eSim installation instructions

Table of contents

    1. eSim installation in Ubuntu (LINUX)
    2. eSim installation in Windows

1. eSim installation in Ubuntu.
   After downloading eSim, extract it using: 
   $ unzip

   Now change directories in to the top-level source directory (where this INSTALL file can be found).

   To install eSim and other dependecies run the following command.

   $ ./ --install

   Above script will install eSim along with dependencies.

   Please report any eSim installation related issue/error at

   How to Run eSim
   A. Through Terminal
   $ esim

   B. Double click eSim desktop icon

   C. From command line : Do `cd src/fronEnd` and type `python` to open eSim.

2. eSim installation in Windows

   After downloading eSim for Windows from , extract it.

   Now right click the `Setup.exe` and `run it as Administrator`. And then follow the instruction.

   Note : Please make you run it as administrator otherwise it won't set the environment variable properly.