path: root/library
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-08-11Readme file for Voltage Controlled SwitchDilip Boidya
2022-08-11Readme file for LEDsDilip Boidya
2022-08-11Update README.mdDilip Boidya
2022-08-11Update README.mdDilip Boidya
2022-08-11Create README.mdDilip Boidya
2022-08-11Added symbols for LEDs, Gunn Diode, transmission lines,etc.dilipboidya
2022-08-11Added the Device Modelsdilipboidya
2022-07-29Added the Device modelsdilipboidya
2022-07-29Update eSim_Sources.libSumanto Kar
2022-06-21Update eSim_Sources.libSumanto Kar
2022-06-21Replaced eSim_AC by ACSumanto Kar
2022-02-22Updated version details to v2.2rahulp13
2022-02-22Restructured Verilator librariesrahulp13
2022-02-10Updated welcome page with verilator, makerchip and added secure linksrahulp13
2022-02-10added Ngveri directory for modelParamXMLrahulp13
2022-02-08Merge pull request #182 from Eyantra698Sumanto/masterSumanto Kar
2022-02-08Added Clock Generator and DACEyantra698Sumanto
2022-01-25Adding empty eSim_Ngveri to Kicad LibraryEyantra698Sumanto
2022-01-25Adding eSim_Ngveri to Kicad LibraryEyantra698Sumanto
2020-12-14added eSim_Nghdl as default library to kicadrahulp13
2020-12-14updated font size of welcome pagerahulp13
2020-08-03updated info and visual indentrahulp13
2020-04-24Subcircuit for CMOS based NAND gate and its supporting examplesaurabhb17
2020-04-20update library filesrahulp13
2020-04-20update to Diode model, resolves issue with duplicate nodesrahulp13
2020-04-13merged PR #131rahulp13
2020-04-057404 subcircuit addedsaurabhb17
2020-04-05schottky model addedsaurabhb17
2020-03-27UA741 removed subcktlibrarysaurabhb17
2020-03-19update kicad project filesrahulp13 changes in Subcircuitssaurabhb17
2020-03-18Subcircuit libs cleanupsaurabhb17
2020-03-17error while loading footprints rectifiedsaurabhb17
2020-03-11Alias entries fixed for C, R, JEFTssaurabhb17
2020-03-02update librariesrahulp13
2020-02-21restructured eSim librariesrahulp13