path: root/src/projManagement/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-06-27Added loop and conditionanjalijaiswal08
2019-06-25Resolves #100nilshah98
2019-06-17sphinx documentation initunknown
2019-06-13pep8 fixes and list models bug fixednilshah98
2019-06-13projectManagement documentation addednilshah98
2019-06-07projectManagement, ngspicetoModelica, subcircuit made pep8 compliantnilshah98
2019-06-07initialise pep8 compliance, using autopep8maddy-2
2019-03-31port to python3nilshah98
2016-03-01Remove all unwanted print commandFahim
2015-10-01Subject: Changes in, andFahim Description: In rewrite the error message for openModelica if it is not installed.Simillarly for nghdl. In a new function ValidateTool is added which will check if any tool like openModelica or nghdl is installed.
2015-09-22Subject: Integrated OpemModelica Changes into develop branchFahim
Description: Integrated OpemModelica Changes into develop branch
2015-06-23Added subcircuit functionalityTanay Mathur
2015-04-22Subject: Added Device Libarary Tab.Few Changes in Workspace class.fahim
Description: Completed the Device Library auto creation of Widget. Added the information to schematicInfo.Hence to the final ".cir.out" file. Added sample device library. Deleted/Comment unwanted print statement. Added details of function in the comment.
2015-03-11Subject: Added new module kicadtongspicefahim
Description: Develope skeleton body for kicadtongspice module
2015-03-02Subject: Changes name from ecSim to eSimfahim
Description: Changes name from ecSim to eSim
2015-02-25Subject: Kicad Module modified along with some other minor changesfahim
Description: Added openschematic,openlayout,openpcb in the kicad module.
2015-02-19Subject: Modiefied and added few iconsfahim
Description: Moddiefied with few validation check and icons for newProject ,CloseProject and openProject
2015-02-18Subject: Deleted Unwanted filefahim
Description: Deleted unwanted file
2015-02-17Subject: openProject and Validationfahim
Description: Included openProject and Validation module