This document is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) v4.0. . *************** Verilog A Device models in ngspice ****************************************** 1 Introduction New compact device models today are released as Verilog-A code. Ngspice applies ADMS to translate the va code into ngspice C syntax. Currently a limited number of Verilog-A models is supported: HICUM level0 and level2 (HICUM model web page), MEXTRAM (MEXTRAM model web page), EKV (EKV model web page) and PSP (NXP PSP web site). 2 ADMS ADMS is a code generator that converts electrical compact device models specified in high-level description language into ready-to-compile C code for the API of spice simulators. Based on transformations specified in XML language, ADMS transforms Verilog-AMS code into other target languages. Here we use it to to translate the va code into ngspice C syntax. To make use of it, a set of ngspice specific XML files is distributed with ngspice in ngspice\ src\spicelib\devices\adms\admst. Their translation is done by the code generator executable admsXml (see below). 3 How to integrate a Verilog-A model into ngspice 3.1 How to setup a *.va model for ngspice Unfortunately most of the above named models’ licenses are not compatible to free software rules as defined by DFSG. Therefore since ngspice-28 the va model files are no longer part of the standard ngspice distribution. They may however be downloaded as a tar.gz archive from the ngspice-30 file distribution folder. After downloading, you may expand the zipped files into your ngspice top level folder. The models enable dc, ac, and tran simulations. Noise simulation is not supported. Other (foreign) va model files will not compile without code tweaking, due to the limited capabilities of our ADMS installation. 3.2 Adding admsXml to your build environment The actual admsXml code is maintained by the QUCS project and is available at GitHub. Information on how to compile and install admsXml for Linux or Cygwin is available on the GitHub page. For MS Windows users admsXml.exe is available for download from You may copy admsXml.exe to your MSYS2 setup into the folder msys64\mingw64\bin, if 64 bit compilation is intended. More information, though partially outdated, is obtainable from the ngspice web pages ( and from README-old.adms. 3.3 Compile ngspice with ADMS In the top level ngspice folder there are two compile scripts and They contain information how to compile ngspice with ADMS. You will have to run with the adms flag ./ --adms In addition you have to add --enable-adms to the ./configure command. Please check chapter 32.1 of the ngspice manual for perequisites and further details. Compiling ngspice with ADMS with MS Visual Studio is not supported.