path: root/src/kicadtoNgspice/KicadtoNgspice.pyc
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-04-17Subject : Modified in Analysis Inserter functionfahim
Description: Modified Analysis Inserter function
2015-04-16Subject: added Model Widget functionalityfahim
Description: Completed the 80% part of Kicad to Ngspice conversion
2015-04-13Subject: Closing all App errorfahim
Description: Handle exception while closing application
2015-04-13Subject: Added summer.xml for testing purpose. Corrected code forfahim
closing all application if Application window closed. Description: Addes summer.xml for testing purpose.Corrected code for closing application
2015-04-09Subject: Analysis inserter functionalityfahim
Description: Added by Komal
2015-04-07Subject: Added new Icon images and Modified code to get model from xmlfahim
file Description: Started the work to get the details of model parameter from xml.
2015-03-27Subject: Minor changes in variable name,remove commentfahim
Description: Remove unwanted comments,added Model Widget and change variable name
2015-03-25Subject: Added module for source tabfahim
Description: Addition of source tab is completed. Able to update source detail of schematic info.
2015-03-19Subject: Added few module to start with source detailsfahim
Description: Added few module to start with source details
2015-03-18Subject: Added checkbox in Analysis Tabfahim
Description: Added Checkbox in Analysis Tab
2015-03-16Subject: Changes in and analysis.pyfahim
Description: Added facility of scrollbar in kicadtongspice widget.
2015-03-13Subject: Modified Analysis Tabfahim
Description: Modified Analysis Tab
2015-03-11Subject: Added new module kicadtongspicefahim
Description: Develope skeleton body for kicadtongspice module