path: root/src/frontEnd/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-02-25Subject: Kicad Module modified along with some other minor changesfahim
Description: Added openschematic,openlayout,openpcb in the kicad module.
2015-02-19Subject: Modiefied and added few iconsfahim
Description: Moddiefied with few validation check and icons for newProject ,CloseProject and openProject
2015-02-19Subject: Modified newProject.pyfahim
Description: Created GUI for newProject Block. Also added new module for openKicad functionality (Implementation is remaining)
2015-02-18Subject: Deleted Unwanted filefahim
Description: Deleted unwanted file
2015-02-17Subject: openProject and Validationfahim
Description: Included openProject and Validation module
2015-02-11Subject: Added splash screenfahim
Description: Added basic splash screen codewith default image which need to modified in future.
2015-02-10Subject: Added few more gui componentfahim
Description: Kicad button,converter button and Ngspice button.
2015-02-05Subject: First commitfahim
Description: It incluse initial gui to be used in new flow of FreeEDA.