DEVICES ======= Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Linear Devices 2.1 CAP - Linear capacitor 2.2 IND - Linear inductor 2.3 RES - Linear resistor 3. Distributed Elements 3.1 CPL - Simple Coupled Multiconductor Lines (Kspice) 3.2 LTRA - Lossy Transmission line 3.3 TRA - Transmission line 3.4 TXL - Simple Lossy Transmission Line (Kspice) 3.5 URC - Uniform distributed RC line 4. Voltage and current sources 4.1 ASRC - Arbitrary Source 4.2 CCCS - Current Controlled Current Source 4.3 CCVS - Current Controlled Voltage Source 4.4 ISRC - Independent Current Source 4.5 VCCS - Voltage Controlled Current Source 4.6 VCVS - Voltage Controlled Voltage Source 4.7 VSRC - Independent Voltage Source 5. Switches 5.1 CSW - Current controlled switch 5.2 SW - Voltage controlled switch 6. Diodes 6.1 DIO - Junction Diode 7. Bipolar devices 7.1 BJT - Bipolar Junction Transistor 7.2 BJT2 - Bipolar Junction Transistor 7.3 VBIC - Bipolar Junction Transistor 8. FET devices 8.1 JFET - Junction Field Effect transistor 9. HFET Devices 9.1 HFET1 - Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor Level 1 9.2 HFET2 - Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor Level 2 10. MES devices 10.1 MES - MESFET model 10.2 MESA - MESFET model (MacSpice3f4) 11. MOS devices 11.1 MOS1 - Level 1 MOS model 11.2 MOS2 - Level 2 MOS model 11.3 MOS3 - Level 3 MOS model 11.4 MOS6 - Level 6 MOS model 11.5 MOS9 - Level 9 MOS model 11.6 BSIM1 - BSIM model level 1 11.7 BSIM2 - BSIM model level 2 11.8 BSIM3 - BSIM model level 3 vers. 0 11.9 BSIM3 - BSIM model level 3 vers. 1 11.10 BSIM3 - BSIM model level 3 vers. 2 11.11 BSIM3 - BSIM model level 3 vers. 3 11.12 BSIM4 - BSIM model level 4 11.13 HiSIM2 - Hiroshima-University STARC IGFET Model 11.14 HiSIM_HV - Hiroshima-University STARC IGFET High Voltage Model 12. SOI devices 12.1 BSIM3SOI_FD - SOI model (fully depleted devices) 12.2 BSIM3SOI_DD - SOI Model (dynamic depletion model) 12.3 BSIM3SOI_PD - SOI model (partially depleted devices) 12.4 BSIMSOI - SOI model (partially/full depleted devices) 12.5 SOI3 - STAG SOI3 Model 13. Verilog-A models 13.1 EKV MOS model 13.2 PSP MOS model 13.3 HICUM0 Bipolar Model 13.4 HICUM2 Bipolar Model 13.5 Mextram Bipolar Model 14. XSPICE code models ------------------ 1. Introduction This file contains the status of devices available in ngspice. This file will be updated every time the device specific code is altered or changed to reflect the current status of this important part of the simulator 2. Linear Devices 2.1 CAP - Linear capacitor Ver: N/A Class: C Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/cap Status: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel Multiplier - Temperature difference from circuit temperature - Preliminary technology scaling support - Model capacitance - Cj calculation based on relative dielectric constant and insulator thickness 2.2 IND - Linear Inductor Ver: N/A Class: L Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/ind Status: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel Multiplier - Temperature difference from circuit temperature - Preliminary technology scaling support - Model inductance - Inductance calculation for toroids or solenoids on the model line. 2.3 RES - Linear resistor Ver: N/A Class: R Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/res Status: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel Multiplier - Different value for ac analysis - Temperature difference from circuit temperature - Noiseless resistor - Flicker noise - Preliminary technology scaling support 3. Distributed elements 3.1 CPL - Simple Coupled Multiconductor Lines (Kspice) Ver: N/A Class: P Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/cpl Status: This model comes from swec and kspice. It is not documented, if you have kspice docs, can you write a short description of its use ? - Does not implement parallel code switches - Probably a lot of memory leaks Enhancements over the original model: - Better integrated into ngspice adding CPLask, CPLmAsk and CPLunsetup functions 3.2 LTRA - Lossy Transmission line Ver: N/A Class: O Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/ltra Status: - Original spice model. - Does not implement parallel code switches. 