=-1.015667e-03 +cdsc=8.937517e-04 +cdscb=1.45e-4 cdscd=1.04e-4 +dvt0w=0.232 dvt1w=4.5e6 dvt2w=-0.0023 +eta0=6.024776e-02 etab=-4.64593e-03 +dsub=.23222404 +pclm=.989 pdiblc1=2.07418e-02 pdiblc2=1.33813e-3 +drout=.3222404 pscbe1=118000 pscbe2=1e-09 +pvag=0 +kt1=-0.25 kt2=-0.032 prt=64.5 +at=33000 +ute=-1.5 +ua1=4.312e-9 ub1=6.65e-19 uc1=0 +kt1l=0 +noimod=2 +af=9.970e-01 kf=2.080e-29 ef=1.015e+00 +noia=1.480e+18 noib=3.320e+03 noic=1.770e-13 .end .end