EESchema-DOCLIB Version 2.0 # $CMP C D Unpolarized capacitor $ENDCMP # $CMP L D Inductor $ENDCMP # $CMP MOS_N D Transistor N-MOSFET, collector connected to mounting plane (general) K nmos n-mos n-mosfet transistor $ENDCMP # $CMP MOS_P D Transistor P-MOSFET, collector connected to mounting plane (general) K pmos p-mos p-mosfet transistor $ENDCMP # $CMP NJF D Transistor N-JFET (general) K njfet n-jfet transistor $ENDCMP # $CMP NPN D Transistor NPN (general) K npn transistor $ENDCMP # $CMP PJF D Transistor P-JFET (general) K pjfet p-jfet transistor $ENDCMP # $CMP PNP D Transistor PNP (general) K pnp transistor $ENDCMP # $CMP R D Resistor K R DEV $ENDCMP # #End Doc Library