3.3 TRA - Transmission line Ver: N/A Class: T Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/tra Status: - Original spice model. - Does not implement parallel code switches. 3.4 TXL - Simple Lossy Transmission Line (Kspice) Ver: N/A Class: Y Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/txl Status: This model comes from kspice. It is not documented, if you have kspice docs, can you write a short description of its use ? There is some code left out from compilation: TXLaccept and TXLfindBr. Any ideas ? - Does not implement parallel code switches 3.5 URC - Uniform distributed RC line Ver: N/A Class: U Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/urc Status: - Original spice model. - Does not implement parallel code switches. 4. Voltage and current sources 4.1 ASRC - Arbitrary Source Ver: N/A Class: B Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/asrc Status: The arbitrary source code has been corrected with the patch available on the Internet. There is still an issue to fix, the current of current-controlled generators. 4.2 CCCS - Current Controlled Current Source Ver: N/A Class: F Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/cccs Status: - Original spice model. 4.3 CCVS - Current Controlled Voltage Source Ver: N/A Class: H Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/ccvs Status: - Original spice model. 4.4 ISRC - Independent Current Source Ver: N/A Class: I Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/isrc Status: This is the original spice device improved by Alan Gillespie with the following features: - Source ramping - Check for non-monotonic series in PWL 4.5 VCCS - Voltage Controlled Current Source Ver: N/A Class: G Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/vccs Status: - Original spice model. 4.6 VCVS - Voltage Controlled Voltage Source Ver: N/A Class: E Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/vcvs Status: - Original spice model. 4.7 VSRC - Independent Voltage Source Ver: N/A Class: V Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/vsrc Status: This is the original spice device improved by Alan Gillespie with the following features: - Source ramping - Check for non-monotonic series in PWL 5. Switches 5.1 CSW - Current controlled switch Ver: N/A Class: W Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/csw Status: - This model comes from Jon Engelbert. 5.2 SW - Voltage controlled switch Ver: N/A Class: S Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/sw Status: - This model comes from Jon Engelbert. 6. Diodes 6.1 DIO - Junction Diode Ver: N/A Class: D Level: 1 (and only) Dir: devices/dio Status: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel Multiplier - Temperature difference from circuit temperature - Forward and reverse knee currents - Periphery (sidewall) effects - Temperature correction of some parameters 7. Bipolar devices 7.1 BJT - Bipolar Junction Transistor Ver: N/A Class: Q Level: 1 Dir: devices/bjt Status: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel Multiplier - Temperature difference from circuit temperature - Different area parameters for collector, base and emitter 7.2 BJT2 - Bipolar Junction Transistor Ver: N/A Class: Q Level: 2 Dir: devices/bjt2 Status: This is the BJT model written by Alan Gillespie to support lateral devices. The model has been hacked by Dietmar Warning fixing some bugs and adding some features (temp. dependency on resistors). Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel Multiplier - Temperature dependency on rc,rb,re - Temperature difference from circuit temperature - Different area parameters for collector, base and emitter 7.3 VBIC - Bipolar Junction Transistor Ver: N/A Class: Q Level: 4 & 9 Dir: devices/vbic Status: This is the Vertical Bipolar InterCompany model in version 1.2. The author of VBIC is Colin McAndrew Spice3 Implementation: Dietmar Warning DAnalyse GmbH Web Site: Notes: This is the 4 terminals model, without excess phase and thermal network. 