## Contribution If you want to add any enhancement feature or have found any bug and want to work on it, please open a new issue regarding that and put a message "I would like to work on it." And make sure every pull request should reference to an issue. #### Points on how to make pull request * You need to fork this repository to your account. * Clone it using ``` git clone https://github.com/[username]/eSim.git ``` * Always create a new branch before making any changes. You can create new branch using ```git branch <branch-name> ``` * Checkout into your new branch using ```git checkout <branch-name>``` * Make changes to code and once you are done use ```git add <path to file changed or added>```. Now commit changes with proper message using ```git commit -m "Your message"```. * After commiting your changes push your changes to your forked repository using ```git push origin <branch-name>``` Finally create a pull request from github. There should be only one commit per pull request. * Please follow below guidelines for your commit message : * Commit message should be like : Fixes issue #[issue_number] - one line message of work you did. * After commit message, there should be a commit body where you can mention what you did in short or in detail. Please follow above method to file pull requests.