path: root/src/ngspiceSimulation
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-24Reduced the number of methods in TerminalUiPranav P
2023-05-24Changed the name progressBar to TerminalUiPranav P
2023-05-24Reduced passage of functions between objects via simulationEssentialsPranav P
2023-05-23Changed the polling approach to check ngspice simulation completionPranav P
2023-05-19Added redo simulation button to progressbar windowPranav P
2023-05-15Changed simulation status colour and dark mode icon pathPranav P
2023-05-07Mentions whether simulation successful or notPranav P
2023-05-04Disabled multiple simulationsPranav P
2023-05-04Enabled cancel simulation buttonPranav P
2023-05-03Changed ngspice simulation progressbar designPranav P
2023-04-15Added new progressBar to dockareaPranav P
2023-04-07Added progress bar, QtTimer and removed the plotsPranav P
2022-05-02Merge pull request #201 from Eyantra698Sumanto/masterSumanto Kar
2022-05-02Fixed Pep8 issuesSumanto Kar
2022-05-02Fixed Pep8 issuesSumanto Kar
2022-05-02Fixed Pep8 issuesSumanto Kar
2022-05-02Update NgspiceWidget.pySumanto Kar
2022-02-22Restructured config paths and other path issuesrahulp13
2022-02-22Updated MSYS pathsrahulp13
2022-01-31Resolved pep8 errorsSumanto Kar
2022-01-31Resolved pep8 errorsSumanto Kar
2022-01-31Added commands for GTK Analog Wave ViewerSumanto Kar
2020-12-17fixed crash on plotting exceptionsrahulp13
2020-12-14run ngspice simulation in pipe mode for win osrahulp13
2020-08-03replaced deprecated SafeConfigParser with ConfigParserrahulp13
2020-08-03ported GUI to PyQt5rahulp13
2020-07-16launch ngspice via minttyBladen Martin
2020-02-15set modality to QErrorMessagerahulp13
2020-02-14pep8 compliantrahulp13
2020-02-14common code for Win and Linux, merged py2 changesrahulp13
2019-06-27Merge pull request #104 from anjalijaiswal08/RenameProjectSunil Shetye
2019-06-27Uploading Subcircuit feature addedanjalijaiswal08
2019-06-26Issue #82 solved: Renaming project addedanjalijaiswal08
2019-06-25Resolves #100nilshah98
2019-06-24pep8: rename ambiguous variableSunil Shetye
2019-06-13made pep8 compliant using autopep8 toolnilshah98
2019-06-13Minor changesanjalijaiswal08
2019-06-13gitignore updated, .py.bak files removednilshah98
2019-06-13ProjectExplorer, pythonPlotting documentation addedmaddy-2
2019-06-13pep8 fixes and list models bug fixednilshah98
2019-06-13ngspiceSimulation documentation addedmaddy-2
2019-06-13ngspiceSimulation documentation donenilshah98
2019-06-07ngspiceSimulation made pep8 compliantnilshah98
2019-06-07initialise pep8 compliance, using autopep8maddy-2
2019-03-31port to python3nilshah98
2016-04-05Close multimeter widget while closing Projectfahim-oscad
2016-04-04Remove merge confilct from modifications to releasefahim-oscad
2016-04-04Merged modification branch into releasefahim-oscad
2016-04-04separate widget for node and branch in python plottingfahim-oscad
2016-03-17Standard plotting functions labels changedathulappadan