path: root/src/kicadtoNgspice
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-03-01Remove all unwanted print commandFahim
2016-02-29Subject: Modified code for transformer model. Modified INSTALLFahim
2016-02-24Subject: Bug Fixing: Clear Model Track and Model entry parameterFahim
2016-02-24Changes for DC sweep analysisFahim
2016-02-18Subject: Modified convert to accept current source.Fahim
2016-02-12Added phase plotFahim
2016-02-09Added voltage,current,db and logarithmic plot from ngspice terminalFahim
2015-12-29Changes for aswitch modelFahim
2015-10-01Subject: Changes in, andFahim
2015-09-22Nghdl Processes Terminatedkomalsheth236
2015-09-15Bug fixing for Sub circuitFahim
2015-08-26Subject: Bug Fix : Change name of variable.Fahim
2015-08-29Changes in ac Source Detailskomalsheth236
2015-08-18Subject: Analysis bug fixing.Fahim
2015-08-11Subject: Bug Fixing : Remove multiple analysis,.model,.include line fromFahim
2015-08-05Analysis Changeskomalsheth236
2015-08-04Subject: Added installation script.fahim
2015-07-29Subject: Set Welcome and Note area ReadOnlyfahim
2015-07-28Kicad to NgSpice conversion opens in dock areaxoher
2015-06-26Subject: Added feature for initial voltage conditionfahim
2015-06-26Fixed combo-box bug in transient group of Analysis tabxoher
2015-06-25GUI changes for Dock Area, added FOSSEE logoTanay Mathur
2015-06-23Check if path exists for DeviceModel,Subcircuit and storing previous values f...xoher
2015-06-23Added subcircuit functionalityTanay Mathur
2015-06-15Subject: Bug fixing for xml generationfahim
2015-06-10Subject: Bug fixing for adding device model library for windowsfahim
2015-06-09Subject: Adding functionality of .op analysisfahim
2015-06-05Merge branch 'master' of
2015-06-05Subject: Changes for saving previouse valuesfahim
2015-06-05Some changes in Analysis.pyGauravSupal
2015-06-05Subject: Changes in device library,, Added morefahim
2015-06-03Subject: Bug fixing in Convert.pyfahim
2015-06-02Subject: Written function to extract Refrence name for device Libraryfahim
2015-06-02Subject: CSS changes for Source Widgetfahim
2015-06-02Subject: CSS changesfahim
2015-05-29Subject: Removed binary file .pycfahim
2015-05-27Subject: Removed unwanted comment and print statementfahim
2015-05-26Subject: Completed Python Plottingfahim
2015-05-15Subject: Update KicadToNgSpice Converter filefahim
2015-05-13Project Explorer Compeletedkomalsheth236
2015-05-08Subject: Added DockAreafahim
2015-04-27Digital models AddedGauravSupal
2015-04-23Subject: Changes in Processing of XML filefahim
2015-04-22Subject: Added Device Libarary Tab.Few Changes in Workspace class.fahim
2015-04-20Subject: Creating final netlist filefahim
2015-04-20Merge branch 'master' of
2015-04-20Subject: Created final netlist filefahim
2015-04-20Changes in Convert.pykomalsheth236
2015-04-17Subject : Modified in Analysis Inserter functionfahim
2015-04-16Subject: added Model Widget functionalityfahim