8. FET devices 8.1 JFET - Junction Field Effect transistor Ver: N/A Class: J Level: 1 Dir: devices/jfet Status: This is the original spice JFET model. Enhancements over the original model: - Alan Gillespie's modified diode model - Parallel multiplier - Instance temperature as difference for circuit temperature 8.2 JFET2 - Junction Field Effect Transistor (PS model) Ver: N/A Class: J Level: 2 Dir: devices/jfet2 Status: This is the Parker Skellern model for MESFETs. Web Site: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel multiplier - Instance temperature as difference for circuit temperature 9. HFET Devices Added code from macspice3f4 HFET1&2 and MESA model Original note: Added device calls for Mesfet models and HFET models provided by Trond Ytterdal as of Nov 98 9.1 HFET1 - Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor Level 1 Ver: N/A Class: Z Level: 5 Dir: devices/hfet1 Status: This is the Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor model from: K. Lee, M. Shur, T. A. Fjeldly and T. Ytterdal "Semiconductor Device Modeling in VLSI", 1993, Prentice Hall, New Jersey Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel multiplier - Instance temperature as difference for circuit temperature - Added pole-zero analysis 9.2 HFET2 - Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor Level 2 Ver: N/A Class: Z Level: 6 Dir: devices/hfet2 Status: Simplified version of hfet1 Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel multiplier - Instance temperature as difference for circuit temperature - Added pole-zero analysis 10. MES devices 10.1 MES - MESFET model Ver: N/A Class: Z Level: 1 Dir: devices/mes Status: This is the original spice3 MESFET model (Statz). Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel multiplier - Alan Gillespie junction diodes implementation Added code from macspice3f4 HFET1&2 and MESA model Original note: Added device calls for Mesfet models and HFET models provided by Trond Ytterdal as of Nov 98 10.2 MESA - MESFET model (MacSpice3f4) Ver: N/A Class: Z Level: 2,3,4 Dir: devices/mesa Status: This is a multilevel model. It contains code for mesa levels 2,3 and 4 Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel multiplier - Instance temperature as difference from circuit temperature - Added pole-zero analysis 11. MOS devices 11.1 MOS1 - Level 1 MOS model Ver: N/A Class: M Level: 1 Dir: devices/mos1 Status: This is the so-called Schichman-Hodges model. Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel multiplier - Temperature difference from circuit temperature 11.2 MOS2 - Level 2 MOS model Ver: N/A Class: M Level: 2 Dir: devices/mos2 Status: This is the so-called Grove-Frohman model. Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel multiplier - Temperature difference from circuit temperature 11.3 MOS3 - Level 3 MOS model Ver: N/A Class: M Level: 3 Dir: devices/mos3 Status: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel multiplier - Temperature difference from circuit temperature 11.4 MOS6 - Level 6 MOS model Ver: N/A Class: M Level: 6 Dir: devices/mos6 Status: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel multiplier - Temperature difference from circuit temperature 11.5 MOS9 - Level 9 MOS model Ver: N/A Class: M Level: 9 Dir: devices/mos9 Status: This is a slightly modified Level 3 MOSFET model. (Whatever the implementer have had in mind.) Not to confuse with Philips level 9. Enhancements over the original model: - Temperature difference from circuit temperature 11.6 BSIM1 - BSIM model level 1 Ver: N/A Class: M Level: 4 Dir: devices/bsim1 Status: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel multiplier - Noise analysis BUGS: Distortion analysis probably does not work with "parallel" devices. Equations are too intricate to deal with. Any one has ideas on the subject ? 11.7 BSIM2 - BSIM model level 2 Ver: N/A Class: M Level: 5 Dir: devices/bsim2 Status: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel multiplier - Noise analysis 11.8 BSIM3v0 - BSIM model level 3 Ver: 3.0 Class: M Level: 8 & 49, version = 3.0 Dir: devices/bsim3v0 Status: TO BE TESTED AND IMPROVED 11.9 BSIM3v1 - BSIM model level 3 Ver: 3.1 Class: M Level: 8 & 49, version = 3.1 Dir: devices/bsim3v1 Status: TO BE TESTED AND IMPROVED This is the BSIM3v3.1 model modified by Serban Popescu. This is level 49 model. It is an implementation that supports "HDIF" and "M" parameters. 