# eSim eSim is an open source EDA tool for circuit design, simulation, analysis and PCB design, developed by FOSSEE team at IIT Bombay. It is an integrated tool build using open source software such as Kicad (http://www.kicad-pcd.org), Ngspice (http://ngspice.sourcefouge.net/) It is released under GNU GPL License. It runs on Ubuntu Linux, Windows XP and Windows. eSim has been successfully ported to low cost FOSSEE laptop (http://laptop.fossee.in) ## Pre-requisites 1. Python 2.7 2. PyQt4 3. Matplotlib 4. NgSpice 5. Kicad (Latest Version build on July-14) ## eSim Installation Refer `Spoken Tutorial` (https://spoken-tutorial.org/tutorial-search/?search_foss=eSim) for eSim installation on Linux and MS Windows.