Instructions on how to use the following examples provided in this directory:

These examples are supported by the NGHDL feature.
In order to simulate the examples listed above, follow the below instructions.

1. Go to eSim main window -> Click on NGHDL icon from the left toolbar, click on the 'browse' button, go to ../nghdl/Example/ and locate which example you wish to simulate.
2. After opening the directory of desired example, locate the vhdl file, click on the "Open" button at the bottom of "Open File" window.
3. Click on 'upload' button in the NGHDL pop-up window. File will be processed in the backend for few seconds. Now exit the NGHDL window.
4. Open the desired example under eSim/Examples/Mixed_Signal/ using the Open Project button, double click on the project when the project is loaded in the "Projects" window.
5. Click on the "Simulation" button on eSim main window.

More examples will be added by eSim team along the way.
If you have a good command on VHDL and electronics, please feel free to contribute.

Note : The Examples in this directory are for demonstration purpose of eSim's Mixed-Signal Simulation feature executing as expected.