eSim Installer (Windows OS) ==== It contains all the documentation for making eSim executable (using PyInstaller) and packaging eSim for Windows 7 and above. > Note: Do not develop eSim on Windows OS. Work only with `installers` branch on Windows OS and do development on Linux OS. > Reference : ## eSim Executable: 1. Download and install "Python-3.6.8", "Git For Windows". Use "Git Bash" for all following shell commands. Ensure that `tcl/tk` (`tkinter`) is also installed with Python as it is required by `matplotlib` dependency Reference - 2. Add alias to python.exe in Git shell: $ alias python='winpty python.exe' #Need to be done for each new shell created 3. Download `virtualenv` package as: $ pip install virtualenv 4. Create a virtual environment as: $ virtualenv eSim 5. Activate the virtual environment as: $ source eSim/Scripts/activate 6. Install the Python dependencies `PyInstaller`, `Matplotlib`, `Tornado`, `SetupTools`, `PyQt5`, `Pypiwin32` through pip for eSim within the virtual environment: $ pip install pyinstaller $ pip install matplotlib==3.0.3 $ pip install tornado $ pip install setuptools $ pip install PyQt5 $ pip install pypiwin32 7. Test whether only eSim dependencies are available or not: $ pip freeze > Note: Following Python packages for eSim along with their dependencies should be available - > - PyQt5 > - PyQt5-sip > - matplotlib > - numpy > - dateutil > - pyparsing > - six > - > - pypiwin32 8. Create spec file as: $ pyi-makespec --onefile -n eSim /src/frontEnd/ --icon= 9. Create onefile executable using pyinstaller as: $ pyinstaller -F --clean eSim.spec 10. Verify whether all eSim `src` files (`*.py`) have been included in `Analysis-00.toc` file under the build folder generated by PyInstaller. ## How to package eSim? 1. Take the `master` branch of eSim. Rename the folder to `eSim`. 2. Add eSim executable (`eSim.exe`) to the `eSim` folder. Also, remove following files from that folder: - `.git` folder - `code` folder - `src` folder - - - index.rst - requirement.txt - .gitignore - .travis.yml - INSTALL - `library/browser/User-Manual/figures` folder - library/browser/User-Manual/eSim.html 3. Remove entire `library` folder and duplicate files from `template` and `modules` folders from `eSim\library\kicadLibrary` as same will be repeated in KiCad installer. Now, compress it in zip format, place it at `eSim\library` and delete that folder. 4. Add eSim user manual `eSim_Manual_.pdf` at location `library/browser/User-Manual`. 5. Replace `LICENSE` file with `LICENSE.rtf` file in `eSim` folder. 6. Compress `eSim` folder in 7z format and add it to the installer folder (Make sure that there is folder named `eSim` inside this compressed file). 7. Add the dependencies for `NGHDL` to the installer folder. > Note: Refer this [documentation]( on packaging NGHDL for Windows OS. 8. Apply NSIS plugins. Refer [here]( for the same. 9. Add KiCad installer `kicad-4.0.7-i686.exe` to the installer folder. > Note: Refer this [documentation]( on packaging KiCad for Windows OS 10. Add following files/folder to the installer folder: - License file (`rtf` format). - Logo (`ico` format). - `esim-setup-script` file. - `nghdl-setup-script` file. 11. Compile the NSI script (`esim-setup-script` file). Now only use the generated installer for distribution. > Note: If there is any warning on `Eliminating "zeroing code out"`, then have a look at this reference -