11.10 BSIM3 - BSIM model level 3 Ver: 3.2.4 Class: M Level: 8 & 49, version = 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4 Dir: devices/bsim3v32 (level 3.2.4) Status: o.k. This is another BSIM3 model from Berkeley Device Group. You can find some test netlists with results for this model on its web site. Web site: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel Multiplier - delvto, mulu0 instance parameter - ACM Area Calculation Method - Multirevision code (supports all 3v3.2 minor revisions) - NodesetFix 11.11 BSIM3 - BSIM model level 3 Ver: 3.3.0 Class: M Level: 8 & 49, version = 3.3.0 Dir: devices/bsim3 (level 3.3.0) Status: o.k. This is the actual BSIM3 model from Berkeley Device Group. You can find some test netlists with results for this model on its web site. Web site: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel Multiplier - ACM Area Calculation Method - Multirevision code (supports all 3v3.2 minor revisions) - NodesetFix - Support for Multi-core processors using OpenMP 11.12 BSIM4 - BSIM model level 4 Ver: 4.2.0 - 4.6.5 Class: M Level: 14 & 54, version = 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 Dir: devices/bsim4 (level 4.6.5) Status: o.k. This is the actual BSIM4 model from Berkeley Device Group. Test are available on its web site. Web site: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel Multiplier - NodesetFix - Support for Multi-core processors using OpenMP 11.13 HiSIM2 - Hiroshima-university STARC IGFET Model Ver: 2.7.0 Class: M Level: 61, 68 Dir: devices/hisim2 Status: TO BE TESTED. This is the HiSIM2 model available from Hiroshima University (Ultra-Small Device Engineering Laboratory) Web site: 11.14 HiSIM_HV - Hiroshima-University STARC IGFET High Voltage Model Ver: 1.2.3 Class: M Level: 62, 73 Dir: devices/hisimhv Status: TO BE TESTED. This is the HiSIM_HV model available from Hiroshima University (Ultra-Small Device Engineering Laboratory) Web site: 12. SOI devices 12.1 BSIM3SOI_FD - SOI model (fully depleted devices) Ver: 2.1 Class: M Level: 55 Dir: devices/bsim3soi_fd Status: TO BE TESTED. FD model has been integrated. There is a bsim3soifd directory under the test hierarchy. Test circuits come from the bsim3soi Web site at: 12.2 BSIM3SOI_DD - SOI Model (dynamic depletion model) Ver: 2.1 Class: M Level: 56 Dir: devices/bsim3soi_dd Status: TO BE TESTED. There is a bsim3soidd directory under the test hierarchy. Test circuits come from bsim3soi Web site at: 12.3 BSIM3SOI_PD - SOI model (partially depleted devices) Ver: 2.2.1 Class: M Level: 57 Dir: devices/bsim3soi_pd Status: TO BE TESTED. PD model has been integrated. There is a bsim3soipd directory under the test hierarchy. Test circuits come from the bsim3soi Web site at: 12.4 BSIMSOI - Berkeley SOI model (partially/full depleted devices) Ver: 4.3.1 Class: M Level: 10 & 58 Dir: devices/bsim3soi Status: o.k. This is the actual version from Berkeley. This version is backward compatible with its previous versions BSIMSOI3.x. Usable for partially/full depleted devices. Web site at: Enhancements over the original model: - Parallel Multiplier - Support for Multi-core processors using OpenMP 12.5 SOI3 - STAG SOI3 Model Ver: 2.6 Class: M Level: 61 Dir: devices/soi3 Status: OBSOLETE 13. Verilog-A models Configuring ngspice with ADMS (see Readme.adms) following devices are available: 13.1 EKV MOS Model Ver: 2.6 Level: 44 Dir: devices/adms/ekv Status: TO BE TESTED EKV version based on a contribution of Ivan Riis Nielsen 11/2006 Web site at: (but EPFL is not publishing any usefull code) 13.2 PSP MOS Model Ver: 102.1 Level: 45 Dir: devices/adms/psp102 Status: TO BE TESTED Philips SimKit 2.5. 13.3 HICUM0 Bipolar Model Ver: Level_0 Version_1.12 Level: 7 Dir: devices/adms/hicum0 Status: TO BE TESTED A simplified version of HICUM Level2 model for BJT Web site at: 13.4 HICUM2 Bipolar Model Ver: Level_2 Version_2.22 Level: 8 Dir: devices/adms/hicum2 Status: TO BE TESTED Web site at: 13.5 Mextram Bipolar Model Ver: 504.6.1 Level: 6 Dir: devices/adms/mextram Status: TO BE TESTED Web site at: and 14. XSpice code models, see ngspice manual chapt. 12