
A simmple MOS model for vertical power transistors (VDMOS model) is under
development. Originally it has been available in LTSPICE
(see or
SuperSpice (

It is based on the MOS1 model. The Meyer capacitance has been
replaced by a special cap model. A body diode with series
resistance is parallel to the D/S device nodes. It defines the
reverse behavior, but also the breakdown of the transistor.

Basic current equations for ac, dc and tran operations are
available as well as the capacitance model.

Subthreshold behavior (parameter ksubthres) is available,
and is compatible with LTSPICE. An alternative weak inversion
model may be seected by choosing the subslope parameter instead
of ksubthres.

A quasi saturation model enhancement is available.

The model parameters supported are:

/* basic device */
"vto",   ,"Threshold voltage"
"kp",    "Transconductance parameter"
"phi",   "Surface potential"
"lambda","Channel length modulation"
"rd",    "Drain ohmic resistance"
"rs",    "Source ohmic resistance"
"rg",    "Gate ohmic resistance"

"tnom",  "Parameter measurement temperature"
"kf",    "Flicker noise coefficient"
"af",    "Flicker noise exponent"

/* quasi saturation */
"rq",    "Quasi saturation resistance fitting parameter"
"vq",    "Quasi saturation voltage fitting parameter"

"mtriode", "Conductance multiplier in triode region"

/* weak inversion */
"subslope",  "Slope of weak inversion log current versus vgs - vth "
"subshift",  "Shift of weak inversion plot on the vgs axis "
"ksubthres", "Slope n from (vgs-vth)/n, LTSPICE and SuperSpice standard"

/* body diode */
"bv",    "Vds breakdown voltage"
"ibv",   "Current at Vds=bv"
"nbv",   "Vds breakdown emission coefficient"
"rds",   "Drain-source shunt resistance"
"rb",    "Body diode ohmic resistance"
"n",     "Bulk diode emission coefficient"
"tt",    "Body diode transit time"
"eg",    "Body diode activation energy for temperature effect on Is"
"Xti",   "Body diode saturation current temperature exponent"
"is",    "Body diode saturation current"
"vj",    "Body diode junction potential"

/* body diode capacitance (e.g. source-drain capacitance */
"fc",    "Body diode coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula"
"cjo",   "Zero-bias body diode junction capacitance"
"m",     "Body diode grading coefficient"

/* gate-source and gate-drain capacitances */
"cgdmin", "Minimum non-linear G-D capacitance"
"cgdmax", "Maximum non-linear G-D capacitance"
"a",      "Non-linear Cgd capacitance parameter"
"cgs",    "Gate-source capacitance"