12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ANALYSES ======== This file lists the analyses currently implemented into ngspice. Table of Contents 1 Noise analysis (NOISE) 1.1 Small signal noise 1.2 Transient noise 2 Operating point analysis (OP) 3 Operating point sweep Analysis (DC) 4 Pole-zero analysis (PZ) 5 Small-Signal distortion analysis (DISTO) 6 Small Signal frequency response analysis (AC) 7 Sensitivity analysis (SENS) 8 Transfer function analysis (TF) 9 Transient analysis (TRAN) 10 Periodic steady state analysis (PSS, experimental feature) 1 Noise analysis (NOISE) 1.1 Small signal noise The noise analysis does analysis device-generated noise for the given circuit. When provided with an input source and an output port, the analysis calculates the noise contributions of each device (and each noise generator within the device) to the output port voltage. It also calculates the input noise to the circuit, equivalent to the output noise referred to the specified input source. This is done for every frequency point in a specified range - the calculated value of the noise corresponds to the spectral density of the circuit variable viewed as a stationary gaussian stochastic process. 1.2 Transient noise Time domain noise analysis during transient simulation is enabled by providing voltage (and current) source options with white, 1/f and random telegraph signal noise signals. 2 Operating point analysis (OP) The operating point analysis determines the dc operating point of the circuit with inductors shorted and capacitors opened. 3 Operating point sweep Analysis (DC) The operating point sweep analysis determines the values of output variables while one or two specified independent voltage or current source is stepped over a user-specified range and the dc output variables are stored for each sequential source value. Resistance and temperature sweep are included. 4 Pole-zero analysis (PZ) The pole-zero analysis computes the poles and/or zeros in the small-signal ac transfer function. The program first computes the dc operating point and then determines the linearized, small-signal models for all the nonlinear devices in the circuit. This circuit is then used to find the poles and zeros of the transfer function. Unfortunately this code is (since its inception in spice3) not free of bugs. 5 Small-Signal distortion analysis (DISTO) The distortion analysis computes steady-state harmonic and intermodulation products for small input signal magnitudes. Not all devices are supported. 6 Small Signal frequency response analysis (AC) The ac small-signal computes the ac output variables as a function of frequency. The program first computes the dc operating point of the circuit and determines linearized, small-signal models for all of the nonlinear devices in the circuit. The resultant linear circuit is then analyzed over a user-specified range of frequencies. 7 Sensitivity analysis (SENS) Ngspice will calculate either the DC operating-point sensitivity or the AC small-signal sensitivity of an output variable with respect to all circuit variables, including model parameters. Spice calculates the difference in an output variable (either a node voltage or a branch current) by perturbing each parameter of each device independently. 8 Transfer function analysis (TF) The (small signal) transfer function analysis computes the dc small-signal value of a transfer function (ratio of output variable to input source), input resistance, and output resistance is also computed as a part of the dc solution. 9 Transient analysis (TRAN) The transient analysis computes the transient output variables as a function of time over a user-specified time interval. The initial conditions are automatically determined by a dc analysis. All sources which are not time dependent (for example, power supplies) are set to their dc value. 10 Periodic steady state analysis (PSS) The periodic steady state analysis computes solutions for oscillating circuits. Currently only the autonomous case is implemented.